Webkinz Spring Celebration
The Webkinz Spring Celebration will run from March 23rd to April 1st (Easter) this year, so be sure to look for floating Chocolate eggs. You will receive a special prize each time you feed a Chocolate egg to your Webkinz.
There will be several ways to receive the Chocolate eggs:
- Get 1 Chocolate egg daily. It will automatically be awarded to your Dock as soon as you log in
- Look for the floating Chocolate egg and click on it to have it added to your account (limited to 3 eggs a day, 5 for Deluxe Members)
- Spin the Wheel of Yum at Today’s Activities for the chance to get up to 3 more Chocolate eggs a day (web only – not available on the mobile app.)
- Find the floating Chocolate egg on Webkinz Newz and click on it to have it sent back to your Webkinz account (limited to 1 per day)
However, you will also be able to buy a carton of White chocolate eggs from the eStore. Drag a carton of eggs into your room to be awarded your White chocolate eggs, which will be added to your dock. These eggs award different prizes when you feed them to your Webkinz.
What prizes are you looking forward to and will you keep any of the eggs instead of feeding all of your eggs to your Webkinz? Will you buy any of the White chocolate cartons? Do you wish there was food as a possible prize besides the Chocolate and White chocolate eggs?
Possible prizes from the Chocolate eggs:
Dragonfly wall art
Duckling plushy
Gardner’s boots
Gardner’s tool belt
Hidden eggs
Iron wood watering can
Pink daffodils
White daffodils
White lilac tree
Yellow daffodils
Possible prizes from the White chocolate eggs:
Butterfly wall art
Curved freshwater stream tile
Freshwater stream tile
Iron wood side table
Playful butterflies
Spring chick plushy
Weathered stone cottage (grand prize)
Wild blue rose bush
Wild pink rose bush
Wild white rose bush
1 gramma (BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,
March 17, 2018 @ 1:48 pm
Patsie, thanks for posting the egg info and all the Spring/Easter pics!! nice job!!
2 dee said,
March 17, 2018 @ 2:03 pm
i need the dragonfly wall thing and the watering can and that side table….hopefully we can win white eggs on wheels or something
3 Cheese said,
March 17, 2018 @ 2:33 pm
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Aw, thanks, dee! And I’m currently a full-time business student 🙂 Upon graduating from high school, I went straight to college and took a year’s worth of General Studies courses. Shortly after that I took a year off from school, and when I returned I decided to study business instead – It’s a challenging program, but I feel it’s a good fit for me 😉
Thanks so much for the Golden Elm Sapling code, TLL! It’s a really pretty tree 🙂 And congratulations on winning another Zingoz Zangoz Trophy! I managed to win one too, it’s so cute! Hopefully all trophies will be converted to tradeable/sellable/kinzpostable someday.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you, gagagee!
Aw crazywebkinzchic, just read your sweet message! You don’t owe me a thing 😉 So happy I could surprise you! (((Hugs))) ♥
Mist, congratulations on having your Little House on the Prairie room featured on the Newz! It’s such a beautiful design 😀 Love the warm colour scheme!
And thanks for posting this year’s Spring Celebration prizes, Patsie! Love ’em all, especially the Hidden Egg, Spring Chick Plushy and Yellow Daffodils
4 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 17, 2018 @ 3:22 pm
patsie – thank you for posting!!!
i’m running around doing ALL the things today, then ushering for tonight’s show – so i’m seeing ALL the people – ya’ll pray for me …
5 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 17, 2018 @ 3:22 pm
thanks TLL for finding the code today!!!
Golden Elm Sapling:
6 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,
March 17, 2018 @ 4:01 pm
I can’t wait for spring celebration!! I also appreciate that not all of the prizes are easter themed, for those of us that don’t celebrate. 😀 I love this years prizes! â¤ï¸ Thank you for posting the prizes Patsie! 🌺
Thank you Cheese! â¤ï¸ I hope one day they will let us move doors.. I hope your school is going well! It definitely sounds challenging but I am sure you will excel! â¤ï¸
7 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 17, 2018 @ 4:12 pm
i missed the party in the park community challenge
boo! i hope there were enough people because i like all of the trees
8 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 17, 2018 @ 4:41 pm
i can’t wait to get ALL the DAFFODILS!!!
almost time to go – see you later!
9 shellybrayley (WWID) said,
March 17, 2018 @ 7:25 pm
Happy St.Patricks Day ! :mtgreen:
Thanks for the New post! I Love Spring Celebration & I really like the New items! 🙂
Thanks for the tree code! 🙂
We did win the party in the park community challenge & here is the Community Code for one Lucky Lilac Sapling: W246 UE3V TLXV KCNW
Bye for now my Friends, Have a Great Weekend!b
10 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,
March 17, 2018 @ 7:52 pm
Same Moms! I love those daffodils! And the trees…:mrgreen: I hope there will be more trees in the mystery bags this year â¤ï¸
Shelly thank you for the sapling code! I have items from your list I have been meaning to send. I keep forgetting, I’m sorryâ¤ï¸ I will get a few of them out today. 🙂
11 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 17, 2018 @ 10:14 pm
thanks so much shellyb
i have updated the
Community Codes Page
12 tmt5 said,
March 17, 2018 @ 11:12 pm
Deluxe day today. Doing my asian and euro now. I almost missed the St. Patrick’s day give away cause when I logged into an account earlier on phone didn’t realize it was something different with the green box. Fortunately double checked at twenty to midnight and managed to make it on all the NA accounts in time. Even got one of the gem things off the wheel of wishes. Didn’t know about the community challenge thanks to everyone who went and earned us the tree codes.
13 gagagee said,
March 18, 2018 @ 5:38 am
Good Morning !
Happy Sunday and Deluxe Day !
For those looking for new items from Sheldon’s Shack….nothing new today.
We are missing the shell art item… maybe tomorrow..
moms.. I am sure your son’s play was a hit ! Lots of work to prepare but
hope went well !
shellyb.. thanks for posting the lucky sapling !
Cheese.. thanks for the good luck wishes ! Did not get a phone call last night to say I won …. but it is a very worthy cause and I always try and support their fundraisers throughout the year..
Mist.. congrats on getting your Little House on the Prairie Room feature. !
gramma.. nice to see you… hope all is well your way…
RubyCube… Hope you are doing OK with your RL ! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers !
LeeAnn.. How are you ? … Where are you ? hope all is well…
dee… any good finds on your day trip ?
Patsie… Thanks for posting all the upcoming Spring items ! Nice job !
Hope you all have a great Sunday.. Enjoy time with family and friends !
14 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,
March 18, 2018 @ 7:11 am
Happy Sunday, everyone! Thanks for mentioning that it was Deluxe Day, gaga. I’d completely forgotten. Making a note to to get my tractor …
Thank you for the PSFs, Cheese! Yes, I have always loved WW food. I think they design the food better than the furniture (although I love that, too), and I am a pushover for a beautifully-designed item. I haven’t figured out a good way to keep track of all of them yet, though. Maybe this summer, I can come up with a good system.
Thank you to the code posters, and post posters! I put in a bunch of codes yesterday, but still have a lot more to go today. Putting them in 3 at a time, so I can mail them to my favorite account and not lose them in my dock. Because after my elephant pets run their course, I may not renew those extra accounts. We’ll see …
Can’t believe we are bracing for snow AGAIN!! I am so done with winter … give me some spring! Thank goodness snow is gone from WW, and I can live vicariously.
Have a great day!
15 gagagee said,
March 18, 2018 @ 8:30 am
Miracle.. I collect food items too ! Let me know if there are any foods you need and I will be happy to send them if they in my “pantry”…!!
16 dee said,
March 18, 2018 @ 8:59 am
was there something other than the green coin box? i thought it was kind of lame at log in……………….
17 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 18, 2018 @ 10:58 am
dee – i’m asking the SAME question – WHAT did I MISS???
oh man …
at least I remembered *** DELUXE DAY *** & tmt reminded anyone who might need a nudge …
18 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 18, 2018 @ 11:06 am
gaga – sorry you didn’t win your trip, but thank you for making me want spinach quiche – i make a good one, but it never turned green – that’s a fun idea!
19 dee said,
March 18, 2018 @ 3:05 pm
so what did we miss???
20 dee said,
March 18, 2018 @ 3:11 pm
and what is up with having to be deluxe to do the new trophy challenge???
ganz is …………..well………..i have nothing nice to say
21 tmt5 said,
March 18, 2018 @ 6:11 pm
If you are referring to my comment I just meant the coin box, isn’t the one from yesterday a container or I am I completely confused?
I don’t know how you do it all the time Momskinz I just took 6, 13 year old girls and one boy out to lunch, a movie and the mall and I am toasted. Was fun though saw Love, Simon. Still need to do the NA deluxe accounts.
22 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,
March 18, 2018 @ 6:17 pm
RUBYCUBESSS!!! Thank you so much for the awesome gifts! â¤ï¸
Gaga thank you! I’ve sent in a bunch but I don’t expect any to get nominated lol 😀
I was bummed about the coin box too.. was expecting something a little more creative. I didn’t like the deluxe challenge either, since I already have those items. I am super excited for spring celebration and mystery bags though â¤ï¸
23 dee said,
March 18, 2018 @ 7:40 pm
i logged in and saw the coin box and just thought there would be some kind of basket, like in the past, but then i started freaking out that i had not been finding the green guy……………ganz is messing with me!
i gots enough going on…………ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
24 dee said,
March 18, 2018 @ 7:40 pm
but can you stick anything other than coins in there?
25 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 18, 2018 @ 7:58 pm
OH tmt – okay – you just meant that you didn’t realize that it was a storage piece that looks like the floater boxes instead of basically being a “free” floater – whew! dee & i thought we totally missed something
i cannot make myself do the pig for the deluxe challenge – i would rather adopt a rockerz pet than deal with that 😛
show closed tonight thank goodness! this was the school musical and was good – you know for a regular high school production. in April, he’s doing an “outside” musical that is going to be really good! at least we are down to one instead of juggling two rehearsal schedules 😀
26 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 18, 2018 @ 7:58 pm
dee – this was a bummer this year, ganz needs to step it up …
27 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,
March 19, 2018 @ 5:27 am
Happy Monday! Can’t believe the weekend is over, but we can do this!
Thank you, cheese, for the wish list flower and the PSFs! I LOVE the cozy tea! So cute, and it really makes me want one in RL. I have a giant tea collection (mostly Republic of Tea, because I love their packaging). It takes up half a wall in my kitchen. 🙂
And thank you, Ruby, for the wish list items! I really never thought I’d get that bunk bed, so that was just the nicest surprise to wake up to! You have helped shrink my wish list so much!
The green box threw me a little, too. I actually don’t think I got it when I logged in early Saturday morning. When I went back later to attend the park party, that’s when I got the screen telling me I had it.
Oh, momz, I am SO with you on that pig game. I just forced myself to sit down and play it until I was finished. After a while, your brain goes completely numb, and time passes by slowly, and you reach this zombie-like stage of consciousness, and just keep plowing through … and then finally, it’s over and you are back to reality. Until the next time …
Started reading “The Girl on the Train” last night because I kept seeing it all over the place and thought it must be good. I like the writing style, and the story is intriguing … I like how more of the story is revealed a little at a time from different people’s perspectives.
Thanks for keeping up the Community Codes page! I’m off to put a few more in. Not sure what I’m going to do with all of that stone furniture, but it’s free, so I have to get it! (yes, that happens too much in RL, too!)
Have a great day, everyone!
28 gagagee said,
March 19, 2018 @ 6:13 am
Good Morning !
Happy Last Day of Winter !! Looking forward to some warm weather and sunshine ! Still cold here but won’t be long till the temperature rises !
If anyone is interested… Sheldon’s Shack has the new shell box…
dee… I am with you about the Deluxe trophy challenge… although I have a Deluxe account I think it is unfair to those who are loyal Webkinz players who are not able to participate…
29 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 19, 2018 @ 7:52 am
good morning! dh off to work, warthogs off to school, lunch to catch up with a friend i haven’t spent time with in a while – not bad for a stormy Monday 😉
i hope all of you have a brighter day! who all is supposed to get snow this week???
30 gagagee said,
March 19, 2018 @ 3:43 pm
RubyCube… OH MY GOSH !! My jaw literally dropped to the floor when I opened the gifts you sent !!! Thank you so much !!! Never in a million years did I think I would be lucky enough to get those items !! Love them !!
31 shellybrayley (WWID) said,
March 19, 2018 @ 5:18 pm
Hello my Friends! 😀
Thank so much to RubyCubes, Gagagee & Mist! The gifts you guys sent me are sooooo Awesome! 😀
I am keeping an eye on all your wish List & hopefully I will have some things you all need soon 🙂
Wishing all my Friends a Marvelous Monday!!
32 dee said,
March 19, 2018 @ 5:21 pm
i am watching ladybird
bbl and will let ya know
33 dee said,
March 19, 2018 @ 7:00 pm
good movie
moms! email me if you want pig help
34 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 19, 2018 @ 7:38 pm
dee – emailed you with ww info
so ladybird – yes watch it???
i am seeing Love Simon again tomorrow & hoping to see I Can Only Imagine soon, too
35 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
March 19, 2018 @ 7:59 pm
i have a new post scheduled for tomorrow when this one closes
36 RubyCubes said,
March 20, 2018 @ 1:37 am
Hi and hugs to everyone!
Patsie – Thank you for starting this thread with the cool spring egg updates! I really like the prizes this year. I’m most excited about the cottage! I love cottages, and that is one of the prettiest I’ve seen! I also love the egg tiles, and I’m super excited that they’re bringing back the playful butterflies! The flowers and trees are gorgeous too! I love them all.
To those of you who post the codes and reminders, thank you SO much! I would have totally missed the deluxe day tractor if not for reading your reminder, TMT. I don’t always have time to post, but I try to at least check in here daily so that I don’t miss anything!
Cheese – Your gift was AMAZING! I was going to break down and buy more points in the estore to get those calves before the end of the month if I didn’t get their PSI’s in trade. I’ve been trying to trade for those things for the past year, and couldn’t get a single one. You made my wish list dream come true (times three)! Thank you SO much! 😀
Mist – Congrats on having your room featured! It’s very cute. Little House on the Prairie was my favorite show when I was a kid. Your interpretation is wonderful. I love how creative you are!
Moms – Thank you for updating the Community Code page. I’m almost caught up on codes. Just have to enter the Valentines helmet on all my side accounts. I’m so glad to hear that your son’s play went well! That’s really cool that he is in one outside of his school as well.
TMT – I got exhausted just reading about your day with all those teenagers! LOL. They are so much fun! But I’m with you, they wear me out! 🙂
Dee – I actually liked the St. Pat’s Day gift this year more than most. It was a completely original item, the first “bank” type item we’ve ever gotten to store our coins in. I have so many collector coins in my dock that I have no intention of spending, but I love that I can get them out of my dock now. I’m not crazy about the look of the box. It’s really plain. It would have been much cooler if they created a box that resembled a safe or money vault or even another pot of gold. We could have used them to design banks, and placed our money in them. Maybe they’ll come out with another one at some point, but I’m much happier with this original item than I would have been with another plushie, racing suit, or race car.
Gaga – Thank you for the thoughts and prayers! Things are going much better here. Hubby is getting around pretty well now. He has to wear his boot whenever he leaves the house, but he does not have to wear it around the house and he is full weight bearing. He’s doing fine with driving to work and back. Fortunately, his job is only about 10 minutes away. He starts physical therapy later this week.
We’ve also decided to postpone my daughter’s surgery until summer. She is really struggling with her pre-Calculus class. It’s looking like she might make her first B, and she’s really upset about it. I’ve reassured her that one B is not the end of the world, but she doesn’t want to get further behind. Besides that, her birthday is this Sunday. This is the first year since grade school that she has had enough friends to have a party, and she really wants a sweet 16 party. So we have a huge pizza party planned at her ice rink this Friday with about a dozen friends from her school and the rink. I’ve been putting a lot of working into planning this, and she is SO excited! She didn’t want to be on crutches for her party, so that was another reason for delaying the surgery.
I’m so glad you like your gift, Gaga! I’m thrilled to help you out! I hope you were able to get your jaw reattached without incident. LOL
Miracle, Mist and Shelly – You’re welcome! I’m so happy that I had some items from your lists. I think I have more but not sure. I need to look.
Everyone – Periodically, I browse the wish lists so that I can try to trade for items that you need. If you’re a regular poster here and don’t have a wish list, please consider creating one. I would love to help you find items you need. Like I read a while back that someone needed a unicorn ice sculpture PSI, but I couldn’t remember which one or who needed it, and it’s overwhelming to try to scroll back through all the posts to find it. But if you have a wish list, I will look at it and send things from time to time. For those who do have wish lists, I only send items from lists that stay updated. When you update your list, please be sure to update the date as well. If I see that a list has not been updated in a month or more, I generally won’t look at it.
Also, please don’t ever feel like you need to send anything in return! Other than keeping up with challenges and deluxe items, I do almost nothing in Webkinz World besides trading. Occasionally I decorate, but the overwhelming majority of items I have just go into storage rooms as part of my collection, waiting for the day that I may decide to use them in a room design. When I’m in the trading room, I’m always trying to get items I need from my own list, but they are often very difficult items to find. So in the meantime, I “shop” for friends here. It makes trading a lot more fun for me, and since I know that some of you don’t like or don’t have time to trade in the Clubhouse, I’m happy to help you out when I can!
Goodnight everyone!
37 gagagee said,
March 20, 2018 @ 4:33 am
Good Morning !
Happy First Day of Spring ! FINALLY !!
Winter storm warnings for tonight… however .. expecting only a couple of inches …. we’ll see how the day unfolds.. at least there is an end in sight for the cold and snow !
RubyCube… thanks again for your generosity !!
Happy to hear your hubby is doing much better… Happy Birthday to your dd !
Rink party sounds great… I used to be a “rink rat” growing up.. loved to ice skate…carried into adult life until a few years ago.. New owner took away adult night d/t low turn out… Always about money !
moms… looks like the South is having some really severe weather ! Hope all is well …
Zingy… How is your honey doing ?? Hope you and he are good !
Running a bit behind… long day ahead…
Have a great day everyone !
38 TheLoopyLurker said,
March 20, 2018 @ 11:25 am
Afternoon Gymbonians!
I actually really like the coin box. I only wish I could stick my Vacation Island coins in there and finally get them out of my dock!
Thanks Cheese for your continual dispenser food packages! You’re making my little food collector flip the heck out!
Thanks SO MUCH Ruby for the lovely vacation island furniture! How, may I ask, did you get those? I’m fairly certain the tables have never been released, lol.
39 TheLoopyLurker said,
March 20, 2018 @ 11:27 am
Oooh, while I’m thinking of it, if you haven’t created GanzWorld accounts for all of your WW accounts, do so! I created accounts for all the WW accounts I hadn’t already used. Why? Because you get 1,500 GanzWorld Moneyz when you create a new account. Voila! I used that Moneyz to buy yet more Amazing World chests.