dee.. thanks for the reminder about the Clubhouse ! Giving away tea sets but not sure if they are new !
Topazz.. sent a couple of tables your way ! No need to send anything back… sometime I may be in need of an item and would let you know.. but thanks.
moms.. Thanks for posting all of the updates… Seems like you can’t ask the friends for both Valentines and the Post Office Challenge ! Think I mentioned I was joining the ” Y “.. I’m hooked… feel so much better after completing my visit… Don’t do a whole lot… walk and bicycling machine but hopefully will stay motivated for nothing else but better mood ! ( LOL )… Hopefully getting together with my sister for lunch today… Sent the kid down the road a care package which was stolen out of his mailroom before he got home from work… First time it has happened but so aggravating for him and the sender.
Sheba… Hopefully you had a good day at school and you were able to get out with friends after !
April.. Today is the first day in 6 weeks that CLE has had a little sustained sunshine ! Can’t believe what a little sunshine can do for mental outlook ! Hope you and Stella are doing well… Hope she will be able to send a Valentine Picture to us !! Does she dress up for the occasion ?
Anxiously awaiting the Super Bowl commercials… and of course the game ! Lots of things to do in WW… Always like the beginning of the month to see all the new things !
Today is the 2nd cataract surgery for me, so if I’m missing for a few days here you will know why.
Gaga – SO SORRY about the care package! That is terrible! Yay for the “Y”! Sounds like you have found a great way to stay active. I’ve been doing YouTube low impact aerobics which I have found to be perfect for me. I had a great day with my girls (we had a show & tell day), but I (and everyone else) skipped the dinner out. We will be back on schedule next week.
Dee – I didn’t know about the clubhouse event. Maybe I saw it mentioned earlier, but it escaped my memory. When does it start and how long does it last?
dee…I guess there will be six weeks of winter no matter what the ground hog predicts ! I wouldn’t mind of a few days of sunshine once in a while. Winters way to long…We’ll see what he says !
moms… Love the name Parkay ! I haven’t decided on a name yet but any suggestions would be appreciated ! I heard from the kid down the road yesterday.. yet again he found another opened box with no contents on the other entrance to his apartment ! Monday the thief just took packages without opening them ! I have been checking my bank account everyday and so far they haven’t attempted to cash the check in his care package…
Sheba… Hope you are doing well and surgery was uneventful ..
gaga – i already have a lil spring pet named Buttercup – i usually name all of the spring pets after a flower, so I like simply Buttercup as a name & it being a “butter – cup” made me think of the parkay tubs – I was brainstorming then names on the tubs, then how people use them like tupperware . . .
churning butter came to mind – do you have a name from amish country that would be good?
buttercup butter – cup parkay tub wait parkay is margarine Marge butter cups . . . tupperware churning butter churn the name of a baker . . . i already have “Baker” as a pet churning sounds colonial wait colonial – amish . . .
Gaga – In our area we have areas that packages can be sent to for pick-up at the recipients convenience (and with the limitations of the store hours offering the service). I have done that several times. For example….our Triple A store offers that service, plus a local grocery store in our area. I think one of the office stores may even provide that service. Anyway, it might be something worth looking into, so that the kid can get his care package!
moms- HAHA reading your comment about brainstorming names made me laugh. I feel like that’s the same process I go through when trying to come up with names
I read on Webkinz News that the teaparty event will run again in April. Maybe we can get the missing tea sets. I have several of the froggy teaset if someone needs them.
moms.. thanks for reposting all of the codes that will expire this month ! Love the name Orville ! Still trying to decide about the name for my new pig… will let you know… Appointment with new dentist next week… More or less a meet and greet… He is a one man office… even answered his own phone to schedule my appointment… so we’ll see. He was recommended by one of my friends who had been a patient of his father’s until he retirement… She is pleased with the son as well. We’ll see.
dee… Looks like the Valentine in the Park grand prize is new ! New NEXT week of challenges doesn’t seem to difficult… Waited to do my gardening until today in case they asked for garden harvest…
Received an out of the blue text a couple of days ago… one of the doctors who I worked with for years in the ER.. ( his wife passed away 2 years ago ).. was asking if I would be interesting in going out for lunch or dinner ! A group of us had gotten together last fall and we had a great time reminiscing about the good old days ! He was amongst the group …. I am very nervous and looking forward to lunch with much anticipation… has been a long time since out on an actual date.. I of coarse chose the day I was getting my hair cut and colored ( LOL ) ! This old plain jane wants to look as good as I can…no expectations but nice to get together !
Topazz.. I guess I missed the info on WKN about repeating the tea sets… Hopefully they aren’t quite so stingy with them.
Sheba… your comment about the check made me laugh… He’s a kid who works hard and doesn’t make much… so just something to help him with whatever he needs. I am hearing his engine light went on and may need some repairs. Hopefully won’t be too major and can be repaired without breaking the bank ! Hope your vision is clearing and post op is going well !
April… Hopefully you and Stella are well… and your weather is fairly good for this time of year… CLE expecting a couple days of sunshine ! Getting a bit of Spring fever… but sure do have a way to go before then… Lots of hype here about the Eclipse on April 8th.. Happens to fall on the day of the home opener…
cmpets… How is your job going ? Hope you like it and are settling in !
Hello….recovering here! 😉 Dee sent me an eye chart to practice with! 😉 LOL
Moms – Why not just call that pig, “Buttery”? Oh….I don’t think it would be allowed on 2nd thought! You have a lot of good options! Waiting with anticipation to hear what you decided. 😉
Gaga – !!!!! Sounds like you are excited about your date, which is a good sign! Also, I hope your “new” dentist works out for you!
Topazz – Thanks for the info about the tea party in April! I sure hope to collect a few more tea sets! Although I can probably make do with the ones from the clubhouse & in my dock. In RL, I use a variety of tea cup style for my tea parties.
Moms – Thanks for the codes in LARGE PRINT! Very helpful for me right now! Also….I was missing two of them.
I love this place so much and all of you! I have been smiling and laughing reading back. DH asked what I was doing in here. I told him talking to my imaginary friends. 🙂
GAGA!!!! You have a date!!!! I am soooooo excited for you! I always wondered why some hot doc didn’t scoop you up. I also have all the questions and officially offer any and all investigative/stalking services, although I know moms and dee have it covered. He may be a perfect gentleman, but sometimes it’s the quiet ones that have a wild streak (fingers crossed of you!) LOL
dee—Comment 41 is GOLD!! LOL
moms—I love your naming thought process! Because of you I now have two names figured out! I started thinking about Butter and my favorite butter is Kerrygold Irish butter. So I was going to name the Buttercup Pig that, but then I thought, but that’s Irish butter I should wait and see what the St. Patrick’s pet will be. The Clover Unicorn! (Thank you LL and Boper for the Webkinz Guide updates!) So my Clover Unicorn will be Kerrygold and I started thinking about butter again and was saying ‘Like Buttah’ in my head in a Boston accent. That’s the Buttercup Pig’s name…Like Buttah! You helped me name two pets! You are a genius! And I totally got the Marge name…so cute!
Sheba—I hope you are healing and recovering well!
Topazz—Yes, awesome news!! I never did get a Regency Tea set, so this is wonderful that we get a chance again in April.
I did get an extra Mushroom Tea set if anyone would like one.
gaga—That is so amazing about the drummer in CLE! It feels like spring is around the corner here too! 40s and sunny the last couple of days. Feels amazing! But I know winter isn’t over. We are enjoying while we can. Been walking every day with Stella. She’s been loving it. That dentist you didn’t like definitely needs to go! No goodie bag?!?! That is unacceptable. I was going to say I cannot believe ‘you know who’ got his care package stolen…but sadly, I can. It’s still horrible. I would probably cancel any checks you sent just to be safe. I finally broke down and got a Venmo acct. It’s so much easier now to send money to the nieces and nephews. I still send cards or gifts, but then I just get on my phone, push a couple of buttons and they have money! I already have Stella’s valentine ‘outfit.’ Hope to get some cute pics this weekend! 🙂
dee—Stella’s clothing…LOL Yes, it’s so true! I have a little storage bin to put them all in now. LOL
Hi cmpets, Amy and anyone I missed!
Sorry my comments are all over the place. I am so excited about Gaga’s date!
1 Topazz said,
February 1, 2024 @ 12:32 am
Does anyone have extra toadstool tea tables? I could use a couple and let me know what you want for trade.
2 dee said,
February 1, 2024 @ 9:10 am
happy february and happy thursday
don’t forget about the tea room in the clubhouse
3 gagagee said,
February 1, 2024 @ 9:25 am
Good Morning !
Farmers Day !
dee.. thanks for the reminder about the Clubhouse ! Giving away tea sets but not sure if they are new !
Topazz.. sent a couple of tables your way ! No need to send anything back… sometime I may be in need of an item and would let you know.. but thanks.
moms.. Thanks for posting all of the updates… Seems like you can’t ask the friends for both Valentines and the Post Office Challenge !
Think I mentioned I was joining the ” Y “.. I’m hooked… feel so much better after completing my visit… Don’t do a whole lot… walk and bicycling machine but hopefully will stay motivated for nothing else but better mood ! ( LOL )…
Hopefully getting together with my sister for lunch today… Sent the kid down the road a care package which was stolen out of his mailroom before he got home from work… First time it has happened but so aggravating for him and the sender.
Sheba… Hopefully you had a good day at school and you were able to get out with friends after !
April.. Today is the first day in 6 weeks that CLE has had a little sustained sunshine ! Can’t believe what a little sunshine can do for mental outlook !
Hope you and Stella are doing well… Hope she will be able to send a Valentine Picture to us !! Does she dress up for the occasion ?
Anxiously awaiting the Super Bowl commercials… and of course the game !
Lots of things to do in WW… Always like the beginning of the month to see all the new things !
Hey to all ! Hope everyone is doing well !
4 dee said,
February 1, 2024 @ 9:33 am
i think stella dresses up for every occasion gaga
she has more clothes than me
5 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
February 1, 2024 @ 10:21 am
Good morning!
Today is the 2nd cataract surgery for me, so if I’m missing for a few days here you will know why.
Gaga – SO SORRY about the care package! That is terrible! Yay for the “Y”! Sounds like you have found a great way to stay active. I’ve been doing YouTube low impact aerobics which I have found to be perfect for me. I had a great day with my girls (we had a show & tell day), but I (and everyone else) skipped the dinner out. We will be back on schedule next week.
Dee – I didn’t know about the clubhouse event. Maybe I saw it mentioned earlier, but it escaped my memory. When does it start and how long does it last?
6 gagagee said,
February 1, 2024 @ 11:02 am
Sheba.. Good Luck with your surgery ! Clubhouse started today… Valentine room.
Just click on the ? pet and you will get a prize !
7 dee said,
February 1, 2024 @ 4:20 pm
8 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 1, 2024 @ 10:47 pm
loooong day – visiting the farmer & catching up, brb
9 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 1, 2024 @ 10:49 pm
gaga – that stinks about the care package! i would be frustrated too!
10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 1, 2024 @ 10:49 pm
qos – good luck with the surgery! “see you” in a couple of days hopefully
dee – thanks for the info as always! keeping us in the know
11 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 1, 2024 @ 11:10 pm
Is it wrong to name a buttercup pig Parkay?
12 dee said,
February 2, 2024 @ 5:54 am
happy groundhogs day!
i a gonna vote for six more weeks of winter
cuz that is how the world rolls anymore
13 dee said,
February 2, 2024 @ 5:56 am
could name it greasy…..
14 gagagee said,
February 2, 2024 @ 7:06 am
Good Morning All !
dee…I guess there will be six weeks of winter no matter what the ground hog predicts ! I wouldn’t mind of a few days of sunshine once in a while. Winters way to long…We’ll see what he says !
moms… Love the name Parkay ! I haven’t decided on a name yet but any suggestions would be appreciated ! I heard from the kid down the road yesterday.. yet again he found another opened box with no contents on the other entrance to his apartment ! Monday the thief just took packages without opening them ! I have been checking my bank account everyday and so far they haven’t attempted to cash the check in his care package…
Sheba… Hope you are doing well and surgery was uneventful ..
Hey to all …
Have a good day… will check back a bit later.
15 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 12:33 pm
hey wait woah – care packages with checks?! yipee!!!! don’t tell any of my people they include checks 🙂
16 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 12:37 pm
I’m totally naming it Marge 😆
do ya’ll think that is as funny as I do???
17 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 12:39 pm
gaga – i already have a lil spring pet named Buttercup – i usually name all of the spring pets after a flower, so I like simply Buttercup as a name & it being a “butter – cup” made me think of the parkay tubs – I was brainstorming then names on the tubs, then how people use them like tupperware . . .
churning butter came to mind – do you have a name from amish country that would be good?
18 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 12:43 pm
idk if my brainstorming comments make any sense
butter – cup
parkay tub
wait parkay is margarine
butter cups . . . tupperware
churning butter
the name of a baker . . . i already have “Baker” as a pet
churning sounds colonial
wait colonial – amish . . .
19 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 12:43 pm
have i had too much caffeine or not enough?
20 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 1:38 pm
Checking in! Surgery went well….still dealing with inflammation and some cloudy vision, but that should improve in the next few days.
Moms – LOVE the name Parkay & I also love Marge! 😉 ;D So funny!
Gaga – I could use care package with a check! I promise it won’t be stolen! Ha ha! (Just kidding around….)
Dee – I’m with you….six more weeks of winter. I would love more snow!
21 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 1:40 pm
Gaga – In our area we have areas that packages can be sent to for pick-up at the recipients convenience (and with the limitations of the store hours offering the service). I have done that several times. For example….our Triple A store offers that service, plus a local grocery store in our area. I think one of the office stores may even provide that service. Anyway, it might be something worth looking into, so that the kid can get his care package!
22 Amy said,
February 2, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
Sweetheart Sink Code from Podkinz
Expires May 31, 2024
23 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 7:04 pm
thanks amy!
24 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 9:14 pm
moms- HAHA reading your comment about brainstorming names made me laugh. I feel like that’s the same process I go through when trying to come up with names
25 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 9:19 pm
Community Codes Page
last updated: 2/2/24
We have a long list expiring this month!
Expires February 29, 2024
w24u 747u ectQ 7pc8
souvenir spoons from podkinz mini
Random Can of DIY Wall Paint Code from Podkinz
12/1 Email Code Merry Mistletoe Bunny Page
Random Pet Buddy Codes:
from Facebook
from Webkinz Newz
from Instagram
from Podkinz Mini
Random Wall Paint
email code Winter Reindeer Pegasus estore page
26 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 9:20 pm
LL – thanks for laughing with me – i was entertaining myself with that
27 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 9:28 pm
I was getting ready to adopt my Buttercup Pig, but now she looks kind of like maybe her name is Popcorn???
she’s like buttery movie theater popcorn LOL
see??? she’s buttery!

28 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 9:29 pm
Orville 😆
29 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 9:31 pm
great, now i’m stuck . . .
30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 2, 2024 @ 9:31 pm
31 Topazz said,
February 2, 2024 @ 9:43 pm
I read on Webkinz News that the teaparty event will run again in April. Maybe we can get the missing tea sets. I have several of the froggy teaset if someone needs them.
32 dee said,
February 3, 2024 @ 5:57 am
33 gagagee said,
February 3, 2024 @ 6:54 am
Good Morning All !
moms.. thanks for reposting all of the codes that will expire this month !
Love the name Orville ! Still trying to decide about the name for my new pig… will let you know… Appointment with new dentist next week… More or less a meet and greet… He is a one man office… even answered his own phone to schedule my appointment… so we’ll see. He was recommended by one of my friends who had been a patient of his father’s until he retirement… She is pleased with the son as well. We’ll see.
dee… Looks like the Valentine in the Park grand prize is new ! New NEXT week of challenges doesn’t seem to difficult… Waited to do my gardening until today in case they asked for garden harvest…
Received an out of the blue text a couple of days ago… one of the doctors who I worked with for years in the ER.. ( his wife passed away 2 years ago ).. was asking if I would be interesting in going out for lunch or dinner ! A group of us had gotten together last fall and we had a great time reminiscing about the good old days ! He was amongst the group …. I am very nervous and looking forward to lunch with much anticipation… has been a long time since out on an actual date.. I of coarse chose the day I was getting my hair cut and colored ( LOL ) !
This old plain jane wants to look as good as I can…no expectations but nice to get together !
Topazz.. I guess I missed the info on WKN about repeating the tea sets… Hopefully they aren’t quite so stingy with them.
Sheba… your comment about the check made me laugh… He’s a kid who works hard and doesn’t make much… so just something to help him with whatever he needs. I am hearing his engine light went on and may need some repairs. Hopefully won’t be too major and can be repaired without breaking the bank !
Hope your vision is clearing and post op is going well !
April… Hopefully you and Stella are well… and your weather is fairly good for this time of year… CLE expecting a couple days of sunshine ! Getting a bit of Spring fever… but sure do have a way to go before then…
Lots of hype here about the Eclipse on April 8th.. Happens to fall on the day of the home opener…
cmpets… How is your job going ? Hope you like it and are settling in !
Hey to all !
Have a good day !
34 dee said,
February 3, 2024 @ 7:30 am
gaga has a date!!!!
35 dee said,
February 3, 2024 @ 10:59 am
and today is saturday
just in case anyone was confused
i need to know more about this date gaga…….who is he, have you googled him to see criminal/financial history??
36 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 3, 2024 @ 11:02 am
GAGA!!!!!! dee – she should know that we are needing a background check, blood panel, credit check, etc.
37 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 3, 2024 @ 11:03 am
does he have tsa precheck?
that’s a great way to background check him without background checking him
how did his wife die?
we need more info
how can you do this to us???? 🙂
yay! have fun though seriously – but if you want us to dig, you know how to reach us
38 gagagee said,
February 3, 2024 @ 11:05 am
moms and dee.. You guys are so funny !! Yes I have a date and I’m so excited about it !! He is a perfect gentle man…
39 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 3, 2024 @ 11:06 am
dee – just between us 😉 do we need to have “the talk” with her? sti rates have doubled for individuals 55 & over . . . 😆
40 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 3, 2024 @ 11:07 am
gaga – yay for you! thanks for letting us joke . . . as we do!
can’t wait for all the details
41 dee said,
February 3, 2024 @ 12:32 pm
my first thought was of those little rainjackets, but did not think they would get past the filter
gaga – hon, perfect gentlemen are not a lot of fun
42 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
February 3, 2024 @ 12:44 pm
Hello….recovering here! 😉 Dee sent me an eye chart to practice with! 😉 LOL
Moms – Why not just call that pig, “Buttery”? Oh….I don’t think it would be allowed on 2nd thought! You have a lot of good options! Waiting with anticipation to hear what you decided. 😉
Gaga – !!!!! Sounds like you are excited about your date, which is a good sign!
Also, I hope your “new” dentist works out for you!
Topazz – Thanks for the info about the tea party in April! I sure hope to collect a few more tea sets! Although I can probably make do with the ones from the clubhouse & in my dock. In RL, I use a variety of tea cup style for my tea parties.
Moms – Thanks for the codes in LARGE PRINT! Very helpful for me right now! Also….I was missing two of them.
43 april1013 said,
February 3, 2024 @ 2:21 pm
I love this place so much and all of you! I have been smiling and laughing reading back. DH asked what I was doing in here. I told him talking to my imaginary friends. 🙂
GAGA!!!! You have a date!!!! I am soooooo excited for you! I always wondered why some hot doc didn’t scoop you up. I also have all the questions and officially offer any and all investigative/stalking services, although I know moms and dee have it covered. He may be a perfect gentleman, but sometimes it’s the quiet ones that have a wild streak (fingers crossed of you!) LOL
dee—Comment 41 is GOLD!! LOL
moms—I love your naming thought process! Because of you I now have two names figured out! I started thinking about Butter and my favorite butter is Kerrygold Irish butter. So I was going to name the Buttercup Pig that, but then I thought, but that’s Irish butter I should wait and see what the St. Patrick’s pet will be. The Clover Unicorn! (Thank you LL and Boper for the Webkinz Guide updates!) So my Clover Unicorn will be Kerrygold and I started thinking about butter again and was saying ‘Like Buttah’ in my head in a Boston accent. That’s the Buttercup Pig’s name…Like Buttah! You helped me name two pets! You are a genius! And I totally got the Marge name…so cute!
Sheba—I hope you are healing and recovering well!
Topazz—Yes, awesome news!! I never did get a Regency Tea set, so this is wonderful that we get a chance again in April.
I did get an extra Mushroom Tea set if anyone would like one.
gaga—That is so amazing about the drummer in CLE! It feels like spring is around the corner here too! 40s and sunny the last couple of days. Feels amazing! But I know winter isn’t over. We are enjoying while we can. Been walking every day with Stella. She’s been loving it. That dentist you didn’t like definitely needs to go! No goodie bag?!?! That is unacceptable. I was going to say I cannot believe ‘you know who’ got his care package stolen…but sadly, I can. It’s still horrible. I would probably cancel any checks you sent just to be safe. I finally broke down and got a Venmo acct. It’s so much easier now to send money to the nieces and nephews. I still send cards or gifts, but then I just get on my phone, push a couple of buttons and they have money! I already have Stella’s valentine ‘outfit.’ Hope to get some cute pics this weekend! 🙂
dee—Stella’s clothing…LOL Yes, it’s so true! I have a little storage bin to put them all in now. LOL
Hi cmpets, Amy and anyone I missed!
Sorry my comments are all over the place. I am so excited about Gaga’s date!
44 Topazz said,
February 3, 2024 @ 2:28 pm
The announcement is on this page.
Are the chocolates new? I don’t like the grand prize.
45 dee said,
February 3, 2024 @ 2:32 pm
pig ghee
46 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 3, 2024 @ 6:32 pm
april – love that you got names from my virtual brainstorm
I’m going with Orville – I gotta
Like Buttah cracks me up
dee – that’s so good
my dh knows i have ‘imaginary friends’ too
47 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 3, 2024 @ 9:06 pm
dee – you watching on patrol this weekend?