End of February
It is time to complete Valentines Collection, February Challenges, & entering expiring codes – Wednesday is March 1!
Valentines2023 Neo Gothic Roses exp 2/28/23
Expires February 28, 2023
w24c 4Vu6 u539 s24u 2022 Webkinz Votes Banner from podkinz
w24u d9ut sp4g 7tue Sugar Cookie Apron
w24w 92rs p846 d2G6 dex dangerous model space fighter from podkinz
w24h-mud7-dafx-tQws 1/1 email code estore Baby Raccoon Page
w244 rerz q4z4 zdku 1/27 email code from estore winter raccoon mosaic tile page
w24Q-dhsz-4vst-ddgw 2/1 email code estore Love Bear Page
1 gagagee said,
February 26, 2023 @ 7:36 am
Good Morning All !
Farmers Day !
moms… so happy you were finally able to get the lunch box… so much time and effort to get it though.. Received a call from himself last night… talked for over an hour… very upset about a friend’s sister who was notified that her younger sister had committed suicide… he happened to be at their apartment when she received the call.. so tragic….needless to say that really shook him up and has affected the whole group of kids. I was happy I was able to at least listen and be supportive .. He mentioned getting that kind of call when his dad unexpectedly died and how devastating it is.
dee.. what’s on the menu for your guys today ? I fixed a pot roast and mashed potatoes yesterday… was really good as I almost never fuss with mashed potatoes…leftovers today.
Sheba… I really have had no luck with treasure chest ! Seems like I always get two locks and beams just go catawampus ! I will eventually ” get it”… but so far not so much… No ghost this morning either but was able to complete requirements for Next Season… until next week.
Hey to all… hope to check in later…
2 gagagee said,
February 26, 2023 @ 7:38 am
Good Morning !
Just posted my comment but for some reason must have gone to trash
dee or moms are you able to retrieve it ?
3 dee (bbqeeun, terryyaki) said,
February 26, 2023 @ 9:06 am
4 gagagee said,
February 26, 2023 @ 10:16 am
Thanks dee !
5 cmpets said,
February 26, 2023 @ 10:38 am
Happy Sunday
Just went back and quickly read up on here.
miracle-Sending hugs and praying all goes smoothly for you. Thanks for keep us updated.
gaga-Super proud of you as well for getting everything in order. I sure hope my parents have everything written out clearly. They have a family friend listed as the executor which is smart because it will be interesting with my siblings.
I went to the treasure chest the other day and it automatically opened the lock and awarded me the prize. It happened so fast, made me laugh for all of the times I struggle. I usually get cash which annoys me.
Also hardly ever see the ghost, but if any of you are on when I am and see it, please invite me. 🙂 Thank you for adding me, I tried to add everyone on here to my main account on there.
Went to Miami on the train yesterday. Saw some of our old neighbors who moved there a couple of years ago. It was great to catch up briefly and see their kids.
moms-I think you posted your bug spray recipe on here. Picking up our essential oils from dd next week, so I will make some. Why do they bite me so much? I must have 20 on my legs and arms, and I wear bug spray everyday.
Starting to organize stuff to pack up today. Will make some time for WW as well, have barely had time to log on each day. Skipping the Wacky stuff. It takes too long for a random prize.
6 dee said,
February 26, 2023 @ 5:51 pm
we had chicken tortilla soup from the crockpot. with them in and out, it was impossible to plan a dinner time, so i just made sure there was things for them to nuke
and cmp. it is a def not meatable soup! just as is, i would add another can of black beans………..but i like black beans and they are good for you!
so maybe do double black beans and a can of pinto?
i also threw in a cup of chopped carrots just to healthify it more….and we like carrots
7 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
February 26, 2023 @ 10:03 pm
Hello! Most of you are probably in bed.
I haven’t had much time to play WackyER Zingoz, but I did get two laptops. I may play another one and hope that I get the piggy bank! Not sure!
Went car shopping today for a “new” used car….no decisions made. It really wasn’t on my agenda, but my dh thinks it is time. My mini-van (which is awesome, btw) does not have AC and has a few other minor problems.
cmpets – after hearing about your bug bites is a good reminder of why I shouldn’t move to FL. I have enough trouble where I live in the summer. I don’t need to have that problem year round.
Gaga – Sorry to hear about the tragedy. So sad! 🙁 It was good that you could provide a comforting, listening ear.
Dee – Tortilla soup is yummy! Did you end up doing the cheesy version?
I am cutting out stuff for my classes tomorrow and decided to take a break and check in here. It looks like a quiet day!
8 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
February 27, 2023 @ 12:01 am
Another laptop and another few tries of not getting a high enough score. Oh well….maybe next year.
9 gagagee said,
February 27, 2023 @ 6:32 am
Good Morning All !
Sheba.. sorry you did not get the wacky lunch box… very difficult to get … figures as it is a new item… I hope you have a good day at class today.
Car shopping is no fun ! I don’t know if dealerships have gotten more cars in but few months ago… they had nothing new or not so new ! I still have not received a second key fob ! So annoying !
dee.. Hope you are enjoying your house guest… but I am sure adds some extra work and meals. Were you awake for the Space Launch this morning ? Sending up another crew and I am hearing the last crew will be down this week I think…
cmpets… Sorry about all the bug bites ! Hopefully once you get situated on your next stop things will be better ! Nice that you were able to see some friends before leaving the state ! Heading to GA ?
New challenge starts today… Tile Tower trophy .. not sure if it is new but checked my dock and didn’t see one… may have placed it in a random room.
Hope you all are well and have a good day !
Looking forward to March 1st !
moms… you ok ?
10 cmpets said,
February 27, 2023 @ 10:41 am
Good Morning
So I saw they moved the Space X launch, which we will now be there for. Please send good vibes as this is on my bucket list and I was so mad at myself for not scheduling it properly while we have been in Florida.
I still have not seen the ghost on Next on any of my accounts. Not sure why some have no issue and some of us never see it. I’ve tried every tip I’ve seen. No luck.
More bug bites. At this point I am starting to think bug spray I am using attracts them.
I need to go on and put codes in before I forget.
dee-Once I am writing down tortilla soup to my recipe index. Can’t wait to have my own cooking stuff back, whenever that ends up being.
11 dee said,
February 27, 2023 @ 12:40 pm
debating on whether to bother putting in codes
did the apron when it came out…..
12 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 27, 2023 @ 2:48 pm
i missed doing everything yesterday, but i have everyone home – yay!!! 😀
13 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 27, 2023 @ 3:42 pm
older ds & i are traveling wednesday thru saturday – i have posts scheduled for the beginning of the month & dee & gaga know how to reach me urgently if needed
i’ve decided not to take my laptop so this will be my longest stretch without full ww in a LONG time – i have the apps, but that’s limiting with classic events
14 gagagee said,
February 27, 2023 @ 9:16 pm
moms.. so happy for you that your whole gang is together !
Have a great time with your older dh… safe travels.
15 dee said,
February 28, 2023 @ 6:17 am
i am off for a roadtrip this morning
should be back earlyish afternoon
gaga – you are in charge. there are snacks in the fridge and emergency numbers are by the phone………do NOT let anyone in the house please
16 gagagee said,
February 28, 2023 @ 6:54 am
dee.. You always make me laugh so much !! Very much enjoy your humor.
Have a great road trip ! Hope you all are going some place fun !
Safe travels to you dee. I will do my best to hold down the fort… I am very good at Stranger Danger. not sure about how your kitties will take to me though.
Can’t wait to see what kind of snacks you have !
17 gagagee said,
February 28, 2023 @ 8:13 am
Just received a call from my brother in GA… Vet is coming today to send his dog to the Rainbow Bridge.. feel very badly but it has been time for a while. She is ready. I just wish I could be there to support him as his wife is out of town.
On a lighter note…. Won the Treasure Chest this morning…Yay… only one lock and it was almost won by itself ! Received the goblet … and saw the ghost.
Farmers Day.
Finally got the last gem in WW classic … Hope I can get the Mining Job once more before tomorrow so I can finish that up.
cmpets… Hope your new accommodations are a bet fit for you ! Safe travels to you too !
April… Hope you and Stella are doing well. Spring weather here predicted for tomorrow… Good weather for Stella to be out chasing the deer ! Hope your weather is the same… I know you have through the dreaded experience of putting your dog Diesel to sleep and how emotional it is. Kopi is 15 years old and is a vital part of my brother’s family… he will be in for some rough days and weeks ahead.. moms recently went through it too… not easy.
Sheba… Hope your school day went well yesterday !
Miracle… thought and prayer with you as you start your radiation ( hugs)
Keep us posted and let us all know how you are doing.
Have a good day everyone !.
18 Amy said,
February 28, 2023 @ 10:12 am
Podkinz Mini Code
Lucky Coin Gift Box
Expires May 31, 2023
19 Amy said,
February 28, 2023 @ 10:44 am
Rare Aztec Item Today at 3pm KT
Precious Stone Side Table
20 dee said,
February 28, 2023 @ 2:44 pm
i am home
off to do some nexting
21 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 3:45 pm
ACK – precious stone side table DELUXE RARE! just a few minutes left to stock up
thanks AMY!!!
22 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 3:52 pm
dee – beautiful day here – hope you had a beautiful drive! is bil still there???
23 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 3:58 pm
Good afternoon!
#15 is so funny!
Gaga – glad you had success in NEXT today! Hope you complete the gem mining. Sorry to hear about your brother’s dog. So hard to lose a beloved pet.
My classes went well yesterday, although not everything was accomplished. Very unusual for that to happen but we will pick up next week where we left off.
Moms – Have a great trip! Sounds like fun! It’s okay to take a WW break!
Amy – Thanks for the code! And heads up for the rare aztec item. Gaga sent me two of those last week, but I think I will pick up a third since I have the chance.
Last day for sweater collection in NEXT! Hope everyone is getting one of each. I am missing one of the new ones.
24 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 4:07 pm
qos – gaga didn’t invite me to the house party while dee was away, did you go?
25 dee said,
February 28, 2023 @ 4:41 pm
it is funny as dd never had a babysitter other than dhs mom when we went boating ONCE
26 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 4:46 pm
my mom babysat for us – they only had a babysitter that was not my mom maybe 3 times . . . but once???
27 dee said,
February 28, 2023 @ 5:18 pm
we never went anywhere………..dh was gone alot overseas……….where the heck do i need to go on my own?
we socialized with parents……..
i mean, she did go to girl scout camp and school trips without us…….so not totally helicopter………..but yeah………….
and the girl scout camp had bears!!!!
28 april1013 (wwid: zeker1013) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 5:21 pm
You ladies are too funny! Thanks for the smiles today. 🙂
gaga—I am so sorry for your brother. I wish you could be there physically too, but I know you are there emotionally for him and his family. Kopi is such a cool name. I pray for peace for them and for the sweet memories of Kopi to give them comfort. It so difficult.
We are having spring like weather here too! Stella has been outside lying in wait for the squirrels to come down the trees all afternoon. lol No deer today though. They must have found some food somewhere.
Amy—Thank you for the codes and I was able to grab a side time just in time!
Miracle—You will be in my thoughts and prayers. <3 I hope you are able to get the closet put back together.
moms—I hope you have an awesome time with your ds on your trip!
sheba—Me too. Still missing one sweater. I was missing one last year too. Seems to be the way it goes with that random selection.
Hello to all I missed! Off to the farmers market and treasure chest. Sunday's chest was hard. One cannon, two locks, it was down to the wire and somehow I managed to open it with that prism thing in the right spot. I was so excited. Then I got 100kc….blah.
29 dee said,
February 28, 2023 @ 5:54 pm
is anyone going to get that pig tomorrow? i am not sure if it is special deal, or just a pig
30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 7:59 pm
gaga – i’m sorry for your brother – that’s so hard – i still grieve Millie . . .
31 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 8:07 pm
Nope! Not invited! Lol! And remember….Dee specifically told Gaga not to let anyone in! So I wasn’t about to use force!
I am dying to know what snacks Dee has in her fridge!
32 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 8:13 pm
April – congrats on opening the chest on Sunday! I love when I am able to use a prism successfully! I sure wish that I could have more time for some of the puzzles. I am not sure whether to be disappointed with KC or not. I sure could use KC. But there is something exciting about getting an actual prize.
33 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 8:14 pm
Dee – I forgot all about the pig on March 1st. I hope that I have enough diamonds. If so….I should probably be thinking if a name.
34 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
February 28, 2023 @ 8:21 pm
thanks again for the code amy!
Community Codes Page
last updated: 2/28/23
qos – i prefer prizes from the treasure chest, too