January Webkinz Key Lime Dino
Ganz has given us a preview of one of the January Webkinz pets. This cute webkinz will be released in January. Meet the Key lime Dino, comes with the Ancient Egg Fridge and the cretaceous crustacean Soup.
It is good to see more dinosaurs being introduced to the webkinz world!
1 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 8:26 pm
Here is a Walgreen Coupon for Monday and Tuesday Dec1-2
2 kanagroo473 said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:04 pm
does anyone want a cheeky dog psf
3 Decade=webkinz username said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:30 pm
I don’t
4 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:43 pm
Happy December from WebkinzLovers3!
Click http://www.freewebs.com/webkinzlovers3/25daysofkinzmas.htm
for lots of holiday events, and fun!
Giveaway -November 30th – December 1st at 10:00pm Dex Space Fighter, Snowman PSF, Peppermint Snowflake!
December 2nd-December 2nd at 10:00pm – Ambulence, Snowman PSF, Blue Fuzzy Slippers
Much more coming! Come and find out today =)
Grand Prize for Christmas Contest is a FREE Snowman Code!
5 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:43 pm
not me…..well, i watched tinkerbell and washed most of the dishes..and missed out on the alas final prizes…
6 sox1853=my user said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:45 pm
same here, except instead of dishes i worked on my english proj
7 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:48 pm
well, its weird not saying alas or behold…
and does anyone wanna trade with me?
8 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:51 pm
well, ill be wandering
9 sox1853=my user said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:53 pm
i don’t think i have time, i only have 8 mins
10 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:55 pm
ok then, well, see ya tomorrow….after school of course…ugg..
11 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:57 pm
Woo hoo! Time to think of polar bear names for the December POTM!
12 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
November 30, 2008 @ 9:59 pm
hi momskinz!
guess what?
i have to go to school tomorrow…ug…and midterms in 3 weeks….
13 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:00 pm
hey minimich – back to school tomorrow π i’m not even looking forward to that . . .
14 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:01 pm
momsk, I need 5 hippo names π
15 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:04 pm
gymbo – yikes! did you use the ones i had already sent?
16 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:04 pm
some of them I did
17 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:05 pm
I have: clouds, azul, momskinz, horation, hipe, blueberry
18 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:05 pm
I named mine Bathing Beauty and the lil one Bubbles . . .
I can’t remember the other names, but I can come up with more if you need them
19 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:06 pm
oops, Hope not hipe lol
20 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:07 pm
found that other list of hippo names: Henry, Henrietta, Horace, Horatio, River Horse (Hippo means River Horse), Zambia, Tanzania, Niles, Kiboko (swahili for hippo), Polka, Aqua
21 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:07 pm
Hype would be funny, though LOL
22 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:08 pm
I like Kiboko!
23 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:09 pm
24 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:10 pm
ok, I think they will be: Helga, Hippie, Niles, Kiboko and Aqua
25 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:13 pm
Good choices! I said if I had a Hippie that I would name a WC lil hippo Moonbeam – ha!
BTW – keep forgetting to ask you – do you want/need a Fire Fawn psi??? If not, I can trade it, but I was saving it just in case you wanted it.
26 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:14 pm
didn’t get potm bag with kiboko. got rainbow table, tub, 1000kc
27 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:15 pm
uhh I like it. what do you want for it? don’t have one yet. let dd had the pet.
28 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:16 pm
it’s yours, then z4fun???
NO POTM BAG?! what?! that happened to KGH too . . . π‘
29 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:18 pm
i loged off and back in and nothing…….not cool π
30 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:18 pm
oh, yeah, and do you still need the science trophy pedestal?
31 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:18 pm
not cool at all – they need to make that right . . .
32 webkinzcontestz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:22 pm
so awesome!!
33 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:23 pm
I found one and sent the pedestal to friend π
need to switch to laptop. gymbob wants me to watch spiderman 3 with him. Did you get plenty ornaments? they were out here and only got what was left. still missing some and we put them out today on their christmas trees. Hailey’s is pink and smaller than Andrew’s tree. His tree is one of those with the fiberoptic one
34 momskinz said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:29 pm
I finished the ornaments and got a few extras for trading/contests π
I am going to kinzpost this to you, then go for the night! Enjoy your movie! Goodnight!
35 DogΓ’β’Β₯er {Trading 07 Valentine's Bouquet for Pink Bunny Ears} said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:40 pm
Hi moms, gymbo!
Gymbo- I just want to know, what are you offering for a purple lava?
36 January Webkinz Key Lime Dino | webkinzpro.com said,
November 30, 2008 @ 10:54 pm
[…] from:ΓΒ January Webkinz Key Lime Dino Tags: ancient, chit chat, cretaceous-crustacean, cute-webkinz, dinosaurs-being, fridge, […]
37 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 11:18 pm
dog, it depends what you’re looking for π
38 Gymboutiques said,
November 30, 2008 @ 11:23 pm
adopted aqua and niles and did get potm bag but still nothing on dock from kikomo
39 DogΓ’β’Β₯er said,
November 30, 2008 @ 11:56 pm
π― I just traded Purple lava (i’m sorry gymbo, i just saw your reply π ), antlers, and 07 bouquet for SB psi and MR psi!
40 cody1307 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 7:31 am
naming one YOSHI!!!
41 cody1307 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 7:43 am
anyone here?
42 Naki- Vastis2 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 7:55 am
I’m here cody!
43 cody1307 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 7:59 am
hey naki
44 cody1307 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 8:01 am
whats up?
45 harryboy8080 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 8:01 am
hey anoyone wanna trade for a pet code?
46 harryboy8080 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 8:02 am
i need a polar bear code
47 harryboy8080 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 8:02 am
i have lots of nice stuff
48 harryboy8080 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 8:03 am
anyone here? π
49 harryboy8080 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 8:03 am
:0 π π π π³
50 harryboy8080 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 8:04 am
ok bye
51 Decade=webkinz username said,
December 1, 2008 @ 8:37 am
Well I have to go to school…..ggggrrrr!!!!!!! π I wish that I didn’t have to……but I will be here after school…..Bye everyone
52 Γ’β’Β‘malia (QueenBananaHead) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 10:37 am
good morning everyone!
sorry, i capitalized the last part….
53 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 11:09 am
malia – when i saw your note about your phone not working, i sent you a friend invite . . . have you accepted??? that is an exception to the rule, but i was trying to help π
54 Alisha (ww id: sunshyn225) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 11:33 am
Hey everyone! I just got home from the dentist a bit ago. Had a filling redone so my mouth is super numb. It feels about three times the size it normally is. Such a strange feeling. For all you youngin’s on here…… FLOSS AND BRUSH YOUR TEETH! π
55 Gymboutiques said,
December 1, 2008 @ 12:55 pm
back from picking up kiddos at preschool. Pot roast in crock pot. time is flying. I need to go do some chrismas shopping but won’t be able to do much this week (too busy). We’re going on Th to see Disney on Ice
56 Gymboutiques said,
December 1, 2008 @ 12:57 pm
Alisha, I’m sorry to hear about your filling and numbeness …….I remember having a lot of work done on my teeth on my early twenties π maxed out the insurance…….had crowns, root canals and bridge work done. Learned my lesson and now I stay away from sweets.
57 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 2:23 pm
Figured out a way to name the Aztec room, I named a lil Tiger Aztec! π
58 Gymboutiques said,
December 1, 2008 @ 2:26 pm
that is creative Momsk.
time for little one’s nap and wait for other girls school bus
59 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 2:27 pm
woo hoo! got uncommon charm boots in woodland wonders π finally!!!
60 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 2:29 pm
bye for now Gymbo
61 Gymboutiques said,
December 1, 2008 @ 3:16 pm
Rares at 3pm: egyptian vase and Bowling alley
62 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 3:36 pm
i am wondering…do people like the hot tub better, or the bowling alley??
63 patchescowgirl said,
December 1, 2008 @ 3:41 pm
hey everybody! any codes for trade??????
64 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 3:44 pm
hi…sorry i’ve got no codes for trade
but do you wanna trade for something else?
65 Gymboutiques said,
December 1, 2008 @ 3:50 pm
the hot tub is what people ask for the most
Patches, what do you hve to offer for codes?
66 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 3:52 pm
okay, so ill get one of those for trading…
67 Jamie said,
December 1, 2008 @ 3:52 pm
68 patchescowgirl said,
December 1, 2008 @ 3:59 pm
gymbo i offer alot i guess it depends on what you want. and what codes do you have like figurine codes maybe????
69 Alisha (ww id: sunshyn225) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:00 pm
Ah geez, I dunno whether to get a bowling alley or not. I don’t have anywhere to put it so I guess not. I have three rooms full of stuff that needs organized.
Gymbo – if you are here…. I used to have perfect teeth until I started working at a job where I worked with acid. I used to put the acid into plastic bottles, glass vials, etc., and after 2 years of working with it, I went to the dentist one day and had 3 cavities! I haven’t drank pop for over 5 years and don’t eat much candy at all, so that wasn’t the issue. π The place obviously didn’t have a very good ventilation system and never provided us with proper PPE (personal protection equipment). Very sad situation indeed. I always said if this happened to my teeth because of this, then what do my insides look like? π π Scary thought!
70 Alisha (ww id: sunshyn225) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:02 pm
Anyway – on a lighter note….. I have a grey and white cat I’m interested in adopting…. anyone have name ideas? π I’m always trying to think of something silly/funny.
71 harryboy8080 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:20 pm
gymbo i need a polar bear code!
72 harryboy8080 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:21 pm
gymbo wana trade with me?
73 harryboy8080 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:22 pm
i will give you 2 superbeds and hot air ballon for a polar bear code gymbo!
74 harryboy8080 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:22 pm
o everyone left π
75 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:37 pm
does anyone want a fancy tea cart?
ill trade someone for it..
76 porfovor = WWID said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:42 pm
any one on here?
77 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:42 pm
minimich – what do you want for the tea cart?
78 porfovor = WWID said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:44 pm
hi moms! do you have any codes? like figurine or charms?
79 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:45 pm
porfovor – i’m on and off – decorating a little for Christmas . . .
80 porfovor914~ needs codes! said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:45 pm
i really want some!
81 porfovor914~ needs codes! said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:46 pm
oh ok moms π
82 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:54 pm
i have figurines and charms
charms – pug, tree frog, wacky zingoz, unicorn
Series 1 Figurines:
Cool & Casual Pinto
Cocker Spaniel KinzPost Carrier
Frog Sorcerer
Summer Vacation Dalmatian
Trumpet Playing Googles
Take It Easy Terrier
Chillin’ Out Polar Bear
Fire Chief Elephant
What do you have to offer? You can see my wish list by clicking on “momskinz”
83 Naki- Vastis2 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:54 pm
Hola I’ll brb in 20 minutes!
84 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:55 pm
moms! hey!!!
85 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:57 pm
Happy December from WebkinzLovers3!
Click http://www.freewebs.com/webkinzlovers3/25daysofkinzmas.htm
for lots of holiday events, and fun!
Giveaway -November 30th – December 1st at 10:00pm Dex Space Fighter, Snowman PSF, Peppermint Snowflake!
December 2nd-December 2nd at 10:00pm – Ambulence, Snowman PSF, Blue Fuzzy Slippers
Much more coming! Come and find out today =)
Grand prize of the Christmas Contest is a FREE WEBKINZ SNOWMAN CODE!
86 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:57 pm
moms – what do you want for the polar bear figurine code?
87 porfovor914~ needs codes! said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:58 pm
moms~ im most interested in these:
Cool & Casual Pinto
Cocker Spaniel KinzPost Carrier
im going to see what you want!
88 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
December 1, 2008 @ 4:59 pm
is anyone here? but me???
89 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:01 pm
porfovor914 – on my site (in my name) just click my name, we are having a Christmas Contest soon where you can win a FREE SNOWMAN WEBKINZ CODE!
plz come now to and enter the giveaway. visit the 25 days of kinzmas page and enter in the guestbook =) thx.
90 porfovor914~ needs codes! said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:03 pm
ok tarah ill be there!
91 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:04 pm
Tarah – please stop advertising. Your “name” is more than enough . . .
92 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:05 pm
hello? moms? port? yoohoo?
moms – if I make you and Gymbo a graphic will you add it on your Trading Page or somewhere?
93 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:05 pm
Gymbo – I moderated those two comments if you have any question π
94 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:06 pm
I might Tarah, but I have one that I love, love, love already π you might want to make one for Gymbo!
95 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:07 pm
oh i’m sorry. just need my site to be a hit for my “25 days of Kinzmas” I’ll stop. sorry
96 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:08 pm
ok i will moms. what should it say?
97 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:10 pm
What do you want it to say “Gymboutiques” or something like that??? or you could make one Holiday themed – she celebrates Christmas . . .
98 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:11 pm
or it could say, “Gymbo, momskinz missed you SO SO much, she is so glad you are back!” LOL
99 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:12 pm
100 Tarah mercylover777 is my WWID and I have great Kinzmas events planned at webkinzlovers3.webs.com said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:13 pm
okay moms. Thanks. I’ll make a Holiday one for her!!
101 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:16 pm
sorry moms….im watching gilmore girls so i got distracted..
um…something of equal value i guess….
maybe something like a love puppy psi, pegasus psi, polar plunge poster, bright lights modern tree, snowcat snowglobe, etc
you get the idea…
102 myprints said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:25 pm
hi everyone i was shopping for christmas gifts and b-day gifts for me! heehee.
103 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:26 pm
i never have a chance to go shopping…:(
104 myprints said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:27 pm
oh sry minimich.
105 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:53 pm
I just adopted the POTM – when it first appeared, it did not give the potm screen, so i went to the hourly activities page, then went back to “my room” and the potm screen appeared, with the gift and items! whew!
be careful! seems to be many glitches with POTM adoptions!!!
106 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:55 pm
and now ww crashed, please let the potm be in my dock . . .
107 myprints said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:59 pm
thats not good moms………………………… hopefully it is still there!
108 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 5:59 pm
whew! it is there π
109 Naki- Vastis2 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 6:00 pm
It snowed here last night I hope we have a snow day tomorrow!
110 myprints said,
December 1, 2008 @ 6:00 pm
what pet did u get? duh the Potm pet.. but idk what it is lol.
111 myprints said,
December 1, 2008 @ 6:01 pm
well i g2g everyone so buh bye!
112 Naki- Vastis2 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 6:02 pm
Bye Myprints~
113 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 6:05 pm
i’m luckier than gymbo & kgh who both had hippo adoptionst that did not award the potm extras! mine crashed, but all is well!
114 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 6:07 pm
The Polar Bear is Dec. POTM
Jan. POTM is the Bulldog (don’t have any of those, so not sure if I will get one)
115 Naki- Vastis2 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 6:07 pm
Doing History homework!
116 momskinz said,
December 1, 2008 @ 6:08 pm
gotta go ttyl
117 Naki- Vastis2 said,
December 1, 2008 @ 6:10 pm
TTYL Momskinz I have work to do anyway!
118 myprints said,
December 1, 2008 @ 7:07 pm
hi anyone on?
119 aanp (aanp) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 7:09 pm
Hello any1 on? Probably not π
120 patchescowgirl said,
December 1, 2008 @ 7:14 pm
121 minimich (ww id-chirin) said,
December 1, 2008 @ 9:03 pm
um momskinz – did you see #98 about my tea cart?