March Calendars


  1. 1 gagagee said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 8:05 am

    Just tried to post a comment… Internal Server Error..
    I minimalized my comment … Is there anyway to post it ?

  2. 2 gagagee said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 8:06 am

    Never mind…. It’s gone !
    Will try again later.

  3. 3 dee said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 8:17 am

    happy march

    tomorrow is 3 2 23

    i did get the pig in next……….named it perky………came with a lot of loot for some reason, but hey, i will take it

  4. 4 dee said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 9:00 am

    and i have no clue how i did it, but i won the lily pad trophy in next

  5. 5 Amy said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 9:50 am

    Ganz Email Code March 1
    Perky Penguin ?? Box Page
    Expires April, 30 2023

  6. 6 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 3:07 pm

    Good afternoon!

    Dee – I also adopted the pig in next! Named it Royal! LOL! (For Royalmajesty) I haven’t opened the box that came with it yet. Sounds exciting, though!

    And I also won the Lily Pad trophy in next! Got my highest score (which is nothing compared to most players). But most of the time my average is 2KC. Ha ha!

    Thanks for the code Amy! ♥

    Gaga – Sorry about your lost comment! That is so frustrating when that happens! Hope you are having a good day, despite that!

    As far as babysitting goes, we rarely got sitters. Too expensive for 5 kiddos!

    Oh….I also bought the Landrace Pig for classic. Haven’t adopted yet. It will be my first next pet on a classic account. Not sure how I feel about that! But I love the pig. and I’m really disappointed I didn’t get the plush. (Not that I need another plush). I still have four NEXT plush to adopt (grey cat, giraffe, elephant & panda). I’ve had them for over a year, I think. Not sure why I am adopt. I was hoping that dgd would want one, but it looks like she has moved on (the 14 year old one). I did adopt a landrace pig on her next account and named it “Scout”.

  7. 7 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 3:09 pm

    It will be a while for lil’ girl….and her parents limit her screen time majorly!
    Sigh! She gets about 15 minutes of Webkinz time when she is with me.

  8. 8 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 3:49 pm

    By the way, Dee, I think Perky is a cute name for a pig! ♥

  9. 9 dee said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 4:33 pm

    black and white dye
    31 may


  10. 10 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 4:46 pm

    Thanks for the code, Dee! ♥

  11. 11 dee said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 5:06 pm

    is everyone enjoying their zen spa retreat with the jabberjaw out and about?

    breathe in, breathe out

  12. 12 dee said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 5:18 pm

    pasta nite here

    have a ham to cook up……..prolly friday
    roast potatoes? candied carrots? green beans?

    who knows!

    and i need to make a batch of the apple oatmeal muffins… oh man
    they are good and healthy! and freeze!

    have any of you really northern people been seeing the northern lights?

  13. 13 dee said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 5:18 pm

    and sorry
    that dye code is random
    i misread it

  14. 14 gagagee said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 7:15 pm

    Good Evening !

    dee.. your ham dinner sounds really good ! Congrats on getting the Lily Pad trophy… One of my favorite games but usually doesn’t yield much kc !
    Perky is a cute pig name.. I also bought one today and named it Ziffel after Green Acres… but you are all probably to remember the pig Arnold Ziffel !
    Still have enough gems to spark a baby someday.
    Have never seen the northern lights… don’t think I am far enough north..

    Sheba.. congrats to you to for getting a trophy too ! One of my friend’s daughters who is now in high school has recently returned to playing Webkinz ! I guess she is really having fun with it and has invested in a Deluxe Membership… so there may still be hope that your granddaughter reconnect with playing ! Hope so…

    April.. my brother was lucky to find a vet who makes house calls… Kopi was able to be outside in the yard with my brother at her side… Her two favorite things in life.. besides green beans ! ( LOL )

    Miracle.. I hope things are going well for you this week.. We are all keeping you in our thoughts. ( hearts )

    I was a little more chatty in my comments this morning but day is done !
    Have a nice evening..

    moms.. I hope you and your ds are enjoying your trip.. Will be anxious to hear if you had Webkinz Withdrawal !

  15. 15 Topazz said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 8:04 pm

    So sad that deluxe wednesday is another sale and a crappy one at that.

    The snow is finally melting. We had over 2 feet and we rarely get snow. I was without power most of the weekend.

    Miracle, you should get Calmoseptine. I had a terrible reaction to my radiation treatments. I used that and it really helped. My doctor gave me an ointment and then I would put that on top. I had breast cancer so I would put a cloth diaper over it on my chest to keep it off my clothes. You have to get it from a pharmacy. I used Rite Aid then Costco. It is cheaper at Costco.

  16. 16 Topazz said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 8:04 pm

    So sad that deluxe wednesday is another sale and a crappy one at that.

    The snow is finally melting. We had over 2 feet and we rarely get snow. I was without power most of the weekend.

    Miracle, you should get Calmoseptine. I had a terrible reaction to my radiation treatments. I used that and it really helped. My doctor gave me an ointment and then I would put that on top. I had breast cancer so I would put a cloth diaper over it on my chest to keep it off my clothes. You have to get it from a pharmacy. I used Rite Aid then Costco. It is cheaper at Costco.

  17. 17 Topazz said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 9:16 pm

    I am disappointed that deluxe wednesday is a sale and a terrible one at that.

    We have had over 2 feet of snow and we rarely get snow. My power was out for most of the weekend. Today is the first day we haven’t lost power but then again, the day isn’t over yet.

    Miracle, you should use calmoseptine on your radiated skin. I used it when I had breast cancer. The radiation was so hard on my skin. It really helped. You have to get it from a pharmacy. I have found it at rite aid and costco.

  18. 18 Topazz said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 9:18 pm

    My post isn’t showing up. Is it in the trash or just gone forever?

  19. 19 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 9:47 pm

    Hi, Topazz!

    It’s in the trash! Dee will fish it out in the morning! I read your comment and I know why it didn’t post. You said the lady part word. Anyway, I can’t believe all the snow that you got! Sorry that you lost power over the weekend. Glad you had it today and hope that you continue to have it.

    So….I thought I was going to have a quiet morning tomorrow, but I need to rise early because I have lil’ girl for the whole day again. She can’t go to pre-school ’cause she is sick. I hope she is on the mend and not too miserable.
    Hopefully, I can help cheer her up. She loves her Grandma! 😉 That said, I’m going to bed soon. I need to be well-rested. If I’m not online much tomorrow you will know why!

  20. 20 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    March 1, 2023 @ 9:56 pm

    And Dee….I wish it wasn’t random! Maybe a random designed dye, but we all have enough of the plain ones, right???

  21. 21 jabberjaw said,

    March 2, 2023 @ 12:53 am

    Got your comment Topazz – like QOS said, the problem word is breast

    Spammers say nasty things!

  22. 22 gagagee said,

    March 2, 2023 @ 7:14 am

    Good Morning All !

    dee.. thanks for the heads up for the ghost ! missed it but try later !
    Was able to unlock the treasure chest today…..and there were three locks…I really don’t know how that happened !
    Wondering if you know how to use the skills cards from the Academy ?
    Attempted to use the Sewing Card in the Sewing Machine but would not load it into the machine. You sure have been busy with having to retrieve our comments out of the trash bin… but thanks .

    Who the heck is jabberjaw… or is that a ghost writer ? ( LOL ) who is travelling !
    April.. I think I remember you using the sewing skill card.
    Any suggestions for me ?

    New Week of NEXT Season… unfortunately I did not buy three potato plants !

    Sheba.. enjoy the day with your granddaughter.. Hope she is feeling better.

    Topazz… Can’t even imagine two feet of snow and no power at the same time
    Thankfully Spring is right around the corner.

    Hope you all are well and have a good day !

  23. 23 dee said,

    March 2, 2023 @ 7:24 am

    i was just so freaked that i saw the ghost!!!

    i can not remember everyones next name, so i just started clicking on green lights
    i had two locks and got kc……….

    jabberjaw is a big mouth nemesis gaga…….do not worry. I will keep her in line or ban her if need be…………:)

    off to kroger today………..more rain coming……..inch tonite and inch tomorrow. squish squish squish

    i only bought two potatoes as i needed strawberries………have some time. still need to catch a rare that is cheap. I need tables or a lamp

    i had bought a sewing card and it gave me an extra recipe is all. a real cute dress

  24. 24 dee said,

    March 2, 2023 @ 9:36 am

    3 2 23

  25. 25 Topazz said,

    March 2, 2023 @ 3:35 pm

    Sorry about using a naughty word. Overall, I wasn’t sure if I was oversharing in the first place.

  26. 26 dee said,

    March 2, 2023 @ 5:11 pm

    yeah topazz
    we do tend to overshare here
    me mostly food…………but it is what i do
    webkinz, read books, and cook
    but i think it is wonderful to see what other folks are doing!

    we get in our bubbles and sometimes tend to forget there is a whole world out there!

  27. 27 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    March 2, 2023 @ 9:33 pm

    I am glad you shared what you did, Topazz.
    It sounds like you have helpful advice!

    And I don’t think I have met Jabberjaw.

    Dee…great post #22.

  28. 28 dee said,

    March 3, 2023 @ 6:17 am


  29. 29 gagagee said,

    March 3, 2023 @ 7:11 am

    Good Morning All !

    Sheba HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ! Hope you have a great day and do something special that has been on your wish list of things to do !

    dee… There is nothing wrong with bubbles… there is a sense of comfort and security there… We all love your recipes and what’s cooking in ” dee’s kitchen”
    I guess I have a tendency to over share but consider many of you my virtual family… there is always comfort and support here for me.
    No ghost today so far…
    When on a road trip yesterday … ventured out of my comfort zone but had a good day ! I ended up stopping at car dealer on the way home as I could not get my GPS to ” talk” ! I didn’t know where the heck I was going and had to stop several times for directions…. don’t read maps especially while driving.
    By the end of my trip I was so happy to get home .

    Topazz… Sounds like you gave some helpful advice ! Sorry you were dealing with worrisome diagnosis but hope all is well now..
    Hopefully the snow you had earlier in the week has melted.

    Himself is coming home this weekend.. Has one more midterm today..
    He will be heading out for his first international trip ( England and Scotland ) in a week .. I am so excited for him… He has worked hard and deserves the experience . It is school related but will have some free time to explore the countries.

    moms… Hope you are enjoying your trip !

    Miracle .. I am sure you are relieved to have this week behind.. Hope radiation went well.. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

    April.. I hope you and Stella are doing well ! I think I heard that there is seventeen more days till Spring officially arrives ! It has been so nice to have a little extra daylight in the evening….

    Have a good day
    Happy Friday !

  30. 30 dee said,

    March 3, 2023 @ 8:04 am

    somebody tell jim cantore to get out of nashville

  31. 31 gagagee said,

    March 3, 2023 @ 10:07 am

    dee.. what kind of weather is he predicting ?
    I know here they are calling for very windy conditions 40 mph and buckets of rain.. Has not started yet… heading out to do a few errands before it hits.

  32. 32 cmpets said,

    March 3, 2023 @ 4:06 pm

    Hello all. Made it to dd’s college town. Will only get to see her briefly tomorrow as she is wrapped up with the fundraiswr all weekend, but we are looking forward to seeing the event in person.

    Watched the rocket launch on the beach the other night and it was awesome. Had a great day at the Space Center yesterday, especially after just watching one launch.

    I did get the landrace pig on my accounts in next. Nice to have a new pet, and was very happy I had enough diamonds.

    Will have to go back and catch up on here. Hope everyone is good and having a nice Friday.

  33. 33 cmpets said,

    March 3, 2023 @ 4:07 pm

    And Happy Birthday QOS!!!

  34. 34 april1013 (wwid: zeker1013) said,

    March 3, 2023 @ 4:32 pm

    Hello all,

    Starting to feel like I’m getting caught up a bit with work/life which is good.

    gaga—That’s so wonderful your bro was able to find a vet that would make a house call. And so good that Kopi was surrounded my all his favorite things. I’ve been thinking and praying for your bro and his family. <3 Too cute about the green beans! Stella likes them too. Some treasure chests have three locks?! That's awesome you got it open! So glad you made it home after your gps stopped working…hope it got fixed. What an exciting for himself! Been enjoying the spring like weather here too. I will do my best to explain what I know (which probably isn't much! lol) about the skills cards:

    Purchase a card. Then you click on the stone statue right next to where you purchase the cards. It will let you decided what pet you want to apply the card to. You can select different pets. You can only apply a card to one pet and you cannot undo it. You drag the card to one of the three available spots and it will tell you on the left what that cards benefits are. I think one 5 point sewing card will give you the ability to make the Aurora dress. But only the pet that you applied the card to can make that Aurora Dress. So you have to take that specific pet to the sewing machine to make it. To reach the next 'level' for the same pet. You drag another 5 point sewing card over the original spot you put the first sewing card in. It took two more 5 point sewing cards to reach the next level and you can make some cute pink jeans. It looks like you will need three more 5 point cards to reach the next level, but that only gets you a 10% chance of getting materials back when crafting clothing, so I haven't done that yet. Not sure how many levels you can go or if there are more special clothing recipes. Hope that made some sort of sense!

    sheba—Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you are having a wonderful day! Thanks, I was so excited to get that chest open. I've decided even though I need the kc, I am officially disappointed with that instead of a prize LOL. Congrats on the lily pad trophy! I love how cute the next pets look in classic. But I haven't adopted the pig yet either on classic. Oh yes, I remember the limited screen time. My SIL did that too with my nephew when he got me into it. It made me a little sad, but I would send him stuff and kc and he would send me thank you notes. Hope lil girl is feeling better.

    dee—Congrats on the lily pad trophy as well. Got piggies for classic and next. Named the next one Piglet. Not very original, but it's my favorite piggy name. I don't think I've opened the box either. Will have to do that tonight and check out the loot.

    Miracle—Thinking of you and praying for you this week. <3 Hope all is going as well as it can.

    Topazz—I think it's great you are sharing your experience. You never know what could help someone else. I hope everything is good for you now. These deluxe Wednesdays are a bit disappointing for sure. That's a lot of snow….and then no power. Oh that's awful. Hopefully the snow melts fast for you and your power is back on.

    Amy—Thanks for the codes!

    moms—Your name on post 19 LOL Hope you are having the best time!

  35. 35 dee said,

    March 3, 2023 @ 5:22 pm

    peeking in
    dh hooked up a generator to give us power
    hecka storm blowing down everything
    electric co says will be multi day event

    so popping in while i can

    too windy to grill…….so pbj nite

  36. 36 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    March 3, 2023 @ 11:38 pm

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes and sorry that I didn’t make it here earlier! Today was so busy with birthday greetings, phone calls, etc.! I haven’t even logged into Webkinz Classic yet (although I did the NEXT first thing this morning before my day got crazy). We went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse for my birthday dinner. The food was wonderful! More phone calls came in after dinner and now I’m heading to bed. ♥ (Trying the heart symbol without my cheat sheet, so if it doesn’t work you will know I haven’t mastered it yet!)
    Goodnight all!

    PS – Lil’ girl is feeling better! I can’t remember if I told you, but she took a 2 1/2 hour nap here yesterday. (Very unusual as she is usually too excited to be at Grandma’s to sleep). She also slept through the night, I heard, so I am very glad that she is on the mend. They chose to keep her home today to give her an extra day of rest.

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