Marshmallow Collection Event
From July 1 – 31, look for the Marshmallow Collection icon on your Kinzville Map and click on it to see your collection (web only). Everyday, you’ll get 1 free Marshmallow, just for clicking on the collection icon (Deluxe Members will get 2 free Marshmallows a day).
Once you have received your free Marshmallow, you can get 5 more throughout the day by asking your friends (by clicking the ASK FRIENDS button) or by finding and clicking on the floating Marshmallow on (make sure you collect your free one first before trying to find one on Webkinz Newz).
Here are the prizes:
These two items will be available in eStore/WShop. The Rustic Window and Antique Lounger were designed to match the rest of the Marshmallow Collection prizes.
1 dee said,
June 29, 2018 @ 4:50 pm
anyone know which is estore and which is wshop for the lower ones?
i actually like these things
2 dee said,
June 29, 2018 @ 4:51 pm
and a shout out to CHEESE
thanks for the gifts and i am having 3cheesetortellini for dinner tonite!
not homemade………….kroger frozen
someday i will make homemade pasta and will await all of you rushing my house!
3 gagagee said,
June 30, 2018 @ 7:37 am
Good Morning !
dee. hope all is well with you ! Worried about your tree !!
Can’t believe last day of June..Hate to see the summer going by so quickly !
Heat wave continues here today…not complaining though..
Playing Goody Gumdrops.. so far have won two blossom fish and one cat.. one
25 kinzcash…
moms.. thanks for the bat signal and to KGH and dee for the info….
Looking forward to all of the new activities and new estore things coming out tomorrow….
Lurker… Have you heard anything about a Pumi Pup being released as a new pet ? Saw one on TV at the Madison Square Garden Dog Show… Just about the cutest dog I ever saw !!!! Signature ears….. looks like a Koala Bear…
Enjoying my last few days before I head back to work… will be interesting what unfolds once we all get back… we are in for so many changes…
April.. How are you ?? Have you sold your home ?? How is everything going..
You holding up OK with all of your changes ?
Stay cool for all experiencing the heat wave !!
4 gagagee said,
June 30, 2018 @ 7:41 am
Moms… How could I forget… LBJ opted out of his contract……….According to what I have heard ( mostly from my nephew ) he will be making his future plans known via a movie trailer.. which is to be released soon ! Very cryptic..
Stay tuned……I sure am… worried and remain hopeful
5 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 30, 2018 @ 11:03 am
I will be surprised if he stays in CLE UNLESS he is bringing in some power … I’ve heard his baller son is already enrolled in a basketball powerhouse high school in LA for fall … so many rumors, though, so who knows???
i put this on the last post bc i had forgotten to close it :oops:, so wanted to be sure ya’ll see it:
hey – just wanted to let everyone know that I heard from catmom – she has been through a lot with her health, but hopefully is on the road to recovery now – and hopefully she will be back soon!
Community Codes Page
Expire: June 30, 2018
Webkinz Willow Sapling Code: W24F-837U-77ER-GEKW (not sendable)
Garden Patio Fireplace Code: W24E-A9HK-KA5X-XLXL
Random Mothers Day Potted Flowers:W245-SASY-VDNE-38SE
Webkinz Newz Intern Headse:t W242-E579-ZQ2V-MLEL
Webkinz Newz Intern Pants: W24M-CL3W-VJ3A-AK9Y
Webkinz Newz Intern Top: W24L-6Z7N-3KTN-7N9U
Random Beach Item: W249~27UQ~UN8C~52W2
6 april1013 said,
June 30, 2018 @ 12:39 pm
Happy HOT Saturday!
I got all the watering done early and dh is just finishing up the lawn before it gets crazy hot.
moms/KGH/dee—Thanks for the bat signal! And the code reminder!
gaga—I’m hanging in there. Inspection had a few issues, it’s an older home. Nothing major, but stressed me out none the less. That’s all been worked out and we have a close date. Now if we could just sell our house. Everyone told us our house would sell really fast, not so much. Pretty sure I have a nice ulcer brewing. I’m so glad you get to keep your job…3 days a week, with benefits?
dee—Your tree situation doesn’t sound good. I did have to laugh that your dh said he could handle it himself. Mine would do the same thing! Be safe!
TLL—Congrats on the trophies! I look forward to your spoilers every month! I have gotten a few medallions from playing Atlantiles, the Tigerlily pup and Blossom fish. I got these from level 5 and above.
Happy to hear Catmom is on the road to recovery. Hope everyone has a safe weekend!
7 dee said,
June 30, 2018 @ 2:53 pm
i am watching a pbs show called civilizations and the episode is color and light4
about how early art used color and whatnot to make shadows and depth and all of that…….thought of you lovely gymbo art collectors.
extremely interesting show tho……
and i have one tree quote……….dh is due in later today…..
and i want my car back soooooooooooo bad. I have not left the house since monday!!!!!!!!!!!
8 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 30, 2018 @ 5:17 pm
dee – how soon can they get to the trees???
9 dee said,
June 30, 2018 @ 5:39 pm
as soon as i tell them to………..need to talk to dh first…..he has been out of pocket……….i know it is the age of cell phones and whatnot, but we are not as tech as most folks……….surprise!
dds flight has left…………so i will be tracking that tonite!
10 dee said,
June 30, 2018 @ 8:03 pm
dh is home
says trees are fine
11 tmt5 said,
July 1, 2018 @ 12:04 am
I played a lot of zingo pop today got them all done. OD did one. Missed the summer sensations on Thursday though. Didn’t notice about it ahead and didn’t get on this week until yesterday.
Oh boy about the tree situation Dee.
12 gagagee said,
July 1, 2018 @ 9:48 am
Good Morning All !
Happy July 1st !
Lots happening in WW… Always enjoy the beginning of the month for the new Challenges…
dee.. maybe dh will reevaluate the trees today..see it your way and do the safest thing…also I am not a techie either ! don’t text.. would rather speak to a person.
April .. nice to hear from you.. Hopefully your home will sell quickly and you both and relocate and get settled.. Sure it is very stressful time !
Lurker.. Do you have any tips for Goody Gum drops ?? I know you are supposted to reach for the stars.. but still having trouble with the game..
Heading over to my moms for Sunday family gathering.. Not an ideal day for grilling but menu already planned.. predicting upper 90’s as so many of you are… Stay cool !!
Hope you all have a nice day.
Catmom.. take care of yourself and I hope things are improving for you.
Sending some healing thoughts your way .
13 dee said,
July 1, 2018 @ 11:08 am
W248-G3DB-Q5CD-K8A6 code awards one Celebrate Summer Planter per account and expires at midnight EST on August 31, 2018.
14 dee said,
July 1, 2018 @ 12:42 pm
w249 33cx wtyf 6nnq
exp 31 aug
15 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 1, 2018 @ 2:49 pm
good job dee!!! i’ll add to the codes page – thanks!
16 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 1, 2018 @ 2:58 pm
i won a Picnic Hamburger from the email code on comment 14 – idk what the prizes are for that yet, so i just put the code on the code page with the (email) note next to it
17 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 1, 2018 @ 3:18 pm
Patsie – we have posts scheduled with info spread out that we need to post & remind people, so i’m going to adjust the posts a little. I think I have everything in a little more helpful order. Thanks for getting all that info together for us!
18 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 1, 2018 @ 3:18 pm
we have a new Deluxe Challenge
Marshmallow Collection
July Pet – Pebble Horse
Shiba Inu POTM
July estore pet – Blue Ribbon Cow (10% off with LOVENEWPETS)
July estore ? Theme – Fairykinz Willow
Purchase any furniture item from the “Fan’s Choice BOGO” category and get a Fan’s Choice single clothing item for FREE! July 1-4
Picnic Potato Chip Stand Dispenser released
19 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
July 1, 2018 @ 3:19 pm
new post: