moms.. I hope you are able find the essentials you are searching for. Now that all of your things are in one home maybe you will be able to slow the pace down with unpacking. I am happy your pets are settling into their new home… none the worse for wear ! I will be so happy to hear that you have hung the Home Sweet Home sign !
dee.. Did you hear anything about the Chinese rocket that came crashing down to Earth ? Neighbor newsletter had asked if anyone had seen blinking colored lights in the sky the other night… Did you happen to see anything ? Heard on the news that the rocket ended up crashing into the ? Indian Ocean.
Sheba… I agree with you about the Competition Crops… I have a few but they are harvested few and far between… I won’t put one in the Competition unless I have two of the same crop… Would love to have at least one ribbon.
Farmers Day today !
Trying to work through my to do list… Sunday typically my cleaning day. Music of the Day… Bruce Springsteen’s Greatest Hits ! Wish I were going to his concert but decided not spend the money… Cheapest tickets were 450! Hope you all have a good day !
Feeling good today. Just finished cleaning and disinfecting the area I have been secluded in. Can’t tell you the amount of laundry we have done this week. Just happy to be on this side of it and so grateful dh and dd did not get it.
Thank you to everyone who checked in on me and wished me healthy thoughts.
moms-so HAPPY you are moved. Such a great feeling.
Have only done the bare minimum on both webkinz. I didn’t even log in to classic yesterday. It will have to take a back seat to rl stuff for the next month and a half.
dee … I know nothing about how to transfer c/d’s on to a thumb drive.. I really do like all kinds of music but since I am lost in a time warp my favorite artists are from 60’s and 70’s.. Right now I found a home made version of Bruce Springsteen’s greatest hits.. I checked Amazon to see if I could buy it but then realized someone had put it together themselves… I also love listening to Harry Chapin… best storyteller ever ! I often imagine him being here and writing a song about an eccentric retired nurse who is totally addicted to something call Webkinz … and belonging to a blog of others who have the same problem ! (LOL) Moody Blues Cat Stevens Jane Oliver is one of my all time favorites who most people have not heard of. Seems like you put a nickel in me dee !
cmpets.. happy to hear you are feeling better and that your family did not catch the virus ! You will need all your energy to pack up for your move !
moms… How are things going ? Did you find your essential boxes you were in search of ? Hope the transition is going smoothly.
gaga just pull the ones you want and buy a thumb drive our old old computer (desktop, microsoft 7) automatically went to the music copying thingy…………as long as you have a disk thing and place to put the thumb drive………….you know i know as much as you about this….ha ha ha
but if i can figure it out, you can!
i just put some buble on mine………….but library has gobs and gobs of cds i got billboard hits from 70s etc………….have yet to find santana or three dog night for some reason………..will need to consult a librarian
gaga – yes! i am slowing the pace, spending time with the warthogs before school starts, then i’ll have plenty of time to unpack & settle in here . . .
1 gagagee said,
July 31, 2022 @ 7:46 am
Good Morning !
I can’t believe it is the last day of July1
moms.. I hope you are able find the essentials you are searching for.
Now that all of your things are in one home maybe you will be able to slow the pace down with unpacking. I am happy your pets are settling into their new home… none the worse for wear ! I will be so happy to hear that you have hung the Home Sweet Home sign !
dee.. Did you hear anything about the Chinese rocket that came crashing down to Earth ? Neighbor newsletter had asked if anyone had seen blinking colored lights in the sky the other night… Did you happen to see anything ?
Heard on the news that the rocket ended up crashing into the ? Indian Ocean.
Sheba… I agree with you about the Competition Crops… I have a few but they are harvested few and far between… I won’t put one in the Competition unless I have two of the same crop… Would love to have at least one ribbon.
Farmers Day today !
Trying to work through my to do list… Sunday typically my cleaning day.
Music of the Day… Bruce Springsteen’s Greatest Hits ! Wish I were going to his concert but decided not spend the money… Cheapest tickets were 450!
Hope you all have a good day !
cmpets .. I hope you are feeling better !
2 dee said,
July 31, 2022 @ 9:36 am
must have missed part one ??
i thought they were going to start offering them in classic
3 dee said,
July 31, 2022 @ 9:37 am
this is cute!
4 dee said,
July 31, 2022 @ 9:38 am
we don’t need no education…..
5 g said,
July 31, 2022 @ 11:33 am
Aztec Fridge in NEXT Curio Shop for 5500 for about the next hour and a half if anyone is interested
6 gagagee said,
July 31, 2022 @ 11:34 am
Aztec Fridge in NEXT Curio Shop for 5500 for about the next hour and a half if anyone is interested .
7 dee said,
July 31, 2022 @ 2:08 pm
art nouveau couch, NOT kpable 5000kc
awful purdy
8 dee said,
July 31, 2022 @ 4:50 pm
have you started going thru your cds to see what you are gonna put on your thumb drive thing for your new car?
lmk what ya pick
9 cmpets said,
July 31, 2022 @ 5:03 pm
Feeling good today. Just finished cleaning and disinfecting the area I have been secluded in. Can’t tell you the amount of laundry we have done this week. Just happy to be on this side of it and so grateful dh and dd did not get it.
Thank you to everyone who checked in on me and wished me healthy thoughts.
moms-so HAPPY you are moved. Such a great feeling.
Have only done the bare minimum on both webkinz. I didn’t even log in to classic yesterday. It will have to take a back seat to rl stuff for the next month and a half.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
10 gagagee said,
July 31, 2022 @ 6:14 pm
dee … I know nothing about how to transfer c/d’s on to a thumb drive.. I really do like all kinds of music but since I am lost in a time warp my favorite artists are from 60’s and 70’s.. Right now I found a home made version of Bruce Springsteen’s greatest hits.. I checked Amazon to see if I could buy it but then realized someone had put it together themselves… I also love listening to Harry Chapin… best storyteller ever ! I often imagine him being here and writing a song about an eccentric retired nurse who is totally addicted to something call Webkinz … and belonging to a blog of others who have the same problem ! (LOL) Moody Blues Cat Stevens Jane Oliver is one of my all time favorites who most people have not heard of. Seems like you put a nickel in me dee !
cmpets.. happy to hear you are feeling better and that your family did not catch the virus ! You will need all your energy to pack up for your move !
moms… How are things going ? Did you find your essential boxes you were in search of ? Hope the transition is going smoothly.
11 dee said,
July 31, 2022 @ 7:33 pm
just pull the ones you want and buy a thumb drive
our old old computer (desktop, microsoft 7) automatically went to the music copying thingy…………as long as you have a disk thing and place to put the thumb drive………….you know i know as much as you about this….ha ha ha
but if i can figure it out, you can!
i just put some buble on mine………….but library has gobs and gobs of cds
i got billboard hits from 70s etc………….have yet to find santana or three dog night for some reason………..will need to consult a librarian
12 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 31, 2022 @ 9:47 pm
i am so sorry about the post – thanks dee!!!
gaga – yes! i am slowing the pace, spending time with the warthogs before school starts, then i’ll have plenty of time to unpack & settle in here . . .
13 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 31, 2022 @ 9:51 pm
i had to handle some household stuff this morning, so dh surprised me by going through the boxes & finding my missing items ♥