September Deluxe Day

Another Deluxe Day is coming on Saturday, September 15th!

Once again, Deluxe Members will be able to log in and visit Today’s Activities to receive a special prize: a Garden Patio Sink! Also on the Today’s Activity schedule, there will be an entire day of fun and activities for Deluxe Members to enjoy!


  1. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 7:31 am

    momt – that fall fairy costume is SO CUTE!

  2. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 7:32 am

    QoS – so sorry to read about your MIL – that’s such a challenge! i’m glad she is in the rehab where they can get her active, etc.

  3. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 8:37 am

    TLL – thinking about your bug bait award – i won this morning – i got mosquito bites taking the dog out before 8 am – that’s just wrong! lol

    i’m always the one in our family that gets “eaten alive”

  4. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 8:38 am

    dee – that stromboli is making my mouth water! i love calzones & stromboli

  5. 5 PumaPardus said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 8:47 am

    Eeeeeeeeee, GRAMMA! Thank you so much for the package! (A brief explanation about the thank you note I sent back- my 2.5 year old picked the paper, and all the stickers LOL.)

  6. 6 gramma(grammao3; grammabon;BLG610) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 9:03 am

    LOL Puma!! I have duplicates if you would like more. Or if you see something else you missed, don’t hesitate to ask. I couldn’t believe all the things in my dock. 😳

  7. 7 Dixiecup said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 9:06 am

    Momz, at least you are getting bites. I am shoveling snow this morning, here!
    Just thought I would transfer this code here, in case anyone missed it…
    W24H-5SNA-MVJZ-BBF2 Expires November 30, fall fest items. So far the Grands have gotten a fox cub and apple trees, so nice prizes.

    MomT, I see you have a picture in the last Let’s Build, WTG!! Hope we see more.

    WOW, on the surprise bags. I really would love to have that Fall Fairy! It is well crafted. Very pretty, wouldn’t mind having one of those in my closet FR

  8. 8 dee said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 1:05 pm

    hey all
    just got back from errands………only found one thing on my list (tick medicine for the cats)

    quite the bummer as i was loaded with bed bath and beyond coupons!
    i did buy some planters cheetos for two bucks! sorry moms, they do not have that store in your area, but i will think of you as dh eats them

  9. 9 PumaPardus said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 1:06 pm

    Attempting to post again, because I think the blog is eating my comments this morning: From that code Dixiecup listed above, I got a creek piece. There’s another community code floating around W24Z-H5EL-H6pb-EM74, and I got a Roadside Stand from that one.

    *corrected code 😉 -momskinz

  10. 10 PumaPardus said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 1:08 pm

    THERE we go! Also, Gramma do you have the beachy counter piece? :$ I sort of hate asking again, but is there anything I can offer you for it? I wish I had more exciting things to offer, but old, well-traded account + 9 years off hasn’t given me much time to accumulate any great new stuff. Do you have a trade list I could peruse to see if I can fill in any wishes?

  11. 11 gramma(BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 1:33 pm

    Jeepers! last code wasn’t working, I tried 3-4 times then a warning came up I wouldn’t be able to enter any codes for a period of time. mind kinda blurred so I don’t know exactly how long I’m in the dog house. 😳

  12. 12 PumaPardus said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 1:43 pm

    Yikes! I just checked the source again, and I copied it correctly. Here’s the actual source from the Tumblr blog I saw it on, if that helps:

  13. 13 PumaPardus said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 1:44 pm

    AAAAH NOPE! I got it WRONG! It’s H6PB! Argh. I only have slight dyslexia, but is rears it’s head at the worst times! (I ALSO had husband read it too, and HE said it looks good too!) I am so sorry!! *flails*

  14. 14 gramma(BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 1:57 pm

    Puma relax, please; not a big deal. I’ll try the new code.

  15. 15 gramma(BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 2:05 pm

    ok, so I can try the corrected code tomorrow. switching to ipad and comfy chair to play Atlantiles. 🙂

  16. 16 Dixiecup said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 3:38 pm

    Oh how many times I have substituted an ‘8’ for a ‘B’ or an ‘S’ for a ‘5’ or a ‘Z’ for a ‘2!’ I’ve even been known to put a 4 where an A should be. 🙄
    We’re all guilty of it and I see enough people on WKN doing the exact same thing. It’s only a 24 hour ban. You’ll have access to it again tomorrow around the same time, so you can do the same thing over and over.

  17. 17 gramma(grammao3; grammabon; BLG610) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 4:03 pm

    Dixiecup, I will try not to do it over, but I agree, it’s nothing earth shattering. 🙂

  18. 18 dee said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 7:07 pm

    gramma got banned? what is the world coming to?

  19. 19 gramma(BLG610;grammabon;grammao3) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 7:35 pm

    dee, thanks for the support!❤️

  20. 20 shellybrayley (WWID) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 9:44 pm

    Hello my Friends & Welcome to Our New members.
    I hope everyone is having a Great week 🙂

    If anyone has an extra Pumpkin Patch Trophy to Trade ? I would be very interested in trading as due to RL I have not been able to play in WW for the last week & I can not play that game fast enough or well enough to get the points before midnight ! Worst game ever! LOL 🙂

    Well off to sign in & try & catch up a bit on what I have missed 🙂
    Bye for now my Friends, have a Great week, Be Happy & Please Stay safe :mrgreen:

  21. 21 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 10:41 pm

    hey dixiecup – that code is on this page as well if you need any of the others as well:

    Community Codes Page

  22. 22 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 13, 2018 @ 10:45 pm

    hey puma – i corrected the code on your original comment, but that code was also already posted on the Community Codes page here 😀

    dixiecup – exchanging those letters & numbers is the reason i started posting codes with lowercase letters (except L) – so much easier for me to avoid making those mistakes!

  23. 23 RubyCubes said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 4:03 am

    Hi all. Just popping in to say hello! Due to the utter craziness that is my life this year, I had to take several weeks off from playing Webkinz last month. Didn’t even log in during that time. I have not had a chance to catch up on reading posts here in over a month, so I apologize if I missed any questions or comments.

    For those of you who have active trading lists, I sent you some gifts tonight to let you all know I’m thinking about you! Chococat, I have some items from your list, but I don’t have you on my friend’s list. I sent you a friend request from clm88. Once you accept it, I’ll send you some goodies!

    I did not buy the Moonlight Tiger. Way too much for me, but I’m hoping to get its PSI in trade. If anyone has one to trade, I have a lot of great items to offer for it, including other rare, pricey psi, mystery and promo cottages, patio plants, priceless, pet codes. Name your price!

    We have a huge section of our house being remodeled right now. We’ve had contractors in and out for the past couple weeks, and they will probably be here for at least the next few weeks, if not longer.

    My kid has almost completely recovered from both of her surgeries. She is still in physical therapy, but hoping to be done soon so she can get back to ice skating. She started college last month and is doing great! She loves it! Now that her ankle is healed, I’ve been teaching her to drive. She should be ready to test for her license in the next month or so.

    Once I get this portion of the house remodeling complete and get her up and independent with driving, I’m planning to go back to work full time. I have to have surgery in early October, so as soon as I recover from that, I’m going to start sending out resumes. Bleh… I so don’t want to go back to work. I’m hoping that it will only be for a year or two. So I’m going to try to get as much Webkinz playing and trading in between now and then as possible!

    I hope everyone here is well.


    And as everyone in the clubhouse trading room says (when they’re not arguing with each other), “Loaf you!” 🙂

  24. 24 gagagee said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 4:53 am

    Good Morning !
    Finally Friday !! Seems like I just said that yesterday !!
    RubyCubes… Thank for the goodies I received this morning !! So sweet of you !
    Happy your daughter is recovering from her surgeries !! Hope your upcoming surgery is not too serious… I am sure it is stressful having that hanging over your head….
    I am still trying to deal with my work issues… Each day is really stressful and I am looking into COBRA.. to see if there is any way to “retire” sooner than later..
    But for now …. taking one day at a time… and hoping somewhere there is an open window !!!
    Coming here and chatting keeps me grounded…
    Hope you all are safe and out of harms way !

  25. 25 PumaPardus said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 7:20 am

    Thanks for tweaking my mid-typed code, Moms! I was sure somebody could! 😉

  26. 26 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 9:06 am

    no problem at all puma!

    rubycubes – great to “see” you! it’s good to hear your dd is recovering nicely, and you’re all moving forward

    gaga – i hate that you are going through this – you are such a sweetheart, you deserve better! i wish you could find something in a smaller practice with a sweet group of coworkers or something so special ♥

  27. 27 dee said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 9:35 am


    so if you got up early and ready to go to the flea market…………..

  28. 28 shorty said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 9:46 am

    Thanks for the codes. I got a iron wood bench from W24H-5SNA-MVJZ-BBF2. Don’t forget to finish up your trophy challenge. It was painful, but I got through it.

  29. 29 shorty said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 11:59 am

    I also got an iron wood fridge from W24H-5SNA-MVJZ-BBF2.

  30. 30 PumaPardus said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 1:34 pm

    Shorty, I’d love to see what the Iron Wood Bench looks like! I googled, but couldn’t find much.

    And thank you everyone for the generous gifts I’ve been receiving! Especially thank you to BLG610 and Gramma. Gramma, can you guess who loved your gift even more than me? The two-year-old! Our favorite thing to do now is take the pets to the playground! <3

  31. 31 gramma: grammao3;grammabon;BLG610 said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 1:55 pm

    Puma!! I saw those things in my dock and immediately thought of 2.5!! there are a couple more pieces in that group I can send along tomorrow. 🙂

  32. 32 Boper911 said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 2:36 pm

    Puma, you have mail 🙂 If you need more, I can send tomorrow too.

    hi everyone. I just completed the trophy challenge. I love PPP. I wasn’t as good as I thought I was (or maybe I’m just rusty), but I finished it.

  33. 33 gramma (BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 2:39 pm

    Ok, so I couldn’t wait til tomorrow. Sent other pieces to go with from other account for 2.5. 🙂

  34. 34 Chococat663 said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 2:52 pm

    Super excited because trader joe’s finally has butternut squash mac and cheese again! If you have a trader joe’s by you need to pick up a few boxes. I got 4 boxes, but i’ll definitely be getting more.
    I see lots of codes in the comments, I’ll have to see what all of those are about. Haven’t had too much time for webkinz this week.
    Shelly – Do you still need the pumpkin patch trophy? I only did the challenge for the other prize it came with, so if you need the trophy it’s yours!

  35. 35 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 4:23 pm

    boper – you love ppp? how many points can you get in a game?

  36. 36 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 4:52 pm

    RUBYCUBES! i just saw my kinzpost – thank you so much! you’re so sweet!!! xoxo

  37. 37 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 4:54 pm

    i don’t like cash cow 2 either

  38. 38 shorty said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 5:55 pm

    I just got peach seeds from W24H-5SNA-MVJZ-BBF2. It is good to see that the code is giving out some new items.

    Maybe an admin on this forum can help to show this picture of the Iron Wood Bench:

  39. 39 shorty said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 6:11 pm

    Here is the Fox Cub Plushy which is in the same prize pool as the Peach Seed and Iron Wood Bench:

  40. 40 dee said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 6:24 pm

    hey all

    making skeddy for dinner. actually half a box of farfalle and half a box of rotini

    someone…………i think we all know who i speak of that just recently left….seems to only make a half box at a time………strange…..must be some kind of dorm storage conditioning or something……..we always eat leftover nekkid pasta……..with olive oil or in a salad………..oh well, combo tonite

    tomorrow IS saturday, so i hope to make it to a flea market, as we are very short on fleas…………..yuk yuk yuk

    and i need to make peanut butter cookies

  41. 41 66Muffin said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 6:55 pm

    Loopy- Thank you so much for sending your extra cannon! I really appreciate it!

    Ruby – So glad you found time to catch up on Gymbo’s comments! It is so nice seeing you around the clubhouse trading rooms too! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the items you sent from my wish list!! If you need anything that I have, just let me know! I don’t have much new stuff since I don’t buy points, but I am happy to offer anything else you might want! I’ve been trying to get gift tower and fairykinz for a while now! And I almost traded for solar flare shoes, but I got scammed. The person said he had it on his another account and had to transfer it over, so we agreed to send the items. I sent the items he needed, but never got what he promised back. Oh well, its all part of the experience I guess! 🙂

    Also, all of you who posted the fall fest codes, thanks!!

    Gotta go play PPP while the challenge is still on! I love the trophy design but the game is definitely a challenge for me! See you all soon!

  42. 42 PumaPardus said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 7:26 pm

    Shorty, I saw your link for the bench- gosh, that’s classy looking! That would have been fun to win. I don’t know what I’m going to do with a Roadside Stand LOL

    Gramma, OOH I cheated and opened the presents after 2.5 (we call him “B”) went to sleep. How could I play after bedtime with that KinzPost notification staring at me? LOL Now I can take time to build a nice playground for him to see tomorrow morning. <3 Thank you so much!!

  43. 43 Queen of Sheba said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 7:30 pm

    All caught up on the chit chat for today! 😉

    I’m the one in my family that gets the mosquito bites! Got some in the garage today, so I’m wondering if I’m breeding them in there somewhere.

    Ruby Cubes – You have so much going on. It makes my head spin!

    Gaga – Sorry about the work issues! Sounds miserable!

    66Muffin – Sorry that you got scammed! That’s not right! 🙁

    I can’t believe Boper likes PPP. I guess it isn’t as terrible as some for me, but I’m not all that great at it. Decided to just do two accounts and let the others go, especially since I’m extra busy right now.

    Glad that our area isn’t going to be affected by Hurricane Florence as badly as originally predicted, but my heart goes out to all who are in the midst of it all.

  44. 44 Queen of Sheba said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 7:31 pm

    Dee – Eat a peanut butter cookie for me! (Calorie Free! LOL!)

    I wish that I liked to bake, but I don’t. Sigh!

  45. 45 Queen of Sheba said,

    September 14, 2018 @ 7:36 pm

    Dixie – Where do you live? Antarctica? North Pole? Too early for snow, in my opinion!

    As far as Cash Cow 2 goes, I don’t mind that one. It just isn’t a game I go to naturally to play. I know people that love it.

  46. 46 RubyCubes said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 2:11 am

    Thank you for posting the codes! I’ll try to make some time tomorrow to enter them.

    I seem to remember someone asking about moonberry seeds, but I’ve scrolled back and can’t find the post. You can harvest one moonberry per plant about once a week. Same with the other berry seeds.

    I don’t like PPP at all, but I endured it for the sake of the trophy. So glad that’s over!

    Muffin – You’re welcome! It’s great to see you in the clubhouse too! I’m sorry to hear that you were scammed out of the solar shoes. Don’t worry about sending anything in return. I had extras of those items, and I was glad to help you out. They’re gifts! 🙂

    Gagagee and Moms – You’re welcome! I’m so glad I had some things you needed!

    Gagagee – I’m sorry to hear that your work situation has further deteriorated! How stressful! I hope that COBRA is a viable option for you. I know that you can only keep it for a maximum of 18 months, and then you have to find other health care coverage. Have you considered plans on the Marketplace?

    My surgery is not serious, just super annoying and really bad timing. I have a kidney stone that won’t pass, so I need a uroscopy with stent placement. This is the 5th time I’ve had a kidney stone in the past 13 years. They are so awful and so painful. In the past, I’ve always managed to pass them on my own. This one has been causing pain since early June. I’ve had 2 CT scans and an xray. It is almost 5 mm and is now lodged in the proximal part my ureter, just below the kidney. It has been there without advancing for at least a month.

    My PCP referred me to a urologist, who I saw a couple weeks ago. I don’t like her though. I have an appointment scheduled with another urologist on Monday, but I’m concerned that he will be just as bad. Health care in this country is a disaster. Our doctors have become hollow zombies, corporate shells totally lacking empathy and compassion. And I blame the system for creating these monsters more than I blame them individually.

    In the past, whenever I’ve had a kidney stone, I’ve gone to the ER and they’ve given me IV fluids and pain medication. They usually offer to admit me for pain control or send me home on pain meds until it passes, follow up with PCP, etc. They’ve always offered this generously because I’ve always had good health insurance.

    Unfortunately, my husband lost his job without any warning in late July, and our health insurance was through his employer. I picked up a bunch of PRN work for a few weeks last month. My husband immediately started looking for a new job, and it actually turned out to be a fantastic move for him professionally. Four weeks after losing his other job, he was back to work in a new job, and this job is so much better and has a huge ceiling for future advancement. He absolutely loves it, and he is so much happier working with this company than his former employer.

    The only down side is, he was hired on a contract. At the end of the contract, it’s very likely that they will offer him a direct hire position, but in the meantime, he’s actually employed by a staffing agency. If he gets a direct hire position in the future, it will probably have decent health insurance, but the contracting agency that he is currently employed through offers horrible plans. The “good” plan would have us paying $800/month premiums just for the two of us (doesn’t even include my daughter), and it has a $7500 deductible, which I would meet with this one surgery. The “bad” plan only covers doctors visits, lab work, and medications. It has no deductible and covers them at 100%, which is awesome, but there is no major medical benefit at all. No coverage for surgery, ER visits, hospitalization, CT scans or other diagnostics.

    So when I saw the urologist, she said that the only option I have is surgery. I told her about my insurance situation and told her that I would explore every option I can find to try to get better coverage so that I can have the surgery. In the meantime, I asked her if she would prescribe pain medication so that I can manage the pain at home, because I don’t have ER coverage, and she said no, that ongoing use of pain medication is not an appropriate treatment for a kidney stone.

    I sat there blinking like… then what is the appropriate treatment in this situation? I’m not asking for this indefinitely. I’m asking for it long enough to find a solution, because I called the hospital to find out how much the surgery would be out of pocket, and it is nearly $20,000. On no planet anywhere is this affordable health care for the average person!

    So I have spent the past two weeks scrambling to try to find a solution to this situation. I have already tried every medical intervention recommended, and they have not worked. I drink at least 3 bottles of water every day trying to flush it out. I just wish the stone would pass on its own even if it means excruciating pain for a few days, but since it has been moving without passing for the past 3.5 months, I have to assume that it may have to be surgically removed.

    I looked into COBRA for just me. My husband took the really awful plan through his employer and is gambling that nothing major comes up, but I need a better insurance plan so that I can have this surgery. Unfortunately, COBRA isn’t an option because my husband found another job. If neither of us were working and neither of us had an option for insurance through an employer, then we could qualify for COBRA, but because he has a full time job with a health insurance option, even if it’s a terrible one, it disqualifies us from continuing our former plan under COBRA. Of course, I have no idea how we would afford to pay over $1100/month in premiums without jobs, which is what continuing our former insurance plan through COBRA would cost… So completely useless.

    As far as I can see, I only have three potential options. One is for my husband to quit his new job and find a direct hire position that offers better insurance coverage, and he’s so sweet, he offered to do that for me if I wanted him to. But that leaves us with no income, and this job is way too good for him professionally, so leaving it is not really a viable option. Another is for me to go back to work full time in a direct hire position so that I can get better health insurance for us until he can get a direct hire position with better benefits. And this is why I will be returning to work.

    The problem is, it is going to take a little while for us to get things in place for me to return to work full time. If I go back to work right now, my daughter will have no transportation to and from school, so I need to get her independently driving with her license. We’re also right in the middle of a home remodeling project with outside contractors, and I have to be home for them at certain times. And, on top of that, I have to have surgery! It’s going to be tough to start training at a new job, which will probably require some travel in the beginning for what I do (which is working for health insurance companies… this is probably Karma biting me in the …) and have to schedule surgery right out of the gate.

    So going back to work full time is a solution, but not an immediate one. The only other possible solution I’ve found is the government Marketplace insurance as a temporary stop gap until I can get back to work, but I’m not sure that I will be approved for it. That is where I’ve been channeling my efforts this past week. I’ve applied for a plan that will provide decent coverage so that I can have the surgery, but the monthly premiums are so high that I will have to go back to work anyway to pay for them. I’ve gone through the entire application process, and I’ve submitted all the forms they requested, but I’m still waiting to find out if I will be approved.

    I’ve updated my snarky urologist with all this information, and she seems totally annoyed that she has to be bothered by this whole situation. She said that she would go ahead and put me on her surgery schedule. I asked her if she would be so kind as to treat me holistically, which includes helping me control the pain, until I could get the surgery, assuming it happens within the next few weeks, because even if I’m approved for this insurance plan, it won’t go into effect until October 1. She gave me a script for a 5 day supply of pain meds, but said that she didn’t want to prescribe any more unless we were sure the surgery was going to take place in early October. Then, when her scheduler called me to set up the surgery, she wanted to schedule it for mid October….

    I was like. No. If the doctor isn’t interested in treating my pain, which at times is excruciating, she needs to prioritize the surgery. You need to get me in as early in October as possible. So she called me back later and said they worked me in on October 3rd. Well thank you. Thank you for making me feel like nothing but a walking dollar sign. When did it become a requirement to check your humanity at the door if you want to be a doctor?

    The frustrating thing is that, my husband and I were both working full time a few years ago. We rarely saw each other, couldn’t find the time to spend fixing up the house we’re in, and didn’t have enough time to spend with my daughter. We made the decision as a family to simplify our lives, not use credit, and stick to a strict budget so that I could stay home, at least until we get my daughter through school. That was our plan. And we’ve been very disciplined. We don’t spend beyond our means. We keep our expenses as low as possible. Everything extra we have, we’re putting into remodeling our house, so we don’t have a savings, but we’ve been able to make our monthly bills. And now, for no other reason than the ridiculous cost of healthcare and insurance, I’m going to be forced to return to work full time.

    Somehow, over the past decade, we’ve gotten duped into thinking that healthcare is affordable, when it is anything but affordable. For years when I was working full time, I paid several hundred dollars a month for premiums for my family, but we had no deductible or coinsurance. That covered everything. Now we spend twice as much on premiums, and we have huge deductibles. One hospitalization could bankrupt a family who has an “affordable” health insurance plan. It’s crazy.

    I have an appointment scheduled with a different urologist on Monday. I’m hoping that he will be more understanding and attempt to offer alternatives, or at least treat me under the circumstances, but I’m concerned that he’ll just be another Tin Man, a product of a capitalist healthcare system. If I lived in Canada, this wouldn’t even be an issue. Instead of sitting here with a kidney stone for 3.5 months trying to figure out how in the world I’m going to afford a surgery and deal with this ongoing pain, the stone would already have been removed. One of the benefits of my husband’s current job, if it transitions into a permanent direct hire position, is that there are some fantastic opportunities to relocate to other countries. If I ever have the opportunity, I won’t think twice about leaving this country.

    At any rate, Gagagee, sorry for the rant! My husband and I will work through this mess. He has been so wonderful and supportive even while going through his own stress of finding and starting a new job. I’m just so angry about this whole situation right now, so I’m venting. And I really feel for you and the position that you’re in. I hope you’re able to work something out with COBRA. If not, you might look at the plans on the Marketplace if you haven’t already tried that. They offer some half decent plans. You’ll pay a bit for the premiums, but probably not much more (and maybe even less) than you will through COBRA. Their requirements for approval aren’t as strict either.

  47. 47 RubyCubes said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 2:12 am

    Meh… my post got sent to the trash bin, probably because it’s long. Can someone rescue it, please?

  48. 48 gagagee said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 7:56 am

    Good Morning All !
    Happy Deluxe Day…
    Have a couple extra sinks if anyone is interested… let me know
    dee… love skeddy.. One of my favorites ! Have fun at the flea market… Hope it is not too rainy where you are..
    gramma… Are you OK ?
    moms… as always .. thanks for the words of encouragement…
    Dixie.. I too am wondering what part of the country you live… would hate snow this early… difficult enough Dec-March…
    For all of you guys who are clothing fanatics…. Fall bags coming on Monday at the estore ! Anxious to see what is in them !!
    Busy day today for me… Volunteer morning… getting a haircut.. and groceries for tomorrow’s family gathering…
    Looking forward to Sunday football !
    Hope you all have a good day and are safe !

  49. 49 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 10:00 am

    Good morning! Happy Saturday!

    I spent the past 45 minutes catching up on blog posts … can’t believe I missed a whole week! I was reminded how much I love reading through as I found myself laughing out loud several times. OMWord! You guys are hilarious!

    Thank you! to all of you who keep up with the code page. That bench is cute! Wouldn’t have even known it was an option until I read it here.

    Thank you to Cheese and Ruby for sending items from my wish list! I have been having a blast trying to squeeze new things into already designed rooms. But if we don’t get the option to move rooms around soon, I’m going to lose track of everything. There is no order …

    I couldn’t do PPP either, Momz. I did try, and maybe would have tried harder if I’d have thought about the other prize. I don’t mind LL so much, as I have always enjoyed typing. But glad when it was done!

    Wish we had a good flea market around here. There’s a cool place called Lucketts in VA that is a little bit of a hike from here, but makes for a good day trip with a friend. They describe it as “vintage, hip” Haha! That’s about as good a description as any! Going to try and get there in a few weeks.

    Mosquitos bite me when I go to the mailbox. Usually 2-3 each time. I keep wanting to spray the yard, but it’s always rainy or 95 degrees. Not much of a nice summer here. Hoping for a better fall!

    So thankful for a Saturday! Praying that I can keep my motivation strong today, as I have so much to do in RL. Such a fun morning, though, catching up on WW. Long overdue!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  50. 50 april1013 said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 12:22 pm

    Happy Saturday Deluxe Day!

    Love this cute patio sink! Can’t wait to decorate with it.

    Thanks all for the ideas for my friend’s ‘new’ knee! I think I’m going to add a nice fabric covered bendy ice pack to her care package. dee—she would probably tell me to get lost if I got her dance lessons! LOL 🙂 Her version of exercise is going to the mall and ‘exercising’ her credit card! But it’s a great idea and now I’m thinking of trying to talk dh into doing it. Now I’m hungry for skeddy.

    66muffin—I’m so sorry you got scammed in the trade room! Don’t worry, good things will come your way! Pls. keep WL updated and add more things…you too Chococat.

    Ruby—Happy to hear dd is recovering well and loving college! Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for you as well coming up. Good luck with all the construction going on. I know how much of an upheaval that is.

    Dixie—oh no, snow so soon?! Hope you get more fall weather.

    gaga—hope you have a great family dinner tomorrow. They are Packer/Badger crazy here! Fun to be back in an area where everyone gets excited.

    dh and I are getting outside and getting yard work done today. The previous owner lived alone and wasn’t able to keep up…so lots of stuff to do before winter.

    Happy day to everyone!

  51. 51 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 2:23 pm

    i can’t imagine snow – it’s been in the 90’s here for days

    good to see everyone remembering DELUXE DAY TODAY!!!

  52. 52 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 2:26 pm

    Miracle – I finished PPP for one account, but I couldn’t get a 2nd one done – yuck! i can tolerate LL – not a favorite, but not torture 😉

    I like zingoz pop, quizzy’s word challenge, goober’s lab, hatch the dragon, tiles, even wackyer doesn’t bother me

  53. 53 PumaPardus said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 4:55 pm

    Moms, I’ve been putting a trade/wish list together! How do I become an author so I can submit it? I’ve been toodling through everyone’s to see if I have things to trade. There’s a few odd things I have, but I’m waiting on the friend requests to come through!

  54. 54 shellybrayley (WWID) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 5:58 pm

    Clm88 & Zeker1013 Thank you so Much for the Awesome Gifts! 😀

  55. 55 dee said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 6:31 pm

    massive leftover overload here!
    dh wanted smoked sausage with sauerkraut…….i wanted ham salad…..and we have skeddy from last nite………

    means i will not have to cook til monday!

  56. 56 dee said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 6:35 pm

    saturday nite with the olds (us)

    so watching weather channel and I am going thru cupboards and whatnot…

    what are the young folk doing tonite?

  57. 57 PumaPardus said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 6:49 pm

    We’re young! Hubs and B and I found our local recycling dropoff, and visited a buyout supersale store called Ollies. Hubs is JAZZED because they have all of ToysRUs’ old toy stock, including TRANSFORMERS, and he’s over the moon. I love it because I occasionally find cheapo (like $2.99) Webkinz. They had some, but they’re all ‘kinz I already have and I’m wrestling with buying multiple ‘kinz just for the exclusive items and/or the gleeful experience of getting more ‘kinz. Leftovers for dinner, and Baskin Robbins for dessert!

  58. 58 dee said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 7:16 pm

    so are you Pooma Par Deuce
    pooma par duss

    and i saw an ad about the ollies toys r us buyout………should be good holidays for kiddoes

  59. 59 PumaPardus said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 8:41 pm

    “Pooma Pahr-deuce” When Hubs and I met, I was in college and enjoyed drawing as a hobby. I specialized in wildlife illustration and fantasy art. I frequently drew pictures and comics for him/us, where I was portrayed as a mountain lion, and he was represented as a leopard. We joked that if our cat characters ever had cubs, they’d be hybrids of Puma concolor and Panthera pardus, so scientific name “Puma pardus”-a PumaPard! It’s a little perfect, as we’re now married and have little B, our own real-life PumaPard! 🙂

  60. 60 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 9:10 pm

    ruby – sorry there is so much going on and to figure out through the insurance and doctor and employment – you are having to adult hard!

  61. 61 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 9:10 pm

    pumapardus i have pronounced your name incorrectly in my head this whole time! have you registered on the blog? i’ll go check & make you an author if so

    dee – thanks for asking

  62. 62 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 9:12 pm

    dee – i’m living the mom life over here – waited for oldest warthog to get home around 7:30, had dinner, now checking in here – woo hoo! partaaaaayyyyyyy!

  63. 63 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 9:15 pm

    pumapardeux – you are now an author LOL

  64. 64 PumaPardus said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 9:20 pm

    Woohoo! Thank you! :3 (LOL is that how you were pronouncing my name? My nationality is French Canadian, so I’m down with that!)

  65. 65 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 9:49 pm

    i’m just making fun of myself 😉

  66. 66 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 9:53 pm

    instead of the correct Pooma Pahr-deuce i was thinking pahr-duhs

  67. 67 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 10:20 pm

    i have a new post scheduled for midnight & this one will close then!!!

  68. 68 Dixiecup said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 10:36 pm

    I live in central Alberta. We have had snow the past 3 days and it is quite uncommon. I am so sick of winter, we barely got over it. Had two months of fairly decent weather, aside from the smoke of the wildfires and that is all. I went out ONCE in our new Holiday trailer. Not that I would be getting any more days off with the new owners taking over. I don’t get my last 9 days of holidays. Thank goodness we went to see my Mom. And at least hubby’s appendix surgery is now over and done with so we don’t have to travel to the city in the vicious part of winter.
    He’s doing ok. He thought he was Superman, yesterday, tough and I think he overdid it. I’m no stranger to the euphoric affects of anesthesia and how you feel invulnerable. But this was new to him. Today he is a bit hunched over, but he seems to be bearing it well.
    Tomorrow we will be going shopping for ‘new food choices.’ Both of us are experiencing changes in our eating habits with unwanted effect. I have gained some weight around my mid-section and he is pre-diabetic. Soooo we dance the dance.

  69. 69 PumaPardus said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 10:46 pm

    Yay, I managed to get a trading list up! And in the correct place, too YAY!

  70. 70 Queen of Sheba said,

    September 15, 2018 @ 11:32 pm

    That’s nice, Puma! One of these days I’ll put one up. 🙂

    Ruby – Sure hope this new doc is better!

    Dixie – Sure is hard to change eating habits! Over vacation and since I haven’t been eating as disciplined as I should. Need to get back to better choices.

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