Floating Lil Polka Black Fish

From July 8 to 12 look for the Lil Polka Black Fish floating through Webkinz World and the Mobile App. Click on it to get a cool prize sent to your Webkinz account! Free and full users can spot this Lil’ Fish 3 times a day, while Deluxe users can spot it up to 5 times!


  1. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 8, 2018 @ 11:58 am

    I haven’t seen a floater yet, so I am not sure if they have actually started. Let us know if you see one!

  2. 2 dee said,

    July 8, 2018 @ 6:40 pm

    checking in

    dh is still stick………..we had planned on chicken kabobs and he usually does the kabobbing………so i am making a mess out of it! already lost a piece of chicken and two pieces of zucchini!

    this is why i do the sides!!!!!!!!!!


    July 8, 2018 @ 6:54 pm

    Hi everyone..
    Popping on to let you all know my hubby is finally home..long stiry,short…almost 2 and half months,and two emergencies surgeries. I almost lost him..it was close.

    Then friday night I had to call 911..for me! got carted to hospital via ambulance. I need surgery to remove gall bladder now..ugh!


    July 8, 2018 @ 6:57 pm

    I can’t do it till hubby can drive, as I’m his only caregiver.. so I’m about to lose more weight..on a liquid diet to prevent another flair up..just can’t afford to break down now…let’s just say, the pain isn’t worth the food..lol ehhh, I need to lose 25 more pounds anyway!


    July 8, 2018 @ 7:00 pm

    Then I found out my brother in law went down on his mortocycle Thursday night..spent the night on ground a couple found him 7am next day..he is alive and coherent…and very angry..he has no feeling from chest down, they don’t know if he’ll walk again..

    So please say a prayer for him..he needs all the prayers he can get.


    July 8, 2018 @ 7:05 pm

    life has been the best lately, but last year I reconnected with a bunch of my school friends..and they have been the best support group! !!! I’m so lucky they are in my lufe…some of them even came over and did my yard work with me!!! I’m so greatful to have them in my life again.. I’m truly blessed…

    So my friends here at gymbos..thank you for all your prayers..and know that I’m doing ok..I miss coming here..it’s just real life is overwhelming right now..


    July 8, 2018 @ 7:06 pm

    But I’m holding up, staying strong…and I just wanted to let you all know that.

    Hugs and kisses…CHANT

  8. 8 dee said,

    July 8, 2018 @ 8:13 pm

    are you a nurse?

    what kind of OTCs can i buy that dry up a cold? dh gets so snotty and mucusy (?)………i had a lovely bin when dd was young and whatnot, but since she is out and about on her own, i have some benadryl and nyquil in it…….


  9. 9 dee said,

    July 8, 2018 @ 8:14 pm

    mucho smooocho back at ya chant! I miss ya darling. I have been having butterflies on my butterfly bush! stinking japanese beetles keep coming after it tho……….i wish you well darlin

  10. 10 dee said,

    July 8, 2018 @ 8:15 pm

    and number 8 is for an “mom” out there

  11. 11 dee said,

    July 8, 2018 @ 8:16 pm

    miss chant
    can ya not uber to the hospital? sounds terrible, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do

    if i was closer, i would help and dumb a lot of cucumbers on you

    who knew they would be the zucchini of 2018?
    i only planted three plants!

  12. 12 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    July 8, 2018 @ 8:30 pm

    We rode a Harley for about 10 years, but very few times alone.
    One year we traveled over 3,000 miles in two weeks going from here to key west and back.

    I will be saying special prayers for your brother in law.


    July 8, 2018 @ 10:20 pm

    Oh dee u are funny! Uber?? Girl, I thought I was having heart attack. .poor kitty was traumatized. .he freaked and started screaming and hitting me on head and face both paws…that freaked me more…I figured he was sensing I was dying or something. .


    July 8, 2018 @ 10:24 pm

    Kinzgram…thank you! And we rode too.till someone cut us off and I got hurt bad…haven’t gotten on since..
    And is there anything but Harleys???lol
    I miss it..I’d love to slap the guy who cut us off…he ruined it for us..


    July 8, 2018 @ 10:25 pm

    Dee..sorry about the beetles..my bush got hurt bad last winter..but it’s regrowing..I love my butterfly bush…no bugs hurt it here..

  16. 16 gagagee said,

    July 9, 2018 @ 7:39 am

    Good Morning All !
    Chants.. so sorry to hear about the problems you are having in your RL !
    Keeping you and your hubby and brother in law in my thoughts and prayers…
    Take care of yourself.. don’t wait too long if the doctor is recommending you have your gallbladder removed…Please keep us posted.. Rely on your friends to help where they can… Nothing like good friends !!!
    dee… hope your dh is feeling better today… my personal choice for OTC
    antihistamine is liquid Dimatapp. Seems to work better than tablets.. You probably used it when your dd was a little kid… Dimatapp has been around a long time and I think there are probably newer remedies BUT.. tried and true for me works… You can also ask your local pharmacist for their opinion.. usually fairly helpful…You mentioned Nyquil… great for night time !
    The other thing I wanted to mention was about using skewers for grilling…
    I found a basket type tool at Home Depot/Loew’s in the grill section..
    Recently bought one and used it … instead of the skewers… Worked great
    nothing falls out…and has a long handle which you use to flip the basket..
    Worth a try and not too pricey ! I think it was under 15 dollars…
    Those are my hints for now but let us know how everything goes !
    No floating fish this morning… Must not be programmed in yet..
    Hope this new day finds you and loved ones better !

  17. 17 LeeAnn(ww id noellepugh) said,

    July 9, 2018 @ 9:50 am

    Chant. You and your family are in my thoughts. You are a strong woman but as Gaga said, take care of yourself. It sounds like you have an amazing circle of friends..lean on them. I’m sure it isn’t even on your radar but if you need any ww items please let us know. Take care

  18. 18 LeeAnn(ww id noellepugh) said,

    July 9, 2018 @ 9:53 am

    Re the lil blue fish in ww… they posted that they are working on it and will rerun it again in early August. I’d post a link but my computer skills are lacking. I always tell my girls that this is why I had kids.. to show me how to do things like that.

  19. 19 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 9, 2018 @ 3:38 pm

    dee – if he is mucusy – get him some tussin liquid with guaifenesin – I agree with gaga on the liquids working better & dimetapp working best – add the guaifenesin (generic mucinex) & he should see some improvement

  20. 20 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 9, 2018 @ 3:41 pm

    chant – WOW! that’s A LOT happening all at once! bless your heart! i had a gallbladder attack a few years ago – it HURT SO MUCH! they had to do immediate surgery, but it was very painful the first few days of recovering, too. you definitely can’t take care of anyone else for a couple of days after that.

  21. 21 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 9, 2018 @ 4:31 pm


    We found the elusive Polka Back Fish! It’s swimming around Webkinz World so be sure to look for it until July 12! And remember – we will be running the Lil Polka Back Floaty Clicky again from August 2 to 4, so you will have more chances to find these awesome prizes.

  22. 22 gagagee said,

    July 10, 2018 @ 4:56 am

    Good Morning All !
    LeeAnn… Nice to see you ! Hope all is well in your RL !
    moms… thanks for the update… did not see any polka dot fish this morning but was able to “catch” a few last night.
    dee.. Hope you dh is feeling better today !
    Looking forward to Fairykinza Panda cub tomorrow ! It has a really cute cottage as the PSI !
    April… Hope all is well with you… Any luck with your home sale ??
    Catmom… Thinking of you and hoping your vision has improved and that you will be back here soon !
    Have a great day ! Hope to be back tonight !

  23. 23 RubyCubes said,

    July 10, 2018 @ 1:10 pm

    Hi everyone!

    I’m sorry it has been so long since I stopped by, but I’ve been thinking about everyone here and wanted to say hi!

    Gaga – I’m sorry to hear about the declining conditions at work. You’re in a really tough position. I hope your job holds out until you’re able to retire! If it doesn’t, consider a telephonic clinical case manager position with an insurance company. Some allow you to work from home. With others, you work in an office. But the work is so much easier physically, and they actually value your knowledge and experience. In my last job, I worked for a Medicaid plan, and it was wonderful. You still interact with patients all the time, but over the phone instead of in person. I had a case load of 80 Medicaid members, and I loved working with them. So many opportunities for education and assistance. I also got to work with foster and adopted children and their families a lot, which was very rewarding. I know you want to stay at your current job because you have so much invested in it, which is totally understandable. But if it doesn’t work out, there are other great options to explore for a nurse with your experience. You’re in my thoughts often!

    Enchant – I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through such a rough time with your health! I’m glad your husband is home and recovering after such a lengthy illness. If I remember correctly, you transport him to and from dialysis, right? Are there any community resources available to transport him temporarily so you can have surgery? I wouldn’t push gall bladder surgery off too long. The attacks are miserable (I had mine removed a long time ago), but the greater concern is that it can become infected. If you have it removed before it becomes infected, it can usually be done laparoscopically. Most people only need to be on pain medicine for a few days and fully recover within 2 weeks. If you put it off and it becomes infected, removing it becomes urgent and much more serious with longer hospitalization and recovery time. I know you’re juggling a lot in caring for you husband, but your health is a priority too. I worked in dialysis for over 4 years. Many of the patients came in via bus or a community van or taxi. Many of those services are covered by Medicare. If you need surgery and have nobody else in your family who can transport your husband, talk to the charge nurse at the dialysis center to see if there is any community assistance for him while you recover.

    April – I’m very excited for your new housing adventure! I hope you’re able to sell your house, and I hope you have fun fixing up your new one!

    TLL – As always, thank you for all the awesome updates!

    Things have been pretty crazy here this summer… not too unlike the first half of the year. My daughter had her ankle surgery yesterday. We’ve been planning that since March but decided to wait until summer. We had a couple scheduling delays, but she had surgery yesterday and is home recovering now. She is doing very well so far and starts physical therapy later this week. She has another surgery scheduled at the end of this month to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. I’m so glad that I haven’t had to go back to work this year and can focus on taking care of her this summer. She starts college in mid August, so we’re hoping she’ll be fully recovered and ready to go by then. She has an awesome semester lined up, and she’s really excited about entering this new phase in her life.

    I need to get some cleaning done. Hugs and well wishes to everyone here! 😀


  24. 24 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 10, 2018 @ 8:44 pm

    rubycubes – great to “see” you!!! glad your dd has started her recovery from her ankle surgery – then tonsils & adenoids – stock up on cold drinks!

    hey gaga! all i have caught from my few fish i have seen today is letters – blah

    we have a little raised bed and are growing some cherry tomatoes &
    beefsteak tomatoes, but they kept disappearing as soon as they started to ripen … sure enough, yesterday morning, my youngest caught a doe bringing her two fawns for breakfast ♥ I kind of want to plant tomatoes in the backyard just for them now …

  25. 25 RubyCubes said,

    July 11, 2018 @ 2:00 am

    Moms – SAME! That’s so cute! I was telling my husband that I wanted to plant a little garden in my backyard. There’s a bunny hole in that section, and we’ve seen mama and baby bunnies in there quite a few times over the years. My husband said, “We shouldn’t plant the garden there. The rabbits will just eat everything.” I said, “That’s all the more reason to plant it there! Let’s plant a garden for the bunnies! If we get a few vegetables out of it, that’s just bonus!” He actually liked the idea. So planting a bunny garden is on our to do list. If I had a doe and her fawns eating tomatoes in my garden, I would be so excited, I would plant more for them. We live across the road from a large farm, and we see deer over there a lot, but I’ve only seen them in my yard once. Some people think they’re a nuisance. I love them.

    Thank you for the advise on cold drinks. I will definitely do that. And popsicles. My daughter has a lot of outstanding qualities. Pain tolerance is definitely not one of them.

  26. 26 gagagee said,

    July 11, 2018 @ 5:34 am

    Good Morning !
    RubyCube… Really nice to see you ! Hope your daughter is doing well in her recovery… and can stay strong for her upcoming PT… and then on to her tonsillectomy !!! Doesn’t sound like much fun but for either of you but it is good that she will be getting both medical procedures done before her next adventure to college !! Take care of yourself too !! I am sure it takes a lot out of you as well !
    Love all of the nature that seems to appear in the summer months..Had one young doe visit my deck area a couple of weeks ago.. tried to fire up my i pad to get a picture… but she was gone by the time it was warmed up !!
    My mom told me the other day that she had 12 “pheasants” in her yard but as it turned out the neighbor had witness them and confirmed that they were wild turkeys !! Recently saw what we believe was a mink running around her yard as well… Never saw one before !!
    moms.. I think it is a great idea .. to plant a garden for the deer !
    dee.. hope your dh is feeling better !!
    April… How are you doing ?? Hopefully you are in the process doing the paperwork on you “sold” home !!
    Just read some WKN info from Fiona’s letters… sounds like they will be updating the claw prizes soon… SO tired of the same old prizes… usually skip over that game for that reason !!
    Fairykinz cub not being released until Friday… thought it was today…
    Hope all is well with everyone !!
    Have a good day !

  27. 27 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,

    July 11, 2018 @ 8:09 am

    Hi everyone!

    It’s been a while since I’ve last posted here… As you may recall, I initially anticipated that I wouldn’t be able to post for a while after a surgery I had back in January. That procedure went well and is not much of an issue anymore besides some occasion bleeding at the site of the surgery. I’m not too concerned about it though as the bleeding doesn’t happen all that often. After a long recovery period and a few intensely stressful months (not all related to my recovery), it seemed like I was about to turn a corner in my life… I had a few really good days in May and things seemed like they were starting to look up, but now it doesn’t seem that way anymore. I’ve been having a lot of health problems as of late and am having a really hard time coping. It seems like I’m not the only one going through a bad period though. I quickly read through the comments on this post and would just like to say I’m so sorry for the others of you that are experiencing difficult and stressful things right now. And I’m really glad you guys have this forum to share/vent/process everything going on in your lives. Me, however, I have a really hard time keeping up on even a good day. And there hasn’t really been a “good” day in my life recently. I don’t mean to be a bummer or to burden any of you here with my problems, and that’s not why I came here, but I wanted to get that out there because I don’t think I will be able to post on this forum all that often anymore (not that I’ve been very consistent with doing that anyway). I may, from time to time, come by just to read how everyone is doing, essentially lurking but not posting. You guys are such an amazing group of people, and I don’t want to fall out of touch completely should things ever start to get any better for me… But for now, I think it’s in the best interest for my health and not burdening you guys to not post. What I want to be taken away from this, though, is that while I may not post and actively participate in this forum much anymore, I will be thinking about you all and praying for anyone who needs it. Again, I cannot state enough what a truly amazing group of people you are, and I really wish I felt like I could be apart of what you all have built here. Sorry if this post seems very out of the blue… I’ve been thinking about what to say since June. :\

    All my best,

  28. 28 april1013 said,

    July 11, 2018 @ 11:31 am

    Good Morning all!!

    We sold the house!!!! WHOOO HOOOO! We just have to get through the home inspection on Friday and we are done! I’m not worried anything is wrong with the house. I know there isn’t. These buyers have been challenging to deal with. I want to thank all of you for your prayers, well wishes and good thoughts. I am truly glad found Gymbos. I am grateful for all of the unending love, kindness, laughter and support. This is an amazing group of people and I am honored to be a part of all of you.

    gaga—you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers with your job. I cannot image having to watch your colleagues train their replacements. I hope it was fun seeing your niece after her trip to Ireland! My niece just got back from the Dominican Rep. and it completely changed her. Amazing to watch her growing up and turning into a wonderful young woman.

    moms—so glad I’m not the only one that falls asleep playing WW games and dropping the phone! LOL Oh how fun, you have a mama deer and babies. I tried some home remedies (non-harmful) to keep the bunnies from eating my hostas. I finally gave up and just replant the ones they eat every year! 🙂

    dee—hope dh is feeling better. my dh likes mucinex.

    Catmom, Chant and Otterkinz—You all are in my prayers. Hope for health and well being.

    Hi LeeAnn!

    KGH—Thanks for the advice. Sorry that happened to you too. dh’s aunt is a strong lady and mostly likely told the new manager what for when he was making a bad/wrong call, so technically he probably had cause. Her only son and family live in another state so she’s thinking it might be time to relocate to be near them.

    Hi Ruby!—prayers for your dd to make a full recovery and enter her first college semester strong and healthy! Thank you for the well wishes!

    I only saw one fish last night…hoping I can stay awake longer to catching a few more tonight! 🙂

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