Summer SPREE
The Summer Shopping Spree runs Monday, July 4 until Tuesday, July 12. Log in to your Webkinz Classic account to get a free piece of retired summer clothing added to your Dock as soon as you log in daily.
The Summer Shopping Spree runs Monday, July 4 until Tuesday, July 12. Log in to your Webkinz Classic account to get a free piece of retired summer clothing added to your Dock as soon as you log in daily.
1 gagagee said,
July 5, 2022 @ 10:45 am
Good Morning !
Sheba.. Happy that your Covid tests have been negative ! Sounds like you have been very busy with your garage project ! No wonder you are tired…always a good feeling though to get so much accomplished ! Sensed from your last post that you are Canadian ? It’s always fun to hear where everyone is from.
moms.. I was thinking of Boper after your last post and dee needing a techy person although I know you are as well… Maybe he will check in… miss him dropping by .. Never heard of the traps you were describing.. sounds interesting ! Thankfully no further problem here and I am finally starting to relax a bit but always on the lookout !! ( LOL ) I drive myself crazy sometimes but those little creatures are terrorizing to me !
dee… growing up we went to Walloon Lake… great fishing.. sailing.. water skiing and horseback riding… We always passed a billboard which was advertising a place called Sea Shell City… all six of us would dare each other to say the name six times… and laugh hysterically and look for our parents reaction when it came out Sea Shell Shi…tty !!! Those were the days my friend ! Will see it this goes to the trash can !!
April… One of our local news stations have what is called Worth the Watch… and it is usually about little kids or pets….. Stella’s picture is worth the watch.
I am sure her expression would bring a smile to all who see it !
2 dee said,
July 5, 2022 @ 11:21 am
i have been to walloon lake…….and have driven past it gobs of times
waaay back when, it was just a funky ol town
now……..tourists! and pretty and all of that
3 cmpets said,
July 5, 2022 @ 1:58 pm
Hope everyone had a nice 4th.
gaga-In an ideal world, yes, we will be back here in a year or so, but you never know. So we decided to put everything in storage while we go explore. And no, e-store still won’t accept my card. I even tried on another account. I will make time to contact them this week. So strange how just in this last month or so it stopped working on the site. Maybe something happened with my address in their system???
I have a few points left on my account. Mostly just want to see what the Christmas in July sale looks like. I usually shop that.
Honestly, it’s probably better I am not able to spend money on there, I still have a lot of e-store items I already need to place, but I can buy diamonds, and still debating that…
april- Sorry to hear about your aunt. And the family stuff can be frustrating, but glad you at least have a few people you can trust and to help you. Stella is adorable as always.
dee-maybe a portable speaker the usb plugs in to? We use bluetooth speakers, but seems like the same idea.
4 dee said,
July 5, 2022 @ 3:27 pm
for when boper pops in
unless ya’ll can explain it
5 dee said,
July 5, 2022 @ 3:29 pm
i asked the electronics girl at walmart and she said there was no such thing as a speaker yu can just plug into………that it has to have a computer
which makes sense………so do those bluetooth things have computers?
yes i am dumb
see mister boper, would come on and justtell me what to buy
he knows i am not gonna start dj ing or have a rave
just some tunes while i am cooking
6 april1013 (wwid: zeker1013) said,
July 5, 2022 @ 7:19 pm
Greetings from the jungle. It’s jungle weather here. Heat advisory, stifling humidity, pop up thunderstorms. I’ll take the rain though, we need it.
dee—Thanks 🙂 I know I am biased, but Michigan in the summer is the best! We have not taken the Badger over yet. We want to someday. But you have to leave your dog in your vehicle and you have to leave your vehicle and go top side. I’m not leaving my baby, so we will have to do to when we aren’t taking Stella. Hope your dh has a good trip to MI. I know they make a portable speaker with a USB port. Oh, I just saw the link you posted. We have that exact JBL speaker. Let me see if I can get it to play music from a usb drive. Stay tuned.
gaga—Thank you for the kind words. I miss her. She was the last of her generation in our family. Glad Stella could bring a smile to you! She is definitely worth watching! 🙂
moms—Thanks so much. Very thankful for my bro and SIL, we are getting through it. <3
sheba—So happy you didn't get covid. Thank you. I need to do some cleaning out too, hopefully I'll get to it before the end of the year.
cmpets—Thank you. Yes, family can be frustrating for sure. Good luck with your move or temporary move. Picking up and exploring sounds so exciting!
7 april1013 (wwid: zeker1013) said,
July 5, 2022 @ 7:30 pm
Sorry dee. Our speakers do not have a usb port. But even if they did, I think you would still need either a computer or smart phone to connect to get them to play.
We used to use a bose speaker dock if you have an old ipod you could put your music on that.
8 dee said,
July 5, 2022 @ 7:36 pm
i figure at this point, i just need to drive my car up on the lawn close to the house and just blast
just amazes me as i know dds ipod could just connect to a speaker!
granted a flash drive is not a computer, but why can i not link some cord to another cord?
where is elon musk when i need him?
i just hate doing radio with all the commercials or icky songs….the ones on the usb are the ONES i picked………….does that make sense?
and thanky thanky for all the thoughts/ideas/suggestions
it is just kind of frustrating as i do not know if it is my tech limitations/understanding……….or the real world
9 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 5, 2022 @ 11:32 pm
dee – you’re the one with the problem – you can play your songs from a modern device, but you’re trying to play them with old technology . . . usb . . .
if you would get a smart phone, you could have your music on there then play it via bluetooth on a speaker and your car
meanwhile – is the music on your laptop? is that how you put it on your usb? you could just play it from the laptop in your kitchen . . .
10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 5, 2022 @ 11:34 pm
looooooong day, but all ready for photos in the morning – they don’t have much turn around time, but we are ready
i cleaned a lot today and put final “touches” on the staging
i have cleaned out sooooo much, but i still feel like i could have purged even more . . . shameful how much junk we collect – i had an entire drawer of notepads – freebies from random charities etc. just a full drawer of them for what???? i even had a pack of post-its from Airtran airlines in there . . . ya’ll . . .
11 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 12:00 am
Yeah…I don’t really understand the tech world, Dee.
I do have a bluetooth speaker (Anker) and if I have the bluetooth setting turned “on” and connect it to my phone or iPad, I can have music stream through it. I usually just find music on YouTube, but I actually listen more to podcasts while I’m doing my chores.
Gaga – Sorry for confusing you….I just know we have some Canadian players here, too. But I live in Virginia. 😉 The hot and muggy state during the summer.
We are making some progress on the garage. But I actually cleared out a small cabinet in the kitchen that contained some items that went with a box in the garage. Giving up our Bosch bread mixer….It is missing a the main bowl (I think my son burned it on a stove burner…ages ago) and we never replaced it. Anyway, I think we paid $600 for it new. But we are never going to make that quantity of bread again. We used to grind our own wheat and my husband actually made the bread. Every Sunday night he made at least six loaves of whole wheat bread. Anyway, it has been taking up a lot of space. We are going to keep our grinder, because occasionally we will grind our own wheat for pancakes.
12 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 12:01 am
Moms – I hear you on the stuff! I wish I had started purging 20 years ago!
13 dee said,
July 6, 2022 @ 6:46 am
how do you know if your phone is smart> it is new!
will have to see if it has a hole that big……is there a cord or something i could buy to mate themup?
good golly moms, you have not lived in t hat house long enough to have too much poo!
i know we shipped over 13000 lbs of poo from alaska when we moved here
14 gagagee said,
July 6, 2022 @ 6:48 am
Good Morning All !
dee. what is the Badger ? Just curious… Hope Elan or Boper can help you get your music set up ! I usually do You Tube when I home to listen to the music but I fear that when and if my new car comes I will need to revisit the music issue as the car won’t have a c/d player.
moms.. sounds like you are all set for the photo session ! All of our hard work will pay off in the long run… Guessing your home probably will sell quickly… before the photos are ready ! My brother is getting his keys this morning for his new ” home”.. My older sister and I will be meeting him there to help him pick out some paint colors and figure out furniture placement..
He will be taking quite a bit from my mom’s place to get him settled… Feel badly for him….. so hard to start over after so many years .
Sheba… I am so impressed that you and your dh grind your own wheat for bread/pancakes ! Where do you find the time ? You have such a busy schedule … Never been to Virginia but I know it is a beautiful state..
My sister went to a college there… ( equestrian oriented )
April..Has been really humid here too… can be pretty unbearable.. but we have some some rain the last two nights…we sure did need it..
Meeting a couple of friends this morning for breakfast and hope to get to the cafeteria to meet former coworkers for lunch ! Very social day for me today !
cmpets… Hope your packing up is going well too ! So much work but sounds like a fun adventure !
Hope you all have a good day ! Deluxe Wednesday in the e store still not up but I don’t think anything new
15 dee said,
July 6, 2022 @ 9:18 am
what photo session? i just assumed it was a family pic
and gaga, your sister went to horse college?
16 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 1:54 pm
Gaga – We don’t regularly grind our own wheat. Only occasionally. But it was part of our weekly schedule when our kids were still at home. To be honest, we did it due to health reasons. Within one week of eating bread made from freshly ground wheat, one of my kiddos that suffered with long term regularity, no longer had the problem. It was a miracle. So for years (our busiest ever) we made home-made whole wheat bread every week. Anyway, maybe that was TMI. 😉
17 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 4:01 pm
dee – we’ve been here 12 years & while raising kids – that’s like doubled in parenting years 😆
listing photos for our house
18 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 4:08 pm
I’m going to try to add a pic of our bird feeder.
19 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 4:13 pm
So…the blue basket in the back next to the swing is for throwing discs and has nothing to do with the feeder.
My dh bought a bird feeder that claimed to be squirrel proof. It was not. So he tried many things including putting a slinky on the pole (which did not keep the squirrels away). What he ended up doing was buying an extra pole to make the pole taller, plus he bought a cone to put on the pole. Those two things combined have kept the squirrels off the actual feeder. Now the squirrels eat fallen bird seed on the ground, which makes us all happy. Dh recently added the hummingbird feeder.
20 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 4:15 pm
Oh…where he has the hummingbird feeder hanging is where the original bird feeder used to hang. It is a bit hard to see the feeder in the picture with the blue basket in the background.
21 dee said,
July 6, 2022 @ 5:06 pm
has it really been twelve years moms?
i remember when you bought the house
sheba, i finally found squirrel proof feeders……….
they destroyed so many over the years……the cats LOVED watching them do their frenzy attacks, but dh not so much, as they chew on his car wires
22 dee said,
July 6, 2022 @ 5:12 pm
see sheba
that is something i would want…….i was looking for a meat grinder, since steak is cheaper than hamburger…….
i would prefer non electric things
23 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 6:23 pm
I’m trying to remember if we have a meat grinder.
We used to grind venison, but we may have borrowed the grinder.
I don’t think it was electric. My dh doesn’t hunt anymore. But it was very useful in the days of a very tight budget.
24 dee said,
July 6, 2022 @ 6:27 pm
i was eyeing the chop rite thingy
not sure if you could grind with it??? never ground wheat
have done spices with my little mortar and pestle
no clue how those little house on the prairie women did ANYTHING
25 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 6:32 pm
dee – you need one of those meat grinders that you can vise grip onto the counter & crank
26 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 6:33 pm
the antisquirrel feeding bird feeder looks complicated sheba!
27 dee said,
July 6, 2022 @ 6:42 pm
that is the chop rite thing moms
what the amish use
but what about the smartphone thing? is mine a smartphone
i am obviously not a smartphone user………… clue what a smart tv is either
*wraps herself in ignorance*
28 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 9:38 pm
dee – bless your heart
29 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 6, 2022 @ 10:48 pm
dee – are you wanting something like this????
30 gagagee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 7:06 am
Good Morning All !
Saga continues… found another critter which I thought was dead… ran out of my house in search of a kid who could maybe dispose of it….lady walking her dog who happens to be board president .. I asked her if she knew of any kids in the development… when I explained she handed me her dog’s leash and said she would take care of it !!! However… armed with a broom and garbage while her dog and I stood on the porch… she hollered down that the mouse was NOT dead…. OMG… panic set in again… but she came out with in in the garbage bag…but now the terror continues… not sure how much more I handle.. I called the professionals who are coming this morning…thanks for listening to my troubles…
Sheba.. thanks for sharing the picture of your birdfeeders… Glad your squirrel bandit problem was solved… Have you had much activity at your hummingbird feeder this summer ? Have had none at mine.
dee.. My youngest sister went to a 4 year university first… think she needed a chemistry credit to get her diploma which she never did… ( was on their equestrian team at that university )… She found this place in Virginia ( junior college ) which had a strong program for riding… Because she was spoiled rotten and the youngest of 6… my parents sent her there ! Southern Sem..
I think it has since morphed into a university but she loved it their as they travelled to other colleges for riding competition ( hunter jumper ). Once she finished there it was onto getting a very nice horse … private lessons ect ect… My older sister and I remember making potholders on a loom and selling them door to door for 25 cents to save money to go to horse camp for a week !
moms… Good luck with your home being sold ! Everything seems to be falling into place with you finding a home and your mom choosing a new place ! I hope there are no glitches and sale goes smoothly.
Farmers Day in NEXT…
cmpets… I can’t believe Cake it Up is part of this weeks challenge.. I may as well skip it !
Hope you all have a good day today…
31 gagagee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 10:09 am
If anyone is interested… the Art Nouveau Gramophone is for sale in the NEXT
Curio Shop… RARE… looks like it will be available for two hours.
dee… you can use this to listen to while you are cookin ! Not sure what it plays but it costs 1600 kc
32 dee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 10:11 am
yeah gaga
i did not have the heart to tell you that they usually hang in packs
first thing is to put EVERYTHING that is opened away. either in fridge, or very sturdy plastic or glass closing bins/jars
i mean everything. flour, your sugar bowl etc……….clean out your toaster too.
make sure your trash is sealed as well………they chew thru things pretty good
good luck
33 gagagee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 10:13 am
Just noticed that the Victorian Mansion Bed is also available for 7500 kc
34 dee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 10:16 am
the victorian mansion bed is also for sale pretty spendy but can be sent to classic
that gramophone is pretty
35 Boper911 said,
July 7, 2022 @ 10:23 am
Thanks for the heads up about the rares! I got the bed and the gramophone. I hope the gramophone becomes sendable to classic- that’s the only reason I play next
36 gagagee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 10:54 am
Thanks dee… He is here now… asked him to please check my attic as well because I sometimes feel like I ” hear things “.. and my bedroom is up there … don’t want to be so afraid to sleep without the lights on… wearing me out !
My fridge isn’t all that big either but continue to keep bread and chips in there.
37 dee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
how do i make music with my thumb drive without using the computer or pulling the car up by the house and putting it on blast?
thanks sweetie
38 gagagee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
BOPER… so nice to see you ! Are your ears burning ? We were hoping you could come to dee’s rescue !
39 gagagee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 2:15 pm
BOPER… so nice to see you ! Are your ears burning ? We were hoping you could come to dees’ rescue !
40 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 7, 2022 @ 2:38 pm
seriously – i was trying to summon boper LOL
dee – did you see comment 29?
gaga – everything seems to be working out so far, hopefully it will continue ♥ we have had some strong and fast sales in our n’hood, so i’m hopeful
41 dee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 4:14 pm
yes moms
is that what i want? i can just stick the thumb drive in and it plays?
or do i plug that into the computer?
and i really like shuffling my songs…….my car does shuffle
and thanks!
whats the deal with waterproof tho?
42 dee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 5:08 pm
gonna do stir fry tomorrow
what am i forgetting?
i have
carrots, onions. red pepper, broccoli, water chestnuts
and chicken is thawing (always best to cut up when still slightly frozen so ya know!)
trying to remember what i like to fish out of the dish when we did eat out!
thinking of lo mein instead of rice
dh is on his own, but was prebriefed on my plans before we went to grocery earlier!
let me know what ya think of please!
for some reason, i got blue collar comedy tour rides again at the library today
43 gagagee said,
July 7, 2022 @ 5:58 pm
dee.. how about pea pods for your stir fry ?
RARES in NEXT…. Aztec Fridge for one more hour…. 5500 kc
If anyone is interested
44 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 7, 2022 @ 9:38 pm
dee – waterproof so you can use it fishing 🙂
like i have ever made stir fry 😆
gaga – did you get the critter guy to plug some holes? what did he say?
45 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
July 7, 2022 @ 10:23 pm
I got the aztec fridge!
It was hard to do anything with Webkinz today because I had baby girl for 10+ hours.
The (squirrel) aka bird feeder morphed into what it is today. The original bird feeder said “squirrel proof!” NOT! So my dh kept adjusting and adding things until he got it to be totally squirrel proof. Yes, about two or three weeks after my dh put the hummingbird feeder up we saw of first hummingbird. We see them everyday now.
I have a splitting headache so I’m heading to bed. Probably due to playing 1,000 cake-it up games (yes, I’m exaggerating). Actually, I only played six games on both accounts. And for some reason I struggled with Jumbleberry Blast on one account. Usually that game isn’t hard for me!
Not a fan of Dogbeard because I get dizzy, but I only played two games of that on one account.
As far as classic….I still need some Post Sorter jobs. I am done with the Tile Tower challenge as that is my favorite game. Working on the deluxe, but should wrap that up soon.
Gaga – Sorry about the critter troubles. Hope it is resolved soon.
Boper – Nice to see you!
Dee – I have something similar to what moms showed you in the link for bluetooth speaker.