Nibbles for Mayor
Candidate: Nibbles
Platform: Reduce the number of days between recess from 15 days to 10 days at Kinzville Academy
In the Kinzville Park: November 7 – 12
Visit the candidate in the park once per day to receive a Webkinz Votes 2022 gift box that contains one of three campaign prizes – hat, sign, or plushy
1 gagagee said,
November 7, 2022 @ 7:30 am
Good Morning !
Will be so happy when the elections is over tomorrow ! So many commercials and mail over the past couple of weeks.. gets very annoying.. over and over again !
Nibbles plushy is really cute as is the box !
I am hopefully back on track with the time change…
New Next Challenge up and running… First week at least seems doable…
Crickets from himself… feeling like I am curbside ( LOL ).
moms.. Hopefully you are caught up with the time change as well.. and you had a great weekend. It will be Thanksgiving in just a couple of weeks and your dss are able to come home for the Holiday… I know himself will make a quick trip as the Buckeyes are playing their nemesis and he has a ticket for the game ! My sweet brother and I are jointly planning a Thanksgiving meal and will be celebrating my sister’s and my birthday… Really hoping for some homemade chocolate chip cookies but most likely won’t happen again this year…. but so many other things to worry about and be thankful for !
Hopefully we can hold it together and share some stories about Thanksgiving in the past as this will be a ” first” without my mom .
April… Hoping you are in a better place as the new week begins. I am sure Stella tried to boost your mood with those sloppy kisses ! I also noticed that the Lions beat GB ! That’s good news ! Looking forward to the start of the Christmas Holiday Baking Championship tonight !
dee… Food Network did a rerun of last year’s Christmas Baking Championship and the winner was a home baker ! She apparently lives in a condo and has a pretty small kitchen but she sure is talented and creative !
Preview from tonight featured a gal who is a vegan and bakers were required to use sausage in their recipe.. should be interesting !
Sheba.. Good Luck with your day… and the tea parties.. really sorry your volunteer cancelled on your busy day ! It must be quite disheartening … not to mention all of the added work for you… hope all goes well !
Amy .. thank you for posting the code..
Hey to compets… and Boper where are you ?? We have missed you ! I look at the WKN room designs and look for your creative rooms !
Hope you all have a good day !
2 dee said,
November 7, 2022 @ 12:37 pm
nothing new to report
3 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 7, 2022 @ 1:09 pm
hey dee! are you still watching on patrol? i’m catching up from the weekend
can’t wait to have both warthogs home at the same time for thanksgiving!
it will be a quick visit but only a few weeks later is winter break – yay
i’ve been trying to plan Christmas trees, but dh isn’t discussing – he acts all grumpy about it but then he insists on some of the hubub – just has to act like it’s me not him 😛
4 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 7, 2022 @ 1:20 pm
I have this one Christmas tree that has glitter ornaments that look like Christmas light bulbs, and i found these super cute stakes that I am going to add to it this year
they just arrived & are even cuter than i expected!
5 dee said,
November 7, 2022 @ 5:39 pm
mini road trip tomorrow……..going to the base for provisions
those are cute moms……….are you adding them to the tree, or just to the tree room?
i do still love my elf feet skewers i bought years ago………
like i said before nothing new to report……..hoping to go fishing on wed tho!
6 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 7, 2022 @ 6:43 pm
I am planning to add them to the tree
7 april1013 (wwid: zeker1013) said,
November 7, 2022 @ 9:19 pm
gaga—Will be so glad when elections are over as well. Thanks gaga <3 Already feeling so much better. Told dh I was couching all day Sunday and he miraculously let me be. lol I couldn't believe my eyes when the Lions beat GB. I got to watch the whole game, was so fun. Stella definitely helped, she sat right by me all day and gave me lots of love. Looking forward to watching Holiday Baking Champ tonight too! I like to record it and then start watching about 30 mins. in so I can fast forward through all the commercials.
moms—Why…why does that extra hour mess us up so bad? Your dh getting grumpy but then wanting some of the hoopla made me laugh. Those glitter bulbs are so pretty.
dee—Hope you have fun on your mini road trip.
sheba—Hope you found someone to help with your classes.
Hope all have a good night.
8 gagagee said,
November 8, 2022 @ 8:06 am
Good Morning All !
Happy Election Day !
I take back everything I said about Next Challenge being doable !! Wacky Zingoz game impossible… So many swings and misses ! I don’t think it helps that it is game of the day today.
After all my chatter about Holiday Baking Championship… dozed off for the first hour ( LOL) will try again tonight.
Farmers Day today and Extra WOW !
Was out and about yesterday do some Christmas shopping… All the stores decorated and playing Christmas carols !
moms.. So happy the boys are coming home for Thanksgiving ! I know how much you love being all together ! I am sure they are equally as happy to come home and be together as a family !
Love your Christmas light stakes.. I am sure your tree with be stunning.. always love to see a picture !
dee.. enjoy your road trip. All the talk this morning on the radio was the eclipse… Was unable to see it as it was too cloudy here this morning.. Hope you were able to view it.
april. Happy that you are feeling better and were able to relax and watch the Lions win ! I think it helps to put all worries aside and do something that brings some comfort and a win !
Looking forward to all the new upcoming crackers and stockings for Christmas in WW ! Hate to rush the season but usually a highlight for me.
Sheba… how did your tea parties go yesterday ? I hope all went well and was not too stressful for you. Any last minute helpers ?
Hope you all have a good day !
9 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 8, 2022 @ 1:50 pm
please tell me one of you won that powerball – one winning ticket! wow
10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 8, 2022 @ 1:51 pm
i voted today – very short line
glad i waited because i know people who had longer waits early voting
11 dee said,
November 8, 2022 @ 3:55 pm
we’re back
just went to base to get some provisions
nothing else to report
was cloudy here also gaga, so i saw no eclipse (but how do you see a lunar eclipse anyways? FULL MOON tonite, because there is just not enough going on in the USA today.
off fishing tomorrow…………
saw someone in cali won the big pot! too bad cmp is on the road, as she is only cali person i know……..everyone else moved from there
just got a notice that 1883 is in at library………..i have never seen it. dh and dd like yellowstone (which starts next week)……….i watched a couple and just did not get the “feels” for it……….too violent………..and that is a commnet from someone who watched the sopranos!
i would so have loved to help sheba with her tea parties…..sounds like a lot of fun. I am also good at carrying stuff, so i am sure you would have “hired” me for the reasonable price of a crumpet or whatnot
12 gagagee said,
November 8, 2022 @ 4:02 pm
moms.. was just reading on the computer that the winning ticket was sold in California…Oh well .. Our Gymbos group get together will have to wait ! It is always fun to dream though. Thankfully I voted early.
13 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 8, 2022 @ 5:48 pm
dee – i love yellowstone – so much profanity, but ya know . . .
potty mouth . . .
1883 is SO good too – let us know if you like it!
14 cmpets said,
November 8, 2022 @ 6:06 pm
Yeah I was really hoping someone I knew from back home won, but unless they were passing through that area, I don’t know anyone who lives there. Imagine waking up today 2 billion dollars richer! Crazy. And if I win any lotto, this group is for sure having a meet up.
I don’t think I answered before, but the toilet did finally get replaced, twice. I am telling you, vrbo/airbnb is not great these days. Between the fees and what people charge, you would think some of these places would be better taken care of.
So EXCITED for Yellowstone! I need to watch 1883, have not seen any of those.
Weather here has been nice, so enjoying the beach when we can. Supposed to get cold this weekend. Also watching Nicole, will probably miss us, but moms you may see it and I think dd may see some weather from it. Praying it misses the areas that were just hit by Ian, cannot imagine.
Did anyone get a moon bear in Next yesterday with the discount? I already have one, so skipped it, but got one on dd’s account, she had enough diamonds saved up. Don’t love the prizes this season, and already have the final bed prize, so just have to play to get the diamonds.I alos am looking forward to Christmas in WW, it is my favorite, and Winterfest.
15 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 8, 2022 @ 6:11 pm
cmpets – looks like we might see some of it, but we are on the better side so far
i saw that Disney is shifting some things, so I wondered if those areas that got Ian mess will get Nicole mess too
16 dee said,
November 9, 2022 @ 5:39 am
17 gagagee said,
November 9, 2022 @ 8:46 am
Good Morning !
New pet in e store for Deluxe Day … if anyone is interested.
Heading for a day in Amish on Friday ! Shops should be all ready for Christmas !
May have to hold my tongue on the ride as I am going with my political sister who can’t seem to avoid poking the bear ! ( LOL )
Finally got a call last night from himself but seemed a bit snarky ! Very involved n election night results I guess. Having lunch in the cafeteria today with coworkers…
dee.. Good luck fishing today.. Will be anxious to hear about any nature you may have seen.
moms Hopefully you will not have severe effects from upcoming storm !
My brother is returning home early to GA to avoid any travel delay. He does not want to get stuck in OKC any longer than necessary. Watson returning to practice next week….
Hope your mom is doing well !
cmpets.. Enjoy the beach while you can… Sounds like a great place to hang out ! at least for now.
Sheba… How did your tea party go ? We are all anxious to hear how it went !
Hope you all enjoy the day !
18 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 9, 2022 @ 2:04 pm
hello! welp, looks like election garbage isn’t quite over for me – runoff 12/6 – will the commercials, texts, negativity, etc. ever end????
19 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 9, 2022 @ 2:06 pm
gaga – enjoy amish! sounds like a GREAT time of year to go! maybe you’ll see some good gift ideas too – i’m doing Christmas shopping now & going to want to come up with some ideas for niece & nephews just to have some little presents – i think they all prefer cash primarily to do their own shopping which i totally get 🙂
20 dee said,
November 9, 2022 @ 4:23 pm
we are back
dh caught one teeny weeny fish
had a deer jump out in front of us on road to the park…….thankfully it was a ten mph zone!
and saw two racoons……………THIS MORNING IN MY BACKYARD
i think they may have followed us from the campsite!!!!
no water or food around here, unless they eat walnuts, so no clue why they are here
21 dee said,
November 9, 2022 @ 4:25 pm
cash is always an appreciated gift moms!
or dependent on age, movie passes, dinner cards etc…..or heck, gas cards!
altho dd prefers checks or transfers…….just that old dirty grubby money thing and in boston, folks do not really use cash
22 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 9, 2022 @ 4:49 pm
dee – agree – i’ll venmo Christmas if necessary LOL
23 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 9, 2022 @ 4:49 pm
it makes shopping easy too![:mrgreen:](
24 Topazz said,
November 9, 2022 @ 5:53 pm
Love the bench for Deluxe day.
I am on the fence about the pet. I don’t like it much but the PSI is seeds. I do love seeds.
My hubby and I had an outing this weekend. We saw Kathleen Madigan on Saturday. She was great. She is my favorite comic. So funny.
25 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 9, 2022 @ 9:38 pm
topazz – i like seeds, but i’m resisting trying to hold out to see what comes along for christmas
i need to look up that comedian – i love me some funny 🙂