End of 2022
As 2022 comes to an end, finish up those Candy Cane collections & monthly challenges, and enter these codes expiring at the end of this month:
Next – Sugar Cookie Apron: SUGARCOOKIES exp 12/31/22
Expires Dec. 31, 2022
w24b-6xb2-4knx-jL58 Dr. Quack Commemorative Coin from podkinz
w24a hbks eQ8x fftw Halloween Creepy House from Halloween printable
w24g fk8L ngut dqL4 11/1 email mystery code from Purple Witch Hazel Plant estore page
1 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 29, 2022 @ 5:26 pm
i added the winter buddy codes to the
Community Codes Page
2 dee said,
December 29, 2022 @ 5:27 pm
back in non vegan days, we had all kinds of stuff
pinwheels with ham and cream cheese, pinwheels with roast beef and horseradish, cheese puffs………..spanokopita
but at least my healthy versions are still mighty fine!
3 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 29, 2022 @ 7:39 pm
are you going vegan too???
4 gagagee said,
December 30, 2022 @ 5:43 am
Good Morning !
moms.. thank you for posting all of the buddy codes ! Was able to get the mug and the mitten on at least one account…I am sure you and your guys will be tuning in all of the bowl games this weekend ! I am hearing that himself has been out and about in his ” new ” car and was able to celebrate Christmas with his buddies yesterday ! Plan on getting our old Sunday group together this weekend at my sweet brother’s place.. He has access to a grill in his complex and we are all up for a steak ! I guess we will tune in the Brown’s game as well.
April… We are experiencing a heat wave here too ! Feels like Spring. So happy Stella can enjoy running around the slush ! Predicted to be in the 60’s early next week ! I was trying to plan a day in Amish with my sister but she is still recovering from her visitors and Christmas.. Here kitty finally came out of hiding since the dogs went home ! Hope you and your dh enjoy the weekend of bowl games and snacks !
dee.. appetizers are great ! Have you ever tried salami roll ups ? They are made with slice of salami.. spread with cream cheese and a thin slice of dill pickle… Yum.. I guess anything with cream cheese is good… a bit hard to find again in the grocery store..
Miracle.. Hope you are doing well and recovering without any complications.
cmpets… Hope your dh has fully recovered and able to enjoy the rest of the holiday season ! Will you be headed back East ?
Sheba… I bet you are ready for a little R & R ! Hope you had a great visit with your family !
ll.. I am disappointed that a couple of the Winterfest prizes are on the wheel !
Have gotten so many parkas already !
Topazz.. I don’t think that Deluxe Wednesdays are very enticing.. Wish they would have better and more varied discounts !
Hey to all I missed… Have a good day !
5 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
December 30, 2022 @ 8:06 am
Hello again!
I just thought I’d stop by to say ‘hi’ one more time this year and say Happy (early) New Year’s since I know I will have way too much going on tomorrow to remember everything.
I am not on Tik Tok….. but this morning I saw the codes for the Winter Pet Buddies got posted yesterday and did some digging, and sure enough there was one on Tik Tok, too. So, here is that:
W24L – SBR5 – NX4A – 6HLW
There was no expiration date mentioned, but I have to assume it expires whenever all of the other Winter Pet Buddy codes expire.
Wishing everyone here a wonderful end to their 2022 and a happy, healthy, and bright 2023 ahead. ?
6 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
December 30, 2022 @ 8:07 am
7 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
December 30, 2022 @ 8:08 am
( Thanks QOS ♥ )
8 dee said,
December 30, 2022 @ 11:29 am
hey all
gearing up to make meatballs…………messy and time consuming….but oh so stinking good
9 Alexandrite_Ledger said,
December 30, 2022 @ 7:46 pm
I’m so sorry I haven’t been on much! All your guys’ food sounds so delicious, though! I’m having a sandwich with Brianna’s poppyseed dressing right now, yum! (Eating what I can before I go back into the orthodontist & get headaches & toothaches) Hope you all have a pleasant 2023! Year of the rabbit sounds fun, haha. Thank you for the code reminders, too. I’m always a last-minute girl, ahh.
I really want to get that New Year’s black dress too, sometime.
10 Alexandrite_Ledger said,
December 30, 2022 @ 8:18 pm
Moms– yikes, hopefully he’ll be okay. I was m i s e r a b l e when I had mine taken out earlier this year.. =P
gaga– yeah, it definitely was & thanks, I hope it stays on so I can play Polarberry Jam
April– Awww, she sounds adorable! <3 And thanks, I'm waiting til I can get my braces off and finally have nice teeth, lol. My next appointment is on the 4th.. not looking forward to it.
December 30, 2022 @ 10:07 pm
Hi!! Wanted to drop in and say hope you all had a wonderful xmas..and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Thanks for posting all the buddy codes!!
And other, thanks for that tactic code!! It have me the rare cup of cocoa buddy!!! And that was very last code I entered…lol
Update on me. I’m doing pretty good. That pesky brain tumor hasn’t grown any in last 6 months so that’s fantastic!
My eyes are doing pretty well. Just fighting that nerve issue in my back..they are going to set up an epidural next. If that fails..well lets hope it doesnt !!! Lol
The guys JOINED A GYM!!!! Yeah, you read that right!! Lmbo
And they whine for the rest of the day after, ugh!
I’d like to see them do the stuff I do even with all my pain issues…they would probably cry..lol but I’m being nice..not laughing at them or being sarcastic..I just listen and say well, itll get easier..and leave it at that..but it is funny.
We actually celebrated xmas! First time in years. I went all Martha Stewart..cooked up a storm made butternut pies with pecan crusts and my death by chocolate pie and lots of banana breadeith triple chocolates and figs in it.
Drove all over on xmas eve delivering them..my dad was super happy for his favorite chocolate cream pie. And my banana bread..
One of my God children said he wanted to learn to make the banana bread. Well, I’m almost 60, guess it’s time to pass the recipe on I’ve been guarding for years..since he asked hell be the one to learn the secret. Cant take it with me when I leave this world. Well, I guess I could, but I’d rather know I’ll live on in a way…
It’s been a crazy end to the year..and I’ve got all my godchildren back in my life and loving every minute of it!
Gave me a new purpose in life.. I forgot how nice it is to make a gift for a young person who really appreciates it!
I made 5 no sew fleece blankets..in less then a week!!
My fingers are raw…lol but the appreciating from each one of them…priceless! Plus I went nuts shopping for things that suited each one..not knowing them as young adults I was on pubs and needles as to what to buy..but the grins on their faces made my day. I forgot the fun of xmas..after my stepsons being so awful to us..I never thought I’d enjoy holidays again..
Anywho, that’s my update..
Luv u all HUGS! Have a happy and safe new years!!!
12 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 30, 2022 @ 10:46 pm
so good to see everyone commenting!
we cleaned up Christmas decorations today – exhausting!!!! we have a couple of rugs & lamps & decor stuff to put back in place tomorrow, but i think we got all of the furniture scooched back in the right spots
friends are coming over tomorrow night, so i need to go to the store in the morning & figure out what to serve – i want easy so i can just sit it out & watch football 🙂
i’m thinking dee could be here in time tomorrow to cater it . . . i will have a guest suite ready & a full bar
13 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 30, 2022 @ 10:51 pm
otterkinz! thanks for the tik tok code 🙂 i’m on there but forget to look regularly
14 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 30, 2022 @ 10:52 pm
dee – i could buy frozen meatballs & throw them in the crockpot . . .
see what happens when you don’t cook for me?????????
15 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 30, 2022 @ 10:54 pm
chant – love that you had some magic back in Christmas ♥ glad that stupid tumor didn’t grow
sounds like the guys are doing really well!
gaga – we had 60s here for a couple of days – weird with so many people here having frozen pipes & such last week
16 gagagee said,
December 31, 2022 @ 7:10 am
Good Morning !
Otterkinz.. nice to see you ! Thank you for the tik tok code ! Hopefully the upcoming year will bring some happiness and less everyday struggles for you ! ( hearts )
Chants.. So happy that things have not progressed as far as the tumor.. Nice that your guys are doing well ! I think an epidural is certainly worth a try !
Hopefully will bring you some much needed relief. So happy you have reconnected with your family and Christmas once again became a magical time of year !
moms.. Can’t believe you are all put away from Christmas.. Today is R&R day for you ! Hopefully to watch some good football games ! ( not to mention some great snacks. We had some recording breaking temperatures here yesterday ! Truly felt like Spring… today lots of rain but will be in the 60’s again.
dee.. as always you have some delicious sounding recipes.. Meatballs sound really good !
April.. Hope for your sake Michigan wins but as you know they have always been our nemesis ! ( LOL ) Not sure OSU can pull off a victory but will be cheering just the same ! I affectionately named my sloth Sleepy Joe.. and I too love the swing.. one of the best PSI they have come up with in a long time. Hope Stella continues to enjoy some romping in the yard before winter returns.
Boper… How about designing a new pet ? I see on WKN that there is a contest ! Being as creative as you are… Try it !
Looking forward to tomorrow with all new things in WW including some new challenges !
To do list is made for today .. just hoping the grocery store is not too crazy !
I finally was able to compete Arte’s Adventure ! Used so many tokens but I guess perseverance paid off …Not even attempting Cake it Up..
Hope you all have a nice day and Happy New Years Eve !
17 dee said,
December 31, 2022 @ 4:44 pm
hi everyone
happy news years eve
had to run to town for limes:)
i wish all a very wonderful new year………..no way will i be up at midnite
18 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 31, 2022 @ 5:01 pm
limes – mules? tequila shots?????
my menu for tonight:
spinach dip, goat cheese with fig preserves, pigs n blankets, pretzel bites, queso & chips, cookies, candy, & mini eclairs
seems like i’m forgetting something, but my list is in the kitchen, & dolly is making biscuits on my leg 😀
19 dee said,
December 31, 2022 @ 5:32 pm
any fresh veg or fruit in there moms? with a yougurt dip?
20 gagagee said,
December 31, 2022 @ 6:03 pm
dee.. I probably won’t be up watching the ball drop in Times Square either…
moms.. you have made quite a spread for the games.. my menu… cheese and crackers ! ( LOL ) that will be my dinner too !
If anyone is interested Asian accounts have opened the Penguin Room in the clubhouse.. giving away previous Winterfest foods.. E store is also advertising 50% Deluxe memberships on January 1st… which includes a Zummie tea set .. not sure if they is a new item ?? Anybody know ?
Hope 2023 brings good health and happiness… and peace !
21 dee said,
December 31, 2022 @ 7:00 pm