May Peek a Newz

The Peek a Newz on Webkinz Newz will be a little bit different this May because people won’t be looking for the Pet of the Month (Webkinz Fleecy Sheep) but instead will be looking for the Lil Kinz Blue Jay because of the new Birdwatching event.

You can win different prizes from the 2018 WKN May Gift Box each day you complete the Peek a Newz in May. (image taken from Webkinz Newz)

Possible prizes you can win from the 2018 WKN May Gift Box:

Emerald Mosaic Tile
Lovely Locust Sapling
Mod Brick Walls
Mother’s Day Buttercup Plant
Mother’s Day Floral Bouquet
Mother’s Day Potted Tiger Lily
Pink Blossom Trellis
Pretty Pink Roses
Sounds of Spring Stereo
Sparkle Springs Tree
Springtime Cardigan
Springtime Laced Heels
Springtime Leather Skirt

What prizes are you looking forward to the most from the 2018 WKN May Gift Box? Do you like all of the flower prizes or would you like to see other new items as prizes, such as items that are related to birds? How many days do you think you will do the Peek a Newz? Do you like how we aren’t looking for the Pet of the Month but a different pet that is related to a new event?


  1. 1 gagagee said,

    May 4, 2018 @ 5:04 am

    Good Morning All !
    Finally Friday…
    Ganz apparently sent e mails to winners of Webkinz Day Contest… so check to see if you are a winner !! I didn’t win… but there is always next year !
    WKN posted pictures of the new Bake Sale Prizes… Looks like new prizes and the aquarium looks interesting… wonder if it is animated ?
    Catmom… nice to see you !
    New Lamb balloon at the estore.. really cute !! for anyone who collects hot air balloons…
    Have not started the golf game to win the Deluxe prize… not at all my favorite game !!!!
    Hope you all have a great day !

  2. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    May 4, 2018 @ 9:39 am

    gaga – on certain holes i’m having trouble with the game not shifting so i can see my character or not letting me adjust the strength of my putt, but overall it’s going better than i expected … if you don’t finish the full 18 holes, you still get credit. choose the 18 hole game, but you can x out if you don’t have time to finish or if you get annoyed 😉

  3. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    May 4, 2018 @ 9:43 am

    patsie – thanks for the post, i checked yesterday and saw you had one scheduled – the only WKN prize i really want are the new prizes & flowers – always flowers

  4. 4 april1013 (WWID: zeker1013) said,

    May 4, 2018 @ 9:44 am

    Good morning everyone!
    Happy Friday!
    gaga—I did get a small HP box yesterday by sending the points. I’m so curious how you got a medium one. We must be doing something a little different. The house hunting is frankly depressing. I don’t know what is going on where we are moving, but I check every morning to see if any new houses go on the market. The houses sell in less than a week. The only ones left are way over priced or really bad. Gotta keep hoping! And find a good realtor. Ohhhh, got go get that cutie Lamb balloon today.

    I want to stress eat that oreo poke cake! 🙂

    Big hello and *waves* to everyone! Have lots to do to today. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

  5. 5 Amy (WWID: ARS217) said,

    May 4, 2018 @ 9:47 am

    Find The Lil Budgie On Ganz EStore!
    Webkinz Willow Sapling Code

  6. 6 RubyCubes (WWID: clm88) said,

    May 4, 2018 @ 9:53 am

    Hi everyone! It has been a crazy couple weeks here at the Cubes home!

    It was supposed to take 10 days to complete my daughter’s bedroom remodel. We are now almost a month out and haven’t finished, and we have been working on it as much as possible. It was way more work than we anticipated. We are very close to being done now. With the exception of a few small decorative accents, we’re pretty sure we’ll have it done by the end of this weekend. So yay! My daughter got to sleep in her new room for the first time last night. She was very happy about that! I’m still planning to post pictures of the remodel when it is done. The room looks SO different.

    My daughter had strep throat a couple weeks ago. No sooner had she gotten over that, and I ended up in the hospital with heart problems. I’ve never had any problems with my heart, and I have no family history of heart problems. I just spontaneously went into atrial fibrilation (afib), and my heart rate was bouncing between the 150’s-190’s, so I went to the ER and spent a few days in TCU. After a few days on medication, I finally converted to a normal heart rhythm. I have to follow up with my cardiologist in a few weeks. I don’t have any activity limitations, and I feel perfectly fine now, but I’ll probably be on these two new medications for life because the doctors have no idea what triggered the dysrrhythmia, and whatever caused it could cause it again. The meds will help prevent it from recurring and help prevent further complications if it does recur.

    So that has been my fun over the past couple weeks! On other updates, my daughter now has her permit, and I’ve been teaching her to drive. (No… that’s not the cause of my sudden onset of cardiac symptoms!) She’s doing a great job! I’ve hardly had time for WW over the past month, but I just got caught up on the posts here.

    April – How is the big move going?

    Amber – What a beautiful baby! The photographs of ME are lovely. She looks so healthy and happy. How are you feeling? How are you and your husband adjusting to your new routine?

    Wophy and Chococat – Good to see you!

    Enchant – Sounds like you’ve had a lot going on with home remodeling and your husband’s hospitalization. Is he home now? How is he doing? How are you doing?

    Momskinz – Sorry I missed your 10th anniversary. Congrats! And thank you so much for keeping this place up! IMO, it’s the best Webkinz related website on the web. I’m so glad I found it and have had the opportunity to get to know everyone here!

    LeeAnn – Amazing deal at the yard sale. It’s a shame about your neighbor. I hope he has help in his recovery.

    Dee – I haven’t had time to do much cooking this past month, and we all miss my home cooked dinners SO much. I’ve mostly been making grilled sub sandwiches, pizza, spaghetti, chicken wings, or other easy-to-make meals. My house is the biggest mess it has ever been. My daughter’s bedroom is still all over the living room, and now it’s migrating into the family room. When I came home from the hospital, there was a mountain of dishes, laundry and trash. Apparently, I’m the only one who knows how to load a dishwasher, walk a bag of trash to the trash can, and start a washing machine. LOL. So I’m playing catch up on house work while also working on this room now. My plan is to have my daughter’s room done, clean and organized by early next week. Then do a thorough cleaning on the rest of the house, including some lawn maintenance, over the following week. And then we are going to get back to our regular routine of meal planning. I normally make breakfast for my husband and daughter each morning and pack lunches for them. Then I make dinner for them each evening and we eat around the dining room table together. We haven’t done that since my husband injured his leg in January, and we all miss it. So I’m hoping to be back on our normal routine in about 2 weeks, and then I’ll contribute some cooking ideas to the forum. I have some incredible recipes, most of which can be made with meat or vegetarian. Rather than making two meals when I cook, I usually make most of the recipe for my husband and daughter but keep a vegetarian portion of the same recipe aside for me. In the meantime, I love reading about yours!

    Boper – I don’t know if the contest is already over, but thank you for hosting it!

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to the updates and codes! I managed to get my April Deluxe Day prize and the Webkinz Day gift. I haven’t even started the May flower collection, but I’ll get to it. I am still missing signed posters from Michael, Mandy, and Steve if anyone has extras. I’d be happy to trade for them!

    I’m so disappointed in the Deluxe challenge prize this month though. Like the back stage passes a couple months ago, we’ve got boring recycled prizes. I don’t mind the mini golf game, but I already have multiples of the Egyptian fridge and outfit, so I have no interest in completing this challenge. If anyone else is doing the challenge for the prizes but hates mini golf, I have extra of the prizes. I can send them to you.

  7. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    May 4, 2018 @ 12:03 pm

    thanks so much Amy!!! i’ve updated the codes page:

    Community Codes Page

  8. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    May 4, 2018 @ 12:05 pm

    rubycubes – holy smokes woman! i can’t imagine all you are juggling! it’s times like those that I rely on faith & prayer to get through – hope everything settles down soon for you!

  9. 9 dee said,

    May 4, 2018 @ 3:17 pm

    i just realized todays date

    shame on you moms!

  10. 10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    May 4, 2018 @ 9:49 pm

    May the fourth be with you dee!

    i’m off my game

  11. 11 tmt5 said,

    May 5, 2018 @ 1:00 am

    Sorry Amber have gotten sick again and been really busy so managed to completely forget about ducky tub. It has been sent finally.

    That is an insane few weeks Ruby. Good luck with the meds.

    Couple of hours late but May the fourth be with both Momskinz and Dee. YD and Hubby exchanged the greeting this morning as we were heading out the door, work for him and school for her.

    OD got home tonight. Done with her first year of University.

  12. 12 gagagee said,

    May 5, 2018 @ 5:48 am

    Good Morning !
    National Space Day in e store
    RubyCubes… WOW.. so much happening in your RL ! Did you ever hear of Murphy’s Law ? Hope you are feeling better and are able to keep the AF controlled ! Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers…
    April.. hopefully THE house will come along soon… Change is so difficult.. especially when you love your home .. friends..
    I did as you suggested.. sent 2000 points to HP account BUT.. I also sent a couple of Fairy boxes to different account… maybe that is why I was given a medium box… I feel a new pet causes them to send Large box and 1000 e store points ??? Will try again this week..
    Derby Day today.. Everyone have a hat for their pet ???
    tmt.. seems like you just sent your OD to college.. Time sure does fly by !!
    one of my nieces arrived home this week… She is headed to Nicaragua next week for college sponsored medical mission.. 10 days .. Much unrest there right now but despite her parents disapproval.. she and her sister are going..
    She says ” don’t worry dad..we will be protected by men with machine guns!!”
    Oh to be young and adventurous !!
    Have a good day everyone..

  13. 13 dee said,

    May 5, 2018 @ 9:01 am

    congrats tmt!

    mine will not be home til august. she is gonna melt in our heat…..


    May 5, 2018 @ 1:03 pm

    Help everyone!

    Just popping on to give update..DH is’s been one week since i brought him’s been a learning experience to say the least..I’m physically and mentally beat..and we have 6 more weeks to go before he gets walking boot..ugh..


    May 5, 2018 @ 1:06 pm

    The first few days,were very hard..we had to figure out how to safely get him up and down stairs etc
    I won’t go into detail, but he got sick two days,after coming home…let’s just say, thank goodness I have a rug cleaner…yeah, it wasn’t pretty…he was ready to go back to rehab because it was so hard on us both..
    I said NO WAY. . I just couldn’t send him back..


    May 5, 2018 @ 1:10 pm

    Anyway..he’s had a,few dr. Appts already..and he even did grocery shopping with’s tough getting the wheelchair in and out of bruises have bruises..but I’m’s only 6 more weeks can do this..!

    Ruby, thank you for asking what’s up..and I’m sorry to hear about the afib. That’s what they think happened to my dh, and why he passed out..


    May 5, 2018 @ 1:13 pm

    So, he has appts. For cardiologist and a ct head scan, and carotid artery ultrasound.

    I have to go for mammogram and ultrasound too.found small lump in breast…I’m not worried..)

    So I combined those all into one funfilled hospital trip for the both of us!! Just easier to do them all on same day…


    May 5, 2018 @ 1:17 pm

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend..

    So far I’m keeping up with ww stuff.

    I’ll try to go back and read later hope you are all well!

    Have a,sparkling day!

  19. 19 dee said,

    May 5, 2018 @ 6:59 pm

    just pulled my chicken and cheese enchiladas out of the oven. made garlicky guacamole and the cheater version of Chuys ranch jalapeno dip. some mexican rice….did not do beans, as i have yet to figure out how our local fave mex place makes them…….they are like refried beans but saucy………..i am sure the soak the beans overnite and all of that. but i am not that dedicated….not sure who won the derby. someday i will go and try a mint julep, altho i think it is whiskey? i tasted whiskey once and spit it out……….so a mint julep would have to be pretty doctored up with other stuff!
    hope all are well and i wish i was closer to help you out miss chant! do NOT overdo and risk yourself….

  20. 20 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    May 5, 2018 @ 9:37 pm

    hey everyone! fun day with my oldest, now watching gaga’s team & putzing around here

  21. 21 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    May 5, 2018 @ 9:38 pm

    just reading chant’s update made me want a nap …

  22. 22 Queen of Sheba said,

    May 5, 2018 @ 9:47 pm

    Hello, everyone!

    RubyCubes – Glad everything is under control now with your health. Sorry about all that you have been through! Crazy! Congrats on dd’s permit! Have fun teaching her to drive! That was something I delegated to my husband, but I was always willing to be with them for getting driving hours in. Just not willing to start them off! I’ve enjoyed reading about your dd’s room upgrade. Projects always seem to take much longer than intended. A long time ago, friends of mine planned to remodel & enlarge my parents kitchen in a week, while they were on vacation. Of course, it wasn’t done or even close to being done upon their return. But they were very surprised and pleased! I’m sure your daughter feels the same way. Special and valued!

    Enchanted – You are sure going through a lot, too! Best wishes to you as you try to manage all the changes with the care of your dh. As far as the small lump, it doesn’t pay to worry, so it is good that you aren’t. That happened to me once, and it turned out to be nothing. (But I think that I worried about it…..)

    Dee – your enchiladas sound delicious! And the garlicky guacamole. Don’t think that I could handle the jalapeno dip.

    My youngest son graduated yesterday, so it has been busy. My parents came into town and then we traveled to the university that my son attends for the celebration. I’m finding it hard to find time for WW. I have some deadlines to meet in RL and in two weeks my youngest dd graduates. And we are hosting a party afterwards. So….I will be busy! Wish Dee could cater the party for me! 😉

    Hope everyone is having success with bird-watching!

  23. 23 Queen of Sheba said,

    May 5, 2018 @ 9:49 pm

    Oh, gaga, I will pray for the protection of your nieces as they go on their adventure. Ten days isn’t too long, but……I’m sure their parents will be glad when they are safely home!

  24. 24 gagagee said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 5:47 am

    Good Morning Everyone !
    Chants… everything you are dealing with sounds overwhelming ! Happy to hear that your hubby is now home and recovering… Take care of yourself too !!
    They make a “travel” wheelchair which is very lightweight and easy to get in and out of the car.. got one for my mom and it really makes shopping.. appointments much easier.. You can check you local medical supply house..
    Good luck to you with the mammogram… will keep you in my thoughts and prayers Chants…
    Queen of Sheba… congrats to your son and daughter as they graduate .. and continue their life’s journey…Thanks for the prayers for my nieces trip…
    moms… What a game !!!!!!!!! Another buzzer beater… LBJ is amazing… he will be a free agent at the end of this season ! Really hope he stays here in CLE but will have to wait and see..
    dee.. I think the winner of KD was Justify…. what a muddy mess that race was but love hearing My Old Kentucky Home.. makes me tear up and I don’t live in Kentucky !!
    So many of you are dealing with such overwhelming RL struggles..You are all such strong women !! Very inspiring ! Sending you all extra thoughts and prayers … lean on your Gymbos friends for moral support …Sending heartfelt hugs to each of you !!


    May 6, 2018 @ 8:22 am


    And thanks Dee, it’s the thought that counts!!

    I have to laugh after I re read my post..apparently my phone decided to write HELP ..instead of HELLO everyone! That’s so funny…lol


    May 6, 2018 @ 8:26 am

    Queen…I’ve been through the lump thing a couple times now…first time I worried…now I just take it in stride…

    DEE .where’s my enchiladas! !!???? Yum yum..I actually was thinking about making some this week..

  27. 27 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 10:19 am

    chant – i really am sorry you are going through so much! hope you can keep smiling & just keep swimming!!!

    queen of sheba – congrats & congrats on your grads! sounds very busy, but all good things to celebrate!

    gaga – congrats! can’t believe the game – it was so messy, I was frustrated with the whole game and quit watching. i used to be a lebron fan, but he just gets on my nerves lately – too much ego & too dramatic for me

  28. 28 dee said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 11:51 am

    coupon in todays paper for oreos

    showed kettlecorn flavor and pina colada thin ones

  29. 29 gagagee said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 3:33 pm

    Good Afternoon !
    I guess the post I sent early this morning went to the trash bin !..
    moms.. last night’s game turned into a nail biter !! Hope the CAVS are able to wrap it up tomorrow.. we’ll see….
    tuning in GSW’s game…
    Celebrated my Mom’s 92nd birthday ! Five out of her 6 kids made it to celebrate her day.. Elusive brother…….must not have had time… Had a good lunch and nice visit !
    Hope you are all enjoying a great Sunday with family and friends !

  30. 30 Patsie said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 4:00 pm

    Hello everyone, how are you today?

  31. 31 Patsie said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 4:05 pm

    Moms, I have a new post scheduled for May 10th. I can have my post open earlier if you want or I can make another new post because I don’t see any other scheduled posts. Please let me know what you want me to do.

  32. 32 Patsie said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 4:10 pm

    I am done with my college classes for a few weeks but I am taking two classes this summer. I will be taking a Library Science class and a History class for about a month each. We are also starting to get ready for the Summer Reading Program at the library I work at and I feel like it just ended.

  33. 33 Patsie said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 4:15 pm

    What do people think of Webkinz finally saying that Lil’ Kinz were discontinued except for the Lil’ Spring pets? It was said in Fan Mail with Fiona number 78. I personally miss Lil’ Kinz because some of the newer pets seem like they would look better as Lil’ Kinz and Lil’ Kinz were usually cheaper than full size Webkinz.

  34. 34 Patsie said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 4:20 pm

    I miss Webkinz and commenting on here because I have been busy with work and homework. I worked four times last week and I usually work twice a week. I am glad I have several weeks to catch up on Webkinz and other things I have been neglecting like putting all of my clean clothes away.

  35. 35 Patsie said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 4:25 pm

    I hope life gets better soon for everyone dealing with challenges. I have been thinking of everyone, even though I haven’t been commenting. I will continue to think of everyone in our Gymbo family.

  36. 36 Patsie said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 4:30 pm

    Bye for now, I have to go get ready for church. I might be back after dinner, though.

  37. 37 tmt5 said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 5:52 pm

    Dee at store and looking at bag of Kettle corn Oreos. No temptation this time don’t like kettle corn. Anyone interested in trying them?

  38. 38 dee said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 6:35 pm

    moms will eat anything

    i like kettle corn…..just not in an oreo…..i will pass on both of these new flavors

  39. 39 Mary Jakes said,

    May 6, 2018 @ 10:14 pm

    I can’t figure out the new free gift button on Webkinz. Any help or suggestions?

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