Wacky Weekend
From Friday, July 14, to Sunday July 16 (ending at midnight, EST), look for Wacky Corn on the Cob floating across your screen on Webkinz Classic, and click on them to collect them.
The number of Wacky Corn on the Cob you can collect each day is based on your membership level:
Every time you feed your pet Wacky Corn on the Cob, you’ll have the chance to win Wacky Popcorn Tree Seeds!
1 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 1:05 am
Nothing “new” here, but . . .
2 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 1:06 am
dee – today is Thursday
this event begins FRIDAY
3 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 1:06 am
qos – yay! hope you got some great deals!
4 dee said,
July 13, 2023 @ 7:30 am
5 gagagee said,
July 13, 2023 @ 7:32 am
Good Morning All !
dee.. I am really mad about the ghost too ! One of the few ways to get the diamonds… You would think they would realize that players would be upset but I guess they don’t care !
moms.. Hope your ds’s long drive is bringing him home to spend some time before classes start again in the Fall ! Summer going way to fast….
Taking himself out this morning for breakfast ! So nice of him to squeeze in a visit before he heads back this weekend…
Watched the ESPY’s last night… Highlight of the night was the Pat Tillman Award being given to the Bills training staff.. Not a dry eye in the house…
Sheba… Have fun and safe travels ! I think it is so nice that you are able to stay close to all of your family ! Happy you were able to get some Prime deals
Thought about it ( kindle ) but opted out.
Topazz… I have gotten logged out frequently on WW classic too ! So annoying…
Brother having surgery this morning … Will worry until I know he is out of surgery and in recovery….
Hey to all !
6 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 7:33 am
Good morning!
I am kinda over all these Wacky Weekend events… but at least this one is a floaty event and not a 3 day only challenge or having to play WackyER Zingoz for hours on end for a *chance* at 1 new prize in prize pool of 4! ???????
I think that’s all I have for this morning… lol.
Have a nice day everyone!
7 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 7:34 am
gaga, hoping everything goes well with your brother’s surgery!!
8 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 11:24 am
Good morning!
Gaga – Nice that you had breakfast with himself! Hope all goes well with your brother’s surgery.
As far as the ghost goes…now my diamond number is uneven. Arrrgghhh! And it isn’t as fun going into the mine now. I wasn’t one that had time to look for him everyday by spending time in mine, but I always hoped to see the ghost when I was doing the mining or treasure chest. Maybe sales are down and they are wanting people to buy diamonds? Speaking of the treasure chest, I have been failing a lot lately. I have gotten some puzzles that seem unachievable. I could use more time or more instruction. Not sure which.
Moms – Got a bunch of bullet journaling stuff for dd and calligraphy pens for my classes. It was actually easy to stop at that because I’m trying to get rid of stuff not “store” up more (almost used the bad word!) Whew!
Otter – You make a good point! I’ll be able to catch the floaties on my trip.
Where is Dee?
9 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 11:59 am
Today is laundry day!
10 dee said,
July 13, 2023 @ 1:22 pm
i posted already sheba
i try to get in after gaga, so no one comes looking for me
11 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 4:33 pm
visited the farmer
12 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 4:36 pm
dee – you have to post, or i’ll have to hunt you down
otter – i’m just tired of the same old same old . . . give me new!
13 dee said,
July 13, 2023 @ 4:43 pm
getting list together for kroger run tomorrow
gonna stop at what used to be dollar tree………now it is dollar twenty five tree
need some stuff…………dh wants rubber snakes to put around his truck due to squirrel issues…………they chewed a condenser wire off…………makes a/c go
he was not pleased. His truck will not fit in garage with my car and his other toys…………and my car takes precedence over all!
granted i do not need to get the baby out of the carseat anymore…..but still
ha ha ha ha
i don’t want them mangy things chewing on my car.
debating on whether to make cornbread tonite or morning….new recipe. will let you all know. just verified i have enough corn meal. dh wants to make fried chicken with leftover cracker barrel pancake buttermilk that he had bought. so……………i would make up greens if they were not such a pain….man oh man they are good tho…………..
14 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 4:54 pm
blech greens
you would hate to cook for me, wouldn’t you???
15 dee said,
July 13, 2023 @ 5:05 pm
do you not like green veggies moms?
i use collard and spinach with ham, tobasco and chicken broth
green leafys are very very very good for you!
ask gaga!
i would cook for you, and you would eat what i cook
we need to add a potluck for the gymbo reunion
16 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 5:12 pm
i like spinach but not collards
LOL i would eat what you cook or starve!
17 dee said,
July 13, 2023 @ 6:22 pm
what about mustard?
trust me, i clean them crazy well…………that is why it is a hassle
18 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 13, 2023 @ 9:59 pm
Ahhh….how did I miss your post, Dee? You actually slipped in before Gaga this morning!
And whoa! Moms would have to eat the greens! Wow, Dee! Ha ha!
Collards are a stretch for me, but I have learned to like Kale…..love kale on pizza!
I went to the $1.25 store, too, but didn’t make Kroger. It was in the plan but I needed to pick up lil’ girl. Then we had unplanned company tonight (of my dd’s). All packed for our trip and leaving before anyone posts here in the morning. If you don’t hear from me for a while it is because I’m not taking my laptop and it is a bit challenging to leave a message here when using my phone. (due to my eyesight). So don’t worry about me….
Taking a Webkinz break, although I might catch a few floaties. Won’t be able to help with collections, though. I always hate that I can’t tell my regular requesters. I guess a new NEXT season will start when I’m away. I may try to do the dailies.
Well, have fun while I’m away!
19 gagagee said,
July 14, 2023 @ 7:44 am
Good Morning All !
dee… Sorry to hear that the rodents are chewing on your dh’s car cables… thankfully your car is garaged…. Getting mostly whistles from the Sun in next !
Still upset about the ghost being taken away until Halloween !
moms… I totally agree with you about the new stuff ! Flying candy canes and roasted corn on the cob are old ! ( as are the seeds you get with the corn )
Christmas in July this weekend in the e store… hasn’t been set up yet but new pet is available… ? Christmas Goose.
I had breakfast with himself yesterday and had a nice visit.. He is heading back tomorrow to start setting up his new place.. My sister and I will head down next Friday to help… She and my sweet brother taking him down tomorrow…. I haven’t mentioned sweet brother in quite a while as he has a new lady friend and he is so enjoying spending time with her…
Sheba… Safe travels again !! Enjoy your family reunion…
Otterkinz… I am not too interested in Wacky this weekend but if there were new prizes I guess I would suffer through WackyER game to try and win something ! Really don’t need any more cupcake seeds !
April… Hope you are home and having a nice week !
Talked to my brother last night.. Surgery went well and he is so happy to have that over with… Thankful he is able to walk without crutches !
Hope you all have a great day !
20 dee said,
July 14, 2023 @ 8:37 am
happy friday
not gonna bother with the floating corn
if i see it, i will click it of course……….
no w’s or flowers in next, but i did get my floaty heads
21 april1013 (wwid: zeker1013) said,
July 14, 2023 @ 11:42 am
Hello all!
Finally having a chance to catch my breath today. I love my SIL, but she is so disorganized. We showed up on Friday and worked non-stop until 5pm on Sunday when guests started arriving. That’s when I quick jumped in the shower and got my hair and make-up done. I was dreading the party, but it turned out great. Dh and I managed the food table and drink coolers so my bro and sil could spend time with their friends. I much preferred that to having to mingle with people. lol Around 10pm all that was left were my nieces friends. About 30 -18 year olds. I look over and some kids were climbing out of the tiny window above of the detached garage they just built onto the roof. My SIL marched over there and let those kids have it. She kicked there butts right out. All the other kids were so well behaved after that. lol Got to spend a lot of time with my nephew and nieces which was awesome. Loved being back in Mich. We got home Monday and were both exhausted. But was so happy to be home with my baby Stella. She did great with the dog sitter. Trying to get caught up today.
Yeah, it’s a bummer with all these old prizes, but I’m kind of thankful, as I don’t have to spend much time on them. Taking dee’s approach of if I see one I’ll click, but won’t be spending a lot of time on it.
The ghost is gone? Oh man, I didn’t see the ghost often, but it was nice to get a few diamonds here and there.
Was so happy with myself, I got to the farmers market on Tuesday and yesterday! Glad the sun thing shows up every 5 minutes or so, have been able to get several of the swimsuits and the wrist key things.
gaga—When I read your comment from this morning I miss read it as, ‘Sorry to hear that the ROBOTS are chewing on your dh’s car cables.’ hahahaha I had to do a double take. Glad to hear your brothers surgery went well and he can walk without crutches. And you got to have some time with himself before he heads back. That’s wonderful your sweet brother found someone special to spend time with.
Sheba—Hope you have a great time at the family reunion and have fun traveling.
dee—I wouldn’t even try collard greens until dh made them for me. Now I love them.
Hi moms, cmpets, miracle, otterkinz, Topazz, Amy, and anyone I missed.
22 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 14, 2023 @ 1:37 pm
hello all – april sounds like a good time & funny to watch the teens get in trouble 😆
agree that helping serve is better than having to mingle – i’m awkward LOL
gaga – glad for good news with himself getting set up, your brother’s successful surgery, & sweet brother having a new lady in his life ♥
dee – i would try your slimy, stinky greens just for you, but i can’t guarantee more than a tiny taste
qos – you probably won’t see this, but hope you have safe travels & fun!!!
agree with everyone on the corn – if i see it, i’ll click it, but i’m not setting out to participate
23 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 14, 2023 @ 1:39 pm
gaga – that goose is cute! i’m blaming you completely . . .
24 cmpets said,
July 14, 2023 @ 1:41 pm
Happy Friday!
So I got an email about a phone interview-finally. I sent back a message, but now have not heard anything, so I guess I will have to email her on Monday. My friend/old co-worker works for this company, which is how I found out about the position, and she referred me on her end, so really hoping it comes through and I can get this one.
I have a zoom interview today at 2pm, but not sure if it’s really a position or not. The job post seemed strange. So not going in with high hopes, It’s probably door to door sales lol
Agree with you all on the prizes, if I see a floaty fine, but not spending any time on it.
Finally got a Catching the Sun swimsuit on Next. I must have 12 whistles at this point at least. I did get the pool, so I am grateful for that and was shocked.
Hi to everyone. I am off to look at more job postings.
25 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 14, 2023 @ 2:37 pm
cmpets – a pool & an interview – woo hoo!!! you’re on a roll!
26 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 14, 2023 @ 3:50 pm
Nice to hear all the updates. Went through Gaga’s territory today. Now in Indiana. Reaching destination in less than two hours.
27 dee said,
July 14, 2023 @ 4:55 pm
can ya smell it?
red beans and rice
so far just the bean part
smoked turkey sausage, onions, peppers, celery, hot sauce, some chick broth
and kidney beans…………….mmmmmm
gonna let dh do rice. he thinks he knows rice………so we shall see if he gets the rice cooker out or does minute rice!
so much better the next day and freezes!
and can be veganized omitting meat and subbing for veg broth. I would add more peppers in that case, but that is me
28 dee said,
July 14, 2023 @ 4:57 pm
oh cmp
them interviews can be cray cray
dd would have a pre interview, then another pre interview, then an hr interview
then an interview (sometimes if she made it that far) with the person actually hiring!
some of the places gave her work to do to prove her worth! we told her that was a bunch of baloney, but she was panicking with no job…….
just a poopy system these days
29 dee said,
July 14, 2023 @ 6:15 pm
i keep forgetting to ask everyone
what do you wash our face with at nite?
30 gagagee said,
July 15, 2023 @ 7:06 am
Good Morning All !
April.. Sounds like you and your dh were kept very busy getting the party organized and set for the guests ! Nice for you to get back ” home ” to Michigan and spend time your your family… as they say… There’s no place like home ! Happy that things worked out with Stella’s dog sitter ! I am sure Stella is so happy to have you both back home…
moms… Have fun browsing the Christmas in July ! Nice for them to release a new Christmas pet for the occasion.
Himself is heading back today… I know he is anxious to move in and get settled … starting next chapter.
I was able to spend half the day with my nephew and his wife from Connecticut … They are on a whirlwind trip and will be flying back this afternoon…
Sheba… waves as you passed by ! Hope you arrived safely and have a great family reunion !
dee… Hope you dinner turned out just the way you hoped for !
I guess this is the last day for the sun to show up in NEXT… did not win a pool but that’s ok….
Nothing fancy here… soap and water… dermatologist recommends dial..so stick with that…
cmpets… Hopefully a job is right around the corner for you ! Keeping my fingers crossed that it works out for you.
Hey to all failed to mention !
Have a good day !
31 cmpets said,
July 15, 2023 @ 10:28 am
So I have an interview on Monday at 2:30 (my time) for the job I want. Please send good vibes. And thank you all for the support. 🙂
The one yesterday was as expected, not really a job, more of they train you to get other sales people coming in, or something like that. They were very nice, but I knew it was something weirs by the way the job listing was. Been doing this too long.
It is so HOT here, happy to be going home soon. Record heat even for here, of course. Hurricane, tornado, record heat, surprised we haven’t had a monsoon while we have been here.
Reading about how you all are seeing and spending time with family makes me extra excited to see dd, and my friends (which are my family).
I double cleanse, especially if I wear makeup. I use an oil first, then a mild cleanser. We try to use products without toxic ingredients, but dd was using CeraVe, and Gaga is right-dial soap is recommended.
Finished my Season in Next, going to log on to watch for the Sun.
32 dee said,
July 15, 2023 @ 4:22 pm
nothing new
dh is gonna try to make fried chicken………gonna be a mess
33 dee said,
July 15, 2023 @ 4:34 pm
when do you go home cmp?
how long will you be there?
are ya moving on? are the jobs remote? yes I am nosy!
34 cmpets said,
July 15, 2023 @ 7:08 pm
dee- We go back on the 26th. Yes, going back for long term. It’s home, and I miss everyone there. Still going to look at buying a home in a tax friendly state in the near future, to split our time, but for now, back to crazy California.
Still looking for a remote job, but for now, this will work, once I get it. And outside Nashville still at the top of the list for places we will look to buy, but that may be a few years off, and dependent on quite a few factors.Right now, just so happy to be going back, and excited to see dd when she gets there.
35 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 15, 2023 @ 9:41 pm
dee – how were the red beans & rice?
i’ll catch up in a little while – too much time in the heat today, i need shower!
36 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 15, 2023 @ 9:43 pm
wait – dial? just the soap or a facial cleanser????
a dermatologist told me to use head & shoulders when i had some flaky skin on the sides of my nose & it worked like a charm but was a little harsh/stinging