WackyER Zingoz Arcade Challenge
Here’s how to play: Starting on Monday, November 9th, look for the WackyER Zingoz Arcade Challenge icon in your pet’s room. It will be displayed along the left side of the room (web and desktop app only):
Click on the icon to review your tasks. There are 3 tasks you’ll need to complete by midnight, November 15th (EST) to earn all of the prizes:
- Earn 200 KinzCash playing WackyER Zingoz at the Arcade
- Spin the Wheel of WOW 4 times
- Earn 50 KinzCash playing Zacky’s Quest at the Arcade
Complete all of the tasks on time to win a pair of Wacky Sunglasses and a NEW Wacky Geyser ride!
1 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 9, 2020 @ 1:45 pm
lucky for me, even though this game takes a long time to play, i don’t mind it
2 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
November 9, 2020 @ 2:47 pm
I made 40 KC in Tulip Troubles! Almost reached Gaga’s 43 KC. I did get a pet medallion.
I noticed that the Wacky ER Zingoz says 200KC instead of 250 KC when clicking on challenge icon.
3 dee said,
November 9, 2020 @ 3:38 pm
hey all
we are home
one little catfish, but gorgeous scenery
the new baby survived without me (BOO HOO)
did some wackying…………never been passed the ice level……always quit as that is enough to get the wacky prizes……….how cool would it be if it was also wacky fest right now??
dh has been briefed that the public is awaiting a pic of the new kitten
he is just not getting it…………….
off on a couple errands tomorrow, then home to wack!!!!
i hope
4 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 9, 2020 @ 4:32 pm
you are all killing tulip troubles! i’ve never gotten 40!
5 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,
November 9, 2020 @ 4:42 pm
I’ve gotten close to 40kc lately on Tulip Troubles!
I’m just thankful I’m done with that challenge.
6 dee said,
November 9, 2020 @ 6:06 pm
i think my tulip hi was twenty
7 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 10, 2020 @ 12:26 am
It is estore appreciation day!!!
8 gagagee said,
November 10, 2020 @ 4:21 am
Good Morning !
No signs of the shoes yet in the e store !
I guess it is too early !
Still having pretty good luck with Tulip Troubles.. won a medallion… finally!
Weather still very warm and sunny here but changing tomorrow…Have had a great Indian Summer here !
Hope you all have a great day !
9 dee said,
November 10, 2020 @ 5:57 am
orange ya glad you remembered the shoes?
10 dee said,
November 10, 2020 @ 8:35 am
the estore freebie is up and running now
11 dee said,
November 10, 2020 @ 1:51 pm
guess everyone is out wacking
12 Boper911 said,
November 10, 2020 @ 2:56 pm
Got my estore freebies
Got my estore freebies
Gwenda, I’ll send the rescue worker top tonight when I log in!
*ahem* I got 64 KC on Tulip game
13 gagagee said,
November 10, 2020 @ 5:39 pm
WOW !! Congrats Boper on your Tulip Score… Amazing…. Did you get a medallion for your score ??
14 dee said,
November 10, 2020 @ 5:57 pm
i was gonna ask boper to prove it on my accts
15 dee said,
November 10, 2020 @ 6:02 pm
oh ja
i went to target this morning *third time this year
i need a mattress pad………….so many choices
can ya’ll help please?
i do not need memory foam………..not quite sure what that is
i do not need cooling gels, as who wants to be cold when they sleep?
but i did notice stuff had limits………tp, ptowels, wet ones
but not hand sanitizer! which worked well as i bought these bigger bottles of suave brand that totally fit the cupholders in our cars. I had been refilling ours as dh likes the pump kind
AND THEN…………..dh was at dentist and she mentioned stuff is getting rationed again………hmmm
then i went to kroger to get my fresh fruit and veg (and they had chicken lady parts on sale)……………no rations…………..so i guess they did not get the word
so plan accordingly peeps
and lmk about the mattress pad…………..i googled yesterday and saw some go for hundreds of dollars………….why? why not get a new mattress?
hugs to all
16 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 10, 2020 @ 7:30 pm
dee – me! i like to sleep cool! 🙂
there’s always that one in every crowd . . .
can i post baby pics???
17 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 10, 2020 @ 7:31 pm
boper – hope you did qty 2 for each, then another qty of 2 for each so that you have all kinds of extras for what??? LOL why do i do that???
18 4mannkids said,
November 10, 2020 @ 7:51 pm
Reminder…after 7pm you can get a second set of the freebies from the estore
19 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
November 11, 2020 @ 4:42 am
Hi Gymbo’s friends!
Just popping in to say hi! I’m grateful that the only special event going on right now in Webkinz World (knock on wood, eek!) is the “meet the mayoral candidates” in the Park thing since there are two challenges on at the same time currently! Before the WackyER Zingoz Challenge started, I actually found myself with FREE TIME the other day! It was amazing!!! I actually did something for ME that morning/afternoon that had absolutely NOTHING to do with Webkinz! But speaking of Webkinz… Has anyone here played the “new” Webkinz yet? I haven’t, and right now I’m not planning to. I don’t particularly care for the look of the new pets and I don’t really want to commit to another game right now. The only thing that might one day get me to play is the babies factor… I feel like I need more information on the “new” Webkinz, though. I read the FAQ that was posted on Webkinz Newz, but it seemed pretty surface-level. There wasn’t early enough information on what all you can do in this “new” world.
I hope everyone here at the blog is doing good! 🧡 I saw a couple of posts back that dee got a new kitty, and based on her last comment about the kitty on this post, it seems it is adjusting quite well! I also remember reading about your father-in-law, april. Just checked the previous post, and am very glad to hear he is doing much better and that neither you or your husband got sick!! gaga, how are things at work and how is himself doing? Queen of Sheba, are you still teaching virtually or have you gone back to a physical classroom? I wish I could keep up with you guys on this blog, but please know I think of ALL of you often!
20 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
November 11, 2020 @ 4:43 am
Oh, no! I finally check in and my post seems to have gone in the trash! I’d very much appreciate if someone could fish it out!!
21 gagagee said,
November 11, 2020 @ 5:14 am
Good Morning !
New challenge’s log in says that you receive a pink shirt/however the prize is a mask/dessert…Really difficult to keep up with all of the challenges with a short amount of time to complete..with yet another Pumpkin Protector game !
dee.. not much advice for mattress pad…seems like they are all pretty much the same…
Thank you to all of the Veterans !
Hope you all have a good day !
22 dee (bbqeeun, terryyaki) said,
November 11, 2020 @ 5:55 am
yes moms to baby pics
i think the one in the chair is best……
23 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 11, 2020 @ 8:26 am
dee -definitely! ♥
new post & i’ll add baby pics there 😉
hey otterkinz!!! love to see you!
24 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
November 11, 2020 @ 8:26 am