First set of Garden Oasis theme concept drawings
The first set of concept drawings for the new Garden Oasis theme were posted on Webkinz Newz on May 19th. The Webkinz Newz post gave players a preview of what a bench, chair, and planter might look like for the theme. However, the final objects might look different when the Garden Oasis theme is released for KinzCash in the W-Shop on July 4th.
So far, the concept drawings have elements of items that Webkinz players could receive from feeding the 2018 Spring Celebration eggs to their Webkinz. The planter is designed to look like two of the items and the chair and bench each have one element of two different Spring Celebration egg prizes in them.

This is a concept drawing for the Garden Oasis theme bench that has a dragonfly on the back and an orange cushion.

This is a concept drawing for the Garden Oasis theme chair that has a butterfly on the back and a yellow cushion. We have already seen this chair because it was used when players voted for a new theme.

This is a concept drawing for the colorful Garden Oasis theme planters.
Which of these items do you like best and what other items do you want this theme to have? Would you change anything about the concept drawings? Are you able to tell which of the 2018 Spring Celebration egg prizes go with or match this theme so far? If you didn’t like the Garden Oasis theme originally, do you like it now?