Goober for Mayor

Candidate: Goober

Platform: I, Harold “Goober” Hausenfeffer Jr., promise to release brand new prizes throughout the year, that can only be won by spinning the Wheel of WOW! A new prize will be switched every time the Wheel of WOW is updated, so loyal citizens who play every day will have the best chance to win it!

In the Kinzville Park: November 13 – 18

Visit the candidate in the park once per day to receive a Webkinz Votes 2022 gift box that contains one of three campaign prizes – hat, sign, or plushy:


  1. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 13, 2022 @ 3:23 pm

    The WKN post says this:

    Michael Webkinz mentioned on a recent episode of Podkinz, that if elected, Goober would be releasing a new room theme. Goober has confirmed that his promise is to release new prizes on the wheel, but the items wouldn’t necessarily be part of a matching room theme. So, it’s unclear what the new prizes will be, but I’m sure Goober’s campaign promise appeals to many players!


    sounds like some misinformation??? dee, do you know anything about this?

  2. 2 dee said,

    November 13, 2022 @ 3:23 pm

    bathroom is done, laundry is done
    webkinz is almost done………one account left for nurse station…..i think i just need to buy the first aid kit……..
    doing errands tomorrow, so i need to make alist so i am not driving all over and wasting gas

  3. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 13, 2022 @ 3:24 pm

    dee – yay! come do my laundry 🙂

  4. 4 dee said,

    November 13, 2022 @ 3:24 pm

    yeah yah
    and goober is gonna cancel estore debt too right?

  5. 5 dee said,

    November 13, 2022 @ 3:25 pm

    i will moms
    i do not mind doing laundry
    ask anyone who i have ever visited that put me (us) up for the trip
    i do laundry, cook dinner, entertain kids
    i know how much hotels cost!

  6. gagagee said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 8:04 am

    Good Morning All !

    dee.. if you have some extra time would you mind doing some dusting…my least favorite chore.. too much ” stuff ” to move around !

    moms.. Not sure who I will vote for… will see what they are all offering and then decide…new stuff is always good as it seems like they don’t change things out very often. Noticing that new Christmas stuff coming out in the e store later this month.. Love the Christmas Stockings/crackers !
    Terrible game for us yesterday ! Heard that the thug will allowed to resume practicing with the team today…
    The announcers of the game yesterday made a point of saying that the temperature was 20 degrees higher ( 100 degrees ) on the Browns sidelines !
    Not that made any difference ! just interesting !

    Sheba… Hope your Monday goes well today ! New week’s worth of challenges in NEXT today ! Another 40 point impossible task ( THREE perfect scores for the Pop Quiz !! Not going to happen for me ! Neither is the Wacky game !

    April… I see that the Lions won yesterday ! ? Missed extra point by Bears…always feel badly for the kickers who miss especially in close game !
    Local high school state championship upcoming on Friday… Two of my brothers are alums of one of the teams so I will be pulling for them ! They usually have a pretty good team. but you never know.

    Brother headed back to surgery this morning for the second time in two weeks… He is really struggling with these kidney stones.. Hopefully everything will go well and he can put this problem behind… He’s had enough of the whole situation.

    Hey to all ! Have a good day !

  7. 7 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 12:05 pm


    I’m actually not teaching today as classes were cancelled. I have a bad headache so will take this as a sign to rest up.

    I don’t understand what is going on in NEXT. It seems that there are three different lists of challenges for week 2. I am a bit confused.

    I hope all goes well with you brother, Gaga! It sounds like a terrible experience!

    Dee – check your e-mail

    Elections – so far I’m leaning towards Goober, although not sure about the conflicting information. Is Goober to be trusted? Or are the reporters to blame?

  8. 8 dee said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 1:41 pm

    as i was leaving my first errand stop
    noticed a ess crew in my front tire

    yeah………..thankfully some nice old man talked me out of a panic attack and said i should be able to make it home

    bummer tho!

  9. 9 cmpets said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 2:35 pm

    gaga-Thank you in advance for the seeds. No rush, just figured I any as well ask on here. I don’t really collect anything specific, but I do like seeds, and debated on getting the lynx just for those.

    Sending good thoughts for your brother, hope that goes smoothly.

    I haven’t been on Next yet, but already behind for this season since the Wacky is impossible and they made the points needed for the week so close.

    dee-Sorry about your tire, hope they can just patch it for you.

    Gotta go finish up some work, but wanted to pop in.

  10. 10 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 2:54 pm

    Dee – That is a bummer! Sigh!

    Cmpets – I get how you feel about NEXT. Sometimes I just feel like giving up! And now on one account for Week 2, I can collect 290 points and on the other account I can collect 260 points. WHAT??? It just doesn’t make sense. And this week we have to get a perfect pop quiz score x 3 for 40 points! WHY? That is SO impossible. Several of the questions are dumb and I am totally clueless or the answers don’t make sense. It is so discouraging.

    I did manage to get everything for week 1, but it took some effort especially to achieve 10,000 score for Wacky.

  11. 11 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 3:41 pm

    dee – glad you made it home safely!

    did you get it plugged?

    gaga – hope all goes well with your brother & he stops forming those stones – that has to be miserable

    qos – glad you’re getting some time to chill today

    i went over & took my mom for a vaccine then to brunch then did some chores for her, but now i’m home and don’t want to do my chores

  12. 12 dee said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 3:54 pm

    honestly i am afraid to drive it to tire store……good tire store
    but usually there is a backup vehicle………..just happy as i had most of my stuff done at that point……….
    if i am “trapped” at home til dh gets back, it is not a big deal. inconvience….yes
    wanted to finish his christmas shopping and we have been going to town together for a bit to save on gas…………..and if he sees me go into this particular store……………the jig will be up…………..mostly worried about my hair appt on monday!!!!!

    what kind of vaccine moms? dh and i both need tetanus shots and i keep putting it off for some reason…………was nice when we were service involved, as they pretty much forced ya to keep up on your immunizations! and the dentist etc etc etc………….gotta keep the forces ready to fight!

  13. 13 dee said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 3:56 pm

    and gaga babe
    on a scale of one to ten, with one being the most favorite chore
    dusting is a 25
    just dislike it and i have lots of poo too……… i can only reach so high so do not see……… see, no dust!
    ha ha ha
    i do keep all the return vents/bath vents/cpu stuff clear
    but unless we gots company coming…………..

  14. 14 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 4:03 pm

    i’m a good duster, so dee can laundry & i can dust

    my mom got a covid booster – she wanted to get it separately from her flu shot, so we spaced them out a couple of weeks

  15. 15 dee said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 4:08 pm

    can you imagine if we were all roommates?

    gonna need some serious internet connection

  16. 16 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 8:14 pm

    LOTS of internet LOL

    & ya’ll have to move here because i am not up to moving again 😆

  17. 17 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 14, 2022 @ 8:53 pm

    we need to talk about episode 1 of holiday baking

    because i would love to try eggnog cake, but no sprinkles

  18. 18 gagagee said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 5:33 am

    Good Morning All !

    dee.. so sorry about your tire… might be worth a phone call to the tire place.. explain your dilemma and maybe they have pick up and delivery option like the detail places… ? neighbor who can put the spare on so you can take it to tire place…Maybe the place where you bought the car ?? I know they have a pick up and delivery person but not sure they would do it for a tire… Hate you to be without a car while dh is away !
    I love to vacuum ! I have one on every floor.. and sometimes vacuum three times a day in my actual living space… although it is quite a small area.

    Sheba… hope your headache is gone this morning… Congrats on get the points for Wacky… no where close to getting the needed points … despite trying everyday ! Impossible to get perfect score at the Academy for Pop Quiz…

    moms…Sounds like a nice outing for your mom ! I am sure she appreciated the lunch, the visit, and having you do her chores !
    I still need to get the Shingrix booster and then I will be done for now..
    The parents of the gal who works in the cafeteria at the hospital took me out to lunch yesterday.. ( for being so nice to their daughter ! ) We had a nice visit and them not necessary to take me out but they insisted !

    cmpets.. No need to send anything in return ! Enjoy !

    Bro sent me a picture of his x ray… Seven stones removed ! Can’t imagine..
    It has only been two weeks since previous surgery…He is very discouraged..
    All four of his daughters are coming home for Thanksgiving and he is so looking forward to having them all together… will help bring some joy to his Holiday !

    April.. hope all is well with you… Having lunch at the OG today with some friends from ER days ! Always a good time and reminisce about the good ol days !

    Hope you all have a good day today… Farmers Day !

  19. 19 dee said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 5:39 am

    just looked at weather where dh is
    six inches of snow between today and thursday

    NOT the forecast when he left……………ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  20. 20 dee said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 6:00 am

  21. 21 dee said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 6:02 am

  22. 22 cmpets said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 7:14 am

    Good Morning

    I tried to post last night, but kept getting the Internal Server Error, even when I tried different browsers.
    gaga- Thank you! Um, I just meant the harvest, are you sure? Please let me send that back or something in return The cookies went straight into the fridge for safe keeping, love those, guessing they are dispenser?

    I hope your brother is doing better today, That sounds very painful and abnormal. I know there is a special diet and I think medication to help prevent them, hopefully they give him some options. We know a few people who have had them removed, but your poor brother seems to have quite a few. Nice that all of his daughters will be home, I am sure he will enjoy that after these past couple of weeks.
    moms-I keep forgetting to mention how putting the little asterisk next to the names of rooms with dispensers has saved my sanity. That really is brilliant.
    This group would be so fun as roommates. And I am already fairly close to you, so we could move there. Plus I have my own hotspot, so won’t even take up space on the router. ????
    I enjoy cleaning, well more I enjoy things being clean. Dusting is my least favorite, especially blinds. I do like cleaning the floors on my hands and knees, but I think lots of people do that.
    dee- Very inconvenient to have to take your car in, but at least saw the screw in your tire, and were able to get home. That is a lot of snow where you dh is, hopefully he went prepared.
    qos-Awesome you were able to get the wacky points on Next. I tried, and got close 9800 something, but it’s not fun for me, so I will skip it.

    Wish us luck getting concert tickets today. We have a presale code (got lucky in that), but it is still going to be crazy. dd is busy at her fundraiser, so her roommate is logging on to buy them, and I am on call for help, and in case any snags pop up.

  23. 23 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 9:08 am

    dee – ah! you made me laugh about the snow for dh

    how will he handle that??? curious to hear his reaction

    gaga – very nice that they took you to lunch ♥ you have made such a dear & special connection to so many people

    he has formed ALL of those stones in 2 weeks?! what in the world is his body doing to him??? any idea of what might be contributing to the development of them?

    hvac guys are here today improving some things & humphrey loves them too much LOL i have a gate so he can’t follow them around and bug them, but everytime they come to where we are, he is attention seeking like an overly friendly toddler – you would think he gets no affection

  24. 24 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 9:15 am

    okay, dee, so Saturday from 1 – 1:30 am, i need to be bundled up in a lounge chair in the dark expecting quality over quantity for the meteor shower??? did i read all of those words correctly for my location?

    they also approved hot coca – could i spike that? or maybe hot cider with a splash of fireball??? i mean, it’s late, it’s cold . . .

  25. 25 cmpets said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 12:33 pm

    moms-I can’t seem to post. Had server error last night, and then maybe this morning is mine in the trash? it was a long one

  26. 26 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 3:20 pm

    cmpets – i’ll check for it

  27. 27 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 3:22 pm

    cmpets – nothing in spam or trash, but if it’s a server error, then that usually means an error before it can even reach the blog

    sorry 🙁

    usually if that happens, & i “go back” in my browser, i can copy the comment at least to save for later

  28. 28 dee said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 3:47 pm

    i already got it moms!

    and just google to confirm goobers last name

    stewed rabbit with pepper
    or homemade rabbit stew

    kind of funny

  29. 29 dee said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 3:49 pm

    i guess i should post if i went fishing!

    definite eeyore day here……….not sure if i saw the sun

    nothing accomplished other than garbage nite……..was so freaked yesterday that i made up a batch of breakfast burritos

    not thinking that i was gonna bake today………….yuppers
    eggs are important if you are not vegan

  30. 30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 4:27 pm

    cmpets – oooooh good luck with those tickets – all of you fans have crashed the system!

    dee – is it the meaning of his last name? i know he is Harold “Goober” Hausenfeffer Jr. ???? I’ll have to google it

    make sure you have your cell charged when you go to take the tire!

    eeyore here too – rain, cold, miserable – glad to be stuck inside while the guys are doing the work here, i’m just doing the programming – easy peasy for me 🙂

  31. 31 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 4:28 pm

    are you freaked about the snow?

    or just everything?

    i don’t know how to say what i need to say

  32. 32 dee said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 4:55 pm

    loveyou babe

    what snow?
    nah, that is how he grew up

  33. 33 april1013 (wwid: zeker1013) said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 5:35 pm

    Woke up to snow on the ground this morning. It was 78 and sunny last week, what a change!

    gaga—Glad you were able to have fun in Amish country. Sorry your sister had an anxiety attack. Glad she was able to stay and enjoy the rest of the day. Couldn’t believe the Lions squeaked out a win! Was fun to watch. I always feels bad for the players/kickers that miss and cost the game too. Even when I’m rooting for the other team. Heard the thug is going to be practicing, I can’t help but wonder what the other players think of him. Coyotes can be really loud, we have them here too. Although with Stella I don’t see them much anymore. I would be concerned too about the strays. Just googled Kamryn Babb, what an awesome story, thanks for sharing. Bummer about the Browns game. Good luck on the high school championship game on Friday. Will you and your bros be going? Sending good thoughts and prayers for your brothers recovery. That sounds like an ordeal. Hope you had a great lunch with your friends from ER.

    dee—So glad you made it home. Why does that stuff always happen when dh’s are out of town? Wow, half a foot of snow was probably surprising for dh!

    sheba—Hope you were able to get some rest and are feeling better.

    moms—I had to laugh when I watched the first episode of Holiday Baking Champ. I didn’t think it was one of the best episodes and here we were talking it up. Dh came in the living room to have a snack so he watched the end with me and was laughing at all the bad looking cakes and pies. lol I didn’t watch last nights episode yet, will be doing that tonight. Stella is the same way with anyone that come into the house. She wants all the attention. I always come out and ask if they are okay with dogs and then I too have to keep her in my office with a baby gate while they do their thing. She’s usually not very happy to be trapped with me.

    cmpets—Hope you were able to get your concert tickets.

    Off to the farmers market and dailys, hope all have a good night!

  34. 34 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 8:23 pm

    april – funny you say that about the first episode, because i was underwhelmed also! hopefully it was nerves & they get better – the minute she started putting those sprinkles on the cake, i was like nooooooo – not on eggnog

  35. 35 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 8:41 pm

    just so you know, my younger ds withdrew from school yesterday and moved home today – he was unhappy & couldn’t get content, so he’s baaaaaaack

    & on other news – my sister & her fam are visiting this weekend, and she was talking about making a coconut cake & asked if i had cool whip . . . i volunteered to make the 7 minute frosting because that is the only proper topping for coconut cake! cool whip?! sheesh – she cooks and bakes CONSTANTLY, and she was going to use cool whip!?! not on my watch LOL i don’t cook much, but i make great coconut cake & 7 minute frosting – i have to bite my tongue a lot, but i had to offer to make my 7 minute frosting & am so relieved she said yes

  36. 36 cmpets said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 9:12 pm

    Thanks dee for fishing my post out.

    So, getting concert tickets is not easy. They went way too fast for us. it was crazy.

    I feel so bad because we were lucky enough to get the pre-sale code, but were just not fast enough to get seats. It really is such an awful feeling as a parent to let your kiddo down. The fans crashed the site at the original time, so she could not log on at the new time and it was up to dh and me.

    But thanks to everyone who sent us luck.

    She can go on tomorrow with Capital One, but unless they held seats, our venue is sold out.

    Of course there are already some on StuHub for $18, 000. I hate that people do that when there are so many fans who just want to go but not be extorted for tickets.

    moms-Sorry your youngest didn’t have a good experience, but nice that he could come home. And have never heard of coconut cake, but am now going to look it up.

  37. 37 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 15, 2022 @ 10:22 pm

    cmpets – it’s probably a southern thing then, my grandmother & mother made them, and i learned from them

    yes, and a dear friend of mine with some real world experience gave me some great advice to help him process & decompress that gave me some much needed clarity ♥

    i’m so sorry about the tickets – i know what you mean about wanting those hard to get, and i resent the resellers who exploit the situation – i read about the mess that happened today, but i had hoped her roommate was in the queue

  38. 38 gagagee said,

    November 16, 2022 @ 6:29 am

    Good Morning All

    cmpets…sorry you weren’t able to get the tickets for the concert. Maybe your dd will have some luck ! In regards to the seeds… As Dr. Suess used to say..I meant what I sent and I sent what I meant 100 percent ( LOL )

    dee.. Hope you are able to get your tire fixed… Hate for you to be trapped in.. in case you need to go somewhere ! Who knows how long you had been driving around with the screw in your tire ! Hair appointments are vital so I hope it all works out. Forgot to check this morning if Artemis was able to launch !

    moms…Not every kid takes the path to college…Hopefully he can figure it out and get started on another path that makes him happy. There are so many choices and for some it takes some time to find their niche !
    Enjoy your sister’s visit this weekend ! Is she a football fan as well ?
    I am sure the HVAC worker loved Humphrey’s enthusiasm ..

    April..Won’t be going to the high school championship game but will most likely be televised. The two teams have faced each other in the past and always a good game !
    Had a really nice time at lunch with ER friends yesterday. They have put me in charge of orchestrating the next outing to include a couple of the the ER docs who were a big part of our ER days ! I was able to reach both of them last night and looking forward to the next get together ! I was really happy that we were all available on the night…

    Lunch in the cafeteria today…
    Missed Pop Quiz by one question….
    New Christmas crackers available today in the e store… Clothing crackers.
    Will be interesting to see if they have a cute bow !

    Hope you all have a good day !

  39. 39 gagagee said,

    November 16, 2022 @ 6:30 am

    I guess my comment did not post !
    dee… do you have time to go fishing this morning ?

  40. 40 gagagee said,

    November 16, 2022 @ 9:01 am

    Thanks dee !
    WW still down !
    Artemis did launch ! Finally

  41. 41 dee said,

    November 16, 2022 @ 11:58 am

  42. 42 dee said,

    November 16, 2022 @ 2:12 pm

    this cracker me up for some reason…..thought of you sportsnuts

  43. 43 cmpets said,

    November 16, 2022 @ 7:34 pm

    We got TICKETS!!! Went for 2 the night before and at least got decent seats.

    We are still trying for general sale to see if the girls can get seats where they want, but it was so chaotic again, we just took what we could get. They were still $600 for 2 seats with all of the fees, so at least we have them.

    My friend who is trying for her girls and me to go in Houston was not as successful. So she will try again on Friday as well.

    I think dd and her friend are going to see if anyone is selling for the Atlanta show at a reasonable price so they can see that show as well. Yes, clearly big fans over here.

    Hope everyone had a nice day.

    And Gaga- you are really too kind. (heart here if I knew how to add it)

  44. 44 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 16, 2022 @ 9:04 pm

    cmpets – yay on the tickets!!!! & man it’s good to be Taylor with those prices

    let me know if you have any questions or anything about atlanta

    gaga – i absolutely agree – and even though we were optimistic, it’s not a surprise either – i encouraged trade school, local schools, or at least closer schools since he wanted to try it, but at least he got to experience a big cool college & SEC football LOL

    queenofsheba- where are you? hope you’re feeling okay

  45. 45 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 16, 2022 @ 9:05 pm

    dee – oooooh i hope buffalo & the browns play – i want to see that!!!

  46. 46 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 16, 2022 @ 9:05 pm

    & i’m so glad my older ds declined his offer from syracuse LOL

  47. 47 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 16, 2022 @ 9:08 pm

    gaga – btw, my sister likes nfl football, but not college & not quite like i do

    this weekend is the thanksgiving dinner at my mom’s place, and she is so happy she gets to have the whole family there

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