Webkinz Trading Cards Series 4 Mystical Panda & estore
Meet the webkinz trading card series 4 Mystical Panda, comes with the Sun’s Embrace Bed and Star Shimmer Sippers.
the kinzville news has also given us a preview of the next online estore pet: the Phoenix. Get a chance to get it with their next contest.
Nothing new at the estore. Charm code: yorkie, the webkinz estore purple floral fox is also back for the Wednesday pet.
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Flowerbed Flapjacks | Blossoming Flower Tree |
1 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 18, 2009 @ 2:50 am
bummed I missed the tinker pup and the $5 sale but….
in trading tonight I got arte’s clock, artic window and… something else, lol not too bad I guess. I almost got a venus fly trap but got booted out of the trading room.
Lots of bootings tonight and I have been getting errors while loading pages in WW too.. weird ones…
2 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:25 am
of course NOW it won’t give me the error boxes, lol
another hour or two till I can get back in to WW…
I see I need to add someone to my friends list too as I won another nice prize WOW thanks!!
I had to shut down FF browser as WW was sooooooooooo slow tonight even on Opera.. geesh it was bad!
catch ya’ll on the flip side… hobble over to lay down with the heating pad and see if a few more hours with it on my back will help… so far not too much better.
but the medicinal chocolate does help… significantly!!
3 Gymboutiques said,
February 18, 2009 @ 8:07 am
Krafty, you’re definetely a night Owl lol………by 11pm I coudln’t keep my eyes open.
4 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 18, 2009 @ 9:04 am
yeppers, that’s me
hooty hoot hoot hoooooo lol
5 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 18, 2009 @ 9:06 am
I sure could lay down and pass out by 11pm but don’t get to do that, my mom doesn’t take her last breathing treatment until 1am and for some unknown reason, lol, it takes a minimum of 40-50 minutes… sooooo
makes me a bit of a walking zombie, lol
6 Alisha said,
February 18, 2009 @ 9:08 am
Good morning everyone!
7 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,
February 18, 2009 @ 9:37 am
good morning!
8 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 18, 2009 @ 10:34 am
Good Morning,
Did you get any $5 specials from the e-store. It sure was tempting.
9 Alisha said,
February 18, 2009 @ 10:47 am
Hey gals! I d;idn’t get anything from the estore yesterday since my credit card isn’t working up here. I missed out on the piano and everything because of it. Oh well I guess.
We are expecting a winter storm tomorrow with high winds. We will probably be up on the roof today, putting tar on shingles so they all won’t blow off and maybe work on cutting up some wood for our wood stove we are getting.
Hope you all have a lovely day.
10 tmt5 (tmt5) said,
February 18, 2009 @ 12:13 pm
I bought the two beds that were on sale for my older daughter. Thinking about buying the purple fox today I really like the psi. Gymbo did you get one in that trade, what do you think about it? Worth getting the pet?
Hope your feeling a little better by tonight Momskinz, good luck at the pediatrician.
On the roof Alisha, you are a brave woman. You wouldn’t catch me anywhere near a roof. Hopefully the storm isn’t as bad as they think.
11 webkinz lover said,
February 18, 2009 @ 12:29 pm
tmt5 I have the purple floral fox and I love the psi (although I think that the original floral fox psi is better)
12 Gymboutiques said,
February 18, 2009 @ 1:12 pm
didn’t get any estore specials
Alisha, I agree with tmt, you’re brave! be careful and I hope the storm is not too bad.
yes Tmt, did the trade for the estore psi’s. I’m debating on the purple fox too, like the estore psis’s but can’t affor them so on that note……..
ANyone has any estore pet items up for trade?
13 anotheraltis (Looking for a Rock Ledge Bed & Lizard Lounge Chair) said,
February 18, 2009 @ 2:34 pm
Did ya’ll see the preview of the Phoenix over at Webkinz Newz? Yowza! I think it’s beautiful! Best eStore pet ever in my opinion!
The Mystical Panda doesn’t really do anything for my, though. And none of the trading card 4 items that they’ve previewed so far have really caught my eye so I think I’ll be able to give these cards a pass.
14 patchescowgirl said,
February 18, 2009 @ 2:34 pm
gymbo i have the fire fawns
15 Gymboutiques said,
February 18, 2009 @ 2:40 pm
Updated post to show the Mystical Panda.
16 patchescowgirl said,
February 18, 2009 @ 2:46 pm
gymbo i really want purple floral fox is their any thing else that is not on your list that u have been needing?
17 patchescowgirl said,
February 18, 2009 @ 2:49 pm
gymbo i really have been wanting the purple floral fox is their any thing else u have been needing?
18 patchescowgirl said,
February 18, 2009 @ 2:49 pm
hello gymbo!
19 chococat663 (chococat663) said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:21 pm
Not sure if i like the Panda, i think the Magical Retreiver was cuter.
20 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:30 pm
Good Afternoon,
I was just wondering if anyone here got the Mystical Pet in the TC3 cards. I hate when the good stuff is not really obtainable.
Alisha – Be Careful up there, hope you get everything done before the storm.
You are very Brave! My son uses his fireplace as the main heat source in his house. It saves him alot of money. He as something special attached, not sure what it is called.
It has been raining here and now I can see it is snowing.
Momskinz – hope everyone is feeling better
21 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:33 pm
KraftyMom – I would like to see you special valentine piano.
Was your daughter surprised?
22 Gymboutiques said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:38 pm
Ganz is really pushing those estore pets. I don’t care much for the Phoenix
23 wwid:mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:40 pm
Gymbo- yup!!!!! I don’t really like the phonix either….. It is like kinda…. blah
24 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:42 pm
It is hard to spend the same amount on a virtual item pet when you can get a Webbie Pet code with the plush for almost the same price.
25 wwid:mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:42 pm
There probobly making a bunch of estore pets to make more money because they don’t have to use the money to make the stuff animal and all they have to do is make a code and that way they make more money!
26 wwid:mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:42 pm
HI hi Hi i just got home from school……
27 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:51 pm
Mklbes – true, so why do they cost so much money???
28 wwid:mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:53 pm
KGAH- i Wish they would make things more afordable…. I have probobly put alot of money in their pockets!!!!! my mom, grandma, and me all together on all my webkinz have probobly spent over $ 300 because i have 50+ pets also i have bought many trading card, kinz style, pet carriers, ect. so all together it has bine like $500 for my stuff and around $500 for all my sisters stuff!!!!!!! So it would be like $1000!!!!! all together!!!!!!! They it a waste full amount of money just on an online site! And i KNOW i will be spending more in the future at least enough to keep it each year because you have to keep on renewing it wasting more and more money. It would be a much better to spend the $1000+ dollars for like a charity or cure for cancer fund than just an online site
but webkinz make you addicted LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They control your brain and make you buy more and Ganz company knows after you buy one they make you buy more so they have an eveil plan to rule the earth and take all your $$$$$ !!!! LOL LOL LOL I wish i could buy no more webkinz though so i culd use it to help others insted of only my self!!!!!!!
29 wwid:mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:56 pm
I really want to know how much GANZ has gotten from all the peopple who have ever bought a pet or something probobly like 5 million $$$$$!!!! omg i am serious lol IDK
30 wwid:mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:58 pm
31 wwid:mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 3:59 pm
I AM HUNGRY!!!!!!! brb ( 2-5 min.s)
32 amysta123 said,
February 18, 2009 @ 4:05 pm
hello everyone!!!! isnt the mystical panda soooooo cute
33 amysta123 said,
February 18, 2009 @ 4:05 pm
the phonix is cuter tho…
34 wwid:mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 4:14 pm
hEY I AM B-A -C-K!!!!!!! BACK BACK BACK lol
35 wwid:mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 4:16 pm
gtg i am playing mario cart for my Wii with my BBF so …… GTG BBL!!!
36 Webkinz Trading Cards Series 4 Mystical Panda & estore | webkinzpro.com said,
February 18, 2009 @ 4:19 pm
[…] the rest here:Â Webkinz Trading Cards Series 4 Mystical Panda & estore Did you like this? If so, please addthis_pub = ”;bookmark it, about it, and subscribe to the […]
37 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 18, 2009 @ 4:48 pm
oooOOOooo I would totally love to have both the mystical Panda AND the Phoenix… WOW!!
how is every one this afternoon??
38 wwid:mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 5:03 pm
39 Chazmo227 said,
February 18, 2009 @ 5:08 pm
hey yall.
40 chococat663 (chococat663) said,
February 18, 2009 @ 5:16 pm
The Phoenix is kinda cute, i wonder if stores will still sell TC3 after the TC4 are released because i really want to find a Magical Retriever. I guess its time to start buying alot moe TC3
41 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 18, 2009 @ 5:22 pm
greetings all yous guys!!
we find they just keep selling whatever cards they have regardless of what is new or available
42 mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 5:33 pm
43 mklbes said,
February 18, 2009 @ 5:34 pm
44 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 18, 2009 @ 5:44 pm
I just clicked the hourly free asparagus… however… the pic and the item in my dock looks like a piece of cake, lol
oops WW
45 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:07 am
Ops had to reopen this one didn’t realize it had been closed.
46 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:08 am
Where is everybody?
I am lost!
47 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:08 am
KinzGram the brown wardrobe is from the purses. I bought four of the purses when they first came out and let the girls pick first of course so I got the brown one. There are pictures of the other ones on a post about the purse wardrobes.
48 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:09 am
You are not lost I am here hopefully Krafty finds you.
49 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:09 am
TMT- there you are
I love decorating, but I must admit, not being able to name the rooms have been a big draw back.
It was so much fun making different kinds of rooms.
50 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:10 am
TMT- It goes great in that room.
51 alg1128 is my user said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:10 am
guess what they chaged the webkinz main pge
52 alg1128 is my user said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:11 am
it is the same as a old one but with different webkinz
53 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:12 am
TMT- I promised the little we would try to figure out how to make jello in the egg shapes this weekend. This should be challenging! lol
54 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:12 am
It is harder now keeping track of what room is which. I need to put a picture of my first Floral Foxe’s room on my blog. I put it on here so it never made it to my blog.
55 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:12 am
ALG- you are still awake???
56 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:13 am
TMT- yes I remember that room, you definately should post. That room is amazing!
57 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:13 am
I have a mold for making jello jelly beans. I think I have molds for the eggs too. I got them at the store years ago. I think they are just hinged plastic Easter eggs. I don’t remember how to do it but I bet if you look on line you could find instructions.
58 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:15 am
Cute new picture. I like the flying canary.
59 alg1128 is my user said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:15 am
yup i am stil awake lol
60 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:15 am
In one way the new naming is good but still so limiting..
I would like to be able to have a Christmas Room, Medieval Room,… like that
61 alg1128 is my user said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:15 am
kinzgram ~ i have no schol tomarrow i am in my midwinter vacation
62 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:16 am
ALG- No school again!!! hee hee lol
63 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:17 am
Cool I just found instructions for making jello eggs inside of real eggs! Not sure it is safe though. Would have to heat the shells some how to make sure no germs.
64 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:17 am
Momskinz had a solution to this naming problem.
Just name your pet whatever you want to name the room.
65 alg1128 is my user said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:18 am
tmt5 wow tht is cool in a way
66 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:19 am
TMT – I have the plastic molds they stand up and have a hole at the top to pour the jello.
We made shapes for Christmas, we used cookie cutters.
67 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:19 am
Here is one for plastic eggs. Not sure how you end up with a whole egg this way. http://www.creativehomemaking.com/holidays/jello-easter-eggs.shtml
68 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:19 am
TMT – you know me always looking for something fun to do with the little.
I always love your ideas.
69 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:19 am
a pet named medieval?? lol it would work just not what I would choose to name a pet
tmt are you still wanting a master grill? I have one available….
70 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:20 am
KraftyMom she named one of her pets Christmas.
71 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:21 am
This one uses the jello egg molds. If you had really firmly sealed regular eggs and put a hole in the top to pour in the jello this instruction should work.
72 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:22 am
Ops didn’t see your comment about having the egg molds. I wonder where mine are. I know where the jelly bean mold is.
73 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:22 am
Yes younger daughter doesn’t have a master grill.
74 alg1128 is my user said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:24 am
a jely bean mold cool
75 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:24 am
My father in law really likes jello. I don’t think he had ever had jigglers until I brought them to a family Christmas party one year.
76 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:25 am
Copied the last link perfect
77 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:26 am
it now has your name on it, if you want it…
78 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:26 am
I like making a raspberry jello made with raspberry juice instead of water and adding fresh raspberries. I think jello tastes a lot better when you use juice instead of water.
79 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:27 am
Do you have a list of wants Krafty?
80 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:27 am
Jello is fun, of course, with molds, the jello is much thicker and sweeter.
So what are you making with the kids for Easter this year?
81 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:28 am
ohh see now a reindeer named Christmas might be ok…
only my youngest got a reindeer
I have an extra sleigh now though through trades, I got two in one night, put one in my Christmas room and one to trade
82 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:30 am
I have some neat stuff for St. Patricks day the only thing I bought for Easter so far is some glittery picture frames and Easter Foamies. We usually do some sort of chick or bunny made from puff balls in plastic Easter eggs or little baskets. Last year we made a cardboard and construction paper Easter wreath.
83 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:30 am
TMT – boy that sounds good
Raspberry juice, not something I see alot of at the store.
84 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:32 am
I got the kids head bands, plastic green glasses and something else I can’t remember right now to decorate for St. Patrick’s Day. The head bands are even a complete kit.
85 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:32 am
oh yes I do, lol
egyptian theme:
royal banquet table
dining chairs
medieval theme:
coat of arms
royal estate bed (2 of these)
dining chairs (2-4)
ancient civilization theme:
ancient ionic column (one more)
Legionnaire Shield
Centurion Coffee Table
I have two ceasars chairs
emperors settee
wecares armoir
wecares table and chairs and place settings
straw bale sofas (PSI black fresian) want a couple of these
fall potted trees
egg chairs (chicken PSI)
underwater PSI’s
Cocoa Basket Bed
Elephant’s Travel Trunk
Love Pond
Patchwork Sofa
Pawprint Dining Table
Puggy Bark-o-lounger
Stylish Siamese Settee
Wilds of the Jungle Sofa
TC3 furniture (I have the bed and wallpaper so need all else)
86 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:32 am
Glittery picture frames, they sound cute.
I would like to make some bunny stuff with her. The school doesn’t seem to do much of this kind of stuff.
87 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:34 am
we usually design and make jewelry for gifts
88 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:34 am
Sometimes I have to use Cranberry Raspberry Juice. Jucy Juice has a raspberry one although that is not my first choice. Choice select had the best flavor I have found so far in shelf temperature juice. I haven’t tried the dole refrigerated one yet. Not sure how cold juice would react to the boiling.
89 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:37 am
TMT – I will look for the Cranberry Raspberry Juice and Raspberries
KraftyMom – do you make macroni jewelry
We found some pasta tonight (they didn’t like the whole grain) and she was going to use markers, but I think we have to paint it.
90 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:39 am
Still getting the message
Server upgrade in progress in WW
91 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:40 am
TMT- choice select juice, I think ShopRite has that brand.
92 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:40 am
I think she has an extra ionic column she got with an adoption. Not sure of the values. Column cost more originally but has sold more recently. I’ll check with her tomorrow if that interests you.
93 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:41 am
I like the regular raspberry juice better only use the cranberry one if I can’t find the other.
94 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:41 am
no we make regular jewelry, glass, metal, clay… etc beads I have never used macaroni though I believe my oldest did something like that in kindergarten
some of them are cute with the different colors. the craft stores have some awesome larger beads for littler beaders as well as cool buttons
95 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:43 am
We used markers on packing peanuts and the curved round packing foam to make necklaces before. The round ones made good necklaces for Thanksgiving to go with the Native American head bands.
96 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:45 am
My older daughter is going to make some jewelery from the clay you harden in the oven for her school mini society project. She is also doing some pins, barrets and bendy animals.
97 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:46 am
the ionic column might be ok.. I really should check and up date my lists, I have done a lot of trading recently as well as having been given a LOT of fab gifts recently as well… I am doing two medieval rooms but only plan on one each of egyptian and ancient civ… that could change though, lol
98 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:47 am
Krafty I need to go to bed. I’ll check back here tomorrow to see if you are interested in the column. Other wise I’ll see if I can track down some tc3 furniture.
99 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:47 am
I love the sculpy clay, that is so much fun to work with, I was sculpting miniatures to use on the wreaths I make… food and such…
100 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:48 am
I would prefer the TC furniture if that isn’t too much work… otherwise the column is ok
sleep well and dream sweet
101 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:49 am
I was looking on your blog, tmt… I am sooo jealous of your complete figurine collections! WOWOWOWOW
102 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:49 am
Kinz Gram careful putting fruit in the jello eggs I have never done that not sure what the acid will do to the consistency. I have only put fruit in regular jello. If it works out let me know fruit in jigglers sounds yummy.
103 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:51 am
Krafty most of them were purchased on clearance. Even then I felt guilty buying them all. My younger daughter and her friends play with the plastic figurines a lot.
104 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:54 am
OK now I really need to go to bed. I think the sudafed and pain meds I took earlier for a sinus head ache have left me a little wired. I bet I am going to pay for all this typing tomorrow. I forgot that I can’t feel if my hands are starting to hurt because of the meds. Ops.
105 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:54 am
I know what you mean, tmt… even when I get a free webbie I feel a bit guilty..
We are going to make a play house for the figurines
grr why couldn’t they do this upgrade thingy during their regular down time instead of now… *pouting*
106 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:55 am
uh oh get yourself to bed then, I am very familiar with sinus headaches.. miserable things
107 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:56 am
Having problems with Internet Explorer again.
It keeps shutting things down.
108 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:57 am
I had my mother in law get me a gift card for halmark for Christmas. She got it but was complaining that I was really asking for something for the girls when she saw the webkinz there. I intend to spend every dollar of it on webkinz stuff for myself. Lol grandma has no idea that I spend twice as much time on webkinz than the girls do.
109 tmt5 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 12:58 am
Night shutting down link to blog right after typing this. lol
110 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:00 am
I hardly ever use IE it is horrible, I can’t do the fast moving jobs on it at all, it drags so much the time runs out
I use FF mostly and opera too
111 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:00 am
KraftyMom – sorry i got shut down.
What is that clay called, I know she would love to make jewelry with that.
112 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:02 am
Someday I will change, but all the passwords everything has to be changed.
So much to do…. afraid I will lose stuff
113 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:02 am
hahahaha tmt for sure
same here though mostly cause of the homework load… mom gets to make up for that by working their accounts for them
nighty night tmt
sorry for the troubles KG.. technology grrr sometimes
I want back in WW ahhhh lol
114 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:04 am
KraftyMom – Always looking for ideas to make stuff with the little.
We made some jewelry with wooden beads and some plastic beads.
It sounds like you are VERY creative.
115 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:08 am
I wonder what they are upgrading in WW?
116 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:10 am
there is sculpy, the new one that air dries is very nice as it is light weight.. primo.. hmm brain oh brain why hast though forsaken me, lol
primo I and primo II something like that, I will look it up and let you know, it is about 1.50 a block per color.. I have sculpted little heads, lol, a dalmatian with accessories.. tiny thing too, the clay is nice to work with
117 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:15 am
I will have to check it out.
I think kids learn more from doing things, so I like to think up things to do and make if possible.
118 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:17 am
yes we are pretty crafty, lol the girls are good at designing jewelry too, I make a lot of different things, never thought I would do this sort of thing but.. it just came to me as we needed things for the masonic groups and couldn’t afford to buy things, I found ways to make what we needed and it blossomed from there… my first wedding I made the earrings… the second I designed and made sets of jewelry for us all
even my husband and I designed his tie tac
119 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:18 am
I think we will go to the library tomorrow.
We have to find out how paper is made and things made out of concrete.
120 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:19 am
yes I do too, the girls can sit and create things for hours at a time, even the youngest at less than 2 yrs would sit and paint things.. birdhouses, boxes etc for hours.. I would have to drag her away to eat..
I hope WW isn’t just adding the rest of the movie thingy.. I will be disappointed if that is it
121 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:20 am
WOW, sounds like a fun way to make some money.
I went to a jewelry show this summer and the lady had made all the jewelry.
122 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:22 am
We have painted things too.
She painted a pretty Valentine Heart box last year.
This year we didn’t paint stuff.
A Birdhouse is a great idea for Spring. I would like to get the birdhouse that sticks on a window and you can watch the birds inside the house.
123 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:23 am
You mentioned the masonic groups, are you a member of Eastern Star?
124 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:24 am
paper and concrete that is an interesting combination… you don’t use the net for research?
125 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:24 am
yes I am a member of Eastern Star, White Shrine and Amaranth
126 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:25 am
I have to get up early tomorrow, so I will have to leave early tonight.
I hope WW will be available soon.
Sweet dreams. Good night.
127 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:26 am
well sleep well and dream sweet, have a great day tomorrow, hope to catch you again!!
I hope WW will be up too but I am doubting it
nighty night
128 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:28 am
I found a couple of videos on making paper.
My Dad was a Mason and my Mom a member of the Eastern Star.
It is a beautiful organizaton. I didn’t get involved as a child, but I wish I had.
129 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:31 am
I was in Job’s daughters and loved it, I met my first husband at Star.. it is never too late to join and enjoy.. I prefer White Shrine as the ritual work is great especially for the women and it has costumes too which is fun
130 Webkinz Trading Cards Series 4 Mystical Panda & estore | Webkinz Blog said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:33 am
[…] more from the original source:Â Webkinz Trading Cards Series 4 Mystical Panda & estore February 17, 2009 | Filed Under Webkinz News, Webkinz Recipies, Webkinz […]
131 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:37 am
Paper Mache – I think we should try this, but how to make a form.
Have you ever done this?
132 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:40 am
I have done modge podge, it is just a brand name though.. what kind of shape are you wanting?
133 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:43 am
you can get a lot of neat shapes in styro foam and then paper mache, modge podge.. whatever over that.. the shape is firm and won’t spoil, lol
134 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:44 am
and you can get blocks of styro foam or.. even floral foam which is easy to mash or cut as you need
135 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 1:50 am
you can also get wood eggs or whatever you are wanting and then paint or paper mache, etc over them, though they are making more and more paper mache items that can be decorated a million ways
136 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 2:29 am
Lots of great ideas. Thanks so much.
137 alg1128 is my user said,
February 19, 2009 @ 2:35 am
they new super bed is awsome right
138 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 2:41 am
new super bed?
139 alg1128 is my user said,
February 19, 2009 @ 2:56 am
krafty ~ ya !!! go to WI justin made it didnt tho u got to read all the post talking bout it
140 alg1128 is my user said,
February 19, 2009 @ 2:57 am
it is a movie superbed best one yet u will see it soon
141 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 3:19 am
I like the superbed too
We used our bed box today when we adopted Glitter. My luck!
142 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 3:23 am
Second Half of Movie Theatre Theme Added to wShop
143 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 3:34 am
aww is that all they did while taking away my playtime? lol
144 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 3:37 am
ohh theater style bed.. not bad
not excited about the rest of the movie stuff though
145 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 3:38 am
and of course I can’t log in, rats, lol
146 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 3:44 am
I keep telling you, an Asian Account, then you could still be trading and playing.
I know it is hard to put one pet all alone. LOL
147 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
February 19, 2009 @ 3:46 am
For the room decorating contest –
Do you like the idea of picking out the wallpaper and floors?
Do you like the idea of limiting it to just W-Shop items?
Do you like maybe a Spring Theme room?
148 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 3:54 am
great just read about the storm warning for my area possible 8-12 inches.. of snow and high winds… warning effective until tomorrow night!! I hope they cancel school, then I can play with my kid!! hehe
149 KraftyMomOf2 said,
February 19, 2009 @ 3:56 am
yes I need an asian account and YES it is sooo hard to put one pet alone, that is why I must get a new wecares pet… then maybe I can segregate him lol
I like all those ideas..
maybe use them all.. enter one part or all of them.. 3 contests…?? I must scoot before that sister gets up for work, this is great plan though KG we MUST do it
150 i said,
March 1, 2009 @ 11:29 am
i really want the Mystical Panda and the Phoenix when they’re out anywhere other than the estore. mostly because its (8 out of 10) cheaper.
if anyone who has a webkinz account wants to add me my username is: nmarryat24 ——-thanks!
151 webkinz luvr!!!!!hottiedog101 said,
March 5, 2009 @ 7:50 pm
have a nice day every1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
152 webkinz luvr!!!!!hottiedog101 said,
March 5, 2009 @ 7:51 pm
LOL XD i have noooo idea why i just did that….
153 webkinz luvr!!!!!hottiedog101 said,
March 5, 2009 @ 7:52 pm
by the way……my username is…….superpom
-thanks bye
154 webkinz luvr!!!!!hottiedog101 said,
March 5, 2009 @ 7:52 pm
155 admin said,
March 23, 2009 @ 5:27 pm
Mp3 Download
156 KinzGramAtHeart (sparkleprincess56) said,
March 29, 2009 @ 5:30 pm
suck my dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!