Enter Codes!
Last chance to enter codes!
Expires July 31, 2022
w24u-janu-xzc5-gxgn Tea Pot Vase
w24f wftc 99r9 zrwy Kinzville Hot Dog from podkinz mini
w24b-gbd2-9rdr-cr2y Pink Floral Cup
w243-73nv-k6kj-38Le Pink Floral Tea Set
w246-zks6-7tfa-vqxu Mother’s Day Floral Bouquet
w24L-8Qcj-53p8-Q8zg Mother’s Day Vase
w24z-srhn-zLQn-2see Petal Fairy
w247 bxkb ce3u hee6 from podkinz Painting Overalls
w24y-szx2-UUes-sqdy 6/9 email estore 2022 Summer Super Mystery Bag Page
w24c-c8Lp-9r37-4vv8 7/1 email estore Sunset Seahorse page
1 gagagee said,
July 28, 2022 @ 6:28 am
Good Morning All !
moms… Hope your move is going well… I think as you previously mentioned you had hoped to be moved in by tomorrow ! You are almost there…and then you can take a break before round two of unpacking and getting settled in to your new home… how exciting !
Farmers Day today ! moms.. they have squash for sale !
dee.. love the easel too… had one pet go to recess today but no luck ! Figures.
Hope you all are well and have a good day !
2 dee said,
July 28, 2022 @ 8:45 am
do i need to put any of these in?
i have not done any yet……..lmk
meaning are they new or neato?
yes i am lazy
3 dee said,
July 28, 2022 @ 4:25 pm
victorian floors next now, 1200kc
4 dee said,
July 28, 2022 @ 6:39 pm
making poppers
and someone in “da family” asked for my florist recommendation for a friend of a friend of a cousin
so fun day for me!
drove to town with dh keeping his mouth shut……..to find the courthouse as i have to report on tuesday for jury duty………he did VERY well keeping his yap shut………..it was a precondtion to be quiet unless i asked for help. only had to at one turn, that i hope i remember when i have to actually show up. Found parking nearish by…………so whew!!
5 cmpets said,
July 28, 2022 @ 11:03 pm
Quiet on here.
So tested positive for covid. Luckily I am almost feeling normal today. And if I was going to get it, better now than closer to when we are moving. And my other two “roommates” tested negative, so also grateful for that.
dee-I can’t tell you how many times I have made my dh drop off and pick me up from jury duty. And when dd had it earler this year, I drove her both days just so she wouldn’t have to deal with the parking process.
Glad you went for a trial run, it will make you feel better on Tuesday.
moms-hope the move goes/went smoothly.
gaga-I hardly ever send my pets to school, but I may have to try for that easel.
Hope everyone is good,
6 gagagee said,
July 29, 2022 @ 8:03 am
Good Morning All !
Happy Friday
cmpets. really sorry you have Covid but sounds like you are feeling normal and your roommates are negative ! The county in which I live and neighboring county where I frequent are showing high level of transmission for Covid.. I am still vigilant about wearing a mask when shopping or going into any closed spaces… I usually don’t do daily Academy but have started on my accounts to try for the easel.. Should have another pet ready tomorrow ..so we’ll see.
moms… I am guessing today is your ” big move”… Hope all goes well and you are seeing the end of the tunnel ! YEAH !! Hope you felling better with your recent bout of laryngitis….and accompanying symptoms. If you have a minute we are all anxious to hear from you .
dee. You’ll be ok… You may even like jury duty ! It was a great idea to do a dry run.. and check out where everything is.
New week in NEXT SEASON today… more game challenges but Jumbleberry Blast is one of my favorite games.
Sheba… Hope all is going well with you.. Are you travelling ?
E store points 30% off right now.
All new “stuff” and pets arriving on Monday ! Hard to believe it will be August 1st ! Summer is going way too fast… dread cooler/colder weather which is right around the corner.
Hope you all have a good day !
7 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 29, 2022 @ 9:29 am
Good morning! No traveling this weekend! I had lil’ girl yesterday for 10+ hours! She is 13 mos. and quite an adorable handful! 😉 My d-i-l worked from our house yesterday and it was also my son’s first day back to work after his bout with Covid. He is feeling better, but the main thing I hear from him (and others) is the fatigue and lingering cough.
I’ve been amazed at Moms and how she keeps up with this site even though she is extremely busy and not feeling well!
Dee – Hope all goes well with jury duty.
cmpets – Sorry about Covid diagnosis. Hope it doesn’t slow you down too much with all that you have on your plate.
Gaga – Any special plans for this weekend?
8 dee said,
July 29, 2022 @ 4:31 pm
hey all
skeddy nite
trying to think of crockpot foods in case i get hit with duty
ha ha ha ha
they should disqualify me just for that!
i did get my extension for dental work and am pretty sure they will not do another for wacky fest
oh well…………
and it is about 25 minutes away with no traffic……i would love dh to drop me off, will depend on if he needs my lovely gas loving car….
9 dee said,
July 29, 2022 @ 5:16 pm
oh yeah
i made dh buy 20 bucks of lotto tickets
i told him i would pay him back so that there was no legal/financial obligations
he asked where i got the twenty!
10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 29, 2022 @ 9:21 pm
hey!!!! we are moved, closed on the old house, & i’m actually on my laptop – woo hoo!!!!
boxes EVERYWHERE, but we are happy
& one of ds’s friends brought me the prettiest flowers from her garden & i can smell the fresh lavender ♥
11 gagagee said,
July 30, 2022 @ 7:20 am
Good Morning All !
moms… SO happy you are all moved in to your new home ! How sweet of your ds’s friend to bring flowers. Boxes can be emptied room by room and I am sure it won’t take too long to settle in and enjoy your home. How are your pets adjusting to their new environment ? Before you know it you will have to packing up your sons as they head off to college.. That will be a very emotional time for you I’m sure.. So many changes ! How is your mom ? Is she moved or still in the process of packing up ?
dee… Lottery hasn’t posted winner/winners yet… I just know I did not win !
So our Gymbos reunion will have to wait. Hopefully your dh can drop you off for jury duty but if not just put on your tunes and enjoy the ride !
Sheba… no real plans for the weekend. Weekends not quite the same since my mom is no longer year for family gathering. Everyone is kind of moving on and making weekend plans themselves. Open house at her place tomorrow. Very emotional for me… hate to see that chapter close as well.
cmpets.. Hope you are feeling better.. It seems like it won’t be long till you get East ! It will be quite an adventure and hopefully lots to do and see on the other side of the country
Mouse man coming today for follow up.. My sweet brother told me that his son has had some issues lately and he brought live traps… He has been taking them to a field and setting them free.. That made me laugh because he does not drive so I am sure by the time he walked home… the mice were there !!
Hope you all have a good day and are looking forward to upcoming events in August.
12 gagagee said,
July 30, 2022 @ 11:00 am
ONE winning ticket sold in the Land of Lincoln … 1.28 Billion dollars…!!!
Hope it was a group and they can all retire and enjoy their lives..
13 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 30, 2022 @ 11:38 am
Good morning!
That’s an amazing amount of money, Gaga! I hope it brings happiness to the recipient.
Gaga – Yes, lots of changes. Will you be at the open house or will you just wait to hear how it went? Hopefully, there are no more little Mickeys at your place! Funny mouse story about the live mouse traps! Ha ha!
Nice to hear that you are all moved in, Moms!
Dee – Is there a choice about entering codes? Ha ha! I enter them whether I need them or not.
I should probably make a run to the grocery store today for the essentials. And perhaps I should plan some meals ahead instead of always trying to figure it out each day.
How are those of you playing NEXT enjoying Week 2? I wasn’t really excited about the one that says “add a room”. I enjoy having a small house and I really miss the classic feature of naming a room. But I noticed Sally mentioning naming properties. I wonder how many properties one user can have. She mentioned having one dedicated to Winter/Christmas and now she is planning to do a beach property with one of the prizes (a sand yard, I think) won on the free tier of the Season Challenge. I personally only have my main house and a Lakefront property where I keep all of my competition crops.
Speaking of competition crops….I hardly get any anymore. Very frustrating!
As far as Classic, I started making a new Summer Fun room yesterday but I was lacking inspiration. I wanted to use the new Unicorn Wading pool and a few other items, but I wasn’t satisfied with the result.
I have really enjoyed the collection event (despite the desk/chair issue)). The carpet that changes to four different colors is my favorite!
14 dee said,
July 30, 2022 @ 3:18 pm
15 dee said,
July 30, 2022 @ 5:31 pm
should i put raisins or nuts in my carrot cake?
or both?
and what kind of nuts
it is a little one (9×9)………..thanks
16 Topazz said,
July 30, 2022 @ 6:36 pm
What is the desk/chair issue? Is it just that it is boring? I wish it had be a couch and coffee table.
17 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 30, 2022 @ 8:18 pm
dee – walnuts!
gaga – i’m sure the open house is a bit emotional for you – i hope everything goes smoothly & no drama with the siblings
the pets are all adjusting very well – the cats are perching on their climber near me right now & Humphrey is running around mostly following dh
i had a long frenzy this morning looking for the box with some of my things & cannot find them still – i had put them in a storage zip up thing, then the packers packed all of them, but that one storage thing & another are currently MIA . . . still haven’t found them lol