July 24, 2018 at 9:00 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
Santa delivered a sleigh full of goodies for the good people of Gymbo’s to Celebrate Christmas in July!!!
Make sure your email address behind your comments on this post are where you hang your stocking for Santa so the momskinz elf can email Santa’s gifts!
Thank you Secret Santakinz for this festive Christmas in July!!!
1 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:19 am
Ho ho ho!!!
Secret Santakinz has done it again!!! The elf will start delivering gifts to some of the Gymbo crowd in the morning!
2 gagagee said,
July 25, 2018 @ 4:45 am
Good Morning All
Merry Christmas in July !!
dee… Our family stayed on the North Arm of Walloon Lake…So many great memories of Northern Michigan…. Rode the ski lift at Boyne Mountain… horse back riding a couple of times during our 2 week stay… fishing.. water skiing and usually rented a sailfish for the week or 2 we were there.. Not sure about F Scott Fitzgerald’s house… Remember a long ride up to our cottage.. and when we started seeing signs for Sea Shell City… we knew we were close… Try saying that fast a few times and imagining a car full of kids laughing hysterically when we accidently said Sea Shell SHI… TTY and waiting for our parents reaction !!
Those were the good old days !!
AmberRose …have a great trip… will be anxious to hear about it when you get back !
moms.. you sure were up late !!
Have a great day everyone !
3 Kitterztoo said,
July 25, 2018 @ 5:08 am
I was told by Patsie in WW to leave a comment here so she could snag my email address. I think the only one who might know of me in WW is Ruby Cubes (judging by the user names I’ve gleaned from the comments). I’m usually recognized by my squirrel, Dog Toy. I’ve always been a lurker of the community codes page, so I don’t miss out on anything.
4 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 8:18 am
Happy Wednesday! Finally, a morning without rain, although it is coming later this morning. I about ready to start building an ark.
Looks like we got the community challenge yesterday:
Campkinz Backpack. W24F-4747-AH9D-V9SN, expires 9/30/18
I got some new furniture (small tables) in boxes yesterday, so I’m off to put them together this morning. Yes, I love shopping on the internet! You can find exactly the size, shape, and color you want and have it delivered to your door in a few days. I would not have made it in the 1800s. 🙂
Have a great day, everyone!
5 dee said,
July 25, 2018 @ 8:22 am
6 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 11:04 am
hey Kitterztoo – welcome! feel free to join in chatting with us any time, we are a fun group of Webkinz fans
7 Catmom said,
July 25, 2018 @ 11:11 am
Good Wednesday Morning
Thank you for your prayers and well wishes. I would like to pay those prayers and well wishes forward. It definitely had been a year of challenges for everyone.
I have been out of the hospital for 3 weeks tomorrow. So far no return of the pneumonia. My eye, however is still not doing as well as expected. My eye specialist will not do anything more until I see a blood specialist to figure out why there is still blood in my eye. It doesn’t hurt but I do start to feel nauseous at the end of the day because of the wonky vision.
We have two boy students, from China, staying with us for 4 weeks. They are very nice, polite and very funny boys. I didn’t think I would be able to care for students this summer but the school was desperate for families, so I said yes on the condition they send only older mature students. We are in our second week and things seem to be going very well.
I have been playing webkinz for very short amounts of time because of the eye thing. I have been doing the collections and the fish and on Monday I won my very first Hatch the Dragon trophy. I was sooo happy and proud of myself because I have been trying to get that trophy since the game was released. I have also tried going into the trading room and I was able to do some nice trades for a few cottages that I missed in the past. Nothing new but I was happy. I missed all the berry fest while I was in the hospital but I am only looking for the new stuff and I am willing to trade for the items.
I have been trying to stay caught up with the reading on the blog and would like to wish safe journeys to all that will be travelling, peace to all that are dealing with work struggles and moving challenges and joy to everyone in all the every day routines that keep us busy.
8 Catmom said,
July 25, 2018 @ 11:13 am
I think my long comment went to spam, can someone please find it. I don’t think I could type another one. Thank you
9 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 11:47 am
good morning everyone! dee – spontaneous trip to Australia??? 😉
i have to go iron in labels in dance clothes – it might take hours, or it might take years 😀
10 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 11:47 am
Miracle you didn’t have to send anything back, but I thank you! I will find someone who needs itâ¤ï¸
Dog Toy! It’s Mist from the trading room! 😀
And Cheese thank you so much for all the gifts!â¤ï¸
11 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:00 pm
Happy Christmas in July everyone. I hope you are all doing well.
12 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:05 pm
Does anyone happen to have the Fluffington’s Antique Armchair from trading cards? I probably need two for a room I am making and added them to my wish list on here. I am also looking for suggestions of side tables to use with them, preferably ones that can be purchased for KinzCash. The room the armchairs will go in is currently a blend of Signature Exclusive items and Kinzville Academy items. I am willing to trade for the armchairs and anything else on my wish list, though.
13 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:10 pm
Thank you to everyone who has sent me items recently or traded with me in the little free time I have. 🙂 The Blue CampKinz Platform Tent is an eStore item. That is why it can’t be traded or sent, otherwise I would have a few to donate to the blog.
14 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:15 pm
Hi Kitterztoo, I am glad you decided to comment and I didn’t get to tell you last night but I like the name Dog Toy for your Grey Squirrel. However, I am unable to see your email on any posts made by other people like Momskinz. I hope you come back and comment, though.
15 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:20 pm
Moms, have you heard from Zingyginger lately? I haven’t seen her on here or Webkinz recently. I know you said a while ago that you had been in contact with her, though. Thank you again for running the blog after Gymbo passed it on to you.
16 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:25 pm
RubyCubes, I saw that you were on Webkinz when I was last night. I tried to trade with you but you might have been away from your computer at the time. However, I met Dog Toy yesterday in the same Trading Room.
17 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:30 pm
CatMom, I can see your long comment in the trash. However, I am unable to retrieve it for you. I have been thinking of you, though.
18 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:35 pm
AmberRose, I am glad you have been able to comment a few times recently. However, I am sorry to hear about your long work hours but am glad you can have Madelyn at work with you. What does Madelyn do while you work?
19 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:40 pm
TheLoopyLurker (TheSpoilerLurker), thank you for always posting the spoilers for us. I love seeing what is coming for Webkinz. I also don’t like the recolored items, though. I am fine with a few of the recolored items, though.
20 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:45 pm
Dee, your butter churn sounds neat. I have been sending marshmallow requests to Boper and usually get a marshmallow back from him if I haven’t already received all my marshmallows for the day. I know you are worried about him, though. Have you emailed him? I can try to email him if you haven’t or haven’t heard back from him.
21 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:50 pm
Miracle, thank you for posting the community code. I hope your house remodeling is going well.
22 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 12:55 pm
Sorry to anyone that I didn’t mention individually in comments. However, please know that I am always thinking of everyone, even when I am not able to comment. Please remember that tough times don’t last but tough people do and I know you are all tough. I hope that the tough times end soon for people experiencing them.
23 Patsie said,
July 25, 2018 @ 1:00 pm
Bye everyone, I need to go read two chapters from my textbook before my class tonight. I miss talking to everyone but try to peek in and make and read posts even if I am not able to comment.
24 Kitterztoo said,
July 25, 2018 @ 1:31 pm
Hey Patsie, use the medieval-curio shop trophy pedestals ( without the flags) as side tables. That’s what I did with my Fluffington room. I don’t like posting my email outright due to bots, but it’s essentially just my user name at gmail *momskinz will email it to Patsie*.
Good luck on your classes!
25 shellybrayley (WWID) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 2:01 pm
Merry Christmas in July My Friends! 😀
WOW! That went fast this year! I have not had time to post much due to RL things. But I do stop by almost daily & check up how my friends are doing. Sending Good Wishes & Lots of Happiness to All of you! 😀
Well off to sign in WW well I have a chance & then back to RL.
Have a Very Merry Day my Friends!
26 dee said,
July 25, 2018 @ 2:41 pm
is that where the blood moon will be moms?
i did not read the article, just felt the need to post it on here, as i usually cover the celestial events for the blog
and when i am less lazy, i will take a pic of my churn to share. I just love it! not sure what the flower was i stuck in it…….something from lowes clearance rack that i thought was neato…..
27 dee said,
July 25, 2018 @ 7:15 pm
went out shopping again with dh
and he finally bought something,,,,,,,,granted, i had pre picked, planned, and researched and had all the back up data…………
woo hoo
and my dd will be home next wed nite………….. it is so weird to have a grown child…………..thankfully she still likes bubbles!
28 RubyCubes said,
July 25, 2018 @ 7:53 pm
Hi friends! Nice to see you here Kitterztoo! This is a great place to get updates and make friends with other Webkinz players.
It was good to see you in the trade room, Patsie! I will try to find some Fluffington chairs for you.
Amber – Nice to read your update! I know how life can sometimes get in the way of Webkinz time. Sounds like you’re having a super busy summer!
Shelly – Thank you for the gift!
Hugs everyone! 🙂
29 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 8:02 pm
i got all of the dance clothes, under dressing, shoes, and bag labeled and ready – yay me!!! LOL
30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 8:12 pm
yay dee’s dh! he can do it if you tell him exactly what he needs to know LOL
that’s where the eclipse will be – asia & australia – boo for us
hey patsie! i’ll email you that email for kitterz in case you missed the comment
catmom – i retrieved your naughty comment lol – i don’t even know what you said that sent it to the trash bin, but glad to hear you are doing better & hope the eyesight improves dramatically
mist is trading room famous!
shellyb – so glad to see you comment!!!
rubycubes – hey! hugs back to you!
amberrose – ME is so lucky to get to go to work with you! I hope they still make those “saucer” things that they can bounce in – that was a great thing for the warthogs when i needed to be “hands free” – she is at a fun age!
31 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 8:47 pm
DEE – will you please check your ww email? i wanted to ask you about something
32 Lee-Ann (ww Noellepugh) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 8:57 pm
Catmom.. please let us know exactly what items you missed so I can send to you. Feel better.
33 66Muffin said,
July 25, 2018 @ 9:06 pm
Hi – testing
34 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 9:18 pm
hi muffin!
35 66Muffin said,
July 25, 2018 @ 9:26 pm
Hello everyone! Ooh is Christmas in July a special kind of tradition here at gymbo’s? Just wondering because it sounds cool and I’d love to be someone’s secret Santa (although I don’t have a ton of estore items since I pretty much only trade for them when I can as I have never bought points and I’m not deluxe currently. But if anybody has other items they need like holiday or other random things, I do have a good collection of those 🙂 )
Also, please ignore my previous comment. I was just testing whether I could post a comment using my new updated email address. I tried a few months ago but it didn’t seem to work-went to spam or something because it wasn’t my typical email I guess. But now it seems to be working which is awesome! Thank you Momskinz – I’m guessing that you did some magical behind the scenes work to help me clear that up and get my new email now working
Shelly-thanks for your gift Soo sweet of you! ! I do love psi foods and cute things like that! Sent you some back too, hope you like them!! 🙂
Anyone else excited for wacky fest coming up – I absolutely love wacky themed items. He’s so adorable!! 🙂
Bye for now everyone!!
36 66Muffin said,
July 25, 2018 @ 9:28 pm
Hi Momskinz!! (waves 🙂 )
Just saw your comment sneak in there before I posted my longer one! 🙂
37 66Muffin said,
July 25, 2018 @ 9:30 pm
Also, just wondering is there a guide on how to type other emojis on here (like I saw hearts before and other cool things)
Because looking back through all my posts, I really only know how to do this one: 🙂 Lol
38 AmberRose361 (WWID: AmberRose361) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 10:13 pm
Merry Christmas in July Gymbo’s Friends! I know I have asked before and I know it has been posted several times, but does anyone have the link to TLL’s picture guide? Is it listed on the page anywhere?
39 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 10:18 pm
amberrose – here is the link to TLL’s amazing picture guide~~~
40 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 25, 2018 @ 10:40 pm
Campkinz Backpack: W24F-4747-AH9D-V9SN
Campkinz Picnic Blanket W247-MNDB-JZ58-VC86
expire at midnight on September 30, 2018
41 AmberRose361 (WWID: AmberRose361) said,
July 26, 2018 @ 12:08 am
Thanks Moms. Sorry to ask again. I will save it this time!!!
42 AmberRose361 (WWID: AmberRose361) said,
July 26, 2018 @ 12:13 am
Wow!!! TLL!!! That guide is AWESOME!!!
43 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 26, 2018 @ 12:16 am
no problem amberrose – i need to add it to the links on the blog!!!
44 gagagee said,
July 26, 2018 @ 5:28 am
Good Morning !
dee… so happy your dd is expected home next week !
Did you happen to catch the 60 minutes segment last Sunday on the Hubble telescope ??? The images its sends are so beautiful.. worth a look !
AmberRose.. have you and your family started your trek to UP ?? Hope you ME and hubby has a great trip !
66Muffin… I too love Wacky !! I don’t really care for the Arcade WackerER but I really love the prizes so it is worth the time it takes… Love the upcoming prizes!
Kitterztoo ! Welcome !! I am sure you will find this is a great place !! So many
kind and caring people here !
Patsie… Good luck on your test !!
CatMom… So nice to hear that you are better and that your vision has improved! love reading your posts and your uplifting message ! What berry prizes are you missing?? Please let us know so we can help you !!
shellyb .. Thanks for the gifts ! I am a food collector !!
moms… glad you were able to get all of the clothes .. finished and labelled !
You sure did have a busy day !!
Sending well wishes to Ruby.. Mist.. LeeAnn..gramma.. !!
Have a good day everyone !!
45 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,
July 26, 2018 @ 5:28 am
What a wonderful surprise!
Thanks you Santakinz, you made my day.
I have been having gastro problems and my dr will only see me after I fill out 4 pages of questions. I told the nurse I am in so much pain, but it doesn’t matter.
Dr. have really changed. I have to send the paperwork back and then an appt. may be scheduled.
46 Starla McCarty said,
July 26, 2018 @ 5:42 am
Hi, I’m new here. Is there a guide somewhere so I’ll know how to get around? Thank you.
I’m milstarian on Webkinz mainly, and 4 other accounts that I’ve taken over when the kids stopped playing. lol
47 shorty said,
July 26, 2018 @ 7:33 am
Hi to everyone who is new to this blog!
I will pray for those of you who are having medical problems.
Thanks a lot Santakinz. I forgot all about X-Mas in July. It was a very pleasant surprise.
48 RubyCubes said,
July 26, 2018 @ 2:11 pm
What an awesome gift! Thank you SO much, Santakinz! I did not have that item, so I was very excited to receive it! 😀
Starla – Hi! Welcome to Gymbos! There are links on the right side of the page to community codes, trading lists, etc. Otherwise, just look for the top post and jump in! There is only one post open at a time to comment in, and it closes and a new one opens every few days. It’s a bit weird to follow at first, but pretty easy once you get used to the format. My daughter and I also played Webkinz together until she outgrew it. I guess she grew up faster than me!
KGH – I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well. I hope that you’re able to get your abdominal pain resolved soon!
Moms, Gaga – Hugs to both of you!
My kiddo is doing great with her physical therapy. We are hoping she will be out of her air boot by the time school starts in mid August, but she has another surgery scheduled on Monday. Due to that surgery, we are holding therapy next week. Hopefully, she’ll do as well with her tonsillectomy as she has with her ankle revision.
We’ve been working on a lot of registrations, forms, orientations, and financial processes, scholarships, etc. getting ready for her first college semester. She is starting to get excited about it. She will have an awesome schedule. One class on Mon & Wed mornings, two classes on Tues & Thur mornings, and one online class. She is off on Fridays. Because we live so close to the college, even on her “long” days, she should be home by 11am, unless she stays to work on homework in the library or something like that. I think she will do really well. It will be such an advantage to have all of her general studies courses knocked out before she finishes high school.
Thanks again for the wonderful Christmas in July surprises, Secret Santakinz!
Everyone else, I hope you have a fabulous rest of the day!
49 RubyCubes said,
July 26, 2018 @ 2:44 pm
TLL – I just had a look at your picture guide. That’s the first time I’ve seen it. Incredible job! What a wonderful resource! I’ve bookmarked it and will probably reference it often. Thank you for putting all the time and work into that!
50 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 26, 2018 @ 4:00 pm
oldest warthog is officially registered at the new school, and we bought the last three things on the list of required items, so another productive day!
51 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 26, 2018 @ 4:50 pm
Santakinz is a hero!!! Please everyone that wants to say thank you, post it in your comments because I am only the elf who gets to make the deliveries!!!
Thank you SO much Secret Santakinz for blessing us!!!
52 RubyCubes said,
July 26, 2018 @ 5:29 pm
Moms – Congrats to your oldest warthog! What type of school is he going to?
53 dee said,
July 26, 2018 @ 5:42 pm
hey oh
possible road trip tomorrow…….nothing too far…….gotta figure where
54 dee said,
July 26, 2018 @ 6:01 pm
dh just made up beer battered mushrooms….
i do not like mushrooms, they are grody
but he had extra batter and fixed up some onion rings………..yum
55 Karen said,
July 26, 2018 @ 8:19 pm
I love Christmas in July! : )
56 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 26, 2018 @ 11:23 pm
hey karen! i don’t think we have met you yet? welcome!
dee – i LOVE mushrooms!!! that sounds delicious! please roadtrip to Loveless Cafe and send me biscuits
hey rubycubes – ds is going to a performing arts school for the rest of high school
57 Amy said,
July 26, 2018 @ 11:41 pm
Thank you Santakinz.
Also, thank you to all the code posters. I have been so busy with work that I have not had much time for Webkinz. Hoping to have a do nothing day this weekend (better known as play Webkinz) to catch up on my accounts.
Got a great deal on chicken breasts yesterday at our local grocery store, 72 cents a pound. Cooked it in my pressure cooker and then shredded it in the stand mixer. Then bagged it up into 1 pound bags and placed in the freezer to use in soups or casseroles.
Hope to catch up this weekend and read through all the posts. I usually don’t get this far behind with reading everyone’s comments.
Merry Christmas in July!
58 66Muffin said,
July 27, 2018 @ 8:16 am
First off, thank you so much for the amazing surprise Santakinz!!!! Merry Christmas in July!
Secondly, not sure if this was posted already, but here is the code for the Marine Biologist Tool Case: W24V-RZF6-7DDK-4KC8
59 dee said,
July 27, 2018 @ 8:37 am
thanks santa kinz!
now if you could send some snow my way…………
60 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,
July 27, 2018 @ 8:55 am
Happy Friday! And another small break from the rain, although it is getting stormy tonight.
Thank you, Santa, for the Christmas in July items for everyone! I love mine! *happy dance* 🙂 And thank you to Cheese and Shelly for the bd gifts. It’s always fun seeing packages in the mailbox. 🙂
Ruby, your poor dd sounds like she is going through the ringer. It’s a good thing she’s doing it before college, though; there never seems to be time during the year to take on those longer term heath care “projects.”
I think I’ve ended up with a nice case of tendonitis in my right elbow *argg!* It’s happened a couple of times before, usually when I use my drill too much, and with all of the work on the house, I’m guessing that’s where it came from. Either that or from swatting house flies. We have screens on every window and somehow, they still find a way in the house. I think I swat at least 15 a day. I don’t remember them being this bad last summer.
Okay, I’ve got a WW question: So, I’m not much on collecting WW clothing, but I LOVE the beekeeper outfit (mostly for nostalgic reasons, since my dad is a beekeeper and it brings back memories of collecting honey with him). I am very stingy with the few estore points that I get from being deluxe, but this would be an outfit I would purchase, but I don’t want to take chance after chance that I’ll get that one outfit out of the mystery bags since I don’t want any of the other clothing. So, does anyone have an extra beekeeper outfit? I would be happy to send estore points to pay for it! Or should I buy the bags first, and then try to trade with the items I get? I am still very much intimidated by the trading rooms, but have enjoyed all of the trading here. 🙂
Gotta pop into work today. They recarpeted our offices, so everything had to be out while they worked yesterday. Today, we get to put it all back, so sometimes that’s fun getting everything reorganized again. Hoping it doesn’t take all day.
Have a great day, everyone!
61 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,
July 27, 2018 @ 8:59 am
Oh, and thank you for the codes, Momz and Muffin! So glad you all keep up with that so faithfully! 🙂
62 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 27, 2018 @ 11:05 am
good morning!
Miracle – there is going to be someone here – RubyCubes or Mist or someone much better to answer your question about trading for the Beekeeper Outfit. I am not a real clothes collector either. I did make your question *bold* to help it stand out to others 🙂
Dee – me too!!! Santa – please send SNOW or at least highs no more than the 70’s …
rubycubes – that college schedule sounds like a DREAM to me!
Amy – I am going to have to start cooking for the family again once school starts to keep things more simple and healthy around here – that is a great idea to cook it up – do you use your pressure cooker a lot? i have an instant pot, but have only used it for spaghetti, fried rice, and boiling eggs – all of which were wonderful and fast and easy, but i am very intimidated by it!
63 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 27, 2018 @ 11:20 am
Patsie made a post for us with the August events and info that I posted as a closed post before this one – thank you so much Patsie for gathering all of that information!!! I love being able to go back and reference that during the month!
I made a new post about the new Exclusive items & Superbed coming next week where we can chat.
So, you can go to the home page to view all the info, then comment under the post at the top :D: http://www.thelamberts.com/webkinz_blog/
I am closing this post – thank you again to our amazing and generous Secret Santakinz!!!