February 17, 2018 at 11:30 am · Filed under What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
Up first, we have some mystery pet items. As with the most recent updates, we don’t have names on most of this stuff yet. ARGH! The first three items appear to be for the second Denim & Lace pet. (Scroll up to see the first pet, since zingy kindly uploaded that image last night!) No idea what pet goes with that brown box. The bottom row looks like PSFs, but for which pets, I have no idea.
Next begins the parade of estore items. No names yet on this adorable new theme of flamingo furniture. I’m so excited for this one!
Up next is more estore. The first three items are from the Cute Cozy mini theme, for which the names have been in the system for MONTHS, but now we finally have some images! Top row: Cute Cozy Couch, Cute Cozy Chair, Cute Cozy Wall Divider, a not-yet-named fl0ral hot air balloon. Bottom row: Purple Fl0ral Wardrobe, Purple Fl0ral Armchair, and a flooring and bed that do not yet possess names.
More estore! The first two items have a very Tail Towns feel to them. I think they’re incorporating the Tail Towns items into WW, because the Sweetheart Castle promo that was just in the estore was taken directly from Tail Towns. I obviously never played the game since it was on that face place I will never join, lol. Any Gymbonian out there who did play, and can confirm if these items are Tail Towns? Thanks in advance! The next two items are what looks to be an Easter jelly bean cart and a very odd shell car. Just how are you supposed to back up in this car? There’s no rear-view window! The bottom row is new seeds. First is an unnamed sorbet seeds and its food, and next is the orange tree seeds that I told you about months ago, and showed you last time. Why show you again? Because we finally have an image for the food from the plant, which is called Freshly Sliced Oranges.
Next is more estore. We have five unnamed Easter items and one unnamed cow hot air balloon that I stuck here because I had room.
And the last of the estore. No names for any of this yet, but it appears to be a greenhouse-garden type theme.
Up next is clothing. Some might be spring mystery, some might be spring KinzStyle Outlet, some might be estore, who knows?
And more clothing. Again, some might be mystery, etc. No names yet, so no clues yet lol.
Up next is some random newness. They don’t have names yet, but I’ve some some reasonably good guesses as to what we’re looking at. Top row is an Alyssa poster and FINALLY!, a green Alyssa fairy plushy. Next is one of May’s unique WKN items, which I’m guessing will be called the Emerald Mosaic Tile. Next is what looks to be a gardening apron, to which I say AWESOME! Bottom row is a dragonfly and butterfly which appear to be wall art, a Get Eleven Solitaire Trophy, so yeah, I think we can all guess what the next trophy challenge is!, and what looks to be a chick plushy.
More random newness. First is the next candy tree, which seems to be some sort of marshmallow flower, and this year’s Easter basket. Bottom row: it looks like the Mother’s Day gift bags will be back this year, because here’s a new bag, and what appears to be one of the items in it, a lovely blue and white dress.