Weekend To-Dos

What? Player Appreciation Day
When? Saturday, February 18, 2023
Where? Webkinz Classic & Next
Gift? Slouching Snowman

Your Classic gift will be added to your account when you log in, and you can find your Next gift in the Message Center in the top right corner of your screen. This month’s item CAN be traded, sent, and sold!

What? Deluxe Day
When? Sunday, February 19, 2023
Where? Webkinz Classic
Prize? Ice Fishing Hut

Visit the Today’s Activities schedule on the Webkinz Classic desktop app on your Deluxe account to get your special prize.

Also, visit Classic Kinzville Park on February 18 and 19 to collect a FREE Sour Gummy Cherry from the Sour Gummy Cherry Tree!


  1. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    February 18, 2023 @ 12:17 am

    i’m going to have to either redo my fishing yard or make a new one specifically for ice fishing . . .

  2. 2 gagagee said,

    February 18, 2023 @ 7:16 am

    Good Morning All !

    The slouching snowman is pretty cute…and the new dye is beautiful .
    Haven’t had much luck getting the new dye in WW…thought they fixed that glitch.

    Getting a lot of things accomplished for things down the road.

    Very cold here and expected just a bit of snow for tomorrow. Really got spoiled with the warmer temperatures.

    Nothing newsy around here.. Looking forward to new Mystery bags being released for Deluxe Wednesday.

    Hope you all are well and have a nice day !

  3. 3 dee said,

    February 18, 2023 @ 7:26 am

    now i want something with cherries!

    ice fishing!!! with the snowmobile and the ski hut…..cool moms

    am i correct in assuming you have never been ice fishing?

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  4. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    February 18, 2023 @ 2:30 pm

    you really cracked yourself up with that one, huh? :mrgreen:

    the only thing i know about ice fishing i saw on grumpy old men

    that movie is a treasure

    make us a cherry cobbler or cherry hand pies or cherry pie

  5. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    February 18, 2023 @ 2:39 pm

    treasure chest took me a minute today, but i finally got both locks unlocked

  6. 6 gagagee said,

    February 18, 2023 @ 5:07 pm

    The ice fishing house is available on Asian accounts… It is animated and very cute !

  7. 7 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    February 18, 2023 @ 7:09 pm

    Hello! I’m back!
    I had a wonderful vacation and now I’m a bit reluctant to be home! Ha ha!
    We had beautifully warm weather, although the temps dropped yesterday.

    A bit sad about the Aztec Theme Retiring on March 14th. I need to take inventory to see what I still need to complete the theme. I am pretty sure that I have most of it. I was looking at the prices and I realize that THAT is the reason more of the Aztec theme is not on many of my accounts.

  8. 8 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    February 18, 2023 @ 7:10 pm

    I just checked one of my extra accounts and it had nothing (re: Aztec). Still have a lot of checking out to do…..

  9. 9 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    February 18, 2023 @ 7:11 pm

    Anyway, today they had the Aztec toybox in the Curio Shop. I hope they have something from the Aztec theme everyday.

  10. 10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    February 18, 2023 @ 7:29 pm

    gaga – i have to get it on north american but i’m excited now

  11. 11 gagagee said,

    February 19, 2023 @ 8:57 am

    Good Morning All !

    Farmers Day !
    Two locks on the treasure chest… no luck !
    I won the new window on the WOW… put it in a room and was disappointed that it does not appear to have the full moon showing ! Looks like a plain old window.

    moms.. Do you like the new Fish Hut ? Love that it show the line with the bobber ! Would love it if the pet was able to catch a fish !

    Sheba.. Happy you had a great vacation and the weather was nice and warm !
    I guess it’s back to reality… Once you are able to figure out what items you need for Aztec theme.. let us know !

    dee… the Fishing Hut is a great item for you … but I guess you and dh do much ice fishing !

    April.. Hope all is well with you and Stella ! Hope you are having some nice sunny weather and Stella can run around the yard and scare the deer !

    Planning on getting together for lunch today… unfortunately my older sister not feeling very well… Had a tooth extracted yesterday and has an abscess.
    Feel terrible for her….

    Hope you all enjoy the day !
    If anyone is in need of a Fishing Hut let me know as I have an extra !

  12. 12 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    February 19, 2023 @ 3:18 pm


    qos – glad you’re back

    dee – where are you???

    gaga – i hope lunch today was wonderful! sorry for your older sister though

  13. 13 dee said,

    February 19, 2023 @ 3:58 pm

    lmk what aztec you are looking for
    it is not a theme i followed, but i do have some fire pits so far
    and i have an acct with a couple million in kc if you need me to buy something.
    just let me or moms know…….

  14. 14 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    February 19, 2023 @ 4:00 pm

    yep – sheba, just let us know, if we don’t have the item, we do have kc!

  15. 15 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    February 19, 2023 @ 4:12 pm

    gaga – i too like the deluxe day ice fishing hut – it’s cute!

  16. 16 dee said,

    February 19, 2023 @ 4:26 pm

    i have even started a room with it

  17. 17 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    February 19, 2023 @ 7:08 pm

    So far, it doesn’t look like I have the missing Aztec items on my extra accounts. I would like to have two “Precious Stone Side Tables” to add to my collection. Please alert me if you see it in the curio shop. Thanks!

    It also looks like my dd did not collect this theme! I’m not even going to try to collect it for her. But I’m a big history buff and I have a museum section in my WW house.

    To be honest, I really like the Classic Aztec Theme and would have decorated more with the items if it had not been so expensive and more available, such as in the W-shop. I guess it may have been at one time but i was most likely cash poor and not into decorating or collecting at the time. (I do have plenty of money, now).

    Gaga – sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she feels some relief soon!

  18. 18 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    February 19, 2023 @ 7:10 pm

    Oh…if the precious stone side tables are in the curio shop on Mondays, would someone please pick them up for me? Thanks!

  19. 19 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    February 19, 2023 @ 7:16 pm

    Gaga – I haven’t gotten one window yet. One of the Ganz employees said that those windows were created to go with the Wizard Wallpaper.

  20. 20 gagagee said,

    February 20, 2023 @ 7:12 am

    Good Morning All !

    February sure is going quickly ! One day closer to Spring.. Happy to see the now gone from WW.. always a goo sign.

    Sheba.. I hope you have a good day at school ! Sometimes hard to get back into the routine after a little time off. I received another window this morning however would really wish they had the full moon showing as they do in their picture.

    moms.. My brother returned to GA last evening and we all enjoyed our time together. It seems as he and his wife have made that very difficult decision to have their 15 year old chocolate lab put to sleep this week.. It has been a long time in coming but I think they both realize that it is time… He has said it before and wasn’t able to do… so we will see how the week goes.
    You know how so very hard that is… ( hearts )

    dee… looked for you in the mines this morning ! Ghost seems kind of elusive these days. Hate to waste too much time chasing it !

    Having lunch today with a group of friends.. ( OG )
    Looking forward a good lunch and a nice visit with them.
    Hope you all are well and have a good day.

  21. 21 dee said,

    February 20, 2023 @ 8:21 am

    happy presidents day!

    gonna do my kroger run that i did not do last week…..
    too cold then!
    i need some fruit!

  22. 22 dee said,

    February 20, 2023 @ 3:12 pm

    next codes




  23. 23 april1013 (wwid: zeker1013) said,

    February 20, 2023 @ 4:56 pm

    Hello, happy presidents day!

    gaga—project is mostly done…YAY! Hopefully just some minor edits this week. Stella was able to scare some deer just a little while ago. 🙂 We had those warm temps and then last Thursday we got about 6-8 more inches of snow. It’s almost 40 here so it’s melting. I do miss football. I saw some clips from the XFL games from this past weekend on social media and I might I have to check those games out. I think they air on ESPN on Sunday. Will have to double check. I didn’t watch the NBA All Star game, but caught the highlights and what a fun time! I loved watching everyone’s reactions to Mac McClung’s dunks. He is amazing! Sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she is feeling better. And I will keep your brother in my thoughts and prayers. It’s so heartbreaking and difficult to make that decision.

    sheba—hope you are able to ease back into the swing of things. It’s always a little sad to come home to regular life after a great vacay. Although I’m usually pretty happy to get to sleep in my own bed again.

    moms—That fishing hut is so cute!!

    dee—Hope you had good luck at kroger today. thanks for the codes!

    Trying to keep up on both classic and next…catching dye on serveral accts and the yarn/sweater thing on next. I only had one lock yesterday on the treasure chest! Got a golden pirate goblet!

  24. 24 dee said,

    February 20, 2023 @ 5:03 pm

    does anyone know if there is a list out there of the pirate stuff on next?

    i got a one lock and a treasure chest today
    and it is not storage………however, the pile of barrels are…….
    and it was weird as i only had to turn the cannon!

  25. 25 dee said,

    February 20, 2023 @ 5:36 pm

    eyeing something like this


    anyone ever made something like this? other than moms taco soup?

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