Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Black Friday Deluxe Memberships – 50% off 1 Year Friday Only
Promo Code: BFDM17

They have Door Crashers every hour today as well as Many Mystery Bags on sale under the Super Specials – link to the Black Friday section of the estore by clicking on this image:


  1. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 10:42 am

    WKN Found it Ad
    Golden Sparkle Egg Feet
    Code : W24D C37B JT3B P2RE
    Expires Jan.30 2018

    Black Friday Community Challenge
    Dazzling Turtle Dove Portrait:
    Code : W249-LJSW-52V3-J9RW
    Expires Dec.31. 2017

    Podkinz Year End Giveaway
    Christmas Gazebo :
    Expires: Jan 31

  2. 2 zingyginger said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 10:49 am

    Thanks for the new post and the codes, moms!

    Kinda wish I didn’t have to go to work today so I could scour the mall for sales but then there’s always online sales. 🙂

  3. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 11:27 am

    zingy – hopefully it will be a quiet day at work at least

    i’ve seen some deals posted online – ancestry has 50% off their DNA kits, amazon has a good deal on the crayola ultimate crayon collection, cabeleas has a nice duffle for $9.99 shipped …

  4. 4 dee said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 11:30 am


    i went and did my kroger black friday! dh wound up at cabelas said it was crazy town

  5. 5 dee said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 11:31 am

    how big is that duffel moms?

  6. 6 Trina said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 12:18 pm

    Golden Sparkle Hat: W244-F3LU-KT2P-N3AL

  7. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 1:11 pm

    dee – it’s this:

  8. 8 zingyginger said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 2:09 pm

    There are some nifty doorbuster specials that changes hourly at the estore.

    Right now, 2pm EST, there’s a Carousel Peacock Bench 1,200 deluxe /1,800 regular.

    Past hourly sales:
    Midnight? Webkinz Rockerz Coyote 4,500/4,500
    5am Patriotic Picnic Blanket 900/12.00
    6am Old Mill 1,800/1,800
    7am Webkinz Rockerz Monkey 4,500/4,500
    8am Cozy Country Fireplace 1,350/1,800
    9am Holiday Planter 600/1,050
    10am Webkinz Rockerz Bulldog 4,500/4,500
    11am Tie Dyed Garage 1,200/1,500
    12pm Holiday Balcony Tower 1,500/1,950
    1pm Starry Night Window Bench 900/1,200

  9. 9 Lee-Ann (ww Noellepugh) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 2:24 pm

    Thank you for posting the codes. Some good deals on.

  10. 10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 4:56 pm

    i didn’t get to see what the holiday balcony tower is, but that’s probably for the best 😆

  11. 11 AmberRose361 (WWID: AmberRose361) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 8:09 pm

    Wow! There is so much going on in WW right now! Kind of over-whelming…
    Thank you for all the compliments on baby’s name. It is hard to name someone whom you have not yet met. Lol I am due March 4th, Patsie. Not too much longer now…
    Thank you Shelly and moms for posting the new codes. At some point I am going to have to get into the code shop and make sure I get those items! I am such a procrastinator.
    I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was VERY relaxing. We are used to going to at least 3 different gatherings on Thanksgiving Day. But, we decided to just stay home this year. Then, my brother wanted to go see “Justice League”. For someone who does not follow ANY super hero storylines, I thought it was pretty good. Has anyone else seen it? What did you think?
    And then today, dh is sick. Slight fever, but end of the world nonetheless. He has already been sleeping for an hour. And Buster, our lab, is sick too. So…no shopping for me today!

  12. 12 dee said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 8:35 pm

    i just watched this movie and for some reason i thought of your warthog performing it

  13. 13 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 10:08 pm

    I have been trying to purchase a deluxe membership but it keeps saying there is a problem.
    Anyone else having a problem?

  14. 14 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 10:08 pm

    Sorry, there seems to be an error with your request.

  15. 15 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 10:33 pm

    Crazy you don’t capitalize the letters and it works.

  16. 16 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 11:08 pm

    dee – funny you mention him – he & i went to see the nutcracker tonight 🙄 the dancers were superb, but the nutcracker story just isn’t my thing – i’ve never been a fan of the rat king thing

  17. 17 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 24, 2017 @ 11:08 pm

    kgh – glad you figured out your problem – so weird

  18. 18 shellybrayley (WWID) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 12:16 am

    WKN Found it Ad
    Golden Sparkle Egg Costume
    Code : W24V-VE56-VWJ5-Y3KN
    Expires Jan.30 2018

  19. 19 gagagee said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 7:58 am

    Good Morning !
    Hope you were able to do a little Black Friday shopping yesterday…
    stayed away from the malls… did check out estore.. pretty good deals !
    Kinzgram.. happy you were able to finally get the Deluxe deal to work.. can be so frustrating !
    moms.. So embarrassed to admit but went to see Nutcracker years ago as my
    niece had a very small part… never knew that a ballet had NO speaking parts
    She continued taking ballet lessons until she went off to college.. she considered continuing but was discouraged as it is a difficult to make a career out of ballet…
    shellyb.. thank you for posting the sparkle egg costume pieces..
    AmberRose.. so glad you are doing will be here before you know
    it !! Love the name you have chosen for her ..
    zingy . thanks for keeping the blog updated on Doorbuster sales !!
    Stockings and crackers on sale today..
    Have a great day everyone !

  20. 20 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 8:08 am

    Wow! Just spent an hour catching up on some posts while catching spree rolls in the background. We always travel Thanksgiving week, and there is lots of family to connect with, so not a lot of computer time. We drove back all of yesterday, and I missed Black Friday sales, but thankfully, some are happening all weekend and I can still participate. What did everyone get at the estore? I have very few estore points, and hoard them until I can’t stand it, so I’m not sure what to buy. It is very tempting to get the Turtle Dove, but I think only because it is limited. I don’t think I would buy it otherwise, so holding off …

    I may be too late for the contest (I didn’t see an end date), but I’ll say my thanks anyway! So thankful for my family, my church family, being born in America/Canada, fairly good health, husband and kids to take care of (and be taken care of) … we struggle sometimes, but our faith is strong, and that gets us through many a crisis. God has been so good to me.

    Always thankful for this blog, of course! My favorite prizes would be Old Mill, Rainbow Wow Fountain, Elf Organ, Hot Air Balloon … so cute! the dragon looks like Toothless. Loved that movie.

    So much to catch up on! I’ll try to be back later … you all have been busy!

  21. 21 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 8:58 am

    Collected the most recent codes together for copying into the Community Codes Page … thanks for finding them all! Am I missing any?

    Expire: January 30/31, 2018
    Christmas Gazebo: W24B TTT3 NUWL V5CJ
    Golden Sparkle Egg Costume: W24V-VE56-VWJ5-Y3KN
    Golden Sparkle Hat: W244-F3LU-KT2P-N3AL
    Golden Sparkle Egg Feet : W24D C37B JT3B P2RE

    Expire: December 31, 2017
    Dazzling Turtle Dove Portrait: W249-LJSW-52V3-J9RW

  22. 22 dee said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 9:57 am

    i saw nutcracker waaay back when as a kiddo…….only other dance stuff i have seen is dds when she was little………i think almost every mom puts the daughter in some kind of dance thing……..we moved and dd liked music more so she switched to that route…….

    hope are all well on shop local saturday…….and if anyone is a kroger shopper, they have daily deals every day til christmas…..i started scrolling thru them and made notes for when to sign in and get the ecoupon……and yes, we do own stock in the company 🙂

  23. 23 dee said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 9:58 am

    and i am sure i am in the minority, but i did not think la la land was that big a deal as it was hyped to be when it was out in theatres……..i loved that piano song and ryan gosling is just well…….ryan gosling

  24. 24 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 11:08 am

    Whew! Getting caught up! What a nice, quiet morning to catch my breath after all of the holiday activities.

    Thank you, dee, for the heads up on Cabelas … gear bags for $10. I’m getting some for the boys for Christmas. Cheaper than Walmart, and probably better quality. 🙂

    Thank you, Ruby, for the WW halloween costume! You all are so great about whittling down a wishlist! There were so many things I missed in those off years. Also, seriously LOVED your Narnia room! I want to completely copy it. I don’t think I see anything at all I would change.

    Love the baby name, Amber. Children are such a gift … although most of our friends had us scared to death before we had them … “sleep now!” “they will change your life!” etc. They never seem to mention the benefits, although admittedly, they are sometimes hard to put into words.

    My sister tried to get into politics over Thanksgiving, as well, but we all just ignored her and she stopped. We are all so different; we just aren’t going to agree so I would much rather talk about jobs, friends, old times, etc. We ended up decorating some old globes that I found at yard sales. We pulled up ideas on Pinterest and painted and decoupaged them like crazy. I’m going to display them in our school library. It was a nice creative outlet for all of us.

    Off to do laundry and put up Christmas decorations. So glad to be back home and back to “normal” … whatever that is! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

  25. 25 RubyCubes (WWID: clm88) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 11:47 am

    Good morning, friends!

    Belated happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday!

    I’ve been really busy with my family the last couple days, so I’ve had very little time to play or post. I’m getting spoiled having them home all the time! We splurged on an early Christmas gift this year. We seldom take advantage of Black Friday sales because none of us want to deal with the foot traffic at the stores. However, we’ve been talking about getting a new TV for the past couple years. The one we have works, but it is over 15 years old. It’s huge and boxy, made before flat screens came out. The picture is ok, but a bit grainy, and the sound is kind of muffled. It’s difficult to hear a lot of low pitched conversation. Anyway, we’ve been talking about getting a new TV for the family room for a couple years, but didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on it.

    Kroger was having a sale yesterday, not sure if it is still on, with 40″ flat screen LED high definition TV’s for half price. They are regularly $400, on sale for $200, so my husband and I went to buy one. When we went to pay for it, we found out that they had been running a special, and if we spent a certain amount of money at Kroger during the month of November (which apparently we did… that’s where we do all of our grocery shopping), we got 50% off any purchase of non-food/grocery merchandise, which included the TV. The discount had to be used by Dec. 5, so she asked us if we wanted to apply it toward the TV. We were both like, yes! So we got the new $400 TV for $100. My husband set it up last night, and it is so nice! The picture is clear and the sound works great! We watched 2 movies last night just because.

    Thanks for the kind feedback on my writing. I’m glad some of you enjoyed my last post.
    I enjoy writing, Zingy, but other than an article I submitted to a local paper last year, I’ve never had anything published.

    Thank you for all the spoilers and codes! My husband is taking my daughter ice skating today, so I think I’ll try to play some Webkinz and catch up my codes. I hope all you American Gymbonians are having a wonderful holiday weekend and all you Canadian Gymbonians are having a wonderful non-holiday weekend! Hugs to all!

  26. 26 dee said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 11:59 am

    lucky you ruby
    my krogers only sell groceries…………altho we have shopped many times at their Fred Meyer stores when we lived up north

  27. 27 LeeAnn(wwid:noellepugh) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 12:47 pm

    Awesome deal on the tv RubyCubes! Black Friday has caught on here in Canada but nothing i was in need of, plus I had to work, so no shopping for me.
    I did “splurge” on a deluxe membership for my main account at the eStore though.

  28. 28 tmt5 said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 3:31 pm

    That is great about the TV Ruby. 🙂 I bought toys for the little cousins, some clothes for my girls and a Steam controller for hubby so he can play his Steam games on the TV instead of the computer if he wants. Hadn’t planned to shopping at all because I have a cold but I was out getting OD’s hair cut and picking up my new glasses when OD asked to go to the mall across from the eye doctor. Then when I picked YD up from the football game she tells me she needs more hand warmers for the parade they were walking in today she had used what I bought already that ended up being a trip to Walmart and Meijer. There was a nice woman at one of the stores I got into a conversation with I helped her find a Lego set and she let me know what the first grade girls are into this year toy wise. LOL dolls apparently which I think she is right as the first store I looked at was cleaned out. One of those mystery collectable toys.

  29. 29 dee said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 5:45 pm

    i can not believe it is almost dark!

    one month til christmas……..all but three houses in my hood already have decorations up………..we are in the grinch category……..

  30. 30 RubyCubes (WWID: clm88) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 6:27 pm

    Dee – We have 4 Kroger Marketplaces within 10 miles of our house that sell clothing, furniture, and appliances, plus a smaller Kroger that’s just a grocery store 5 minutes from us. The Marketplaces all have the click list now too, which is nice. When I have a large grocery trip, I just order it online, drive up front, and they load it into my car. They also have walk-in clinics, a pharmacy, bank, Starbucks, and our newest one, which just opened about a month ago, has a really nice chef-run restaurant inside.

    Miracle – You’re welcome!

    LeeAnn – Nice splurge! I always do that after Christmas when they do their half price deluxe membership. 😀

    TMT – It sounds like a nice day of shopping with your girls. I hope you get to feeling better!

    Nita – Are you still around? I have a few items from your wish list, but it hasn’t been updated in nearly 4 months, so I don’t know if you still need the items on it. Please let me know if it’s up to date!

    The trading room is hopping this weekend! People are obviously buying the old mystery bags and trading their extras. I’ve been able to trade for several things that I’ve been trying to get for years. I hope they bring back some of the older promo theme boxes and mystery ?? boxes at some point. I have not bought any mystery bags this weekend, but I’ve taken advantage of the discounted estore pets. I adopted a purple story book goose and a donkey foal. I’m still trying to decide if I want to buy the Dove. What fun things have you all gotten in the estore this weekend?

  31. 31 RubyCubes (WWID: clm88) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 6:27 pm

    Moms – my post won’t stick. Can you pull it up for me? Thanks!

  32. 32 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 8:43 pm

    hey – need to catch up – hope everyone had a good day!

    we got our live tree today & have it standing – whew!!! i’ll be vacuuming needles for a month + hahaha

    smells so good though!

  33. 33 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 8:56 pm

    ruby – i recovered your comment & congrats on the great tv deal!

  34. 34 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 8:57 pm

    tmt – sounds like you had some fun with black friday not having too much pressure

  35. 35 tmt5 said,

    November 25, 2017 @ 11:06 pm

    I enjoyed the earlier trip out with OD, momskinz. Even though I did get some good deals on toys in the evening I could of done without going out again. It was less pressure just wandering around having no idea what was on sale but I kind of enjoy going through the ads and planning a route and time table for various stores, at least I do on the years I am not ill anyway. YD likes to wear cat ear headbands. Found her a pair that light up.

  36. 36 gagagee said,

    November 26, 2017 @ 5:15 am

    Good Morning !
    WOW … Great deal on the TV RubyCubes !!
    Have seen a few cars decorated with reindeer antlers and red nose..looks really cute.. may try to find them…
    moms.. you are really organized ! What kind of tree did you get ?? Love the smell of a Christmas tree.. but hate the needles !!
    Getting organized for Sunday family gathering…Making spaghetti…and bringing the sides…Looking forward to seeing my niece ..home from college..She is hoping to spend a semester in Florence…as in Italy… I am checking my trees to see if the money is falling off them !! Not sure if we can pull this trip off but we’ll see….
    Love the Season… and Christmas cheer !!
    Hope you all have a great day with friends and family !!
    Wish our CLE Browns would win a game !!!! Maybe today.. We can only hope !

  37. 37 LeeAnn(wwid:noellepugh) said,

    November 26, 2017 @ 1:10 pm

    Moms, I didn’t know a cut tree could “survive” more that an couple weeks after being. It must take a lot of water!

  38. 38 bepsy (bepoodlepal) said,

    November 26, 2017 @ 3:47 pm

    It took this long, but my fam finally got a fake tree. we used to use live, potted ones, but besides the bugs and mess that brings, I also have allergies to pollen and such. It’s much better off fake.

  39. 39 dee said,

    November 26, 2017 @ 6:28 pm


    hey all……..just had to leave myself a note there………gonna bust out our little green machine to have at some spots………….nothing grody or tragic…..just driving me cray cray

  40. 40 dee said,

    November 26, 2017 @ 6:31 pm

    we had live trees until we moved to alaska……..they cost so stinking much up there that we got a fakey clearance one and still using it, altho it should have been binned several years ago…………i am actually going to lowes in the morning to check out their sale fake trees……….we have been looking for a couple years, but all the new fake ones look sparse………and dh claims to love the old one, altho he uses very non christmaslike language during assembly…
    ha ha ha ha ha ha

    i would love to get a real potted one that we could plant in the yard, but it would so tiny and charlie browny………..know what i mean?

  41. 41 dee said,

    November 26, 2017 @ 6:32 pm

    and gaga if you are funding trips to europe…….i have my new passport and speak german!

  42. 42 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 26, 2017 @ 9:51 pm

    gaga – Italy is on my bucket list!!!

    tmt – the cat ear headbands are so very cute!

    dee – whew – i remember getting a couple of those trees with the “root ball” – man they were heavy! even the little ones!

    we usually have one live tree (we did two live trees a couple of years, then i got an artificial to replace the small live one), and we always get it right after Thanksgiving – it does take a lot of water, and we take it down before NYE – it would be cut anyway, so might as well have it in water at home 😀

    full disclosure … our live tree this year is 15 feet tall – it’s pretty massive – it’ll bet it’s at least 6′ in diameter in the widest part …

  43. 43 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 26, 2017 @ 10:02 pm

  44. 44 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 26, 2017 @ 10:45 pm

    i’ll share a pic once it is decorated

    speaking of pics – i’ve been meaning to share this one

    and Miracle – THANK YOU for summarizing the codes for us! I added them to the community codes page!

  45. 45 tmt5 said,

    November 26, 2017 @ 11:25 pm

    Oh my momskinz such a beautiful picture of the kitty.

  46. 46 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 12:41 am

    Happy Cyber Monday!

    Does anyone know what the theme is called for furniture for the Dove.

  47. 47 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 1:24 am

    Hi everyone!

    Happy belated Thanksgiving! Hopefully all of you had a nice day full of food and family! And happy Cyber Monday! I bought 130,000 points at the eStore and have already spent a little over half of it! :p I have to be very picky about what I buy over the next few months. I already know there are some winter/seasonal pets I want, so I need to save for them. Hopefully I can get through to Webkinz day before buying any more points. On a sort of related note, do any you happen to have a Nautical Navy Slide (the big bear from the Nautical Navy ?? Boxes) for trade? I bought 5 boxes about 2 hours ago and got 2 chairs, a window, a crib, and a dresser but no bear. I already had one chair and one dresser prior to buying these 5 boxes, so I’d be willing to trade one of those for the bear. Or if there’s something else anyone wants for the bear, name your price. I NEED that bear.

    Okay, I have a bunch of stuff I need to type up and have prepared for today, so I better get cracking. Happy spending today everyone!

    Otterkinz 🙂

  48. 48 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 1:31 am

    Oh, and KinzGramAtHeart – The theme that goes with the Turtle Dove’s Pet Specific Item is the “Gold Sparkle” theme. 🙂 Some items are able to purchased individually at the eStore and others are only available via 2017 Gold Sparkle Stocking Gifts (also at the eStore). I have a pretty good feeling this theme won’t stick around long since a good portion of it can only be found in stockings, so if you want it, you’d better get it soon!


  49. 49 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 3:14 am

    Thanks for all the info Otterkinz and welcome to Gymbo’s.
    I knew Ganz wouldn’t make it easy, but this is a little much.
    Gold Sparkle Stocking is 17,000 and the only special item I see is the car.

    Has anyone purchase one of these, please let me know.

  50. 50 gagagee said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 6:59 am

    Good Morning All
    Happy Cyber Monday !!
    Moms.. kitty sure has grown !! Can’t wait to see a picture of your Christmas tree.. 15 feet .. Wow !! I am sure it will be beautiful when decorated !
    Sunday gathering… niece arrived with nose piercing !!!! small “diamond” stud…
    I am still in shock…I guess I am ultra conservative..but at the end of the day.. she is still a great kid !

  51. 51 gagagee said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 8:03 am

    dee.. If you have a chance.. please you tube Soldiers Silent Night by Father
    Ted Berndt…Well worth listening to… If I was not so tech challenged I would have set up a link … but sorry…Geek Squad I am not !!

  52. 52 april1013 said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 8:46 am

    Good Morning everyone!
    moms—your moms kitten is a beauty! Thanks for the pics. I cannot wait to see your tree all decorated! We grew up with fake trees, my grandma and mom never wanted to deal with the needles. So I have my moms old fake tree that (along with dee’s) should have been chucked to the bin several years ago. DH also says very un-merry words getting it from the basement to the upstairs 😆 For that matter, I do as well! 😆 It’s one of those pre-lit trees, but half the lights don’t work anymore, so every year I have to buy more lights. Next weekend we will be getting all the Christmas stuff out. We got home from MI on Saturday and just relaxed the rest of the weekend. Had a great time with family and friends. Was good to be home for a bit.
    gaga—Italy is my dream trip too. I hope you can make it happen for your niece. It must be the thing to do. My nephew will be going to Italy with his high school class next year! His mom and I are trying to get on the chaperon list, but it’s a no go so far! 🙂 Both of DH’s college aged cousins have that little diamond stud in their nose. They are super sweet girls, with good grades, one of them travels with a faith based organization on mission trips. I think it must be like when I was in high school and we were double and triple piercing our ears! We were so daring! 😆
    Ruby—What a fantastic deal you got on your TV!!! You are the master deal shopper!
    Amber—You have picked a beautiful name for your sweet little girl! You must be getting so excited! My heart is just bursting with joy for you!
    dee—Thank you for posting the corn casserole recipe. And you definitely need a cookbook trademarked…dee-lish!! 🙂 Thank you for the ENTER CODES reminder too!!!
    Otterkinz—I only happen to have one of those bear slides, but I’m sure someone here will have an extra they can trade with you.
    Wishing everyone a super Cyber Monday!

  53. 53 dee said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 9:35 am

    morning folks

    i think the nose piercing with a little gold hoop looks neat…i asked dd if i should do it and she said ………………ha ha ha
    altho i have seen pics of folks without their rings in and it looks kind of grody to me……i have a niece with lip, eyebrow, nose and toungue…….and sorry, but not attractive at all without the bling……..bleah…….

    less than a month for christmas, i have one gift for dd and that is it…….she does not care so much, she knows she makes out well all year ’round, but still………nice to have stuff under the tree other than cats ……….for some reason they think it is an indoor forest or something……..and last year the kitten chewed on the lights so much that we just gave up on shooing him and decided he will have to learn the hard way…………..

  54. 54 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 10:37 am

    i like the little hoop or a diamond – gaga if that’s the “worst” she does, then you can count your blessings!

    i’m laughing about the trees because we have an old artificial tree that i had lighted – before they came that way – where it could keep the lights on it when we took it down – before prelit … some of the lights went out one year, and we put that side against the wall – finally dh removed all the lights, and it took a long time! i had ever single branch of that tree wrapped & lit – like a thousand lights or more – he was not saying Christmassy words at all

    i remember an old tree before that with the individual branches that had the colors on the ends that you had to insert each branch by color – one row was yellow, one was blue, etc. – please tell me none of you are still dealing with one of those! :mrgreen:

  55. 55 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 10:38 am

    otterkinz – i’ll check to see if i have an extra of the slide

  56. 56 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 10:48 am

    we are only doing a few smaller gifts this year because we planned a vacation as a family gift – it’s kind of nice except we cut the branches too high on the tree so i need some bigger boxes under there this year LOL it’s going to look kind of funny – i threatened to wrap some empty boxes

    and about the needles from the live tree – they are EVERYWHERE! i mean EVERYWHERE! but i’m used to it and after a couple more good vacuumings, hopefully they will just remain below the tree

  57. 57 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 10:59 am

    OTTERKINZ – i do have a slide for you – add me on momsownkinz on whatever account you want me to send it 🙂 i sent a FR to your “luna” account, but then get the glitch error if i tried the others

  58. 58 zingyginger said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 1:03 pm

    hi everyone!

    rubycubes, that’s an awesome deal on the tv. there seems to be a lot of large ones on sale but i think you snagged the best sale of all!

    moms, that kitty looks perfect for a christmas card. maybe you can just pose it under your giant tree for a pic and you won’t need as many gifts under the tree. 🙂

    gaga, you are a very generous aunt but what is your niece doing to earn her trip? or is paid for overseas trip de rigeuer for high school age nieces and nephews now? if so, we’ll have to start saving now as i have a niece on one side and honey has 2 nieces and 2 nephews on the other. that will require a pretty penny to send them all abroad.

    april, where do you buy bulbs for the christmas tree? we have our pre-lit tree out and am dying to put up ornaments but we still have a bunch of bulbs to fix. some we may just have to deal with creative decorating.

    i made an apple crisp this weekend and we had a discussion about what size is a medium apple (trader joe’s had apples in a bag that i thought were “small,” but honey called them “medium”). i went with honey’s assessment and ended up with almost equal parts nutty oatty topping and cinnamon sugar apples. i’ve always skipped orange zest, juice and apricots in this recipe and it’s still good warm or cold with a little whipped cream on the side. now if i can just keep from eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 🙂

  59. 59 TheLoopyLurker said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 4:00 pm

    Afternoon Gymbonians!

    Otter and Kinzgram – the Gold Sparkle theme is December’s ?? Box theme.
    Only the Gold Sparkle Car, Planter, and Vanity Pouf are stocking items. The turtledove portrait and gold sparkle egg costume parts are current community codes. The Chrome Gold Sparkle Car will be December’s Deluxe Challenge prize. The Gold Sparkle Fireplace Bookcase and Gold Sparkle piano are in the estore right now for cyber Monday. The rest of the Gold Sparkle theme (which you can see here: ) will either be ?? Box items or regular estore items. If I had to hazard a guess, I think the bed, armchair, window, blanket chest, and rug will be the ?? Box items.

  60. 60 TheLoopyLurker said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 4:04 pm

    While I’m here, here’s this year’s Christmas gift choices. And yay, they spelled “homemade” correctly on the poster! :mrgreen:

    Aaaaaand here’s this year’s Ms. Birdy Countdown gifts. The Flashy Side Table goes with the items from this year’s Candy Cane Collection. The Snowman Earmuffs match the Snowman Toque and Snowman Slippers from 2015’s Christmas Countdown. And the Festive Cookie Jar will sure look great in those gingerbread rooms we all created last year. :mrgreen:

  61. 61 TheLoopyLurker said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 4:05 pm

    And here’s the Super Wheel for Christmas. Snoooooore, it’s all old stuff. The Super Wheel has been so boring this year that I’ve taken to calling it the Stupor Wheel. :mrgreen:

  62. 62 shellybrayley (WWID) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 4:12 pm

    Hello my Friends! 😀
    Wow looks like everyone got some Awesome Deals at the E-store this past weekend!
    I wasn’t able to join in this year but I am hoping the code for e-store points works for an hour or so after midnight tonight! *crossing fingers* 😆
    Momskinz I can’t wait to see a pic of your Christmas tree! Sounds Wonderful! 😀
    Your Mom’s kitty sure is Beautiful ! I think she is Prettier ever time you post a new pic! 😀
    Off to WW now, Hope all my Friends are having A GREAT Day! :mrgreen:

  63. 63 RubyCubes (WWID: clm88) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 5:18 pm

    Exhausting day so far. My kiddo has had some medical problems, and she had surgery this morning. It was outpatient, and she is home sleeping in her bed now, still groggy from the anesthesia. We have to wait 5-7 days for the biopsy results, and then we will start talking about a course of treatment. She has missed so much school this semester (she’s in high school but her school year is broken into semesters, 4 classes in fall and 4 in spring). I hope she is able to go back to school tomorrow. She is such an incredible child. Despite all of her medical issues, some of which are very challenging for her to deal with, especially at school, she works so hard at her studies. Through all of this, she has maintained a 4.5 GPA (straight A’s in all honors courses) and is still determined to start college 2 years early, although she’s thinking that she may want to apply to a college closer to home instead of one that’s several hours away. She’s very independent, but when she is sick, the only place she wants to be is home with mom (and her cats).

    BTW, Moms, what a gorgeous kitty! I just want to reach into the monitor and scoop her up. She looks so cuddly!

    With regards to the Christmas tree, you mean “those words” aren’t Christmassy? My husband and I have a nice arrangement. He hauls all the totes up and down the stairs to the basement, and I put up the tree and take it down each year. Other than some stocking stuffers and a few candles over the fireplace mantle, that’s all the decorating we do. We don’t decorate the outside.

    We’ve never had an organic Christmas tree. My husband and I bought a synthetic tree shortly after we moved in together, when my daughter was a little tater tot. That lasted for about 10 years, until the first Christmas with the boys. They were still kittens, but big kittens, and they ran up and down the tree branches so many times they broke the tree. We also lost at least a dozen ornaments because apparently they look like dangling toys that must be batted to the floor. If only the glass ornaments survived the fall as easily as fuzzy mice.

    After the murder of the fake Christmas tree, we went shopping after-Christmas sales for a replacement. That’s the best time to buy if you’re not too picky about what you get. We got a beautiful pre-lit tree that was normally $300 for $50. It was brand new, but it had been a floor display in a department store, so half of the bulbs were burnt out. The next year when I put it up, I just wrapped it in LED bulbs. We’ve been using the same strings of LED bulbs for 4 years now, and none of them have burnt out. Fortunately, our cats are too fat and lazy to care about climbing a Christmas tree now, but we still manage to lose a few ornaments every year.

    Moms, I laughed regarding your comment about wrapping empty boxes to put under the tree. My husband and I just had a similar discussion. Because we went ahead and bought a TV early and didn’t want to wait until Christmas to unwrap it (I mean… we all knew what it was), my husband decided that he wants to wrap the TV box and put it under the tree just so the tree doesn’t look so “lonely”. And the funny thing is that none of our family celebrates the holiday with us, so it’s not like anyone but the three of us will see it. He’s just that quirky. If I wrap the box and put it under the tree and he gets to pull the bow off and open it to find an empty TV box, he will be just as happy as if he was really opening a new TV on Christmas morning.

    Me: No, we should not wrap the box. That’s silly. It’s a waste of paper.

    Him: We throw out a trash bag full of paper every year. That’s a waste of a trash bag and paper.

    Me: True. But the paper masks the gift underneath, so it remains a surprise. It has a function.

    Him: But the fun is in opening the present.

    Me: Yes. The fun is in the surprise.

    Him: No. The fun is in pulling the paper and bow off to see what’s underneath.

    Me: Right. Because you don’t know what’s underneath. It’s a surprise.

    Him: No. The fun is in pulling the paper off even if I already know what’s underneath.

    Me: You know what, just save the box. I’ll wrap it with the left over Avengers wrapping paper from last year and put it under the tree.

    Him: You’ll need to find a big bow. The small ones we have will look silly on that big box.

    Me: Right… it will be the small bow on the empty box that looks silly. Ok, we’ll just go with that.

    He saved the box, so apparently we will have a big empty box wrapped with The Incredible Hulk and Captain America under the tree this year.

    On the subject of facial piercings, my kid and I have the opposite relationship of many moms and daughters. I am definitely on the very liberal end of the spectrum, but I’ve always dressed conservatively, not out of pressure or obligation, but just because I feel no desire to sport tattoos or facial piercings. It’s not my thing (for me). That said, when I met husband, he was in college and had thick spiked hoops in both his ears, and he had his eyebrow and lower lip pierced. On him, I thought it was really hot, and I loved how he looked. Once he decided to pursue a professional career, he removed his piercings (they don’t tend to go over well with corporate managers), but we still have pictures up from that time period, and my daughter still remembers his piercings.

    So now that she’s a teenager, I keep expecting her to do something a little crazy. I even take her to rock concerts (where you see all kinds of wild looks), and I’m like, “Hey kid, want to get your nose pierced like that?” Or “wow, check out those gauges! If we start stretching your lobes now, they could be hanging down past your shoulders by the time you graduate college.” She just looks at me like I’m an idiot because she’s the most conservative looking teenager you’ll meet… well… she was until she cut her hair and dyed it green. But the green was only temporary, like two weeks, and then she was done. It started out a pretty teal color, but within a week or so, blended with her brown hair to look like a dark moss color. One of her teachers at school told her that her hair looked like fungus growing on her head, so she no longer has any interest in dying her hair. And it’s growing back out. She has decided that she is fine identifying as female for now, so she wants her long hair back.

    It sounds silly, but my approach with her has been to demystify things that society considers taboo. You want to look like a boy? Cool! Let’s go get your hair cut. If she wanted to get her nose pierced, I would take her to have it done. I would rather she have it done at a place with good sanitation and tools than to take a safety pin and pierce it herself (which is what one of her best friends did). All the way there, I would be “educating” her about the realities of having a nose piercing, like, it may look super cool now, but most people get sick of them after the novelty wears off because they aren’t interesting anymore. And if you want to take it out, now you have a hole in your nose, or a scar, and nobody’s talking about how cool swiss cheese noses are. Plus, the inside of a nose isn’t the most sanitary place. You really want to insert a sharp metal object into a place crawling with bacteria? I would then explain to her that the inner lining of a nose has hairs in it, as well as mucous, to help catch bacteria, and that she will have to make sure she is absolutely religious about the daily care of that hole until it heals up, and even then it may be prone to infection, and if it gets infected, she’ll have a big red nose and then kids (and teachers) at school may call her Rudolph. And that’s fine… because I know that she totally doesn’t care what other kids at school think of her (even though she does)… but these are just things to think about. Besides that, to hold the nose ring in place, there will be a stud with a back on it inside her nose, so she will always feel like she has a big booger inside that she can’t pick. I know that conversations like this would not work with every kid, but mine be like… that’s disgusting. I don’t care how cool they look, nobody’s sticking anything in my nose!

    And the funny thing is, if she chose to have it done anyway and liked it, I’d be like, “Cool! It looks really good on you! Just make sure you take care of it and keep it clean.” And then I’d give her the “safe piercing” talk. I just want my kid to be safe, healthy, and happy. Helping her prevent poor decisions is optimal, but the choices are hers to make, and I’ll be there to help and support her through anything. And for the record, I don’t think that piercings are necessarily a “poor” decision. Like I said, I loved my husband’s when he had them. But a 15-year-old making a decision like that because her friends are or because she’s caught up in a fad, not a good reason. Then again, I don’t expect that every decision she makes will be a good one. And that’s when I’m there to hug her and reassure her that she is beautiful even with fungus-colored hair.

  64. 64 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 5:54 pm

    rubycubes – i loved reading your comment and laughed right along with you! that sounds like a conversation i would have with my two. one of them is scared of well … most everything, but especially pain – no way will he let someone come at him to pierce/tattoo or anything any time soon – the other one is already so very extra, he doesn’t need any other adornment to prove it 😆

    i did tell them if they ever get a tattoo they have to take me to get one, too, and if they think i’m too old for it then they need to remember that they will have it forever too, so choose wisely – what i would have had done in my younger days is very different than what i would do now

    i’m very conservative financially, the way i dress, etc. then i’m so very liberal about social issues and that non-Christmassy language and stuff like that – we have a lot of inappropriate conversations at my house, but they talk to me about their stuff, and i would rather them know they have a safe place to be open than worry about being “appropriate”. it sounds like you parent very similarly … i don’t care what color hair they want or things like that – fungus colored hair is fine with me, and i can tell you one of my would have had a sassy answer for that teacher

  65. 65 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 5:57 pm

    oh & ps – wrap the empty box or put some candy or something silly in it just to make it have a surprise and make noise to confuse him – and put three of the little bows on it in a cluster to make it look fancier hahahaha

    remember when we could wrap gifts in the comics? i wonder if they still print those with newspapers – it’s been so long since i read a Sunday paper, i don’t even know

  66. 66 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 5:58 pm

    zingy – i love apple crisp!!! i’ve tried a couple of recipes over the years and am going to save yours too

    hey shellyb!

    tll – more spoilers! yay!!! that can be our post for midnight! thank you!!!

  67. 67 LeeAnn(wwid:noellepugh) said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 6:42 pm

    Love the kitty picture you shared Moms.. such a beautiful cat. I’m sure kitty brings much joy and companionship to your mom.
    Hope your dd feels better soon RubyCubes.

  68. 68 dee said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 6:49 pm

    hey peeps
    dh and i roadtripped to a kmart today…….of course it is closing, but we found a couple things marked down………is anyone old enough to remember the little cafes they had inside kmart? a grade school friends mom worked at one and i remember visiting her and they had sub sandwiches and whatnot

  69. 69 dee said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 6:57 pm

    re 64
    yes there are still the funnies in the sunday paper

    and i am the liberal one here………dh is so……….john wayne is all i can think of……..i am pretty sure i shock dd sometimes…..too funny as nirvana got popular a few years ago and she was amazed that i owned the cd!
    we are all needle phobic, so never any body art here… we think it is a waste of money…………we be very very cheap here…….(as i check my cyber monday order from target and just signed for a package from ups)……just not so much at christmas

  70. 70 dee said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 6:58 pm


    if anyone does donations or whatnot, i know our humane society is always looking for tatty blankets or old pet beds, bleach, kibble etc………..your local one should have a wish list on their website

  71. 71 april1013 said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 9:51 pm

    zingy—Oh sorry, I gave up trying to replace the actual bulbs on the tree a few years ago. Now I just buy a cheap set of strand lights wherever they are on sale and put them on the bare spots! Apple Crisp is my kryptonite! I would eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few snacks.
    shellyb—hope the code works tonight for you!
    Ruby—hope your dd is recovering well and can go to school tomorrow.

  72. 72 shorty said,

    November 27, 2017 @ 10:08 pm

    I hope that everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. Thanks for the spoilers TLL. It looks like I can skip spinning the Superwheel.

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