
TLL – I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful updates & spoilers! We appreciate all of your hard work! And now, straight from TSL/TLL – the Webkinz Fairy . . .

Afternoon Gymbonians, and HAPPY UPDATE WEDNESDAY!

Man, I really wish there was still a way to get item names…it takes SO LONG to do updates now. :( Also, I had to duck into WW for a bit to see if the Goo-Goo berries and Polarberries are giving new prizes, and they are! All the new prizes are coming from feeding the berries as of today, so go feed your pets!

Anyway, let’s get started with PETS! Top row: Daisy Lion Gift Box, Daisy Canopy Bed, Lazy Daisy Cupcake. These are the items for the Daisy Lion that was already posted here. Middle row: Pineapple Turtle Gift Box, Pineapple Spa, Pineapple Pancake Stacks. These are the items for the Pineapple Turtle that was already posted here. Bottom row: Egyptian Mau Kitten Gift Box, Pyramid Cottage (NEEEEEEEEEED!), Ramses Rice and Meatballs.

Speaking of the Egyptian Mau Kitten, here’s the image:

Speaking of Berryfest, here’s some items! Top row: Moonberry Outfit (this is a prize from Jumbleberry Jars as of today, along with the other three berry dresses!), Sour Polarberry Seeds (they’re available now, go feed your pets! I got two packs!), Sour Goo-Goo Berry Seeds (also available, I got a pack!), and what looks to be a berry fest gift box. Bottom row: Hay Loft Bunk Bed (available from Moonberry Jars as of today!), Zingoz Switcherooz Trophy, Tile Towers Trophy, Triple Strike Solitaire Trophy. The Zingoz Switcherooz Trophy challenge will be happening very soon, according to the Today’s Announcements in WW. The Tile Towers Trophy Challenge starts on June 10, and the Triple Strike Solitaire Trophy Challenge will probably be for next month.

Speaking of fruit, here’s more of the upcoming Pineapple ?? Box theme! No names yet, but top row is the wallpaper, flooring, and side table. Bottom row: Whooooooooo……lives in a pineapple in Webkinz World? Loo-py’s Web-kinz! (Sorry, couldn’t resist that! :mrgreen: ) Anyway, we have the Pineapple ?? Box, a pineapple cottage (which will be a Kinz Cottage that coordinates with the pineapple theme), and what looks to be a pineapple mosaic tile tie-in for the Kinz Cottage.

And speaking of mystery boxes, here’s the Growing Seeds Mystery Box Series 3! Top row: the box, the mango seeds that will be in the box, the food from the seeds. Bottom row: What looks to be Morning Glory Wallpaper (NEEEEEEEEEEEEED X 1,000,000!!!1!), and a Morning Glory Chair (ALSO NEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!) I’m assuming the Morning Glory Cottage I showed you last month will also be in this box. So yah, I’m gonna hafta buy about twenty of this box. :mrgreen:

And yet more mystery boxes, some of which I know what they are, and some that are, well, a mystery. :mrgreen: Top row: 2019 Fall Super Mystery Bag, 2019 Fall Clothing Mystery Bag, 2019 Back to School Gift Bag, and an estore costume box, possibly for the goblin costume I showed you last month. Bottom row: mysterious pink estore gift bag, pink box, which was followed in the system by the paw print mosaic tile, so I’m guessing the tile goes in the box, and a Sophie NPC that followed the paw print mosaic tiles, so I’m assuming Sophie’s gonna be handing out the gift box with the tiles.

And speaking of things I’m going to have to get, here’s FOUR patio plants! Yay! :D Top row: A patio plant that could be either garlic, parsley, or oregano, judging from its food, which looks like garlic bread. (The plant itself is a recolored Cranberry Patio Plant, so the foliage is probably not accurate!) And then we have a pineapple patio plant, and its food, which looks like pineapple slices a la mode. Bottom row: what appears to be an edamame (juvenile soybean) patio plant and its food, and what looks to be a rhubarb patio plant and a piece of rhubarb pie.

Another potential ?? theme. The box was located very far from the furniture in the system, so this theme might NOT be a ?? theme, but nothing else showed up in the system that looked like it should go in this box, so I’m assuming the theme and the box go together. Top row: ?? box, stone and wood wallpaper, wood and pipe coffee table. Bottom row: Wood and pipe bookshelf, lamp, and room divider.

According to Ganz, it’s fall already! At least, that’s what the next set of images lead me to believe. Top row: no names, but some good guesses! Candy apple cottage, fall greenhouse (recolored Fl0ral Greenhouse, lazy!), fall blossoming hot air balloon (recolored Blossoming Hot Air Balloon, lazy X 2!), fall rocky cave (which is the Rocky Cave recolored, lazy X3!). Bottom row: fall pumpkin truck, a fall wallpaper and flooring, fall waterfall shower (recolored Waterfall Shower, lazy X 4!)

More fall! Top row: Fall bouncy castle (recolored…lazy X 5!), a fall rug that will change colors upon being turned, what looks to be a purple goblin front door dispenser and its purple candy corn food. Bottom row: grey squirrel lamp, rug, and stool (slightly changed from the Beautiful Birch lamp, rug, and stool…lazy X 6, 7, and 8!), jack o’lantern rug.

More estore! Top row: Crocodile Rug, Plush Crocodile Chair, Kitty Rug, Plush Giraffe Chair. Bottom row: Tricky Zum-zoomer, Zippy Zum-zoomer, Lazy Zum-zoomer. Though that last one should probably be a Zum-crawler! :mrgreen: The pet chairs and rugs are probably BOGO sale items, and the Zum-zoomers are probably promo. All these names are unknown, but I’m following existing naming conventions here, so they’re probably accurate.

Yet more estore! Top row: what looks to be a butterfly gummy tree, butterfly gummies, butterfly rug (the tree is a candy tree, and the rug is the candy tree tie-in), pink rose border. Not sure how the rose border will be released. Bottom row: Candle cottage (Don’t know about you, but I would NOT want to live in a house that was on fire!), Egyptian throne (NEEEEED!), and a pair of tricycles.

Yet more estore! Top row: picket fence wall divider (cute!), sprinkles wallpaper (NEEEEEED!), red print bed and curtains. Bottom row: what looks to be a lamp, a fireplace, a fan, and a literal monster truck. :mrgreen:

Random newness! Top row: Vault (June’s Deluxe Day gift), Purple Balloon Dog Pet Buddy (July Deluxe Challenge item), unnamed butterfly dresser (marshmallow collection event item), unnamed wicker rocking chair. Bottom row: unnamed greenhouse, tent, window, and door. The rocking chair, tent, window, and door all seem to be related thematically.

More random newness! Top row: mayor plaque, Kinzville banner, crowd control barrier. These items seem to be mayor gifts, so expect a Sophie-in-the-Park event soon! Bottom row: unnamed smoothie (possibly a pet special food?), Dino Dessert, Dreamy Pancakes, Submarine Sandwich. The last three foods were the winners of the recipe design contest in May.

Yet more random newness! Top row: Kiwi bird plushy (NEEEEEEED!), baby carriage, salon plaque, random window (sorry, the picture was cut-off like that in the system!). Middle row: what looks to be a water floor (NEED! NEED! NEED! About 100 of them!), any pet medallion gift box, random gold bow gift box (not sure what will be in it!), red dad mug (which will be released on Father’s Day like the teacup was last month). Bottom row: random food (possibly a pet special food), some Wacky thing of which I have no clue, random blue sequined shoes.

New clothing! I would say this is the summer KinzStyle Outlet stuff! Top row: orange bucket hat, yellow visor, pink glasses, green glasses. Bottom row: yellow tank and skirt, pink cargo pants, green shorts.

More clothing! Probably summer KinzStyle Outlet stuff. Top row: orange tri-strap sandals, yellow sandals, orange top. Bottom row: pink sundress, orange flowered sundress, lime green hoodie.

Wheel of Wow:

Mobile Wheel of Wow:

Deluxe Wheel:

Vacation Wheel:

From Mayor Sophie Stockwell:

* My next Player Appreciation Day is on Saturday, June 15th! Log in to your Webkinz account on either web or mobile to receive this month’s prize: a Graduation Outfit Gift Box containing a Navy Graduation Cap and Gown! Your pet will look exceptionally educated! (I showed you these last month)

* Some NEW prizes have arrived at Jumbleberry Fields! Watch Webkinz Newz tomorrow for the official announcement. To make room for these sweet new prizes, we also made a few retirements. See that earlier announcement here. (Dixie mentioned these prizes upthread!)

* Speaking of berries, our 2019 Berry Fest returns on Monday, June 17th, and runs until Friday, June 28th! Collect berries all around Webkinz World and feed them to your pet to win some sweet NEW and returning prizes! (the new prizes are: Sour Goo-Goo Berry Seeds, Homemade Goo-Goo Berry Muffin, Goo-Goo Berry Sunglasses, Sour Polarberry Seeds, Homemade Polarberry Muffin, Polarberry Sunglasses. See above for seed images, see last month for other images.)

* A NEW Tile Towers Trophy Challenge runs from Monday, June 10th until Sunday, June 16th! Complete all of the tasks in that time and you’ll win some Pyramid Wallpaper, along with the NEW Tile Towers Trophy! (see above for image)

* Summer in Webkinz World officially kicks off on Friday, June 28th with our Summer Sensation celebration! Log in to your Webkinz account on that day (on either web or mobile) to receive this year’s prize: a Summer Swan Bench! There will also be a spin of the Super Wheel on Today’s Activities schedule! (see last month for image)

* Still need to get ready for summer? Our Beach Party Room Pack and our Summer Fun House Party Pack have returned to the WShop! Host a party for your friends in your house or rent a party room! Our spring party packs have now been retired for the season.

* We also have a Summer Shopping SPREE event running from Saturday, June 29th until Sunday, July 7th! Log in to your Webkinz account each day to receive some cool summer clothing from previous summer clothing lines!

* Sunday, June 9th is our next Deluxe Day! If you’re a Deluxe Member, you’ll be able to play lots of bonus events on the Today’s Activities schedule! And while you’re there, don’t forget to pick up your special prize: a Vault! (see above for image)

* If you’re a Deluxe Member, you know that you get a special bonus box each month. Inside is a box of random Pet Medallions, a box that lets you choose any item from the Cozy Condo theme, and a special piece of clothing that you can’t get anywhere else! The Deluxe clothing item for the month of June is a pair of Solar Flare Glasses! (see last month for image)

* A new monthly challenge arrives for Deluxe Members on July 1st! Complete all of the tasks and you’ll get a Camping Chair along with a NEW Purple Balloon Dog Pet Buddy! (see above for image)

* Our next collection Marshmallow Collection Event also starts on July 1st! Throughout the month of July, ask your friends for marshmallows. As you reach each milestone in your marshmallow collection, you’ll win some sweet NEW prizes! (see above for image)

Well, that is all the information I could ferret out this month. Until next month, this is TheSpoilerLurker signing off. This post will self-destruct in 5…4…3…2…1…BOOM! :mrgreen:



  1. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    June 5, 2019 @ 10:37 pm

    the mystery seed prizes continue to be extra special! i need a job! LOL

  2. 2 gagagee said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 5:28 am

    Good Morning All !
    Lurker… THANK YOU for all of the sneak peaks on upcoming WW items…
    Love the kiwi plushy !! I was looking forward all day yesterday to sitting down and checking everything out !!
    Moms… THANKS TO YOU too for providing all of the pictures to go with Lurkers commentary !!
    I started feeding the goo berries and polarberries this morning… received a pack of polarberry seeds !! some polarberry sunglasses.. and a couple of the new polarberry muffins….Anxious to see what else is available but will have to start collecting again !
    tmt congrats to all of your graduates !! Bittersweet .. new beginnings for all of them..
    Cyber Day in estore today… didn’t buy anything but was fun to look at all that is available…
    Hope you all have a good day !

  3. Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 8:49 am

    Good morning, Happy Thursday!

    Thank you, Lurker and Momz, for all of the newsy newz! I love the jumbleberry events. I only had a few left from last time, but I ended up with a pair of sunglasses. Does anyone have food from the Goo Berry Planter? I think it is the Bowl of Goo-Goo Berries. Would love to add the food to my collection, if anyone has the planter.

    And yay! Tile Towers! That’s a nice change from the ants, etc.

    Also, now that I have some actual discretionary time, I was thinking of reviving my PSF collection (one I started when I was trying to be “gifted” on WI way back in the day). How in the world do you organize something like that? You can’t do alphabetical because anything new will mess up the order, and to print a list is 180 pages from WI! Do you put them in order by date of release? or just re-alphabetize them every so often? I love WW food; their designs are so creative.

    Headed off to work today, but get to go in later (yay!) Love summer! Have a great day everyone!

  4. 4 Boper911 said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 10:06 am

    Hi everyone! Happy summer!

    I am SO sorry that I’ve been away for so long. I got very busy with school but now it’s summer and I *should* have more time to be online now.

    Dee, I didn’t see any emails from you recently?

    Miracle, I started a PSF collection last year; I allocated one room for each letter of the alphabet, and then just stuffed the PSFs into fridges in that room. I didn’t alphabetize further than the first letter of the pet it belonged to, so finding them again within the room would be hard. I kept a spreadsheet with a list of all the pets and their PSFs (and the PSIs– since I actually finished collecting all of those as of July 2018). I gave up on the PSFs after I finished a-e, it took me a few weeks and I wasn’t passionate enough about PSFs to finish that collection.

    Thank you TSL for the spoilers! Looks like some fun stuff is coming. The summer mystery bags are hardly out but I’m already excited for the fall ones, despite the recolors.

    Since I feel bad for being gone for so long, I am going to do a small giveaway. If you want one or two or three of the new Jumbleberry fields outfits, let me know which one(s) you want. I have tons of jumbleberries! (while supplies last) Just let me know which color(s) you want, and make sure we’re friends on Boper911. Anyone can participate in this giveaway, even if you are normally a lurker! Now is the time to join the conversation!

  5. 5 Chococat663 said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 11:36 am

    Love the new hay loft! I have the perfect room for it already. And that kiwi plush! I need to know how we can get that.
    Boper – I think I’m gonna take you up on that offer. Silly me traded in my jar of jumbleberries right before the new prizes came out! Why did I do that? Idk, clearly I wasn’t thinking. I really like the moonberry one, too bad they don’t have matching hats and shoes for them.

  6. 6 Chococat663 said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 11:40 am

    Boyfriend is home from the hospital… and in a lot of pain. They had to crack his ribs to put in the drainage tubes and that doesn’t seem very pleasant. They didn’t send him home with any pain meds because people keep abusing them, so he has to stick to Tylenol and Motrin. But other than that he’s doing well. He got very lucky, some of the hospital staff said they didn’t think he’d make it. He had serotonin syndrome, which can be deadly.

  7. Boper911 said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 1:27 pm

    Choco, not sure if we’re friends? I just send you an FR!

  8. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 3:59 pm

    hey everyone!

    BOPER!!!! (((hug))) i MISSED YOU! Glad you have some time. I hope life has been treating you well 😀

    gaga – thanks for inspiring me! i fed some polarberries & got a pack of seeds, too!

    miracle – i would think by release date might be easiest for you to keep up with, i put the trophies in abc order, and it does get a bit tedious at times having to shift them. if you go alphabetical, i would think a room per letter like boper said and leave an empty space in each fridge would be a good way to start???

  9. 9 Emma104 said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 6:39 pm

    Boper-I would love one,two or three of the outfits! Whatever you send would be awesome! I sent you a friend request ( I am jem). Is there anything I could send you in return? 🙂


    June 6, 2019 @ 7:21 pm

    Lurker, wow! You do realize that you tempt us to buy all those cute things right? Lol you temptress you! Lol

  11. 11 dee said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 7:21 pm

    boper boper boper
    getting ready to send you a long email………

    hugs to miss choco

  12. 12 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 7:28 pm

    Tons of these new items look fantastic!

    Miracle- I got the same problem as you, all my PSF is currently just sitting in my dock. I need a better organizational strategy. After reading the comments, I’m thinking the best way might be to sort the PSF by release date, like one room per year and then just stick them all in fridges.

    Booper- Wow! I can’t believe you have all the PSI. How did you organize those? I hardly have any and right now they are all stuffed into one room.

  13. 13 gagagee said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 7:43 pm

    Hey Everyone !
    Boper…. So nice to hear from you !! Hope you had a great school year and I am sure you are ready for a break !
    Miracle… found the bowl of goo berries and sent your way… I too am a food collector… If there is anything you are missing… let me know and I would be happy to send ..
    moms… the polar berry seeds were a great surprise… Hope they are able to be harvested before the berry fest !!!
    Choco… happy to hear that your boyfriend is home from the hospital… Hopefully his recovery will go well and he will be able to get some help….

  14. 14 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 7:49 pm

    Do they ever have events where they give away estore points? I have some on my account and I know I’ve never bought any.


    June 6, 2019 @ 8:22 pm

    Waves at boper! Hi!

    Choco, glad to hear your bf is home. !!

  16. 16 Boper911 said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 8:33 pm

    Gaga, moms, school is good! On “break” now but really working.

    Emma, sent!

    Littleleaf, they are organized alphabetically by pet name, and I have a spreadsheet so I know exactly what’s in each room. It’s a huge section of my house LOL. I really should catch up on those.
    for the estore points- I haven’t been on in the last ~2 months but I don’t think they’ve given away free estore points since Webkinz Day Year 10, so 4 years ago? WOW

  17. 17 Emma104 said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 8:42 pm

    Boper-Thank You !! I will keep checking your wish list to see when I can send you a gift someday!

  18. 18 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 8:49 pm

    Booper- That’s probably when I got them! Stopped playing probably just before that time. Wow

  19. 19 Chococat663 said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 9:04 pm

    Thank you boper! Is there anything you’re looking for right now?
    Does anyone else have problems with peak a news? Every once in a while I’ll play it and get a notification at the end saying the campaign has expired. I’ve played it every day this month, but I only got prizes twice (out of six tries) because the rest of the time it says the campaign expired.

  20. 20 66Muffin said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 9:46 pm

    Choco – I am experiencing the same issue with the peek a newz! I hope it’s just a temporary glitch in the system.

    TLL – Thank you for the update! Again, so many exciting things to look forward to in WW! 🙂

    Boper – Glad to see ya back! Hope you’ve been well! 🙂
    I’d love to take you up on your generous offer. Whatever outfits you’d like to send is fine, and I’d be just as happy and grateful for any! Honestly, all them are adorable and I don’t want to trouble you with having to keep track of a long list of who wanted what etc! My user is the weird one (rtyipy567) – thought I’d point that out since I know that can get a bit confusing since it doesn’t match the one here on Gymbo’s! Thanks so much!

    Also, is it just my computer or has webkinz seemed a bit more laggy than usual lately?
    Hugs all!

  21. 21 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    June 6, 2019 @ 10:54 pm

    i find i have less issues with peek a newz when i am “logged out” of any webkinz newz account & just enter the account & password at the end of the peeking

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