Collect Marshmallows
From July 1st – 31st, look for the Marshmallow Collection icon on your Kinzville Map and click on it to see your collection (available on web only). Everyday, you’ll get 1 free Marshmallow, just for clicking on the collection icon (Deluxe players will get 2 free Marshmallows a day).
Once you have received your free Marshmallow, you can get 5 more throughout the day by asking your friends or by finding and clicking on the floating Marshmallow on (make sure you collect your free one first before trying to find one on Webkinz Newz).
1 Emma104 said,
July 1, 2019 @ 5:25 pm
Moms- yes, you can put my nickname…thank you! Also, you have mail 🙂
2 dee said,
July 1, 2019 @ 5:52 pm
we are playing the waiting game of financial aid updating their files so billing can receive them……….aaaaaaggggggghhhhh
so far we have one amount on billing, one amount on term summary and another amount on current due…..
of course due monday.
dd just hates when i call to handle things………but by golly it works!
3 Chococat663 said,
July 1, 2019 @ 5:55 pm
Been busy lately and I keep forgetting to do Webkinz stuff.
Didn’t know this collection thing was going on, but I like some of the prizes, especially that chair and dresser thing. I also like the new spree prizes, I’m gonna need a couple of those kiwi plushes and windows.
It’s been super hot here lately, a complete 180 from how it was a week or two ago. We had a freak storm the other day. Lots of rain and hail. Our awning ripped under the weight of all the hail, but it was very old and the seams were starting to come undone, so it was gonna happen eventually.
Boyfriend is doing better, although he had some string trying to evacuate itself through part of a wound the other day? Any medical people here who know what that’s all about? Google tells me it might be undisolved internal stitches. His mom plucked it out but I’ve never seen anything like that before! I thought it was just a strange looking scab until it got a closer look.
4 dee said,
July 1, 2019 @ 6:41 pm
eww choco
glad to see ya tho!
i put a couple recipes on last post, thinking of you. dd flew in for an unexpected quickie and has been cooking up a storm!
just been researching beyond burgers, as i signed up to their list and got a coupon…….trying to figure their freezer ability……….sounds like the ship frozen and you have to cook within three days, but if you ask your grocer to hand ya the frozen ones, they are good for nine months!
5 Chococat663 said,
July 1, 2019 @ 6:48 pm
Yeah, it was gross and weird
Beyond burgers freeze well. I buy them fresh, cut them in half (I don’t like fat burgers), then freeze them. I’ll also buy frozen ones, let them thaw, then do the same process. Saw them for the first time at Kroger the other day, which makes me very happy because usually I have to go to Whole Foods (where I spend wayyyy too much money) or better health to get them. Not sure how I feel about them being on the same shelf as beef though, I thought you weren’t supposed to store meat with non meat products because of cross contamination?
6 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 1, 2019 @ 8:15 pm
we have been rewatching toy story 1, 2, & 3 in preparation for seeing it tomorrow 😀
7 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 1, 2019 @ 8:24 pm
i had a stitch that poked out years after a surgery – it looked a red bump, almost a pimple, then when I touched it it kind of poked me . . . so naturally, i grabbed some tweezers and started yanking – it looked like fishing line, then *pop* a knot came out. i cleaned it & that was that . . . LOL
8 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
July 1, 2019 @ 10:46 pm
Good evening all! 🙂
Already behind on my marshmallow collection… Didn’t remember about it until 7:00 PM, so hardly any of the marshmallow requests I sent out today have come back.
All this talk about stray, undissolved stitches… If something like that ever happened to me, I’d lose my mind! Just thinking about it is enough to send me up a wall!
momskinz, I was never a really a fan of the Toy Story franchise, but I went to see the new one in the theater last week and it was really good! I think liked 4 better because it had more female representation. I also really, really hated that purple bear in TS3… Thank you also for your nice comment about my Cupcake Shoppe! My ‘kinz sent you some cupcakes to sample! 😉
Finishing up floaties, then onto dailies. Hope everyone is having a great start to their week and the new month!
9 Chococat663 said,
July 1, 2019 @ 11:13 pm
What really threw me was that it didn’t look like regular stitches (like the fishing line type), it was actual string! So weird. I told him to bring it up with his doctor next time he goes.
I saw Toy Story 4 last week and loved it. As much as I liked it, I kind of felt like it was an unnecessary addition to the series. The third movie left the series with a perfect ending and adding onto that just felt odd.
10 gagagee said,
July 2, 2019 @ 8:57 am
Good Morning All !
Had a nice day yesterday in “Amish Country”.. Lots of horse and buggies up and down the streets.. great lunch.. and a nice visit with my sister…
Moms…Hope you enjoy Toy Story 4 with the boys…
Choco.. surgeons usually use internal sutures that absorb over time.. sometimes
they migrate to skin surface.. sounds like that is what happened…glad your boyfriend is doing better..
dee.. tuition financing sounds very frustrating… nice your dd has you to help out with getting things straightened around for her…
Otterkinz… if needed you could add me to your friends list… Usually log in early each and every day..
Hope all with well with everyone !
Have a good day !
11 Dixiecup said,
July 2, 2019 @ 11:39 am
Morning all, I see Choco is keeping everyone in stitches. Nice to see you back even if the discussion borders on a Dr Pimple-popper episode. I have agree with Gaga, It definitely sounds like a migrated stitch that surfaced. I had dark stringy stitches do that when the botched a routine procedure and ‘nicked a bleeder.’ It was uncomfortable when it surfacing, it felt much better when extracted.
Wedding is over. I now have another Son-In-Law. Very few people showed. 24 total including Bridal party.
Her dress ended up looking all right, the Maid of honour’s dress was restored to not just a wearable state, but a reusable state. Brides dress… that’s another matter. I told my daughter we could salvage the nicer pats of her dress and make a wedding Shadow box memory. So much went wrong at every turn, but the made it through. Now, they’re married.
12 bardinbella said,
July 2, 2019 @ 12:00 pm
total newbie here, so i wasn’t sure where to post my question. does anyone know what has happened to i was out of the country for a week, come home, turn on computer, and boom, nothing. I found your site scouring google for answers, and i recognized dixiecup (i think) from there so i thought i’d give it a chance and ask here.
13 Dixiecup said,
July 2, 2019 @ 1:09 pm
Bardinella; first of all, welcome to Gymbo’s .. I can tell what brought you here, LOL
Secondly, there was a hard drive failure and they are working hard to recover the site. Justin said it’s located in Kansas and they don’t know to what extent. We might get back partial functionality, we might get it all. It depends on to what extent the damage is.
Twitter quote
Just letting you know it’s still down and we are wondering how things are going. I’ve had a few users ask me to contact you again because they really do want the site to stay. It’s a body of work many of them have contributed to and still rely on.
Thinknoodles -Justin
Thinknoodles ðŸœ
Jul 1
I understand completely, I don’t want it going anywhere either. However, with a corrupted hard drive, it’s about what the engineers on-site are capable of recovering. It may be everything, or it may be nothing, but it’s wait-and-see for the next few days as they swap hardware.
14 Dixiecup said,
July 2, 2019 @ 1:11 pm
And YES, It is the same Dixiecup from WI
15 bardinbella said,
July 2, 2019 @ 2:17 pm
dixie, my question might have brought me here, but i’m glad i found it 🙂
16 bardinbella said,
July 2, 2019 @ 2:18 pm
thank you, i guessed either a server crash or a ganz takedown. sorry it’s a temporary server crash, but i’m glad it’s not a permanent takedown.
17 Dixiecup said,
July 2, 2019 @ 3:22 pm
I’m sure Momz would welcome anyone with open arms, no matter which site they came from, she’s ‘cool like that.’ I jump between the two places quite a bit. I think this one is more relaxed, allows for ‘idle chatter’ but still discuss the current Webkinz events. I see I got your name wrong it’s actually Barbinbella. Sorry.
July 2, 2019 @ 3:41 pm
April, congrats to you and stella!
July 2, 2019 @ 3:46 pm
Dixie..not sure if you know how to do it, but if a gown needs to be let out, one very east way, at least for me, is to put in a corset insert at zipper! And if done right you need not remove the zipper, which allows gown, if you lose weight, to be taken back down fast..I had to do this for a 600 dollar gown I owe. I needed two inches in the, though I’ve lost all that fat and gown fits good without it..BUT, I keep the piece just in case! No way was I not wearing that gown! Lol. Not sure if this helps or not. Good luck
July 2, 2019 @ 3:52 pm
Otter, mice can carry diseases AND infest your home with fleas too! We get them sometimes. I use quick kill snap traps, it’s very quick, not like those sticky traps! That’s just cruel. Now one thing that can keep them away is peppermint oil..but you have to soak cotton balls in it, and keep doing it.. they hate the smell. I’m going to plant it all around the foundation of my house this year too to see if that keeps them away. I don’t like having to euthanize them, but unfortunately, once they get in..there may be no other choice. Last year one got in and brought FLEAS!! What a nightmare and expense to get rid of those! Good luck!
July 2, 2019 @ 3:57 pm
April, I’m glad you liked the gifts! Was hoping I might have finally given you something you didn’t have! Lol I really appreciate the gifts you send! Love them!!! Thank you!
July 2, 2019 @ 4:00 pm
Choco, glad bf is doing better, and yes its undisolved stitches! Lol I’ve had that happen..some people’s bodies, mine included, reject them instead of dissolving them, not sure why! But it happens!
July 2, 2019 @ 4:06 pm
Dee, sent you an email. Hope you are enjoying DDS visit!
July 2, 2019 @ 4:10 pm
I’m sorry I’ve not been on alot, I’m TRYING to catch up..!
I can’t figure out what happened to gagas brother but glad to hear he’s ok!!
I hope you’re all doing well, and welcome to the newbies!
Still no answers here about my DH’S issues! More bloodwork and scans tommorrow. . See 3 drs. On 8th.
July 2, 2019 @ 4:11 pm
And I love some of the new spree prizes!!
One there a list of in game plushies? I have 3 rooms full of pushes and woukd love to know how many I don’t have!
26 Dixiecup said,
July 2, 2019 @ 4:31 pm
Chant, that’s pretty much what I had to do. It was a corseted dress and I had to remove the ‘flap’ that lays under the laces. I created a panel from that by opening it up, it was faced with a fairly similar lining and my Mom had some purple tulle from a bouquet of flowers. I gathered it vertically and overlayed the panel with that, unzipped the bustle and laid it in from the base of the zipper up to the top eyelet. Then we got a matching spool or ribbon to use because the laces were definitely not long enough. As much as I didn’t like the look of it, no one else was aware that it shouldn’t appear that way. It held up for the entire wedding and reception.
The biggest problem came more from my daughter’s vanity and inability to accept the fact that she is indeed a 24. My thoughts on that? Who really cares when it’s Your day, you are the bride and you are wearing it all day? You can still be s gorgeous, beaming bride in a size 24!
27 Dixiecup said,
July 2, 2019 @ 4:44 pm
Chant, that’s pretty much what I had to do. It was a corseted dress and I had to remove the ‘flap’ that lays under the laces. I created a panel from that by opening it up, it was faced with a fairly similar lining and my Mom had some purple tulle from a bouquet of flowers. I gathered it vertically and overlayed the panel with that, unzipped the bustle and laid it in from the base of the zipper up to the top eyelet. Then we got a matching spool or ribbon to use because the laces were definitely not long enough. As much as I didn’t like the look of it, no one else was aware that it shouldn’t appear that way. It held up for the entire wedding and reception.
The biggest problem came more from my daughter’s vanity and inability to accept the fact that she is indeed a 24. My thoughts on that? Who really cares when it’s Your day, you are the bride and you are wearing it all day? You can still be s gorgeous, beaming bride in a size 24!
That and I didn’t have my sewing room. I had my Mom’s which, even though it’s uncannily set up to my logic, it’s still not my equipment.
There but for the Grace of God. It all worked out. At the end of the day we have a happily married Mr and Mrs.
28 Dixiecup said,
July 2, 2019 @ 4:45 pm
Sorry about the double submission!! I’m writing on the road!
29 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 2, 2019 @ 8:27 pm
choco – i agree! i wish ts3 had been the final one, it felt like “closure”
although i did laugh big at “chutes & ladders”
bardinbella – pitch perfect name! LOL welcome! we welcome anyone, and you are allowed to name other sites here – we don’t want someone just coming in & spamming only, but we aren’t very rules driven like most of the other sites 🙂 jump right in here! we comment on whatever post is the “most recent” at the top of the blog so that we can find each other – and we chat about whatever under that post – keeping it simple here . . . let us know if you have any questions
i hope WI is able to recover completely – that would be sad especially with all of the information that was on – the WI wiki page with the pet & psi pics together is my favorite place (TLL & Michele – it takes a while to load, but i love having them all on one page – hoping the picture gallery eventually becomes my resource for that, too!)
30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 2, 2019 @ 8:42 pm
Visit the Sunny Pineapple Clubhouse Room from July 3 to 31!
Every day when you click on the turtle in the Sunny Pineapple Clubhouse Room, it will give you a random piece of Adventure Park clothing!
no new prizes *sad trumpet*
31 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,
July 2, 2019 @ 10:02 pm
Thank you everyone who sent me PSF today 😀 ♥
32 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
July 3, 2019 @ 1:17 am
Morning all!
Does anyone have any pieces from the Winter clothing line they can spare?? I remembered to go get the Dogbeard’s Bathtub Battle Arcade Unit before it was to retire, but not the clothing! Even if it’s only one pair of earmuffs or a sweater or something like that, I’d appreciate it! It can be sent to any of my three accounts (luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, or BigTop71) – I really don’t care where it is as long as I have some of it!!
gagagee, is your username the same in WW as it is on here? I’d love to add to my friends list both to help with the Marshmallow Collection and to have another friend! Also, glad you had a good time in Amish Country!!
Dixiecup, sorry the wedding didn’t go great, but at least it is all over with now and you got a new son-in-law out of it! Also, thank you for posting your message to Justin and his response! I’m really starting to worry about WI… It’s never been down this long in the 3-4 years since I joined there.
bardinbella, welcome to Gymbo’s! 🙂
EnchantedIsle, thanks for the advice about my mouse problem. We only have one in the house, and it has managed to evade capture so far… Thankfully, I don’t *think* it has fleas, so that’s at least the upside.
momskinz, thanks for posting the Sunny Pineapple Clubhouse Room prizes! Nothing I don’t already have or really want, but I will still probably go to the Clubhouse to get them just in case someone else might need them!
33 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 3, 2019 @ 11:39 pm
ended up being gone all day! want to log in quickly & see what was deluxe wed. brb