January 13, 2021 at 2:40 pm · Filed under Recipez in Webkinz World
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
The Adventure Scout Cookbook is currently available in the WShop, but these three new recipes will be added on January 20.
Each recipe requires one pack of Adventure Trail Mix, which you can collect from Sophie Stockwell in the Adventure Scouts Clubhouse room. She’ll be handing out packs of trail mix until January 31.
These new recipes make the Adventure Scouts Plaque, Snowy Rope Bridge, and Calming Campfire Stove:
January 10, 2021 at 2:45 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
Here are the tasks to complete by January 31, in order to finish the Winterfest Challenge:
PART 1/3 – for Snowy Arch & Snowy Perch
- Make 20 wishes playing Wishing Well 2 at the Arcade
- Feed your pet 5 packs of Adventure Trail Mix
- Earn 100 KinzCash playing Zacky’s Quest at the Arcade
PART 2/3 – for Adventure Scouts Bunk Bed & Snowy Wallpaper
- Ask your friends for 20 logs
- Spin the Wheel of WOW 4 times
- Earn 120 KinzCash playing Pizza Palace at the Games Arcade
PART 3/3 – for Adventure Camping Hat & Adventure Camping Plaque (meh . . . shown below)
- Feed your pet 5 packs of Adventure Trail Mix
- Earn 100 KinzCash Playing Dex Dangerous and the Lunar Lugbotz (UGH! Is it worth it???)
- Earn 120 KinzCash playing Home Before Dark at the Arcade
January 7, 2021 at 2:50 pm · Filed under Estore, Webkinz PSI/PSF
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
This is the January estore pet – the Mermazing Hippo!
PSI: Mermazing Bath Tub & PSF: Scalloped Eclairs
This pet matches the theme of the Mermazing ?? Box. The box contains one of these items: Mermazing Canopy Bed, Mermazing Bookshelf, Mermazing Rug, Mermazing Window, Mermazing Zangoz Fountain, or Mermazing Beanbag Lounger
Here is the image of the entire theme in room:
January 4, 2021 at 2:55 pm · Filed under Estore, Webkinz PSI/PSF
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
A new year means new rewards for spending money in the Ganz eStore. The ultimate spenders Tier 4 – get a Signature Barbet Webkinz with the Old Fashioned Soda Shop PSI & Gourmet Macron PSF. Click image to open Webkinz Picture Guide page:
Tier 1 – spend $100** and receive the following as your reward:
      – 1x Any Pet Medallion Package*
Tier 2 – spend $250** and receive the following as your rewards:
      – 2x Any Pet Medallion Package*
– 2,000 Points Bonus Award
– 1x Royal Majesty Outfit (includes Crown, Gown and Shoes)
Tier 3 – spend $750** and receive the following as your rewards:
      – 5x Any Pet Medallion Package*
– 5,000 Points Bonus Award
– 1x 1 Month Deluxe Membership code
– 1x Royal Majesty Castle
Tier 4 – spend $2,000** and receive the following as your rewards:
      – 10x Any Pet Medallion Package*
– 10,000 Points Bonus Award
– 1x 3 Month Deluxe Membership code
– 1x Signature Barbet
– Congratulations you’ve received all rewards for the year! The next yearly program begins January 1, 2022 and will run until midnight December 31, 2022.
January 1, 2021 at 3:00 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
December 31, 2020 at 12:28 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By dee (bbqeeun, terryyaki)
sooooooooooo done with this year
December 28, 2020 at 11:30 am · Filed under Chit Chat
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
The month & the year are coming to an end this week, and you only have until Midnight Thursday to complete December activities! You only have a few days to finish the Deluxe Challenge, collect candy canes, buy Mod Holiday pieces, do December’s Peek A Newz, etc.
The Mod Holiday theme will be removed from the WShop on December 31!
Make sure you enter codes!!!
Expire December 31, 2020
Wacky Sunglasses W24P-PGWQ-NHHN-U9D4
Wacky Carved Coconut W24T-N3MM-A6G7-4YBL
Wacky Bunch of Balloons W24N-LCBY-RPZP-HZWJ
Wacky Painting W249-T278-Y9UV-6338
Wacky Signed Portrait W24P-7C82-XZMT-KNZ2
Peach Plushy W24F-L7KF-HX2P-WN3W from podkinz 145
10/1 email code w24t vv25 y9cz 96fw (Vampire Panther Cub estore page)
11/1 email code w24Q nvfr eQLz kaaL
December 25, 2020 at 11:55 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
There are 3 tasks you’ll need to complete by midnight, January 1st (EST) to earn all the Polarberry Jam Arcade Challenge prizes:
- Earn 150 KinzCash playing Polarberry Jam at the Arcade
- Spin the Wheel of WOW 4 times
- Feed your pet 10 cups of Hot Chocolate from the W Shop
Complete all the tasks before time runs out and you’ll win a Polarberry, a Yeti Plushy, and a NEW Yeti Snow Sculpture!