Easter Bunny
Have you seen the Chocolate Bunny in the eStore? It is cute and so is its Spring Basket Car PSI & Carrot Candy Slices PSF!
This pet is available as a promo pet with one of these points bundle purchases:
The Easter Bunny left a few cartons of the 2019 White Chocolate Eggs on the blog, so some comments on this post will win a carton!!! Make sure you come back after Easter to check the winners list & claim your prize if you win!
The Lil Spring Unicorns will only be in Kinzville Park for one day, so be sure to log in on April 21 and visit them in the Park to get your special thank you gift – a rainbow egg that you can display in your pet’s room!
*WINNING COMMENTS ARE 8 (Dixiecup), 17 (Chococat663), & 24 (dee)*
1 dee (bbqeeun, terryyaki) said,
April 18, 2019 @ 6:30 pm
we are grilling terryaki chicken kebabs with green peppers, onions, zucchini and mushrooms
wishing i had bought the whole pineapple and cut it up…….i so want to grill pineapple
2 dee (bbqeeun, terryyaki) said,
April 18, 2019 @ 6:32 pm
dixie, is this what you are looking for?
i honestly just use the bisquit and gravy packets (minus the sausage)
3 Chococat663 said,
April 18, 2019 @ 6:35 pm
Thanks dee, went to comment on the last one but it wouldn’t let me.
Anyone finish the kiwi medallions? I still have 25 to go. Need to figure out a name.
Applied to be a substitute teacher and went to a training workshop today. Wont hear back from them until next week, but I’m pretty confident about it. Also gotta apply for a substitute teaching permit since I don’t have a teaching certificate. If all goes well I should be able to state taking jobs the week after next. It’ll be good experience and I get to pick which days I want to work, so that’ll work well with my school schedule.
Never knew I was even qualified for this type of stuff. All you need is 60 college credits (some districts require 90). Pretty low standards if you ask me, but i’ll take it.
4 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 18, 2019 @ 8:49 pm
*skids in sideways*
today went totally unplanned and unexpected, but turned out okay i guess
5 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 18, 2019 @ 9:08 pm
choco – that sounds great subbing & good for your resume
dee – thanks so much for posting!!!
gaga – yay for an early afternoon tomorrow! sounds like your nephew will have a lot to share!
6 Emma104 said,
April 19, 2019 @ 12:34 am
I would get that bundle for sure if it was the Butterscotch Bunny instead! 🙂
7 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 12:51 am
Now WHY did I not think of asking you a long time ago, Dee? I will be giving that recipe a try this weekend, for sure!
This is the package I have kept for over 20 years, looking all over for THIS sauce. They took it out of stock because it wasn’t very popular.
8 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 12:55 am
Choco, no one will get their Kiwi until the 20th at the earliest (unless they use any pet medallions to bump it up). I have 95 on only one account. The other two will have enough with the ‘expansion pack’ on the 29th to adopt the other two of I really want to. But they’ll probably sit in my dock like the other two Retrievers I’ll probably never adopt.
9 dee said,
April 19, 2019 @ 8:48 am
that is canadian dixie…………ha ha ha ha ha
check alton browns website too……he is from georgia or someplace real southern like that
10 dee said,
April 19, 2019 @ 8:50 am
congrats choco
i kind of looked at subbing and realized i did not want to deal with the kids
unless they were little kids…….plus i have no clothes
11 dee said,
April 19, 2019 @ 9:01 am
i thought we only needed 75 medallions????
please confirm or correct as i thought i was nearing the end
12 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 9:34 am
Oh yes, Dee, you only need 75 medallions. But if you want to adopt it early, you need all the Deluxe medallions until tomorrow. 5 X 20 = 100
But, certainly if you want to wait until Webkinz Day and just get the other 25, then 75 is all you need to collect.
13 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 9:38 am
And I know the sauce I’m using isn’t right. Yeah 🙄 it’s Canadian. I NEEED a US version that tastes like what I had in South Dakota. 😆
And it’s more for my Mom. She enjoyed that so much that when we get into food discussions, that one tops her list. She’s so thin and frail, now. To see her eat a hearty meal would thrill me.
14 dee said,
April 19, 2019 @ 10:16 am
this one looks good and easy
i am assuming you do not have cracker barrel up there?
and my stomach is growling now!
15 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 11:12 am
No, we do not. I’ve seen many commercials for Cracker Barrel and I’ve always wanted to go. I never realized it was more than just a place to get new Webkinz 😆 or a type of Kraft Cheese.
16 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 11:17 am
I am laughing SO HARD right now!!! No WONDER my Mom loves this! It’s Mennonite Schmaunt Fat!
17 Chococat663 said,
April 19, 2019 @ 1:49 pm
Dee – I’m probably gonna stick to the elementary schools, I love working with younger kids. I don’t have any clothes for the job no either. Need to find a few things soon, but the good thing about subbing is I’ll be in a different school every day so no one has to know if I’m wearing the same 1-2 outfits.
18 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 2:51 pm
That’s the spirit, Choco! And you know the best part about this? Kids will LOVE you because you are closer to their age than the teacher is. They will totally relate to you. My daughter was always enamored of her subs and TA’s She looked up to them and admired them. I don’t know if that’s the way kids are now, but I sure do hope so. I think you will be an awesome positive influence, even if you are only in their lives for a very short time. They have a saying; people come in to your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
19 dee said,
April 19, 2019 @ 5:02 pm
choco, for my dds internship, she needed clothes and shoes
no really……….
20 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 19, 2019 @ 5:04 pm
some place REAL southern! 🙂
21 dee said,
April 19, 2019 @ 5:06 pm
black pants, tan or brown pants
some shirts and not sure if you are a sweater or jacket person and you can make a lot of combos…….
and shoes have to be comfy (so that means they will probably be uglyish)
but hey…….ya need your feet
there is this one goodwill in east nashville, that dd and i are were just shocked at what they had……….i mean goooooood stuff………just gotta wash that goodwill funk out of them and you are good to go
i mean who donates michael kors purses? and serious name brand clothes….
we are not “name” people other than quality brands…..but we were shocked comparing it to our goodwill………altho dd went to our local one last time she was here with a buddy and came home with a bag of stuff…….
22 dee said,
April 19, 2019 @ 5:07 pm
hi moms
23 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 19, 2019 @ 5:08 pm
choco – idk how you like to dress, but some black slacks and simple tops would serve you well because you can wear the same slacks & shoes but change the look with a few different shirts
24 dee said,
April 19, 2019 @ 5:18 pm
anyone ever had this?
it was an ingredient on chopped the other day
25 Emma104 said,
April 19, 2019 @ 6:02 pm
Moms- i sent you email 🙂
26 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 7:15 pm
Moms .. Southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba is still southern 😆 We don’t do Fat back, here… we do zwieback 😆
27 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 7:47 pm
Dee, we have something similar, here, called ‘Sugar Pie.’ It’s VERY tasty and smooth.
28 66Muffin said,
April 19, 2019 @ 10:02 pm
Hey everyone! Happy early Easter!! I’m going to help out with our neighborhood egg hunt this year so that will be fun! The little kids are so adorable trying to find all those eggs!
Moms congrats on having your Lavendar Room design featured on webkinznewz! I’m pretty sure momsownkinz is your WWID? Anyway it’s a very nice room! 🙂
Anyone need extra chocolate egg prices? I have a bunch of the dragonfly wall art if anyone is looking for more! 🙂
29 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 19, 2019 @ 10:02 pm
eStore spending promo – free carton of 2019 white chocolate eggs when you spend 20,000 estore points
30 66Muffin said,
April 19, 2019 @ 10:03 pm
31 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 19, 2019 @ 10:06 pm
dixiecup – yep, that’s me, but did you see that Music Festival Room & the Treasures of the Crystal Seas room??? wow!
32 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 11:19 pm
Oh Definitely!! I love the layout of your room, though. I am particularly fond of rooms that are ‘airy’ You would think with the hoarding that I would do, I would be comfortable in a cluttered room, but your Lavender room is comfortable, uncluttered and still open enough to view each piece without having to guess what it is.
Momno1’s Treasures of the Crystal Sea is so clever, too! All of the placemnets of the pets like the Blue fish, Lion Fish (because we don’t have a Puffer fish, yet) and the Snail that spits fireballs. I am thinking the white balls are those snowballs from winterfest.
And Cinnamon is a member, here, isn’t she? Her music festival looks like they’ve just set up for the big show and are waiting for all the ticket holders to come crowding in. That room needs to be HUGE … it has to hold 10,000 screaming Kinz Fans who’ve come to watch Tiger, Tiger 🙂
33 Dixiecup said,
April 19, 2019 @ 11:22 pm
OH and thank you 66muffin for reminding me to ask if that was Moms’ room!
34 Emma104 said,
April 19, 2019 @ 11:49 pm
Moms- just wanted to let you know I sent the codes to you! Thanks for all you do!
35 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
April 20, 2019 @ 2:28 am
Gaga – Are you learning Epic?
Looking forward to checking out featured rooms. How cool that you had a room featured, moms!
Choco – All the best with sub teaching! Sounds like a good way to get some experience.
Dee – my sis and I call Goodwill – “GW Boutique”. 🙂
36 gagagee said,
April 20, 2019 @ 6:02 am
Good Morning All!
Early morning distress call from my ys yesterday ! 515 am…Although I am an
early bird ….. no one calls that early unless there is a problem… After trying to calm her down .. advised her to go to ER…which she did and received tx…
Hopefully she will feel better today…
Has not stopped pouring rain for 24 hours… and cold !
Supposed to do some outside chores for my Mom this morning but may have to reschedule..
Choco… Congrats on your substitute teaching position…GW Boutique sounds like a great place to get a few clothing items to get you ready to go.. Little kids really don’t care about what you wear… they will love that you are energetic.. a new face for them and motivated !
Queen of Sheeba… The bus loads of IT people left yesterday to back to their homes all over the country…Administration must feel that 2 weeks is sufficient time to learn the new programs…………The program chosen for our Health Care System is Allscripts ?? The department in which I work uses three separate programs… So depending on which phase of appointment the pt is there for requires in and out of the different programs…Screens and screens of questions… They get aggravated and nurse gets frustrated because the questions are required………..The doctor gets mad because he is having to wait to see the pt….. Hard to explain but has been really rough couple of weeks and not looking forward to being on my own with the 5 foot computer next week ! To top off the day yesterday… there were only 2 nurses to service the doctor and PA.. each seeing patients….At the end of the day…
Nurse Manager asked if I would work Monday for time and a half because there was only ONE nurse scheduled….NOT enough money in the world to give up my only day off ! They have never offered time and a half before…
They need to hire more nurses…The few we have are burning out will all the changes.. Thanks for listening to that rant !!!
moms.. hope all is well… your opening post sounded like your day yesterday was not the best…
dee… Almost all of my clothes are casual… Have worn a uniform since first grade !! High school…and 45 years as a nurse…So happy I don’t have to figure out what to wear every morning when heading to work !
moms.. had a chance to check out WKN rooms this morning… Love your room ! Neat and well organized … designer status !!
Dixiecup… your mom sounds like her appetite is similar to my Moms… she eats 2 bites and says she can’t eat anymore ! I try and fix her favorite meals but doesn’t seem to matter…. She is interested in Oreos and wine right now!
Looking forward to Easter… looking forward to collecting those “spring” baskets.. really cute !
Hope you all have a good day… To those of you who need to grocery shop today.. I feel bad… Stores will be a mad house… was able to do my shopping yesterday….hopefully I didn’t forget anything..
April… How are you and Stella doing ?? Has Spring finally arrived in WI ??
Did you happen to catch the story about the dog found swimming 120 miles off shore ??? Was rescued and seems to be OK!
37 nitabuggy (WWID Wophy) said,
April 20, 2019 @ 11:01 am
Good Morning everyone!!! Hope everyone is having an amazing Easter Eve!!! Any big plans for anyone tomorrow?? My niece and nephew are going to be spending the day with their parents so I am hoping to have a quiet day at home lol. Might go over to my moms. Not sure.
I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Cheese for my birthday gifts and letters!! It was a big surprise when I got on this morning and made me smile!!! Sorry it took me so long to thank you. I just finished a couple long long long days at work with a sleep study in between lol. Haven’t made it to a computer until now.
I’m going to be getting a Cpap machine I guess. Does anyone else have one? The head gear I picked out is just a nose piece that goes around my head with the tube to the machine coming off of the top. I feel like something out of Doctor Who being plugged in for the night lol.
Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!! Lots of love!!
38 nitabuggy (WWID Wophy) said,
April 20, 2019 @ 11:15 am
moms, Just seen your room on WKN!!! It’s awesome! Congrats on being featured!
39 Emma104 said,
April 20, 2019 @ 12:02 pm
Good morning! I have extra weathered stone paths and walls if anyone would like more.
I was in trading room this morning and traded for a “Milk Chocolate Cottage” not the “White Chocolate Cottage” from the white chocolate eggs….does anyone know where the milk chocolate one is from?
Happy Easter weekend everyone! Hope everyone has a great one!
40 dee said,
April 20, 2019 @ 12:16 pm
i googled for ya emma
says they are both 2019 white chocolate egg prizes???
but look what i found!
how sad
41 Emma104 said,
April 20, 2019 @ 12:22 pm
Thank you Dee!
It’s interesting that Ganz estore doesn’t list both as prizes? One is probably more rare than the other! haha
42 Dixiecup said,
April 20, 2019 @ 1:59 pm
I don’t think it’s right that people sell the items for money, either Dee 🙁 I should hope that no one would want it so badly that they would buy a virtual item and pay shipping costs for it.
You know, with any luck we will get free White Egg codes next year from WKN and there is a possibility that we could win those cottages from that. I will wait a WHOLE year for it, but I won’t pay real money for it.
43 Dixiecup said,
April 20, 2019 @ 2:20 pm
Your ‘GW Boutique’ sounds a lot like our VV Boutique (That’s short for Value Village) they get a lot of donations of good used clothing, too. Proceeds from their sales go to a wide variety of charities; Community Living, Easter Seals, Clothes Helping Kids, Local Women’s Shelters … In order to spice it up a bit, my friend decided to give it a ‘French’ sounding name ‘Vall-Ous Villah-ghe’ If you can grasp the pronunciation, and the haughtiness in her tone. Its quite comical.
44 dee said,
April 20, 2019 @ 3:44 pm
we called it Va loo Veelahge
they had one in anchorage
45 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
April 20, 2019 @ 4:10 pm
Wow! Not sure I can grasp French pronunciation, Dixie! But it sound hilarious! 🙂 And yep, willing wait for a chance to win something for free.
Emma – Nice that you got what you wanted in the trading room!
Gaga – It sounds like total chaos at your office! I haven’t heard of Allscripts, but then I’m not in the medical world. However, my son & his wife are NP’s and I hear a lot from them. Two of my children work at hospitals in registration (different towns & departments). Epic is what is used at our local hospital. I’ve heard that it is a lot of work. However, from a patient perspective, I recently went to walk-in clinic that used Epic and I love the print-out it gave me as a patient. Also, my cousin (who is quite young…the age of one of my daughters), works for Epic in WI. We went to visit him & toured the facility last summer and I highly recommend it. They give free tours and I’ve never seen anything like it! Reminds me of an art museum/new world order type of environment. They have different themed buildings (Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, etc.). Well, I’m diverting from Gaga’s situation. I can’t imagine using three different systems in one office! Sounds crazy! Extra thoughts and prayers going up for you in the upcoming week!
Nita – sorry about the big machine you have to hook up to! Hope it resolves your issues, though. I have a friend that uses one, but I haven’t.
No big plans for Easter other than making something for the Easter breakfast at church. I’m considering crockpot oatmeal that I can put together before bed and it is done in the morning. Considering a sunrise service, so that’s why I was thinking of something simple.
We are planning to visit my m-i-l after church and take her to lunch. I’m sure it will be a zoo. But we will do it anyway. Youngest dd will go with us.
Will plan to make a traditional ham Easter dinner on a different day since it isn’t working out this year. My husband really likes ham, my dd doesn’t, and I’m okay with it occasionally. We overdid it over the Christmas holidays, so I wanted to take a long break from it.
My husband is on modified Keto diet. (Not strict with it…that is what modified means…but he is using the Keto principles as a guide. He is losing weight. And if anyone would know my husband they would say, “Why?”. Seriously! I’m the one that could lose a few pounds. Sigh. Anyway, I cannot stand diets, but I realize that I need to be intentional about eating healthy.
Last week was hard. Lost young cousin (age 40) died due to health issues. It came as a shock to our family. She left behind a dh and three young children.
I hosted three tea parties on Monday and was totally wiped out by those fun activities. My students brought the food, but I supplied all the rest. It wasn’t at my location, so I had to transport everything. Lots of work and I went to bed and slept for over 12 hours.
Well, I’m going to tackle the grocery store soon, the eve. before Easter. Sigh!
Still plugging away slowly at Crystal Seas game. I’m determined to finish the 2nd level. LOL! At least I can get through level one now. Finished my dd’s account last week.
46 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
April 20, 2019 @ 4:11 pm
Dee – I really should ask you if you have ever made oatmeal in the crockpot? Maybe you know of other simple breakfast recipes? We usually make an egg casserole. Sometimes I make baked oatmeal with apples. The crockpot recipe I’m considering uses apples.
47 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
April 20, 2019 @ 4:13 pm
Take away the first word “Lost” in my sentence about my cousin. It doesn’t make sense. Sorry about that!
48 dee said,
April 20, 2019 @ 5:15 pm
sheba, if oatmeal is easy, do that!
just have some fresh berries or what not as toppings
i know my dh puts almonds and craisins in his
hang on and let me grab my fix and forget it cookbook and see what they have for breakfast
49 dee said,
April 20, 2019 @ 5:16 pm
altho a crockpot full of cinnamony apples sounds fabulous to me!
50 dee said,
April 20, 2019 @ 5:17 pm
i have cheese souffle, egg and groccoli, egg and cheese bake with bacon
and welsh rarebit???
and oatmeal 🙂
51 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 20, 2019 @ 7:26 pm
dee’s dinner looks SO YUMMY!!!
52 dee said,
April 20, 2019 @ 7:35 pm
don’tm my cabinets look nice? and the floor (*which moms picked out)
need to finish it or move tho………..gonna put the big foot down soon
and that is chicken fried steak, homemade mashed taters, candied carrots and gravy………..the pioneer woman recipe……..
thank goodness my kitchen looks clean in the background
53 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 20, 2019 @ 8:05 pm
that looks so good, dee! made my mouth water!!!! and that kitchen is better than any room i’ve had featured on WKN *snort*
gaga – not a good start, my mother’s scooter is getting a repair, and she was using her walker – she fell, but didn’t get “injured” just very sore thank goodness – had to find a rental scooter asap, but it all worked out, and she’s set for now. your work situation sounds so frustrating! i hope you can just do what you need to do to enjoy your patients and not let the management decisions get you down …
nita – my youngest started on a CPAP a couple of months ago, and it’s going well – it’s very quiet. he uses a full mask, just found the fit more natural & comfortable to him
54 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 20, 2019 @ 8:08 pm
& tomorrow:
The Lil Spring Unicorns will only be in Kinzville Park for one day, so be sure to log in on April 21 and visit them in the Park to get your special thank you gift – a rainbow egg that you can display in your pet’s room!
55 Chococat663 said,
April 20, 2019 @ 10:14 pm
Thanks for all the tips about clothes, I’m gonna stick mostly to thrift store for now until I start getting a paycheck, then I’ll pick up a few more things. Express has a few pieces I have my eye on. Any recommendations for shows? The only ones I could use are a pair of boots that have a bit of a heel on them and they aren’t comfortable enough for 7 hours of standing.
Haven’t been able to get on ww or here very much lately. In addition to finals I have some things going on in my personal life and I’m not sure what to do about it. Mentally and emotionally exhausting for sure.
Thanks for the reminder on the spring celebration gift, I’ll make sure I can log in for that. Do we know what the gift is? Usually there’s a post with the gift hidden under it. I probably skipped over it without realizing.
56 Chococat663 said,
April 21, 2019 @ 12:20 am
That spring celebration gift is a dream come true. We get to KEEP the adorable bunny basket as a decoration! I love it!
57 Gwenda said,
April 21, 2019 @ 3:01 am
HE IS RISEN!! âœï¸
Hope everyone’s has a blessed day!
58 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 21, 2019 @ 7:20 am
Happy Easter Gwenda!
Looking at the Sunrise this morning made me think of how Mary Magdalene must have felt that morning and made me feel emotion and grateful …
59 gagagee said,
April 21, 2019 @ 7:50 am
Good Morning All !
Happy Easter !
dee love your cabinets ! If I had it to do over again.. I would do white cabinets and wood floor …
moms.. hope your mom is doing better this morning !
Hope you all have a great day… enjoy your families and the time together !
60 dee said,
April 21, 2019 @ 9:06 am
happy easter!
choco – too funny as dd got her pants at express. they were having a buy one get one free event……..they did not have the colors she wanted, so she ordered on line…………free shipping……….
shoes are difficult……usually good shoes are not cheap shoes. I like clarks as they fit my feet well………….dd calls them old lady shoes, but they have lots of styles. most of the teachers i know wear born or dansko….gaga may know some as she is on her feet a lot
moms could probably recommend some good house slippers or flip flops
61 dee said,
April 21, 2019 @ 9:11 am
62 nitabuggy (WWID Wophy) said,
April 21, 2019 @ 9:31 am
63 nitabuggy (WWID Wophy) said,
April 21, 2019 @ 9:32 am
I love when I have a good excuse to eat chocolate for breakfast!!!! Good bye diet!!
64 Dixiecup said,
April 21, 2019 @ 11:28 am
Happy Easter, everyone. Nitabuggy, if that was all it took, I would eat chocolate all the time 🙄 Unfortunately, I can no longer tolerate chocolate. You enjoy some for me, ok?
DEEEEE, that’s my DINNER!!! 😆 I hope it was as tasty as I recall. I told my Mom last night when I spoke to her and she just laughed
Happy Easter, Gwenda.
I submitted two recipes in to the gallery, yesterday. I hope they are in there quick enough to be seen.
65 bepsy (bepoodlepal) said,
April 21, 2019 @ 1:28 pm
Hi everyone, happy Easter! Sorry it has been a while. Since I last posted I had my break from school, got sick with probably the flu for over a week, started up school again, and I got behind on a lot of webkinz things. Does anyone know if the white egg costume body is trade-able? I am not sure if I should be looking for it in the trade rooms or not.
Funny side note, I learned that some games had manuals with them (or at least they used to more often) and they used to have multiple disc installation. That is a stark contrast to the no-disc game I downloaded on steam the other day. Any time I want to know something there are multiple wiki type articles floating around to tell me anything I want to know about it.
Also, many thanks for any gifts that have been sent my way!
66 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 21, 2019 @ 5:35 pm
hello all!
nita – i ate a cadbury egg this morning & told my dh “don’t judge me, I’m just having an egg for breakfast”
67 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 21, 2019 @ 5:35 pm
gaga – wondering if you are watching this game – GSW vs LAC – good game! it will be a GREAT game if GSW wins 😀
68 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 21, 2019 @ 5:44 pm
hi bepsy!!! glad you made it back in time to get the cute gift today! i love it!
& dixiecup – great job on your food designs!
69 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 21, 2019 @ 5:55 pm
If anyone is still trying to collect the Webkinz Superfan Theme daily code items, here are those that are remaining:
April 21: W24F-E424-RWQY-PM8Y
April 22: W244-T3SM-GKY4-LPXL
April 23: W24W-N42Y-4W3J-XJZ4
April 24: W24G-TYYG-BWU9-JH8L
April 25: W24K-XR4E-RM4L-M2HL
April 26: W24H-2AHZ-LU5U-U538
April 27: W249-PFA2-ARR4-XMGW
April 28: W245-YVM7-QC8U-BNU8
April 29: W246-28X6-TLZ5-BHWG
70 dee said,
April 21, 2019 @ 6:47 pm
we watched the game earlier
boston versus toronto
love skype
got to skype with the dd………..trials and tribulations of being a research assistant AND getting ready for new apt…………….eeek
but she loved her easter box, so mama is happy!
we did not do a dinner as we did a crazy dinner yesterday. I told dh about dixies questions and he was wondering if we could make it………DUH
so he made cracker barrel pancakes and bacon this morning……those pancakes are so stinkin good……….someone else has to try them!
71 dee said,
April 21, 2019 @ 6:52 pm
finally sunny, so i planted my basil, chives (IKNOWOK) cilantro, parsley and jalapenoes.
and for new folk………….for some crazy reason, i can not grow chives….i have gobs of wild onions in my yard………but every year, i try to grow chives and it just does not work………….they are my white whale
and it stinks as they are almost a weed and i love fresh chives. tried pots, tried garden……………someday
72 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 21, 2019 @ 7:21 pm
dee – did you share the recipe? i might be able to get dh to make them – he likes making pancakes sometimes 🙂
73 dee said,
April 21, 2019 @ 7:49 pm
ya gotta follow the recipe……….so many folks are……….well i will just use margarine, or i will just use bisquick……………NO. that is not how recipes work.
i have about ten in the fridge moms……….they be mighty fine cold!
74 dee said,
April 21, 2019 @ 7:51 pm
i have shared so many recipes over the years and folks made them and blamed me when they did not turn out…………well yeah
butter flavored pam is NOT the same as butter…………..
and so on…………..
but thems be cracktastic moms………..we used our electric skillet to get more done at a time…………i should say he…….as pancakes are dhs domain, i just find recipes!
75 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 21, 2019 @ 7:55 pm
i follow recipes, but pancakes are my dh’s domain, too LOL
we have a big outdoor griddle – perfect for pancakes 🙂
76 tmt5 said,
April 21, 2019 @ 10:06 pm
Happy Easter
77 Patsie said,
April 21, 2019 @ 10:30 pm
Hoppy Easter everyone and I hope you are having an Eggcellent Sunday if you don’t celebrate Easter.
Please remember to tell those you love how much they mean to you because tomorrow is not promised for any of us.
I might be around more soon but don’t know how busy I will be this summer with summer classes.