New Jumbleberry Fields and Spree Prizes

There will be new prizes for Jumbleberry Fields and Spree starting Wednesday, June 6th. However, there will be prizes retiring from both of these games to make room for the new prizes.

The new Jumbleberry Fields prizes will be the Jumblerry Raincoat, Weathered Farmhouse Side Table (Jumbleberry prizes), Farmhouse Bed (Moonberry prize), Weathered Outhouse Weathered Well (Pickleberry prizes), Sugarberry Rug and the Weathered Farmhouse Stool (Sugarberry prizes).

The new Jumbleberry Fields prizes will be the Jumbleberry Raincoat, Weathered Farmhouse Side Table (Jumbleberry prizes), Farmhouse Bed (Moonberry prize), Weathered Outhouse, Weathered Well (Pickleberry prizes), Sugarberry Rug, and Weathered Farmhouse Stool (Sugarberry prizes).

The retiring Jumbleberry Fields prizes will be the Country Party Dress, Farmer's Overalls (Jumbleberry prizes), Jumbleberry Tractor (Moonberry prize), Homemade Preserves Sign, and Jumbleberry Fields Poster (Sugarberry prizes).

The retiring Jumbleberry Fields prizes will be the Country Party Dress, Farmer’s Overalls (Jumbleberry prizes), Jumbleberry Tractor (Moonberry prize), Homemade Preserves Sign, and Jumbleberry Fields Poster (Sugarberry prizes).

The new Spree Mall prizes will be (names are not currently known but are my best guesses based off of existing prizes) Designer Glasses, Dogbeard's Gold Arcade Unit, Gold Leaf Dining Chair, Golden Dining Table, Gold Leaf Swimming Pool, and Kinzville Mall Perfume Booth.

The new Spree Mall prizes will be (item names are not currently known but are my best guesses based off of existing prizes and items) Designer Glasses, Dogbeard’s Gold Arcade Unit, Golden Dining Chair, Golden Dining Table, Gold Leaf Swimming Pool, and Kinzville Mall Perfume Booth.

The retiring Spree Mall prizes will be the Giant Zingoz Plushy and Link'D Arcade Unit.

The retiring Spree Mall prizes will be the Giant Zingoz Plushy and Link’D Arcade Unit.

Beginning June 6th, each Spree Shopping Bag (received from collecting all 5 colored shopping bags) you drag into a room will contain a clothing item (only from Spree), a food item, and a bonus Spree roll.

Beginning June 6th, each Spree Shopping Bag (received from collecting all 5 colored shopping bags) you drag into a room will contain a clothing item (only from Spree), a food item (the names of the clothing items and food items are not known), and a bonus Spree roll.


All pictures and information in this post came from Webkinz Newz.

Please comment on this post not the June 2018 Webkinz Events post if it is still open when you come on to comment and read the new posts. However, feel free to still refer to that post for information about the June events because June is a very busy month in Webkinz.


Do you have any of the Jumbleberry Fields or Spree items that are retiring? Which of the new prizes will you try to earn or buy for your Webkinz? Which of the Spree Shopping Bag items do you want? How often do you play Jumbleberry Fields and Spree?


  1. 1 Queen of Sheba said,

    June 1, 2018 @ 1:45 pm

    It is great to know what is retiring ahead of time! Is this something new? It seems like we didn’t used to know which items were retiring! Anyway, I’m grateful that we have some notice. I have some work to do! LOL!

    Actually, I just checked and I am fine for my main account and my dd’s main account. 🙂 I have some things to collect for my step-granddaughter, but it should be manageable.

    I’m sporadic about playing Spree or Jumbleberry Fields. I try to do most days, but when I get really busy (usually during school year), I often skip.

    I really like all the new prizes for Jumbleberry Field. I am a furniture collector! 😉

    As far as the SPREE prizes, I am most excited about the pool as it will be a nice addition to my Gold Leaf Retreat! I’m glad that the SPREE shopping bags are changing in content! I believe that we will be able to buy the old items in the W-shop if we need them. That option is good for the new players! I wonder about the re-sale value of the new items, though, and how it will compare to the re-sale value of the old items.

  2. 2 Queen of Sheba said,

    June 1, 2018 @ 1:48 pm

    I hope that I posted in the right place, by the way!

  3. Boper911 said,

    June 1, 2018 @ 4:25 pm

    A few new community codes (thanks Amy)
    from email:
    Random Jumbleberry Fields Jam/Jelly Jar: W24G-A3VP-9WCS-WME2

    from podkinz 100:
    Ornate Egyptian Side Table: W24M-QN4P-UF3J-98XC
    Bag of Kinzcash Beanbag Chair: W246-8NHX-7GMQ-RMPY
    Rockerz VIP Backstage Pass: W245-J596-M76P-ZDE4

  4. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    June 1, 2018 @ 4:41 pm


    boper – thanks for combining the codes! i totally missed a couple of them

    patsie – thanks for keeping up with the posts

    zingy – hey! sorry you’ve had all that going on – it is great to see you commented!!! i sent a pizza palace trophy in case you missed the challenge

    shorty – i’ll send you a trophy also – sent to leenie2014kinz

  5. 5 TheLoopyLurker said,

    June 1, 2018 @ 5:08 pm

    Afternoon Gymbonians!

    Y’all have to listen to Podkinz #100 on WKN. There’s a chance to get FREE PETS, including the Diamond Dragonfly and Rainbow Googles I told you about last Update Wednesday, and you will be able to get the STONE LION!!!!!! OMG I’ve wanted that pet for YEARS! I’m just slightly excited about this…please do me the courtesy of ignoring the drool flying from my mouth. :mrgreen:

    Podkinz codes:

    Ornate Egyptian Side Table: W24M-QN4P-UF3J-98XC – Expires July 31
    Bag of Kinzcash Beanbag Chair: W246-8NHX-7GMQ-RMPY – Expires July 31
    Rockerz VIP Backstage Pass: W245-J596-M76P-ZDE4 – Expires July 31

    Remember, this Wednesday is Update Wednesday. CANNOT WAIT!!!!!1!1!!

  6. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    June 1, 2018 @ 6:17 pm

    hey TLL!!!

    Oh no! how hard will they be to get??? i better go pay attention to the podcast 🙂

  7. 7 dee said,

    June 1, 2018 @ 7:20 pm


    i just cooked up your wayward cousin, spinach and cheese ravioli!

    has stripes, so i know he has done some time……….needless to say i thought of you…… of these days i am gonna make pasta and you are all gonna be crying to come and eat at my house!

  8. 8 dee said,

    June 1, 2018 @ 7:20 pm

    gotta scoot
    i have a little house on the prairie paused while i was cooking and dh wants the tv!

  9. 9 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    June 1, 2018 @ 7:32 pm

    I got so excited about the new ‘free’ pets they are giving for the tokens but then I saw how many you need to get the pet, and wow they are gonna make us work for them. It looked like we will need 200 of these tokens per pet? Did anyone else see that on the video?

    Boper and TLL thank you for the codes!!

    I love the new spree and Jumble prizes!!! If anyone needs any of the retiring prizes let me know, I have extras.


  10. 10 tmt5 said,

    June 1, 2018 @ 8:36 pm

    Regarding what momskinz said about the chickadee a few days ago. What I read made it sound like it was on both and I had tried the mobile app on the phone as well, never saw the bird. Decided not to bother was taking too long and only really wanted the rare so figured the odds were too poor.

    Finished the golf on one account and realized today that I forgot I hadn’t done the last job. Oops.

    Going to try and get the pizza trophy on my main. OD got one on hers and Lyn did one for herself as well.

    Thank you for the codes. Haven’t seen about the pets and tokens yet. Spree clothes look nice and a new pool is great will have to start playing that again never seem to have the time.

    Hope everyone is doing well this Friday evening.

  11. 11 gagagee said,

    June 2, 2018 @ 7:50 am

    Good Morning !
    WOW … slept in today … first time in so long !
    Hey Lurker.. Nice to see you ! Looking forward to all the updates ! Will have to check into the stone lion … Good Luck.. Hope you are able to get one !
    Patsie.. Thanks for all the updates.. Love the new items that will soon be released..
    Boper.. thanks for posting the new codes…
    Hope you all have a great Saturday !

  12. 12 tmt5 said,

    June 2, 2018 @ 4:50 pm

    Did finally see the elusive chickadee. Kept my phone up the entire time was doing three accounts of the pizza trophy on computer and caught it five times. Way too long in between. Wonder why they did that. Thank you for letting me know it was just app Momskinz.

  13. 13 dee said,

    June 2, 2018 @ 5:22 pm

    so quiet here
    been stocking up on berries and spree money……….i have been going around and around on spree as there has not been anything i really wanted to buy…hopefully will pay off with new stuff!

  14. 14 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    June 3, 2018 @ 12:24 am

    dee – so smart of you to keep up with spree!

    i’m going to bed – just didn’t want to let the day go without saying hello!

  15. 15 gagagee said,

    June 3, 2018 @ 8:45 am

    Good Morning Everyone !
    Today is Deluxe Day !
    Looking forward to updates this week ! Anxious to see what is up and coming in WW !
    Mist.. haven’t had time to check out the new video and what the “free pets” are all about … but is sounds interesting ..
    moms.. you ready for another exciting game tonight ?? Not sure my nerves can handle it !! Both teams are kind of banged up… so we’ll see what tonight brings.. Saw a snippet on the news of LBJ arriving to Oracle with a new suit which featured shorts instead of long pants ! I think I heard right .. but it was
    reported that the cost of his outfit was $47,000. dollars !!!
    dee.. I have let jumbleberry/spree fall by the wayside.. Really like some of the new prizes .. so I plan on getting busy catching up !
    April… any house hunting news? So much stress I am sure… been thinking about all that is going on in your RL ! Saw on the news last night .. that an
    American was killed in Nicaragua yesterday… So thankful my nieces are home safely…
    Hope you all have a nice Sunday with family and friends !

  16. 16 Catmom said,

    June 3, 2018 @ 12:32 pm

    Good Sunday Morning
    I tried posting, last week I think, but something glitched.
    We are continuing with many struggles and challenges but staying strong as much as we can.
    I still can not see out of my eye and the doctor says it is still full of blood. I will go for another surgery on Thursday.
    I haven’t been able to play, simply because I can’t see enough and the screen light makes my other eye very tired. I miss hanging out though and send lots of positive thoughts to everyone.
    I really like the new prizes and was saving bags and berries in anticipation of the updates.
    Stay as well as you can and hold peace in your thoughts, love in your heart and joy in your being.

  17. 17 CatLover {Madi1422} said,

    June 3, 2018 @ 1:42 pm

    Hi all!

    I recently became Deluxe on May 18th, and got the 5000 and 3000/month eStore points. However, I have not received the 3000 for June yet?? Does it come on my anniversary or should I have got it by now? Thanks!

  18. 18 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    June 3, 2018 @ 4:56 pm

    gaga – i saw that about LBJ’s outfit – that bag was like $40k or something! holy moly – it’s good to be the king 😉 😆

    glad your nieces are home safe & sound

    i’m excited to watch tonight, but there sure are a lot of injuries! i feel like JR is taking the blame for the other night, and that’s not fair. i feel bad for him. i do hope Draymond behaves himself, and Tristan, too.i do think Green would have been suspended if he did that, but he’s built his reputation as a hot head. i also think if Lebron had done it, he might have gotten away with it – don’t know why he gets a pass so often, but it’s human … am i just biased? i am so glad Tristan didn’t get suspended, though.

    catmom – i’m sorry you are still struggling! let us know what you missed, so we can send to you!!! did you get the pizza palace trophy?

    catlover – sounds like it might be a glitch – if you don’t have them on Monday, you might need to email

  19. 19 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    June 3, 2018 @ 8:30 pm

    June Deluxe Day Is TODAY!

    Once again, Deluxe Members can log in TODAY, Sunday, June 3rd, and visit Today’s Activities in order to receive a special prize: a Garage Shed! Also on the Today’s Activity schedule, there’s an entire day of fun and activities for Deluxe Members to enjoy!

  20. 20 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    June 3, 2018 @ 8:49 pm

    thanks for the DELUXE DAY REMINDERS!!!!

  21. 21 zingyginger said,

    June 4, 2018 @ 2:18 am

    thanks for the trophy moms! i managed to win one so i’d be happy to forward the one you sent to anyone who didn’t get it. i wasn’t as good with the pizza game but at least it was doable unlike the golf game where half the screen would disappear while i’m playing and i just gave up on last month’s deluxe challenge.

    i missed most of todays deluxe activities but did manage to get a shed, yay!

    honey’s much better, thanks for asking gaga. was just surprised it got as bad as it did as he usually resists infections more and i almost always catch them. just glad we didn’t both come down with pneumonia, that would have been the pits!

    i’m behind of my reading the posts so i’m sorry i just learned about your troubles, catmom. i hope your vision clears up soon and that you find more things to keep you occupied in the meantime.

    i just found out on friday that our office may have to move – the landlord decided to raise the rent 40% with just a month’s notice. so it’ll be hectic again. i’m just thankful that we get a mini-breather in between life’s surprises.

  22. 22 zingyginger said,

    June 4, 2018 @ 2:20 am

    oh did anyone get a free donut on Friday?

    in all the news about our move, i completely forgot to check out our favorite local shop (not that i need another excuse for a donut, lol).

  23. 23 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,

    June 4, 2018 @ 6:48 am

    Good morning! Happy Monday! Whew! We are finally finished with school, and it gets so hectic at the end, I felt like I was going to lose my mind! But once again, we made it through, so I live another day. I actually had the “flying” dream last night, which I think signifies a feeling of freedom and opportunity. Such a great feeling, soaring up over all of the stress and hurdles … I was really frustrated when my alarm clock woke me up! I had forgotten to turn it off last night!

    I am way behind on thank yous … Thank you, Cheese, for the items off of my wish list! I got them a week ago, but have barely been on to play. And thank you to all the code posters! Yesterday, I went through and got the rocker’s passes and started a room. I completely missed that stage when it went around the first time, so that was fun.

    I missed several items from the bird watching, but I need to go back and do an inventory … I know I missed the Chickadee prizes, so if anyone has an extra kite chair? or 2? That was the one I wanted, but never did see that Chickadee. And I didn’t get the Pizza Palace trophy, and I actually really love that game! Just *zero* time in RL to actually get it done. Wow, I am really looking forward to summer!

    And speaking of summer, I sat down the other night with my kids, and synced and color-coded our iPhone calendars. Both of the boys got summer jobs with different schedules, my dd has 2 summer jobs, and I still work throughout the summer, even though my schedule is flexible. But we have 1 car between the 4 of us, so I wanted to make sure I knew where everyone was all the time. We are hoping to get another car in a week or two, and my boys can ride their bikes to work, but so thankful for jobs for everyone that I just can’t complain. I’m just hoping I can keep up with everything!

    I really like the Spree update. And I managed to snag that Jumbleberry tractor yesterday before it retires, so it was nice to have some advance notice!

    Catmom, I’m so sorry to hear about your eye! I hope they are able to help with the surgery. Sending prayers up for you!

    Trying to catch a few minutes of the Stanley Cup games each time they play. Caps play again tonight, so maybe I’ll actually have time to watch more of it. Before I fall asleep on the coach … hopefully, more dreams of flying. Those are fun!

    Sorry so long! I hope to be back more regularly in the summer and am looking forward to catching back up. Missed you guys!

  24. 24 gramma(BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,

    June 4, 2018 @ 6:55 am

    Waves to everyone!!! BIG (((HUGS))) to Kinzgram and Zingy!! haven’t seen you gals in awhile; you been missed. ♥

    Wishes to all for a wonderful day!

  25. 25 gagagee said,

    June 4, 2018 @ 8:55 am

    Good Morning Everyone !
    CatMom.. so sorry to hear that your eye problem is not resolving… Good luck with your surgery on Thursday.. will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope for a more successful outcome…Would like to help you with what is missing in WW… don’t think I have your WWID.. please let us know..
    moms.. have not recovered from last night’s game… You would have thought I had played !!! GSW sure are an amazing team though… NOT ready to give up on my CAVS !
    Hey gramma… good to “see” you.. Hope you are well !
    Zingy… good to see you too… 40% increase is ridiculous.. and no noticed either. Hope you are able to find a new office and get resettled…How frustrating though..
    Miracle… think I have an extra chair.. will send it your way but probably won’t be till later… Just headed out with a list of errands.
    Hope you have a good Monday !

  26. 26 april1013 said,

    June 4, 2018 @ 10:16 am

    Good morning!

    Loving the new berry and spree prizes. Excited for update Wed! Thanks to TLL for all your hard work on WPG! Super excited to be able to earn a Stone Lion too…although I’m not great at most of the arcade games.

    thanks gaga 🙂 —No house yet. Nothing new has come on the market since last Thurs. There is a housing shortage there. I know it will work out somehow. We may end up with one we sort of like but it’s got a doozy of a driveway. Anyone have a steep windy driveway in a northern climate? Do you use deicing salt/spray? So glad your nieces are home safe. My niece is headed to the dominican republic the end of this month on a mission trip. Not as dangerous as Nicaragua, but I’ll still be glad when she’s home safe. Hope your job is okay.

    Catmom—You are in my thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery Thursday. When you can, let us know what you missed so we can help you out. 🙂

    zingy—Happy your honey is feeling better. Hope it isn’t too much trouble to find a new office.

    miracle—Hope you can catch your breath a little now and enjoy the summer. 🙂

    Catlover—I haven’t gotten my monthly points either. I’m going to give them another day and then email.

    moms/QofS—you are awesome at pizza palace! It took me forever to get 200 points.

    dee—Turd Ferguson…LOL!!!! It looked like Valerie B. was making Cincinnati chili, I don’t know why she called it Ohio chili.

    A big hello to everyone I missed and hope everyone has a great day!

  27. 27 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    June 4, 2018 @ 11:46 am

    hey! i sent some emails just now, but now i have to go out – i’m taking my mom out for a bit

    i’ll catch up later!


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