Summer Buddy
We have several Community Codes to collect a Summer Buddy – here are the available buddies:
Summer Pet Buddy:
w24z 27c2 jqd6 lcfs water melon buddy from FB
w24d-hr4b-s9gp-6×34 from Twitter
w24w-z9vv-bgcg-h9pn from Instagram
w24f-z64Q-r2ex-u6ac from Webkinz Newz
w24a-h3gp-ax9L-hhwy from Podkinz Mini
It is also a good time to enter the codes expiring this month:
Expire July 31, 2023
w246 geys zfmd d5ue webkinz newz kinzcash coin from podkinz
w243 7evf 4hzd 4kq4 fairy forest sapling from podkinz
Spring Buddy Codes:
w248-yQQ9-6wLp-bt36 from Twitter
w242-dcns-s352-m2nc from Instagram
w24k-kfd5-j4r7-w98y from Facebook
w245-j78f-ufQg-8z6u from Webkinz Newz
W24h-6Qfy-g72F-Rb9W from podkinz
w24r-3gzz-wnaa-6Qwj 5/1 Email Underwater Ruins ?? Box Page
1 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
July 23, 2023 @ 3:18 am
Hi all!
Been extremely stressed out lately !
I still need to check if I have the retiring Exclusives and Superbed before they go on August 1st!!!
I LOVE that we’ve gotten a chance at all these cute Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter Pet Buddies, HOWEVER, the odds of getting at least 1 of each seem to get worse and worse with each new batch and it’s so frustrating and disappointing when you go through the trouble of collecting all of the “extra” social media codes only to get, in this case, all marshmallows!!!!! Don’t get me wrong, the marshmallow is ADORABLE, but I like to have *options*! I am hoping now that we’ve gotten Buddies for all four seasons, that maybe the Webkinz team will come up with/provide more opportunities to get the Buddies we didn’t get the first time around as we cycle through the seasons again. I’m fairly certain the Fall Pet Buddies were the first seasonal Buddies, so fingers crossed they will be on a wheel(s) or something here when the Fall stuff starts again…
Alrighty, just wanted to check in. My body is hurting so bad and I need to get to bed!
2 gagagee said,
July 23, 2023 @ 7:43 am
Good Morning All !
Can’t believe it is 730 am and already so behind on my Sunday to do List. LOL
Up and down all night.. so didn’t wake up till 530…
Will get moving shortly .
Otterkinz.. so sorry to hear that you are having so much pain.. that is terrible
Hope you were able to fall asleep and get some rest.
I agree with the new Buddies… have gotten lots of Marshmallows…
moms.. thanks for the treasure tip… Will be more aware of moving the cannon… Hopefully your RL has settled down a bit and you can enjoy the day!
I had found a scratch pad for himself to throw in his care package which said Adulting is Hard.. ( had a picture of a cute puppy lying on its back with its feet up in air ) I don’t think himself appreciated the humor… but I did !
Adulting seems to be his new buzz word.
dee… Hope you had fun on your adventure yesterday !
April… Happy you and your niece did not find anyone in the dumpster !
Made me a bit worried about himself’s new neighborhood. Sad that there are homeless everywhere.
cmpets… Safe travels on your return home this week !
Topazz… Hope you enjoyed the new Barbie movie ! I thought it was odd that the movie was rated PG and not made of younger age group who I am sure have lots of Barbies.
Sheba… Good luck with the treasure chest ! Hope you are able to have a nice relaxing day today.
Farmers Day !
Hey to everyone I missed..
Catch up later
3 dee said,
July 23, 2023 @ 11:01 am
i am here
glad to hear about the pickles
4 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 23, 2023 @ 1:40 pm
hey dee!
otterkinz – hope you got some good sleep & are feeling much better!
gaga – the notepad sounds funny & cute & very appropriate – himself needs to learn to laugh, especially at himself ♥
5 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 23, 2023 @ 1:42 pm
everything has settled back down again, and i am being extra lazy today
& i feel entitled to do so
6 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 23, 2023 @ 7:40 pm
visiting the farmer rn before i forget!!!
7 dee said,
July 24, 2023 @ 6:43 am
8 gagagee said,
July 24, 2023 @ 7:18 am
Good Morning !
New week of NEXT
Sheba.. you will not be happy with the slag collecting once again as part of the challenge…
moms… Nice that you were finally able to have a lazy day ! Hope you enjoyed it and did whatever you wanted to do ! Himself gave me a call on Saturday !
We had a nice chat….feeling a little bad that he will not be coming back up here till Thanksgiving… His birthday is next month so we will have to figure out a way to celebrate with him.
dee..What’s on your menu for the week ? I fixed a big pot of spaghetti sauce yesterday… took some to my sister and plan on having it tonight for dinner !
Spaghetti is one of my favorites but don’t make it very often as I usually have lunch out once a week at OG and have it there.
April.. Happy you were able to catch up on your sleep ! Hopefully Stella is back to her normal happy self ! Talked to my nephew in CT yesterday… he is planning on taking his two pups to Maine to do some hiking in a few weeks.
He is choosing to celebrate his birthday hiking with his wife and pups !
Forgot to ask… did you get the bone dispenser ?
My TV is supposed to be delivered and set up today.. Will be so happy to have a TV in the living room !
Otterkinz… hope you are feeling better today !
cmpets… safe travels to you !
Have a nice day everyone !
9 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 24, 2023 @ 12:52 pm
back to getting things done today – doing laundry, organizing meds for the week for my mom, etc.
i’m going to have a lot of company over the next week, so i have extra cleaning & stuff to do . . .
10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 24, 2023 @ 12:53 pm
gaga – yay for the tv install! i listen to a lot of audio books during the day while i’m doing stuff around the house, but i love tv time at night
11 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 24, 2023 @ 2:11 pm
Hi, everyone!
On the run again so I can’t chat much! I caught up on all the posts, though! The dumpster one is the most shocking! LOL! One of my kids regularly dumpster dives so I will have to ask about this.
Topazz – I have all of my Barbies and can’t wait until lil’ girl is old enough to play barbies with me! 😉
Today is our wedding anniversary! We are going away for a few days…leaving soon (once I pack).
Haven’t had a chance to log into NEXT. Debating whether or not to keep up with this season. I have kept up with Classic. On my schedule for this week is figuring out my Superbed situation. I really need to update some of my Classic “files” (aka piles). Trying to put all info into binders.
Gaga – You mentioned that you are going to focus on flowers in NEXT since the ghost is gone. I haven’t been able to find the flowers since the ghost and the bouncing sun left.
Moms – So glad NP is on your side now….and I’m curious…is your son going to see the Barbie movie? I may have misunderstood something.
Codes all entered for July. Whew!
12 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 24, 2023 @ 2:16 pm
qos – yes, my older ds saw the barbie movie & liked it – now he made me want to see it sooner, so i’ll probably try to go this week 🙂
13 dee said,
July 24, 2023 @ 3:03 pm
gonna go fishing tomorrow
gonna be HOT
14 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 24, 2023 @ 3:07 pm
ewww – too hot for me
15 Topazz said,
July 24, 2023 @ 11:30 pm
I am not happy that I got a bunch of marshmallows. I did get one popcicle but not watermelon. I don’t like that they make it so hard to get some of the buddies. I missed the one I wanted most last time because it was rare. I wish they would let us choose.
I did enjoy the barbie movie. There were some adult themes that I think would go over kids heads. When she comes to the real world, she is hit on which is probably why it is pg. I made my oldest son go with me since I went to the Norseman with him. He laughed in the same places I did. I felt is was a lot like the Lego movie. I do have Barbie in the pink checked dress. The rest are just out of my price range.
16 dee said,
July 25, 2023 @ 7:11 am
c ya later alligators!
17 gagagee said,
July 25, 2023 @ 7:42 am
Good Morning !
dee… have fun fishing ! Will be anxious to hear about the catch and any nature you saw !
Sheba… have to say … flowers are a bit hard to get but if you hang out in the Kinzville area it seems that they eventually pop up. No luck with the treasure chest this morning.
moms… Hope you are get out and see the new movie… Usually don’t have the TV on during the day either but really miss it for the evening news during dinner.
Topazz.. Having a hard time getting the uncommon and rare buddies too !
Lots of marshmallows ! Glad you enjoyed the movie !
Errands today as I spent a good part of the day waiting on the Geek Squad.
Hey to all ! Have a good day
18 april1013 (wwid: zeker1013) said,
July 25, 2023 @ 11:37 am
Hello all!
moms—Thanks for the tips on the treasure chest. Still couldn’t figure it out on Sunday. LOL I do think they are a bit harder than they used to be. A lot more squares blocking and not enough mirrors to place. Oh well, will try again today. The buttons not showing up…I’ve had that happen to one of my side accts. If you go to the arcade, you get the ‘please wait…’ for a bit. Once the arcade loads, don’t play a game, go right back to daily activities and the buttons are usually back. Hope that works for you. I tried the Proleve gummies last week and I really liked them. I felt a noticeable difference in my anxiety level. Thanks for sharing! Hope you are getting all your cleaning and stuff done. It’s always a lot of work to get ready for visits.
Otterkinz—So sorry you are in pain. Hope your body is feeling better and you were able to get some rest.
gaga—That note pad sounds so cute! Glad you had a good chat with himself this past weekend. Hopefully you can find a way to celebrate his birthday with him before Thanksgiving. Hope your nephew and wife in CT enjoy his birthday hiking. I bet their pups love it! I finally feel like I’m caught up on sleep. And Stella is all happy and back to her normal self! Which one was the bone dispenser? Was it white? I think I missed that one. Hope you love the new TV! I know you like baking shows. I just found out all the early seasons of The Great British Baking Show are on Roku TV. I was SO EXCITED. They don’t have those episodes on Netflix anymore. I just had to download the Roku TV app on my TV in the living room and I’ve been watching them every night. They are such a comfort watch for me.
Sheba—Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you have a wonderful little getaway! The flowers in Next have been hit or miss for me. Sunday no flowers. Yesterday I found them right away…weird.
Topazz—Those rare buddies are so hard to get. I would love if they let us choose too. Will have to get to this months codes this week. Glad you and your son liked the movie.
dee—Hope you have a great day fishing!
cmpets—Safe travels and you head back home this week!
Hi to miracle, Amy, anyone I missed.
19 dee said,
July 25, 2023 @ 1:15 pm
back home
perfect weather. we went early to beat the heat
what i do not understand about the treasure chest is when they give you cannon balls or pieces of deck………… those do anything?
20 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2023 @ 5:09 pm
april – i am glad you had a good result with the proleve – the ones i recommended are cbd gummies – i don’t think enough people understand that delta 8, delta 9, etc. are thc – sometimes people sell cbd gummies with thc in them & people don’t realize what they are getting because it says “delta” whatever & the rest is in too fine print 😆
thanks for the tip on the buttons – i’ll try that next time & see what happens! i did log out & back in but that didn’t do anything. customer service gave me the fountain, so not too big of a deal, but i’d like to avoid it in the future
dee – i’ve only used one of those cannonball or deck pieces one time when i got both locks with one cannon & just blocked off the other cannon so it wouldn’t be red – i don’t understand the point of all those different things either
glad you had perfect weather!
gaga – took my mom out for lunch today, so glad ds joined us ♥ it’s going to be hard when he leaves even though i am excited for him
21 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2023 @ 5:12 pm
oh yeah, it’s fashion week rerun . . .