July 4 Updates!
With an EXTRA SPECIAL ENORMOUS FIREWORK-FINALE THANK YOU to TheSpoilerLurker – here are the goodies she shared with us today in her words!
Let’s jump right into it, shall we?
Up first is PETS! Top row: Pumi Puppy Gift Box, Puppy Stove, Plum Dumplings. Bottom row: Sheepdog Gift Box, Shepherd’s Wheel, Black Pudding and Mash. Yes, the Pumi Puppy goes with the Puppy theme, most of which have been promo pets. Hope this doesn’t mean the Pumi Puppy will be a promo pet, too.
Here’s your Pumi Puppy, gaga!
Next is more pets. Top row: Blue Ribbon Goat Gift Box, Farm Playground, Cedar Tree Tea. Bottom row: Vampire Rat (?!) Gift Box, Cursed Cottage, Spooky Cheese Plate. The Blue Ribbon Goat obviously goes with the new Blue Ribbon Theme. What were they thinking, though, with a Vampire Rat?! Aren’t rats creepy enough all by themselves?
The Vampire Rat:
The new Garden Oasis theme. Most of you have seen this pix on WKN already. Top row: Garden Oasis Theme Icon (so you can find it in the W-Shop, lol), Darling Garden Chair, Darling Garden Table, Darling Garden Shelves. Bottom row: Darling Garden Bench, Dreamy Gazebo, Charming Waterfall, Charming Stone Column.
More Garden Oasis. Top row: Overgrown Archway, Garden Lantern, Iron Wood Planter, Iron Wood Stove. Bottom row: Weathered Brick Tile, 2018 August WKN Gift Box, Mod KinzVision TV, Peridot Mosaic Tile. The Mod KinzVision TV goes with the Mod theme, obviously, and is from the August WKN Gift Box.
Next begins the parade of clothing. Top row: Crocheted Sunhat, Triangular Shades, Lacy Boots, Orange Shades. Bottom row: Periwinkle Swimsuit Top, Periwinkle Swimsuit Bottom, Cute Crocheted Top, Lacy Jean Shorts. These are all from the new summer KinzStyle Outlet line, which is in the Outlet right now.
More clothes. Top row: Patterned High Tops, Colorblock Board Shorts, Colorblock Visor, Solar Flare Flats. Bottom row: Whimsical Braid, Rad Red Wig, Lovely Ponytail Wig, and the Back To School Gift Bag. The top row is new KinzStyle Outlet with the exception of the Solar Flare Flats, which are August’s Deluxe gift. The bottom row are all recolored (LAZY!) and I’m assuming they come in this new Back to School Gift Bag, which feels like the Mother’s Day Gift Bags in that the items will be tradeable.
Yet more clothing. Top row: Campkinz Scuba Mask, Campkinz Scuba Shirt, Campkinz Scuba Pants, Campkinz Scuba Oxygen Tank, Campkinz Scuba Flippers. Bottom row: Shark Fin Floatie, Colorblock Tank, unnamed hat, unnamed owl hat, unnamed owl costume. The Campkinz Scuba outfit is available from the new Lil Fishie event. The Shark Fin Floatie is a belt (OMG how cute!!!), the Colorblock Tank is new KinzStyle Outlet (sorry, should have grouped that with the others!), and I have a feeling the owl costume is fall mystery.
Even more clothing. Top row: OMG WE ARE GETTING MARCHING BAND CLOTHING, FINALLY! *head explodes* *reattaches head* Where were we? Oh, yeah. So, confession time. I was a Band Geek in high school. We were the state champions in our division, which didn’t make me any cooler than the average band geek, and possibly even less so. But I’ve been waiting for marching band clothes in Webkinz for like forever, so yeah, I need this stuff. Anyway, top row: unnamed bass drum (probably a belt), unnamed tuba (probably also a belt), unnamed marching band pants, unnamed marching band hat. (There’s probably going to be a top and shoes, too, but they’re not in the system yet.) Bottom row: unnamed winder (probably a belt, how cute!), Emerald Top Hat, Sapphire Top Hat, Opal Top Hat. It’s nice that they remembered to do the emerald hat this round, lol. The marching band stuff is probably Super School Giveaway stuff. The top hats are assuredly fall mystery.
Now begins the parade of estore. Hmm, I should probably put on my new Webkinz Marching Band clothing if we’re having a parade, lol! Top row: Barnyard Leafy Greens Garden, Leafy Lettuce, Fresh Chard, Crunchy Cauliflower. Bottom row: Barnyard Veggie Garden, Ripe Eggplant, New Potatoes, Sweet Peas. These are two multi-food dispensers for the new Blue Ribbon Barnyard theme.
More Blue Ribbon Barnyard. Top row: Barnyard Gate, Barnyard Fence, Barnyard Plum Tree Slide, Barnyard Flower Garden. Bottom row: Barnyard Scarecrow (SQUEE! So cute!), Blue Ribbon Stable Bed, Barnyard Duck Pond, Barnyard Tractor. There are also in the system the following things: Blue Ribbon Windmill, Barnyard Well, Barnyard Flowing Tree, Barnyard Bench, Barnyard Pasture Tile, Blue Ribbon Corn Seeds, Blue Chips and Salsa. No pictures yet on those items, sorry. I will very definitely need those seeds, since I have every seed ever offered, lol. (Except for those sweet pumpkin seeds which they have NEVER offered, which is ticking me off!) The Barnyard Plum Tree Slide might look familiar. That’s because it’s just a recolored version of the Acorn Stash Slide. Lazy!
Up next is more estore. Top row: Glamping ?? Box, Glamping Wallpaper, Glamping Flooring, Glamping Luxury Tent. Bottom row: Glamping Picnic Table, Glamping Chair, Glamping Tree. Editorial comment: I am a real camper. I have camped in places where you go to the bathroom behind a bush, and you fetch your water from a pond (and purify the heck out of it!), and you set up your tent on a pile of rocks (which isn’t very comfortable, believe me!). So the whole thought of “glampingâ€, or glamorous camping, makes me sneer. Okay, enough outdoorsman snobbery, back to the spoilers! The Glamping Tree is a recolored Peaceful Forest Sacred Tree. LAZY cubed!
Yet more estore. Top row: Vibrant Vibes Wallpaper, Vibrant Vibes Curtains, Vibrant Vibes Bed, Vibrant Vibes Rug. Bottom row: Blooming Desert Wallpaper, Blooming Desert Flooring, Cactus Cottage, Chicken Hot Air Balloon. The Vibrant Vibes micro theme will most likely be introduced in upcoming BOGO sales. The Blooming Desert is the next Room with a View theme. LOVE that cottage! (Bonus: I will finally have a use for my Cactus Costume!) And the hot air balloon is part of the series of animal-shaped hot air balloons.
Yet more estore. Top row: Wacky’s Burger Stand, Wacky Meal, Pomegranate Patio Plant, Mini Vanilla Pomegranate Tart. Bottom row: Ruffled Antique Bed, Ruffled Antique Rug, Berry Delight Grey Armchair, Glamping Picnic Bench. The burger stand is a dispenser. The Ruffled Antique items match the curtains and armchair that have already been released. The picnic bench should have
Even more estore. Top row: Summer Breeze Divider, Summer Breeze Rug, Summer Breeze Curtain, unnamed lamp that I’m christening the Elephant Pet Lamp. Bottom row: Camper Cottage, Cupcake Cottage (SQUEE! NEEDNEEDNEEDNEED), unnamed teapot cottage (SQUEE AGAIN! NEEDNEEDNEEDNEEDNEEDNEEDNEED), Red Elf Hat Cottage. Yes, expect Christmas items from now ’til December in the updates!
Random newness is next at bat. Top row: Whimsical Rocker, Summer Fun Sprinkler, Puppy Fridge, Smoothie Moves Trophy. Bottom row: unnamed wardrobe, unnamed bed, unnamed rug, unnamed sofa. The Whimsical Rocker is the prize for the August Deluxe challenge. The Summer Fun Sprinkler is the the prize for July Deluxe Day. No idea how the Puppy Fridge will be released. And didn’t we already have a Smoothie Moves trophy challenge? (I seem to recall winning Blanche’s Convertible at least four times!) I guess we’re having another Smoothie Moves Trophy Challenge, lol.
More random newness. Top row: Series 1 Deluxe Clothing Gift Bag, Series 2 Deluxe Clothing Gift Bag, Deluxe Medallion Gift Box, WKN Pink Glitter Fish Gift Box. Bottom row: unnamed Wacky food, unnamed muffin, unnamed Wacky race car, unnamed Wacky motorcycle. I am VERY curious about the Deluxe clothing bags…no clue what’s going on there! The Deluxe Medallion Gift Box will be included in monthly Deluxe boxes from now on. The glitter fish box is part of the Lil Fishies promotion. The Wacky items are probably from the upcoming Wackyfest.
Speaking of pet medallions, who wants to see some pets that will be added to the program? None of these are named yet, so I’m taking an educated guess as to the names. Top row: Tree Frog Pet Medallion, Pig Pet Medallion, Panda Pet Medallion. (Thought this pet was retired?!) Bottow row: Sparkle Penguin Pet Medallion, Whimsy Dragon Pet Medallion, Signature Australian Shepherd Pet Medallion.
Wheel of WOW:
Mobile Wheel:
Deluxe Wheel:
Love the rugs and divider on this wheel!
From Mayor Dr. Quack:
*PJ Collie is proud to announce that the 2018 Summer Clothing Line has arrived at the KinzStyle Outlet! Drop by and check out the latest in summer style for your pet! To make room for the new stock, the 2017 Winter Clothing Line has now been retired.
*You voted for it on Webkinz Newz, and now it has arrived in the WShop! The NEW Garden Oasis room theme can be purchased for KinzCash, but it’s a little more expensive than previous themes, so make sure you bring your coupons to get a good discount!
*We’ve added 6 new Pet Medallions to collect! Visit My Pets to see how many you need to collect before you can adopt a Raccutie, a Cotton Candy Bunny, a Tuxedo Cat, a Batik Elephant, an Arctic Fox, or even a Mystical Panda!
*Fresh off the heels of the latest Kinzville Bake Sale, the previous version of the Kinzville Bake Sale is returning for a limited time: Friday, July 13th to Sunday, July 22nd! Collect baked goods all around Kinzville during that time and then you’ll be able to combine them together on a stove to make special prizes! Remember to dust off or pick your Bake Sale Cookbook Vol. 2 for all the special recipes!
*2 familiar favorites are making a return to the KinzChat PLUS section of the Clubhouse! We’ve added back the Super Chef Room and the Webkinz Theater so you’ll have more fun places to hang out with your favorite Webkinz friends!
*Our next Deluxe Day arrives on Thursday, July 12th! Deluxe Members who visit the Today’s Activities on that day will find a list of special activities just for them, along with a special prize: a Summer Fun Sprinkler!
*Speaking of challenges, Deluxe Members will have their own special challenge to complete during the month of August. Once all of the tasks are finished, they’ll be awarded a Whimsy Dragon Poster, along with a NEW Whimsical Rocker!
*Deluxe Members also receive a monthly gift box containing their choice of an item from the NEW Cozy Condo room theme, along with a special piece of clothing that can’t be found anywhere else! August’s Deluxe clothing item is a pair of Solar Flare Flats!
*Also, starting with August’s Deluxe Gift Box, we’ve included a Deluxe Medallion Gift Box! When they open it, Deluxe Members will receive 10 random Pet Medallions! 5 medallions will be from a common pool, 3 from an uncommon pool, 1 from a rare pool, and 1 from a pool that includes all medallions—including the possibility of getting an Any Pet Medallion! If you like collecting Pet Medallions, Deluxe Membership is now even better!
*If you love spinning wheels and winning, you’ll be excited to learn that we’ve once again updated the prizes on the Wheel of Wow for web and mobile, along with the Wheel of Deluxe!
Well, that is all the information I could ferret out this month. Until next month, this is TheSpoilerLurker signing off. This post will self-destruct in 5…4…3…2…1…WHEEEEE! SNAP! BANG! WHOOSH! BOOM! RAT-A-TAT-TAT! (sorry, I had to get all Fourth of July in my usual sign-off there!)
1 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 4, 2018 @ 12:50 pm
YAYYYYYYY!!! Thank you again TSL or all of the great pics & info!!!
2 nitabuggy (WWID Wophy) said,
July 4, 2018 @ 1:15 pm
Thanks TSL!!!
3 april1013 said,
July 4, 2018 @ 2:27 pm
Thank TSL for the all the great spoilers!!!! So much fun stuff to look forward to!
Thanks gaga for all your kind words. 🙂
Thank you to Mist and Ruby for the generous gifts!!! Will try and find something on your lists.
Miracle—I hear you, we are buying an older home that hasn’t been update since the 70s too! We have a lot of work ahead of us and your posts are always a joy to read. 🙂
Chococat—I hope your kitty is okay. Did you make it to Cedar Point?
Hi nita!!!! *waves*
It’s hot here. Dh is grilling some pork ribs and burgers. Baked blueberry cornbread early this morning and making a salad. Wishing everyone a safe and Happy 4th of July! Stay cool.
4 dee said,
July 4, 2018 @ 3:16 pm
if anyone who does mobile gets any of the extra green jackets, i would be interested in trading
5 dee said,
July 4, 2018 @ 3:17 pm
thanks LOOP
and say what??? what is blueberry cornbread? i love blueberries
6 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 4, 2018 @ 3:36 pm
don’t leave your baked beans in the oven & remember them AFTER your cook out 😆
7 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 4, 2018 @ 3:40 pm
blueberry cornbread? yes, april – please share more info!
i was wishing I had thought to make a fruit pizza for dessert with the strawberries & blueberries
8 dee said,
July 4, 2018 @ 5:08 pm
oh no moms
i have been setting my timers so i remember to do things
9 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 4, 2018 @ 5:49 pm
dee – we ate on the porch, and I walked back inside & realized it after we ate LOL leftover baked beans tomorrow i guess …
10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 4, 2018 @ 7:28 pm
dee – i just sent you a quick WW email – no big deal
11 Patsie said,
July 4, 2018 @ 10:00 pm
Happy Fourth of July to everyone from the United States. I hope the rest of you have had a Wonderful Wednesday.
12 Patsie said,
July 4, 2018 @ 10:05 pm
Moms, I saw your email and it was easier for me to send an email instead of commenting when I sent my email. It is sometimes easier and faster for me to send an email over posting a comment or several explaining what I have done, sorry.
13 Patsie said,
July 4, 2018 @ 10:10 pm
What do people think of the Garden Oasis theme? I am disappointed in the prices of some of the items and a third or so of the items being only for people with a Deluxe Membership. I can understand there being one or two items for people who are Deluxe, though.
14 Patsie said,
July 4, 2018 @ 10:15 pm
Nitabuggy, thank you for my items. 🙂 I will try to send you a proper thank you note later.
15 Patsie said,
July 4, 2018 @ 10:20 pm
My family had tacos for dinner even though it is the Fourth of July because we needed to eat up leftovers. We had “traditional” Fourth of July food at a surprise birthday for my cousin last night, though. Her birthday is today, but we didn’t celebrate today due to the holiday.
16 Patsie said,
July 4, 2018 @ 10:25 pm
Cheese, thank you for my items as well. 🙂 You love “spoiling” everyone, don’t you?
17 Patsie said,
July 4, 2018 @ 10:30 pm
Good night everyone. I might try to comment on Friday but I work in the afternoon. I need to work on homework tomorrow, so I probably won’t be on tomorrow or just peek in and not comment.
18 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 4, 2018 @ 11:48 pm
hey patsie! that’s okay, i was just letting you know that i might have a delay in answering email sometimes – happy 4th!
my oldest & i went and watched fireworks … they were pretty, we are glad we went, but i think we were spoiled by Walt Disney World …
19 gagagee said,
July 5, 2018 @ 4:22 am
Good Morning All !
Hope you all had a nice 4th with family and friends…
Heat wave continues here … as with most of the country ! Hopefully will cool off a bit by Friday..
Lurker.. Thanks for all the spoilers.. Love the Pumi Pup…and Wacky items..
Wonder when Wacky Week begins…
Back to work today…will get all the facts from higher ups.. we’ll see what their plans are..
Have a great day and stay cool !
20 66Muffin said,
July 5, 2018 @ 7:52 am
Hey everyone!!
Hope you all had an awesome 4th of July. I could still hear fireworks around midnight where I was!
Thanks as always for the updates and spoilers Lurker. I love the pictures too and am so looking forward to those new cottages! CUTE!!
Also, Dee – I just won a green jacket from mobile wheel today actually! Where do I send? 🙂
21 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 5, 2018 @ 10:40 am
gaga – thinking of you today – hoping for good news for you
muffin – i hope you don’t have a scared pet! or vet! i know for a lot of people that causes stress – i feel bad for those
22 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 5, 2018 @ 11:31 am
BTW – the Lil Fish are 25% off – 3,750 for Deluxe – in the estore
23 66Muffin said,
July 5, 2018 @ 11:33 am
Moms – Yes, I do know many dogs that get terrified/stressed when around fireworks or thunderstorms! I feel so bad not being able to somehow communicate to them that it’s going to be all right. Most times I just try to comfort them the best I can. I used to have a dog that would totally freak every Fourth of July at the sound of those obnoxiously loud fireworks. She was an adorable Shih Tzu dog named Pumpkin, but sadly she passed a few years ago 🙁
24 april1013 said,
July 5, 2018 @ 11:58 am
Good morning all!
Hope everyone had a nice 4th and all those poor pets that get so scared can now relax.
gaga—prayers and good thoughts today!
We had to cut our festivities a little short yesterday and clean, clean, clean…had a showing at 10am this morning.
Okay, this blueberry cornbread was the bomb! The batter was more like cake batter, much thinner than thick traditional cornbread batter. But it turned about beautifully. PLEASE make the honey butter and put gobs of it on while it’s still warm!
Blueberry Cornbread
1½ tablespoons cornmeal, plus 1 cup (5 ounces)
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour
¾ cup (5¼ ounces) plus 1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
¾ teaspoon salt
1 cup whole milk
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
2 large eggs
10 ounces (2 cups) blueberries
If you use a dark-colored cake pan, reduce the baking time in step 3 to 35 to 40 minutes. You can use frozen blueberries; if doing so, leave the berries in the freezer until the last possible moment and toss them with 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour before stirring them into the batter. Then, increase the baking time to 45 to 50 minutes. Serve with our recipe for Honey Butter.
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Grease bottom and sides of light-colored 9-inch round cake pan, then dust pan with 1½ tablespoons cornmeal.
2. Whisk flour, ¾ cup sugar, baking powder, salt, and remaining 1 cup cornmeal together in large bowl. Whisk milk, melted butter, and eggs together in second bowl (butter may form clumps; this is OK). Stir milk mixture into flour mixture until just combined. Stir in blueberries until just incorporated. Transfer batter to prepared pan and smooth top with rubber spatula. Sprinkle remaining 1 tablespoon sugar over top.
3. Bake until golden brown and paring knife inserted in center comes out clean, 40 to 45 minutes. Let cornbread cool in pan on wire rack for 20 minutes. Run paring knife between cornbread and side of pan. Remove cornbread from pan and let cool on rack for 20 minutes. Serve warm.
Honey Butter
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
2 tablespoons honey
¼ teaspoon salt
Pinch cayenne pepper
Using fork, mash all ingredients in bowl until combined.
25 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 5, 2018 @ 2:42 pm
april – awwwww man! that sounds DEElicious!
dee – get to it!
i hope the showing went well & the right buyers show up at the right time!
26 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 5, 2018 @ 3:07 pm
I added the Shark Fin Floaty code from the podkinz to the
Community Codes Page
27 dee said,
July 5, 2018 @ 6:53 pm
just getting back after an outing with dh….
only thing i am missing is whole milk
what size pan? i have a true loaf pan and then a bigger farmhouse type one
lmk as i am going to krogers tomorrow
just got a skype call from dd
28 dee said,
July 5, 2018 @ 6:54 pm
makes me wonder about strawberry or raspberry or other fruity cornbreads
29 gagagee said,
July 6, 2018 @ 5:05 am
Good Morning !
First day back yesterday… arrived at 646 AM to find NO air conditioning !!
Procedure room 80 degrees.. so warm.. Have to wear lead aprons..mask and scrub cap .. till finished 1230.. despite maintenance’s repairs.. procedure room remain 80 all day….drenched by lunch !!
Supervisor arrives to go over the updates.. my coworker (of 10 years ) decided to take a job in a different department..not wanting to train her replacements..
2nd coworker..was let go…I will remain.. thankfully but hours cut to 3 days a week…Hopefully I can manage until I am able to retire…other 4 nurses’s hours were cut to 3 days per week… Management has started process of interviewing and hiring MA to replace us…The only bright spot to this whole mess is that they gave us a small raise ?? Morale very low.. but we will see how things unfold… The times they are a changin !!
moms and April.. thanks for your encouraging thoughts..
April… Good Luck with your open house !! Will keep my fingers crossed that they love it and make a great offer………….
dee.. happy you could “see” your dd for a virtual visit !! My I pad on the fritz but will try again tonight to get a green jacket for you.
Hope you all have a good day !
Chococat… Hope you get to Cedar Point.. supposed to be a nice weekend !
30 gagagee said,
July 6, 2018 @ 5:23 am
Post went to trash !! not sure why !
moms could you please retrieve it ? Thanks
31 april1013 said,
July 6, 2018 @ 11:11 am
dee—9 in. round cake pan. I think it would work with 2 loaf pans. I too think it might work great with other fruit.
Thanks for the the wonderful words moms!!! It was a 2nd showing, so hoping. 🙂
32 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 6, 2018 @ 3:29 pm
i’m pretty sure dee has a green jacket waiting for her on one of her accounts 🙂
gaga – i’m sorry about the cuts – ugh! the heat sounds unbearable, then all of that news, that’s enough to cause major morale problems. if they are trying to replace with MA’s, does that mean you should be seeing what else is out there?
33 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 6, 2018 @ 3:43 pm
new post: