Webkinz Day Countdown
Webkinz is giving us a daily code starting April 16 to countdown the 14 days to Webkinz Day celebrating 14 years of Webkinz. Each code is valid for that day ONLY.
Every day between April 16 and 29, log into Webkinz (web only) and enter that day’s code in the code shop for one item from the Webkinz Superfan theme:
April 16: W24P-HZSZ-TVQG-VSY2
April 17: W244-X6N4-DUZD-4ZRL
April 18: W24N-9H5Y-U6Y3-RCJA
April 19: W243-6AT8-JKXB-CT2W
April 20: W24X-VJLM-RHMW-8Z96
April 21: W24F-E424-RWQY-PM8Y
April 22: W244-T3SM-GKY4-LPXL
April 23: W24W-N42Y-4W3J-XJZ4
April 24: W24G-TYYG-BWU9-JH8L
April 25: W24K-XR4E-RM4L-M2HL
April 26: W24H-2AHZ-LU5U-U538
April 27: W249-PFA2-ARR4-XMGW
April 28: W245-YVM7-QC8U-BNU8
April 29: W246-28X6-TLZ5-BHWG
1 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 15, 2019 @ 5:51 pm
I alternated the colors to try to help us enter each day’s code.
Not to be negative, I do appreciate them giving us items, but I wish they would have added a couple of new items to the theme to make this more special. They could give us some bathroom pieces, stairs, a room divider, really anything …
2 dee said,
April 15, 2019 @ 7:13 pm
where the heck is puma? and more importantly, what is she cooking?
i had to wing it tonite without her……..boo hoo hoo
made some cavatappi pasta………..then in big pan, heated olive oil, shallots, minced garlic and some dry basil………added gobs and gobs (but still not enough- that stuff shrinks more than……….well not gonna say, but be advised it is a reference to cold weather)………salt and pepper…………….then adding sweet italiain sausage slices…………vegans could easily just add a rinsed can of cannelini beans! and some fancy parm for topping………..
ikr? all this without the puma influence……….imagine how much better it could be
3 dee said,
April 15, 2019 @ 7:14 pm
re number 1
yeah, not gonna put any effort in………not putting any chocolate egg effort in either………..not sure what is new out of there (light?)
dds easter box is in the mail! woo hoo…………..hope she likes it
4 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 15, 2019 @ 8:24 pm
yay for Easter box! ♥
5 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 15, 2019 @ 8:25 pm
i’m collecting as many eggs as I can because i’m a sucker for the flowers 🙂
6 Emma104 said,
April 15, 2019 @ 8:40 pm
Moms- I sent you an email….hoping I sent to correct one? Did you get it?
7 gagagee said,
April 16, 2019 @ 4:57 am
Good Morning All !
Had a very nice day in Amish Country.. drove through fairly heavy snowfall for about 25 minutes… didn’t know if we should continue but we did… Really cold
day for walking around… had a delicious lunch and we each came home with a few trinkets ! Nice visit with my sister too !
Don’t think I will take the time to log in the above codes for Webkinz Day… all
seem to be “old prizes”… I’m with moms.. wish they would have added a couple of new items…
dee.. I am sure your dd will love here Easter box !
Puma… hope Clover is settling in to her new home…and you are able to get some much needed rest at night !
Headed back to work today… Week 2 of computers on wheels…Not looking forward to it…
Have a good day everyone !
moms… sent you an email
8 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 16, 2019 @ 7:49 am
i’m with the other ladies – puma – how is clover? i sure hope you are all sleeping!
9 Dixiecup said,
April 16, 2019 @ 8:46 am
Awww, maybe she’s hiding Easter Eggs already? But Clover keeps unwrapping them. Or maybe she’s whipping up a sumptuous Easter dinner and she will come and post her flavourful recipes!
Anyway, Puma, we miss you.
I’m not bothering with the codes. I have enough of those items already. Nothing there is new. But at least they addressed the ‘lack of codes’ issue. Now, let’s see them address lack of plush. It’s starting to get political, here. Let’s give the public this to work on while we hide the really shady stuff.
10 dee said,
April 16, 2019 @ 6:33 pm
hey oh
i finished three accts with kiwis today………not finished as in i have enough, but got my four allotted……….i consider that a good day!
went to pull something from the freezer and dh is using it as a workbench………lots of bits and pieces and he is currently “reading”
hope all are well…………and for some reason thinking of gaga today…..
nurse gaga
white courtesy phone
nurse gaga
11 gagagee said,
April 16, 2019 @ 8:24 pm
Hey dee !
Feeling more like an IT person these days rather than a nurse ! Asking us to do some coding and billing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure how I am going to hang on… As the old saying goes. When you get to the end of your rope…. tie a knot and hang on !! I am doing the best I can but very difficult….
Trying to chill out.. looking forward to curling up to watch The Village and hoping I can stay awake.. Thanks for “ringing ” the white courtesy phone..means a lot !
12 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 16, 2019 @ 9:22 pm
hey all!
gaga – hang on girl!!! i remember a teacher had a poster in class with a little kitten clinging to a rope that said that saying – back then it was probably chiseled in stone rather than a real poster LOL
speaking of stone – anyone here ever been to Notre-Dame – i was glad to see they saved the crown of thorns & other relics
13 gagagee said,
April 17, 2019 @ 5:37 am
Good Morning Everyone !
Supposed to reach 70 degrees today !!! I think Spring may have finally arrived here….
Does anyone know what the white smiley face icons mean in the Kinzpost
list of friends ?? Don’t think I have seen them before… always has a gray paw with the Webkinz “W”…..
Today is spin the wheel of deluxe… maybe a patch of lightening bug grass !
Where does the time go in the morning ?? Already running a bit behind…
Hope you all have a nice day !
Hope to be back later !
14 dee said,
April 17, 2019 @ 8:52 am
yeah moms
been there a few times……..one of the places you had to take visitors (and eiffel tower)
glad most of it was saved……will be very interesting what kind of roof goes on there………
15 Jenn said,
April 17, 2019 @ 11:18 am
Quick question for you aficionados… last year on (or around) May 16, Ganz eStore sold promo pets for cash like the Brilliant Pegasus, Wolf Pup, Tranquility Fairy Fox, etc. Does anyone else remember that sale? Or remember why the sale was held? I’m wondering if they will do the same this year. I did go back to May of last year on this blog and didn’t find anything mentioned in articles or comments, so thought I’d throw it out here.
16 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 17, 2019 @ 4:10 pm
Jenn – I know some rare pets were sold for some high prices back in 2015 – let me see if i can find something more current, but this was easier to find:
17 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 17, 2019 @ 4:20 pm
dee – i wonder if they will rebuild a spire
18 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 17, 2019 @ 5:24 pm
today’s code is for the rug: April 17: W244-X6N4-DUZD-4ZRL
19 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
April 17, 2019 @ 5:50 pm
podkinz 119
milk chocolate egg hat w243-m9ka-sbnx-fefs
milk chocolate egg costume w245-2dsd-h7gz-gyde
milk chocolate egg boots w24y-rvyl-h6hp-x4xj
20 Jenn said,
April 17, 2019 @ 5:57 pm
momskinz… thanks so much! Although… I bought a couple of those pets back in 2015… it was kind of shocking to be reminded of how much I spent!! UGH.
Not sure about the pets from last year… it was around a deluxe appreciation day, but can’t remember if that’s why… I appreciate you seeing what you can find.
21 Dixiecup said,
April 17, 2019 @ 8:34 pm
I found the thread that had a hint of what you were talking about Jenn.
It just basically talks about the pets you could get and only a few are mentioned in passing.
22 Jenn said,
April 17, 2019 @ 9:50 pm
Thank you, Dixie <3
23 Jenn said,
April 17, 2019 @ 10:15 pm
Just got done checking it out Dixie… I got the Wolf Pup… and I think the Pegasus referenced is the Brilliant Pegasus… which I know because I grabbed that one too… I can’t remember what else was there, though… or if it was ever said WHY those pets were in the eStore on that day. Maybe Webkinz Day will bring cool pets. I’m dying to get my hands on a Snow Leopard cub and crossing my fingers it might just be offered… probably a pipe dream, but a girl can hope!
24 gagagee said,
April 18, 2019 @ 5:30 am
Good Morning !
All is well…. IT will be packing up and going home tomorrow !! Yikes !! Not ready for them to leave yet… Still so much to learn and not really proficient yet..
Tomorrow should be a short day…SO HAPPY! Closing at 1pm….and ready for Easter weekend to start… Lots to do…Serving a strip roast and mashed potatoes for dinner on Sunday.. Don’t want to stand in line at Honey Baked for a ham….
Nephew promises to have some “stories” from his recent trip to Cornell for Model UN competition.. Their school did not win but I hear he had a blast !!
Doesn’t want to tell stories twice so he will be filling us in on Easter ! Can’t wait to hear… First time away from home…
Hope you all are well… Have a great day !
25 dee said,
April 18, 2019 @ 9:53 am
dh wants to go with me to the grocery store………wonder what it will do to my budget?
and i always feel rushed when he is with
grocery stores are my spa equivalent…………especially if they are new out of town ones……..love them!
26 Dixiecup said,
April 18, 2019 @ 10:43 am
Puma … where ARE YOU? We’re starting to get worried, it’s been a while. How’s your lil guy? How’s miss Clover doing? Are you getting sleep AND what’s on the menu?
Dee, I like poking around grocery stores, I’m always on the look out for a packet of this awesome white sauce that you put on chicken fried steak and we can’t find it here any more. And Nestea Crystals, you know just plain tea crystals not Iced Tea. I can’t make Friendship tea without it. Sadly, I leave empty handed in that regard, but there’s always something ‘regional’ to try.
Gaga, a strip loin roast, medium rare for me please!! That sounds like a fantastic Easter dinner! Can’t wait to hear about your nephew’s adventures!
Moms, they have received 1 billion in euros for restoration already. If some of the other forested areas have those tall trees to give … they should be able to reconstruct. They may not be of the same wood the original spire was, but it would make the cathedral restoration a GLOBAL project and belong to the world, not just to France.
27 dee said,
April 18, 2019 @ 11:39 am
white chocolate egg prize
w242 6wzl jtjf utk2
exp 30 may
28 TheLoopyLurker said,
April 18, 2019 @ 2:15 pm
Afternoon Gymbonians!
Didn’t see this posted yet, so here’s the codes for the Milk Chocolate Egg outfit from the latest podkinz!
Milk Chocolate Egg Hat: W243-M9KA-SBNX-FEFS
Milk Chocolate Egg Costume: W245-2DSD-H7GZ-GYDE
Milk Chocolate Egg Boots: W24Y-RVYL-H6HP-X4XJ
In lower case for those who prefer:
Milk Chocolate Egg Hat: w243-m9ka-sbnx-fefs
Milk Chocolate Egg Costume: w245-2dsd-h7gz-gyde
Milk Chocolate Egg Boots: w24y-rvyl-h6hp-x4xj
These expire June 30.
Thanks for the white chocolate egg prize code, dee. Is that 2019 prizes or a prior year?
29 Jenn said,
April 18, 2019 @ 3:16 pm
TLL… the egg code is for a 2018 prize <3
30 dee said,
April 18, 2019 @ 3:21 pm
no clue
saw it on facebook………not surprised it is old
stinkin ganz and their stinkin cute skunk