Countdown to Christmas
Starting on December 14, following our maintenance update, visit Ms. Birdy in the SantaKinz Clubhouse room on Webkinz Classic, and click on her to get a special gift each day until Christmas!
Use the THINGS TO DO menu to access the Clubhouse, then click on the SantaKinz room tag to visit Ms. Birdy.
There are twelve gifts to collect. Here’s a look at this year’s Countdown to Christmas schedule:
1 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 14, 2022 @ 3:26 pm
FYI – today’s prize is a decorative item – Gingerbread Webkinz Sign
2 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 14, 2022 @ 5:26 pm
gaga – glad you’re liking your new car 🙂 it is such an adjustment driving a different car
dee – glad we can all do the deluxe – i can’t even pass strength class to do the employee challenge on a side account this month because i haven’t unlocked the mover job yet, so i guess i’ll just have the one prize from my main account – why is the strength class sooooo hard?! ugh
3 dee said,
December 14, 2022 @ 5:31 pm
what was the december deluxe?
we hopefully have a very special package arriving tomorrow in nashville.
it will stay for five days………..then we have to return it
trying to get my cooking done and clear out the fridge, before the chef gets here………..kittiez have been briefed……….older kitten (see photo) knows the deal….new kitten is just flippin clueless……………but oh so cute! she is so gonna embarass me with her bad behaviour………….oh well!
4 dee said,
December 14, 2022 @ 5:33 pm
shoot me an email moms if ya need help with weight lifting
for some reason, i am very good at it!
i did my ten lb weights this morning in RL……….my arms will burn tomorrow, but that is supposed to be good!
i want the wiggle gone! banished! sayonara!
5 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 14, 2022 @ 5:34 pm
she is going to charm with her adorableness!!! we need a photo of her too!
6 dee said,
December 14, 2022 @ 5:36 pm
cooked some half box bow ties and bought soem spinach and red pepper today
gonna sautee the red pepper and onions and garlic, add the pasta and then the spinach………….with pepper and garlic of course
debating on whether to throw some parm in there
a cmp recipe!………..just add cannellini beans babe!
the package arrives at lunchtime and one of her fave vegan places is open, so they will hit that and maybe a whole foods or whatnot down in smashville.
she is ready to cook with all the pans and the pantry and the spices!!!!!
7 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 14, 2022 @ 5:43 pm
why is the photo not going into the comment
this is dee’s big baby kitten
8 dee said,
December 14, 2022 @ 5:55 pm
has anyone ever dowloaded from hoopla?
and has anyone ever had or made beef wellington?
yes, I am a pain
hoopla is what my local libary has available for a band called Kaleo
i like there sound
9 dee said,
December 14, 2022 @ 5:56 pm
good grief
10 dee said,
December 14, 2022 @ 5:56 pm
my baby big kitten!!!!!
11 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 14, 2022 @ 6:04 pm
dee – yay, you get to receive a very special Christmas delivery!!!
12 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 14, 2022 @ 6:11 pm
our weather has been miserable today, & ds just set off for downtown – i wish they would just stay home, nice & safe & boring with me 😀
13 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
December 14, 2022 @ 6:48 pm
What a cute kitty, Dee! ♥ ♥ ♥
Enjoy your five day package, Dee! Have fun! Treasure each moment!
A day full of meetings today & a nice nap, which was needed!
14 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
December 14, 2022 @ 6:49 pm
I hope you decided to enjoy your quiet, moms! 😉
15 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 14, 2022 @ 9:05 pm
thursday’s gnome nom nom from ms. birdy IS a food item
16 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 14, 2022 @ 9:07 pm
qos – i have actually been somewhat lazy today, i started feeling a little guilty earlier, but i’m reminding myself that being still is good for my soul & that matters
17 cmpets said,
December 14, 2022 @ 11:34 pm
We did get a car, not still stuck at the airport. It would have taken longer, but the desk person was giving some very bad info to dh and the manager overheard and magically they had a car. Not sure how, or where from, but anyway, we have one.
Very busy here today and for the next couple of days. I will try to pop in when I can. Thank goodness for this blog or I would not remotely be able to keep up with what I need to log on for in ww.
dee-Excited for you, that will be fun.
18 gagagee said,
December 15, 2022 @ 8:19 am
Good Morning All !
dee.. so happy for you that you are expecting a special delivery today !
Only sorry you have to send it back !!
Never made beef wellington but sounds delicious.. I have been looking for a recipe to make swiss cheese ball/coated with almonds… HF who sets up a Christmas shop every year is already out of them and cannot be ordered on line
Very aggravating.. but I am going to try and make them myself.
Your kitty is really cute and your tree is beautiful ! Is that the baby kitten ?
Speaking of kitties.. Our Metro Park’s camera has photographed a picture of the bobcat… The county has not had one for 172 years.. Mostly found in Southern Ohio…. thus the OU bobcats !
moms.. I hope you were able to enjoy a little quiet time.. but realize when the kids are out and about in a big city would be a worry..
Did not know of the coach that passed away other than he did not use a play book and had coached Tim Couch…. I watched Twitch everyday on Ellen and I feel terrible about his death by suicide… Just cannot fathom what could be so bad in one’s successful life with three beautiful kids and wife that things couldn’t be worked out… I guess that severe depression overtakes a person’s perspective.. So sad.
Received a call from himself last evening…we talked for quite a long time and discussed many topics….Lively discussion on National Anthem… and being an atheist… Just about send me over the edge ! Enough said… other than to say very upsetting.
cmpets.. Funny how they can all of a sudden find a car for you ! Glad they did and you are making your way home !
Sheba… Hoping your work schedule is winding down…I am sure you have lots to do and Christmas is fast approaching.
April… Hopefully all is well ! Celebrating Christmas at lunch today in the cafeteria… There is a cafeteria worker who I had befriended years ago and is a bit challenged… We all bring gifts for her and get permission to have her join us for a short time to celebrate ! She brings so much happiness to all of us as she enhances the wonder of the season of Christmas !
NEXT is a bit glitchy as it did not recognize the music class at the Academy which is needed to complete the challenge !
Hope you all have a good day !
dee.. Have fun !
19 gagagee said,
December 15, 2022 @ 8:37 am
dee or moms .. my post must have gone to trash ! Can you please see if you can retrieve it ?
20 gagagee said,
December 15, 2022 @ 9:44 am
Thanks it showed up !
21 gagagee said,
December 15, 2022 @ 9:45 am
Mysteriously appeared
Thanks anyway !
22 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
December 15, 2022 @ 11:01 am
Good morning! I have a free day, ’cause they decided to keep lil’ girl home. But I will have her for a few hours tomorrow which makes me quite happy!
Lots to do before company arrives next Friday! Plus, we have so many scheduling decisions to make, not to mention the menu. One has low salt diet, one avoids dairy, one is pescatarian, one has low fat diet and it just gets complicated for a “non-kitcheny” type person like me. Traditionally, I have always had a simple Christmas meal (ham, green beans, potatoes), but I need to have a new plan. HELP! LOL! One of my go to meals (not for my Christmas dinner) is taco salad, ’cause people can pick and choose what they can eat.
Gaga – I appreciate all that you shared and I can so relate to much of it, especially your discussion with himself. Breathe deeply & let peace reign in your heart. That’s what I have to do. There is so much out there that can tie us up into knots. Feeling for Twitch’s family, too. I read that the coach was in his early 60’s. Too young. Sounds like not only does the cafeteria worker bless others, but you all bless her, too! A win-win!
Moms – There is nothing like “guilt-free” quiet time for soul care!
cmpets – Glad the car situation worked out and that you are able to be home for the holidays.
Thinking of Dee and her special delivery arriving today!
23 dee said,
December 15, 2022 @ 11:52 am
i just read some article where the family does different soups for christmas!
chili, chick noodle, gumbo whatever
and then bake bread or have some nice crusty stuff………with a veggie tray
your pescatarian could do a vegatarian chili, or veg soup with barley….mmmm
now i want soup!
hardest part would be all the chopping…………
24 dee said,
December 15, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
everyone is sleeping!
except psycho baby kitten………who is afraid of dd
25 dee said,
December 15, 2022 @ 5:50 pm
26 dee said,
December 15, 2022 @ 5:51 pm
saw somehting on fb about free northern lights hat on either 24 or 25 december
free to estore customers…… was quite cute
27 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 15, 2022 @ 9:42 pm
hi all!
mil wanted to go to lunch today, so got older ds to go with us, then did a quick shopping run & went to see my mom, just cleaned up from dinner & now will CHILL
gaga – that’s a tough conversation – yes, twitch was such a sparkling personality on tv, i was surprised, but once i heard he had depression i understood all too well – his brain lies to him . . . the lunches sound nice getting to visit with everyone
qos – yes, the coach was only 61 – some really funny & heartwarming stories about him
dee – the soup idea is a great one! qos – i’ve done that for teacher appreciation luncheons with crock pots of soup & a salad bar
28 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 15, 2022 @ 9:46 pm
Classic – Gingerbread Apron
w24r djep mhg9 t4mu
3/31/23 exp
Next – Sugar Cookie Apron: SUGARCOOKIES
exp 12/31/22
Community Codes Page
29 dee said,
December 16, 2022 @ 6:51 am
there are so many cool lego sets out there
30 gagagee said,
December 16, 2022 @ 7:30 am
Good Morning All !
dee.. Happy that your present arrived safely ! Best present anyone could ask for
Sounds like she likes to cook so take a break and enjoy her meals !
Sheba.. Thank you for your great advice but so disheartening… Try to tell myself that he had a rough start and was not raised with religion and many other things.. BUT he is a great kid has worked hard and brings so much to our family.
You are trying so hard to please everyone in your family’s dietary choices but sounds almost impossible… Plan your dinner and maybe each family can bring a dish of their choice with them to share…I know for those who are travelling that may not be possible… I guess I tell myself sometimes that it is not really about the food… enjoy being together and sharing some great memories and making new ones.
moms.. I hope you took the opportunity to have some quiet time ! I am sure your mil enjoyed the outing . I hope your mom is doing well and making some new friends. I finished the book and would recommend it… stopped at the library yesterday and stocked up as they have limited hours during the holidays. Our Christmas lunch get together was really nice but short as the coworker’s time was limited… The guest of honor loved the gifts and was able to sit and open them ! She was most excited as she had brought a gift for me and a message that said that I am her best friend ! ( many hearts )
WW very glitchy since yesterday’s maintenance… Kinzville map said that there is no longer a Candy Cane Collection event… Was not able to access my pet’s room on a different account… Logged me out several times …Tried clearing the cache and starting over but not much improvement !
Getting my hair cut and colored today… so happy.. really needs it ! Always a good mental boost .
Hope you all have a good day !
31 dee said,
December 16, 2022 @ 10:21 am
for next peeps
if you log in and out, you get the falling toy things waaaaay quicker
32 Amy said,
December 16, 2022 @ 1:04 pm
Podkinz Free Code
Christmas Cabin Dining Table
Expires March 31, 2023
33 dee said,
December 16, 2022 @ 1:31 pm
thanks amy
we are making pizzas today
34 dee said,
December 16, 2022 @ 1:44 pm
35 dee said,
December 16, 2022 @ 5:35 pm
36 dee said,
December 16, 2022 @ 5:35 pm
37 dee said,
December 16, 2022 @ 5:36 pm
38 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 16, 2022 @ 5:56 pm
dee – that lego typewriter is SO COOL!
ds has so many good ones – putting together sets is good for mental wellness, too – the succulents are neat
also – check your expiration date on the covid tests if you got a previous government batch – ours were marked to expire in September of this year, but they did quick dates on the early ones because they didn’t have full testing for expiration & extended the dates on a lot of them – i had to go to the roche website to find mine – look at your manufacturer & lot number
39 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 16, 2022 @ 5:59 pm
hey gaga – so glad you got to spoil your friend, especially since you are her best friend ♥ that’s really sweet
hung out with my mom today, then my inlaws came over – dh showed up at home early & asked what they were doing here – i said, “they were supposed to be here, what are you doing here?” 😆 i love that they like to hang out with me and the boys whether dh is here or not though ♥
40 dee said,
December 16, 2022 @ 6:44 pm
cooking happening here
dd is doing something with tofu
pizza stone is preheated
i am the most whiny for food………… i will go first!
dh loved my vegan pasta thingy i made last nite!
it was good…………thinking of you cmp
one cat hanging out…………kitten is still petrified and would not eat her ration of can food due to horrid awful mean scary dd
41 dee said,
December 16, 2022 @ 6:45 pm
and no one wants fudge!
so of course, now i want fudge
just a couple pieces
42 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 16, 2022 @ 8:52 pm
kitten being petrified of horrid awful mean scary dd makes me laugh!
the first time my oldest met this pup, the pup barked like ds was an intruder – ds tried to explain that the pup was the new member of the family! 😆
43 PumaPardus said,
December 16, 2022 @ 11:25 pm
Hi all! Long time, no see!!
We’re all great here- husband, kiddo, and myself. I’ll make time next week to stop in and chat more, but for right now I need to ask- Moms, is your email the same it’s always been? 🙂
44 cmpets said,
December 16, 2022 @ 11:52 pm
PUMA!!! Yay everyone is stopping in to say hello. So nice, love it.
DH is in quarantine. He tested positive yesterday. At least it’s now and not next weekend. Last year MIL missed Christmas with us because she had it. I am semi sectioned off since I was around him the most and closest. So far 2 negative tests. Will see how I feel tomorrow. Just had it in late August right before we drove cross country if you all recall, so hoping I can fight it off. Wore a mask today and limited interactions just in case.
Will try to catch up tomorrow on here.
dee-We are having tofu tomorrow, and I would probably love your vegan dish too. 🙂
45 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 17, 2022 @ 2:49 am
Puma!!! Yes – same email!
cmpets – so sorry he has covid, hope you are able to avoid it & your dh bounces back quickly
46 gagagee said,
December 17, 2022 @ 6:37 am
Good Morning All !
dee.. thanks for the NEXT tip about collecting toys.. it does work faster but seems the only prize I get is the train which I got last year…so far waste of time
So funny that your little kitty is afraid of your dd ! Hopefully it won’t take long for her to warm up to her.
moms.. So nice that your in laws come to visit you and your dss without your dh being home ! Doing test this morning as I started having cold symptoms yesterday .. I feel OK otherwise.. NEG ! Thankfully… My to do list for the day has several errands that require going into a store…
cmpets .. so sorry that your dh tested positive.. Hope you remain negative..
Very distressing that we are all still having to worry about this virus…
Hope all goes well.
Puma.. great to hear that all is well with you and your family ! Hope you can stop in soon and get us all caught up with any news you have to share.
Amy.. thank you for the code !
Seems like it snowed a bit overnight and supposed to turn bitter cold this week… Browns playing today… first home game for thug.. wonder how he will be received by the fans here..
April.. Hope all is well with you and Stella !
Hope you all enjoy your day and having your kids home to enjoy the season !
47 gagagee said,
December 17, 2022 @ 7:36 am
Almost forgot… Sheba.. I hope you were able to spend some time with your granddaughter yesterday ! Have you decided on your Christmas menu ?
Hope you are feeling better !
48 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
December 17, 2022 @ 10:28 am
Good morning!
Nice to see everyone, including Puma! Glad you stopped by!
cmpets – Sorry about dh’s positive test for C19. We just went through that! I picked it up 3 days later. It was the first time around for both of us. Hopefully, for you since you had it recently, it will bypass you!
Gaga – Glad you tested negative, but meanwhile I hope you feel better soon!
I was able to spend time with lil’ girl. (Btw, she is petite, so I think the lil’ will stick for a while). But it ended up being most of the day. My ds’s car broke down on the way to our house (they live 3/4 hour away), so I had to go pick him up. He used my van to do all his errands while I watched lil’ girl. He brought us lunch and then he & my dh played disc golf. Later in the afternoon I took my son to pick up his car at the shop. It was amazing that it was fixed on the same day! Mechanics seemed to be backed up in our area a week or two out. But there had been some cancelations yesterday so my ds was in luck.
Moms – I know this is shocking….but I still have not decorated my tree. Sigh! Nor wrapped the first present. I am so behind due to being sick! Preparing the guest rooms today on the upper level. We are almost done with our Christmas cards. About 20 more to go. (We send out over 140 cards).
Dee – The soup idea is a good one….very interesting! Sounds like you are having fun! Pizza sounds yummy. And the kitten…..ha ha! Hopefully, kitten will warm up to dd before she leaves again!
As far as Christmas dinner, my son feels that I should just stick with tradition and make sure to have some side dishes that are good options for the diet variations. Goes along with your advice, Gaga! One of the frustrations that I’m having is that some of my young people don’t know their schedules. It makes it really hard in knowing where to place people for overnight and what foods to serve when.
Post #39 – Love your humor, moms! There is nothing like enjoying your in-laws! ♥
We have company coming today for lunch, but dh is in charge since it is his friend. 😉
NEXT toy drop is so FRUSTRATING. It takes FOREVER. Yes, I am shouting. LOL! I’ll have to try Dee’s advice. The other option is just to not do it, which is sounding quite attractive to me with all that needs to happen in RL.
49 dee said,
December 17, 2022 @ 10:36 am
def try my toy drop
it works…….log in, go to park…….wait two minutes
log out and you can log back in and it will do it again
50 april1013 (wwid: zeker1013) said,
December 17, 2022 @ 11:52 am
Hello all!
Been a long week. Dh came home from a conference and the next day was sick. Flu (neg. for covid thankfully) So thankful I managed to not get sick. He’s finally feeling better.
Just skimmed this post a bit…
gaga—hope lunch with your friend and your other coworkers was fun. It’s such a blessing to bring joy to others and share time with friends. I’m glad you got to talk with himself even though the conversation was upsetting. Next has been very glitchy for me too. I wish they would let us pick the prize we want. Will be watching the nfl games today while hopefully getting some christmas stuff done. Stella is great. This is the first year the cold is bothering her. She used to run out in the snow and cold and I would have to go out and get her because she wouldn’t come inside. She’s right at the door now. lol
dee—Awwwww Big Baby Kitten is sooooo cute!! Thanks for sharing a picture! I will be trying your log in/back out trick, thanks! Enjoy all your dd time!
moms—That’s cute your dh wondering why his parents were there. lol
cmpets—oh no, sorry to hear your dh is sick. Hopefully you can avoid it like it did. Hope he feels better soon.
sheba—same, girl. I have the christmas cards in my office…I haven’t addressed one envelope. Haven’t baked anything yet. Haven’t gotten the tree decorated. Wrapping presents today to get them shipped out on Monday. I think this year, what gets done, gets done and what doesn’t…oh well.
Hi Puma!
Thanks for the code Amy!
51 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 17, 2022 @ 2:40 pm
i like the theory of what gets done gets done, you know some of the magic of Christmas is actually simply just enjoying it . . . i can’t enjoy it if i’m frantic, so i remind myself constantly to do what i do & try not to sweat the rest . . .
i LOVE the trees, so that’s a priority for me
i might bake the first of the week, but i am going to start with the kinds i think are most important to have this year & try not to feel like i have to do all of them – definitely trying to reduce the stress & pressure i put on myself
52 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 17, 2022 @ 3:00 pm
i also need to figure out my menu/groceries make my grocery list for christmas