October 2017




  1. 1 dee said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 11:23 am

    dems be good oreos!

    cookie butter that i know of………do you know the Bischoffs brand of cookies? they are kind of like spice/almond thingys………..anyways, they make a cookie butter………it is like an almondy nutella is the only way i know how to describe it…….AND IT IS VEGAN woo hoo

  2. 2 dee said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 11:25 am

    and chant, yes vegan can be pricey………dd cooks a lot and we buy the nukey stuff for whanots……..just like i have a couple for me and dh in the freezer…..

    off to grocery………….
    dh told me to get something and if forgot as i was thinking about what i was gonna type on here………..but he knows to put it on my list……..so….

  3. 3 RubyCubes said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 12:13 pm

    Gwenda – That’s awesome! I would love the beast suit! I sent a FR to wk2nd. Please let me know what you need in return. Thanks!

  4. 4 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 12:41 pm

    Thank you so much for the gifts RubyCubes!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. 5 RubyCubes said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 1:22 pm

    I don’t necessarily think that a vegan diet is more expensive than a non-vegan diet. Quite the opposite actually. A diet of frozen prepared, prepackaged meals is more expensive than ingredients to make meals, with or without meat.

    A diet of fresh produce, nuts, and grains tends to be much less expensive than one consisting of meat and dairy. I can make a huge pot of delicious vegan chili by buying bags of beans and some fresh vegetables and canned tomatoes for less than $10. It will feed my whole family, and I’ll have several leftover meals out of it. Make up some cornbread to go with it, and it’s very filling and well-balanced. The beans provide protein and fiber, and the veggies add a lot of nutrition, and I use a lot of spices for flavor. I freeze leftovers and heat them up later for convenience meals. Scooping chili with tortilla chips is a yummy leftover lunch. Adding a pound of ground beef or sausage or cheese toppings increases the cost.

    When it comes to frozen meals, a lot of times the vegan meals are more expensive, because most people who eat vegan diets are at least somewhat health-conscious. You can get frozen, prepared meals with meat really cheap, but if they’re that cheap, so is the quality of the food you’re eating. The higher quality frozen meals with meat are even more expensive than the frozen vegan meals.

    A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is less expensive than a lunch meat sandwich with cheese. A hummus and fresh veggie sandwich is less expensive than a cheeseburger, unless you’re getting a $0.99 fast food burger, but nutritionally, there’s almost nothing of value in the burger and a lot of nutrition (protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals) in the Mediterranean hummus sandwich.

    Compared for nutritional value, that is to say, if you’re eating or cooking with quality meats, cheeses, and other ingredients (veggies, pastas, grains, nuts, beans, etc.), eating vegan is much less expensive than eating meat and cheese.

    I’m a vegetarian, but I only eat organic/free range dairy products, which means if we go out to eat at a restaurant, I only eat vegan options because most restaurants don’t use free range dairy products. At home, I will add some organic cheese to a bowl of vegan chili to make it even yummier and add more protein, but even many of my meals at home are vegan. My husband and daughter both eat meat and dairy, and their food bill overall is so much higher than mine.

    If they were to cut meat out of their diets completely and not eat out, especially at fast food restaurants, we could probably shave at 25% off of our food bill. If you’re cooking at home, going vegan is only going to reduce food costs. It isn’t going to raise it. However, if you eat really cheap, heavily processed foods and you switch to higher quality, all natural or organic foods, that will add a bit to the food bill.

    For me, it’s about mindful eating. Why am I eating this? Am I hungry or is this just habit? Am I eating to nourish my body, or is this emotional eating? When I’m consuming calories, are they necessary calories? A piece of white bread, for example, provides almost nothing nutritionally. A piece of whole grain nut bread (the kind I buy) has about 20 more calories, but it also has 7 grams of protein and a lot of fiber and some other nutrients. I don’t spend a lot of calories on bread, but the ones I do spend count toward nourishment.

    I have a friend who is a raw vegan. She only eats raw nuts and fresh vegetables. And she has her own garden. She drinks water sweetened with fresh berries. She spends next to nothing on her food bill. I admire her commitment, but I’m nowhere near ready for that.

    It’s all about the choices we make, and the value of those choices, both financially and nutritionally are relative. But in a fair analysis, when you compare the same quality of food, with or without meat, meat adds cost. Nutritionally, that depends. Healthy, lean meats can be a good source of protein, but in our culture we tend to consume way more meat than we need. And many people can get the protein they need just as easily, and less expensively, through non meat options.

  6. 6 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 2:48 pm

    Zingyyyyy! Thank you!! You didn’t have to do that!! ❤️❤️❤️

  7. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 5:30 pm

    hello everyone!

    keeping a watch on Nate – he keeps moving more westward

  8. 8 dee said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 5:43 pm

    hey folks
    getting ready to cook dinner…….i have my mise en place, so now it is easy.
    couch is supposed to come between 9-11 tomorrow………dh opted for paying delivery fee versus me and him trying to do it………

  9. 9 dee said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 5:50 pm

    i have been looking at houses for sale in ohio………anyone know about there?

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    no really………..been looking online……..not sure what area we want, other than away from a city………schools do not matter………..property taxes matter

    i asked dh about it and he did not say no…………just to wait til dd graduates college……..which is fine, it will take me that long to sort all this poo!
    hoping to get paint for dds bathroom this weekend……..dh told me to do it so………..same guy who banned me from ever painting again………but it is a small room, so i should not muck it up too much right? just gotta get a lot of that painters tape stuff (which we did not have my first few painting attempts) any pointers or suggestions are welcome………like should i use a roller or a brush? or both? or just a brush? like i said small room and tub/shower is all tile and a big cabinet and a toilet and a door, so really not a whole lot of wall……..hmmm……….maybe i can do this!

  10. 10 Gwenda(wk2nd) would like peekanews Feb & March windows & table & beans bag. said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 6:13 pm

    Whoever Clipperchipper is THANK YOU for the Gophers!!! 😀

  11. 11 Gwenda(wk2nd) would like peekanews Feb & March windows & table & beans bag. said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 6:14 pm

    Mist please let me know things on your wish list

  12. 12 Gwenda(wk2nd) would like peekanews Feb & March windows & table & beans bag. said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 6:16 pm

    Ruby what’s your name?? I had a few FR & i don’t know where to send.

  13. 13 Gwenda(wk2nd) would like peekanews Feb & March windows & table & beans bag. said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 6:18 pm

    Momz-yeah he needs to keep going west. I’m done with hurricanes for the year….

  14. 14 dee said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 7:10 pm

    ta da!

    we be stinkin up the hood with our windows open!

    ha ha ha ha ha

    almost as bad as stiry fry nites………..
    oh yeah moms………i was gonna try traditional pie crust with my chicken pot pie………i made a cherry pie once with phyllo and no one was impressed…..and phyllo is so similar to puff pastry…………….but i did pick up some today……mostly use for turnovers for my dh…………he has got to be so glad to marry me!

  15. 15 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 7:40 pm

    Hi Gwenda! You don’t need to send anything, but if you happen across something on my wish list I would be happy to trade for it! 😀

    I don’t suppose anyone has a code for a plush Grey Wolf? (the retired one) I would love to trade for just the code❤️

    Dee- if you are comfortable with a roller it is the way to go for walls as it makes a much smoother finish. The very top and bottom you can use a brush. Mr knows much more than I, as he was a painter for years. If theres anything you need to know I can ask him.❤️


  16. 16 Gwenda(wk2nd) would like peekanews Feb & March windows & table & beans bag. said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 8:03 pm

    Mist-Where’s your wish list??

  17. 17 Gwenda(wk2nd) would like peekanews Feb & March windows & table & beans bag. said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 8:06 pm

    Does anyone know Ruby’s WWID so I can send to her???

  18. 18 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 8:11 pm

    so i have an engineering degree, right???

    i cannot. i repeat CANNOT work a paint roller on a wall – it’s a hot mess! I can paint furniture, accessories, canvas, etc. but don’t hand me a roller to paint a wall. Ever. 😆

    gwenda – i’ll bet you’re blowing really hard to push Nate west! :mrgreen:
    and clipper is boper

  19. 19 Gwenda(wk2nd) said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 8:46 pm

    Momz-oh yeah!!
    Ruby I’d like the beast feet please. Doesn’t anyone know Rubys I’d ?

  20. 20 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 9:14 pm

    Hi Gwenda! All of the trading lists are on the side of the screen under Categories 🙂

    I hope it’s ok to say here but RubyCubes WWID starts with ‘clm’

    Lol Moms! I should have added if it is a small area, it’s probably not worth getting out a roller, setting up a tray and all the cleanup after. Just use a brush lol. Although you could use one of them cute lil rollers… 😀

    Who was looking for the cute puppet clogs? I should have everyone’s wish list memorized by now…
    Anyhoo I found the clogs in trade today. I thought they were cute and I didn’t know where they were from so I looked it up and sho nuff they are cracker clothing.

  21. 21 zingyginger said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 9:36 pm

    Happy to find a home for that window, Mist. Thanks so much for your giftz btw, what an awesome surprise!

    Yes, the trading lists are on the right hand side, Gwenda. Clipperxxx is Boper’s account. Here’s RubyCubes wish list and it has her WWID on it (starts with clm as Mist mentioned).

    Mist, if it’s the Hansel Shoes, that’s on RubyCubes’ list.

    dee, I’ve this chicken pot pie once from this simple recipe and it turned out well:

    My honey is quite good with a paint brush but I think that requires more skill than a rollerbrush to get paint on evenly.

    Belated Happy Anniversary, Catmom! Sounds like a wonderful dh you have and I’m sure that he thinks of you in the same way.

    Been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately so haven’t been posting as much lurking but I do try to keep up with the posts.

  22. 22 zingyginger said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 9:45 pm

    Not sure if the actual recipes have been posted so this may be reposts. Congrats to boper for being the first one to solve the Sweet Orchard Shake:



  23. 23 zingyginger said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 9:48 pm

    And congrats to Mist for solving the Sweet Orchard Pie:


  24. 24 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 10:04 pm

    Aha! It was Boper who beat me to the shake! :mrgreen: Ok, this is prolly a stupid question, but how do you know who made which recipe? Do they post those somewhere? Just curious 😀 And thank you Zingy!! I shall post the shoes to RubyCubes 😀
    I hope you feel better soon❤️


  25. 25 zingyginger said,

    October 5, 2017 @ 11:05 pm

    That’s easy – Boper posted about the shake on his Facebook page. And you posted about the Sweet Orchard Pie here on the blog.

    Speaking of Facebook posts, someone posted that they got a Helping Paws spa from a large box today. I guess it’s time for me to work on helper accounts again. Wondering when the Helping Paws dining table and chairs will be added.

    Aww, thanks! It’s nothing that catching up with work stuff and some sleep wouldn’t fix. 🙂

  26. 26 LeeAnn(wwid:noellepugh) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 12:51 am

    Uggh. I’m so out of the loop. Just wanted to say a quick hi. Will post more on the weekend. Have a great night everyone… and morning….and aftrenoon. Be back tomorrow night to post more.


    October 6, 2017 @ 12:59 am

    Hi veryone!!!

    Ok looking for pan prize …small green topped side table..would love two, think they were march.

    I am so sick of chocolate right now…two 6 hour shifts yesterday and today to make 150 favors for a wedding. ..can’t wait to deliver them tommorrow as I’m sick of looking at them too..lol

    Hiwever, I do love the first few batches. ..it’s after about 7 batches it gets boring. Lmbo. I don’t think there is a muscle on my body that isn’t hurting….gonna let calgon take me away in a little bit..really wishing I’d indulged and bought the hot tub I looked at this year..oh well maybe next year…


    October 6, 2017 @ 1:03 am

    I finally did a helping paws account. ..what dies it take to get bigger prizes??

    So far I got a floor and a wall sconce..the rest has been money. ..what do I have to do to get better prizes ??

    Zingy, do you know how many recipes there are for the apples ?? I made two so far. Had to wait for trees to ripen lol

  29. 29 RubyCubes (WWID: clm88) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 1:08 am

    LeeAnn – No worries! I totally know where you’re coming from! Glad to see you!

    Gwenda – I just sent you the cursed beast feet. My user ID is clm88. Sorry I didn’t respond sooner! Consider making a trading list. I haven’t had a lot of time to trade lately, but when I do, I keep everyone’s trading lists in mind and try to get items for others here.

    Mist – You are SO sweet! Thank you so much for those shoes. Those go with the 2014 cracker Puppet outfit. I love that outfit, but I already have those shoes. It’s the Hansel and Gretel promo outfits I’m missing. I appreciate the gift, but I don’t want to take an item from you that someone else might need, so I bounced the shoes back to you. Please don’t think I didn’t appreciate the gift! It was so thoughtful! But it sounds like someone else here needs them, or you can keep them to trade for other mystery clothes you still need. I wish I had a retired grey wolf for you, but that’s one I don’t have at the moment. I watch Webkinz selling on Ebay almost daily, and I’m watching for a good deal on the other pets on your list. Add that one to your wish list. I’ll watch for it. If I find a really good deal on one, I’ll snatch it up for you. New with code though, they are very expensive, which is why I don’t have any. But occasionally I see crazy good deals, so I will watch for it.

    Dee – Oh, I love to paint! My husband and I compliment each other very well. He does the construction on our house (and I help him), and I paint, lay the flooring, and decorate. Somebody mentioned the Money Pit in an earlier thread (still trying to catch up), and yes, saw it, and yes! Exactly!

    General rule for any room, regardless of size. Cut in all the corners with a paint brush first. Get an angled paint brush. They are the easiest to work with. Put a generous coat of paint down the corners where all of the walls come together, where the walls meet the ceiling, and where the wall meets trim. I always tape along ceiling edges and trim first if I’m painting the walls a different color. Use a good quality painters tape, tape it along the edge, and press firmly along the edge to get a nice straight line. I also do this in corners if I’m painting an accent wall with a different color than the other walls.

    Cut in the corners with the paint brush with enough paint that you don’t leave streaks, but not so much paint that it runs. Using a good quality paint, which is thicker, is much easier to work with than a cheap thin paint. Olympic brand paint is my favorite to work with. It’s sold at Lowes. Valspar is also good. So is Behr at Home Depot. These aren’t extremely expensive, top end paints, but they are decent quality and work well. If you’ve ever worked with a really cheap, low end paint, you should be able to tell the difference. Cheap paints are very thin, leave streaks and run, and normally take at least 2-3 coats to cover old paint, even four coats if the color is a drastic contrast (like painting a navy blue wall white). With better quality paints, like the brands I mentioned, you may only need one coat if its a similar color, two at the most. The paint goes on thicker. Your brush stroke should be light so you don’t leave streaks, but heavy enough so that it doesn’t run.

    Once you cut in all the corners with a paint brush, switch to your roller. When it comes to the walls, assuming you’re doing a traditional look on drywall, do not use a brush on anything but the corners. Switch to a roller. If you’re doing small areas, use a small roller. Again, roll the paint lightly, thick enough to cover the entire wall without streaking, but not so thick that it drips or runs. Overlap the brushed paint in the corners as close to the perpendicular wall as you can without hitting that wall with your roller. You don’t have to get right into the corner, but if you overlap the brushed paint, the brush strokes will not be noticeable.

    All trim and doors should be painted with a brush. If you paint the walls first, make sure they have plenty of time to dry. Use tape to create a straight line at the bottom of the wall where it meets the trim, unless you’re painting the trim the same color as the walls. Another suggestion, when picking out your interior paint, you need to consider how much shine you want. Flat paint is the most forgiving if you have imperfections in your drywall, but it looks very dull. Semi-gloss and high-gloss are very shiny and tend to magnify imperfections, including nicks in the wall, waves in the wall, and seams that are not perfectly finished. For drywall, I normally use eggshell. It is a little shinier than flat paint, but not extremely shiny. I normally use a semi-gloss for the trim (assuming your trim is in good shape). The shine tends to make the trim pop. If your trim has a lot of imperfections, you may want to tone down the shine on it as well, and go with an eggshell or satin finish.

    You also asked about Ohio. I can’t tell if you’re serious or joking (sorry… I have a difficult time reading people IRL, and it’s even more challenging online). I don’t know the context of the question. Are you thinking about moving to a certain part of Ohio? I’ve lived in Northern Kentucky all my life, which is considered the Cincinnati area. There is a river that separates Kentucky from Ohio, but that river might as well be an ocean culturally. It’s a local thing, but a lot of people in Northern Kentucky act as if they are traveling to another country when they have to cross that river. Those city folk drive too fast and they’re rude and they act like they’re better than us. In reality, Kentucky folk, even in the northern most part, are almost all insanely fanatical Wildcats fans. We’re the Bluegrass State, and we bleed Kentucky blue (UK Wildcat color). The University of Cincinnati Bearcats are old rivals, and “those city folk” cheer for the wrong team. It’s all about college basketball here. March is synonymous with Sweet 16… and madness.

    Being 100% apathetic to sports, I couldn’t care less which team people cheer for. I’ve commuted back and forth to Cincinnati for work for many years. Most of my friends live in Cincinnati, and I’m much more likely to travel there for social gatherings than they are to venture down into my neck of the woods (literally… I live out in the boonies).

    If you have any interest in Cincinnati, I can definitely elaborate in detail on my perspective of it. I’ve also spent a lot of time in Columbus and Dayton. Columbus is my favorite city in Ohio, definitely (in my opinion) the most fun and artsy of the major cities in this state. They have poetry slams almost every evening! I’ve had extended stays there for work a couple times, and I would consider moving there. I really like it. I have a lot of family in the Akron area, but I haven’t been there in over 20 years, so I really don’t know what it’s like now.

    Overall, Ohio is one of the most affordable states to live in. You can get more living space per square foot for your money than almost all other states, including Kentucky. Although Northern Kentucky also has a relatively low cost of living. What types of things are important to you, Dee? What are your interests (besides cooking 😀 )? Why are you considering Ohio?

    Momskinz – You have a degree in engineering? Tell me more! What? Why? How? When? Where? Do you work in the field? If so, what is like to be a woman working in that field? What do you do? My daughter is seriously considering majoring in engineering (that’s why she is on her robotics team). A lot of my friends are engineers, but most are male. I have one good female friend who is an engineer, and she absolutely hates it. She worked in the field for about 10 years, saved a lot of money, couldn’t stand it anymore, dropped out, and has spent the last 3 years living off her savings, traveling the world, and writing. I get that she hates it, but wow… that in itself speaks volumes about the value of her degree. How many people can just quit work and travel and pursue artistic endeavors as a single wage earner for three years? She is the only female engineer I know. I would love your perspective on it!

    Congrats to those of you who have won cooking recipe awards! I’ve never gotten into food or recipes in WW, but discovering a new recipe rocks! Nicely done!

    Goodnight, my wonderful webbie friends!


    October 6, 2017 @ 1:21 am

    Ruby, Sera wig heading your way! Thanks!

  31. 31 RubyCubes (WWID: clm88) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 1:50 am

    Chant – Thank you so much for the Sera wig! I love it! I just bounced a cobweb dress back to you! And I couldn’t agree more about missing the ability to invite others over and share time with family in webkinz. Same!

  32. 32 shellybrayley (WWID) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 3:19 am

    Just dropped in for a quick Hello before heading to bed, have not had time to read all posts as RL is very busy this week & this weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving So getting ready for family coming this afternoon & then we are taking 2 of our fur babies to a costume parade & awards party for dogs uptown at 5:30 pm ! This ought to be fun! 😆
    Thanks for the shoes Chant , Cactus outfit on its way 😀
    Hope to get on later this weekend!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving my Friends! :mrgreen:

  33. 33 shellybrayley (WWID) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 4:04 am

    Friday Oct.6 Find the Ad Code :
    Viking Princess Boots :
    W242 RKJK FM8G FX8U

  34. 34 gagagee said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 5:25 am

    Good Morning !
    Finally Friday !!
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who live in Canada !
    Hope you all have a great weekend celebrating the holiday !
    moms… I am not a painter either… I do paint the garage floor and stencil every year but don’t really care if it is not perfect… my actual living space I hire a professional… but my home is really small…
    Zingy.. thanks for posting the recipes for the apple seeds !
    The new helping paws spa is good edition but seems my account is stuck on the purple helping paws organ…
    Finally able to get the new PAN window..and one rug… will keep trying though.
    dee… As most of you guys know.. I live in CLE !! I talk quite a bit about the basketball team.. I was born and raised in Ohio… As we say “Best location in the nation”… other people say.. It is the “Mistake on the Lake” go figure…
    I guess Home is were your heart is…. and mine is here…
    CLE is the home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame… we have a great zoo…
    and aquarium…I have lived on a “farm”… had a horse.. lots of other farm animals.. but it has been years.. All in all my life in CLE has been good.. No
    dee.. hope you love your new couch !!
    Good day to all..shellyb have fun day with fur babies…
    Hope to be back tonight !

  35. 35 shorty said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 6:31 am

    Zingy, thanks for posting the apple recipes. I was looking for the new recipes the other day and could not find them.

    The rare items from the floating gift box are hard to get. I think that they are probably as hard to get as the rare PAN items (from before).

    Yesterday, I was trying to grill some vegetables and meat to make chicken fajita, but then my grill ran out of gas in the first 5 minutes. I had to bake everything in the oven. There is something about cooking over a fire that makes everything taste better. It was not the same cooking the foods in the oven.

  36. 36 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 6:35 am

    Happy Friday!
    Ruby and Wophy, thank you so much for the Medieval items from my wish list! I’m so glad to finally be making progress on that theme, as I never seem to be online when those last few elusive items are in the curio shop. Especially nice to have now that the Halloween theme matches it.

    Thanks for posting the apple recipes! I was hoping they had some with the caramel and green apples, but I hadn’t had time to play around with them yet.

    Hoping to have some time Saturday morning to catch up on my challenges and get organized a little. I sure miss my free time … 🙂 But, hey, it’s Friday!

  37. 37 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 1:01 pm

    New points promos in estore❤️

  38. 38 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 2:46 pm

    THANK YOU shellyb – i forgot about the ads!!!

    zingy – sorry you’re drained, and i appreciate what you have been doing on the blog – posting good information for all of us – thank you!!!

    chant – zingy wrote up a great post a while back with tips and info on helping paws – it is here: http://www.thelamberts.com/webkinz_blog/?p=39381

  39. 39 dee said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 5:13 pm

    ha ha ha ha ha ha

    we have couch……..poor dh has been doing oily gassy things today, so he had to shower before he could sit on it……….too funny…….I watched him. he was kind of afraid to sit back on it………..did a round of scotch guard and will flip cushions and do them tomorrow or before bed tonite

  40. 40 dee said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 5:14 pm

    and moms???
    are you the one who makes chess pie?

    I was looking up my chicken pie recipe and saw a lemon chess pie recipe and thought of you……….also so a banana/caramel pie and thought of boper…..

  41. 41 dee said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 5:15 pm

    now I want pie

  42. 42 TheLoopyLurker said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 5:22 pm

    Afternoon Gymbonians!

    zingy, I can’t tell which device the apple shake is made on. Is it a blender recipe?

    I got three large Helping Paws Club boxes this week. I now have the pipe organ, bed, and armchair, woo hoo!

  43. 43 AmberRose361 (WWID: AmberRose361) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 5:44 pm

    Hello everyone! Glad it is the weekend!!!

    Moms, did you get the email I sent earlier this week?

  44. 44 dee said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 7:33 pm


  45. 45 dee said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 7:34 pm

    has anyone seen or tried those? i found them on serious sale, so figured try it why not!
    dd has lots of coffee cup cake recipes, but this was easy and cheap………lmk

    i just made a cinnamon one and it smells good…..

  46. 46 zingyginger said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 7:56 pm

    that looks yummy, dee. no, i haven’t tried that mix but for a while i was so in love with the flavor of this lemon cake in a mug (and ready in less than 2 minutes) that i kept a spare lemon in the fridge just for it.

    for something chocolatey, i used to keep a box of this around (just need yogurt) for making single serving brownies

    TLL, the apple shake is made in, of all things, an oven (i was thinking it should have been a blender but this is Ganz). Congrats on your Helping Paws items! Any chance you’ve seen the Helping Paws Dining Chairs or Dining Table when you checked for spoilers?

  47. 47 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 10:33 pm

    TLL – congrats on your boxes!!!

    amber – i did send the email and received a thank you that clearly i did not send back to you 😳 sorry about that, but boper really appreciates you ♥

    dee – yes, i used to make chess pies for my grandmother … and i laughed when i first read that your dh has been doing gassy things 😆

  48. 48 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    October 6, 2017 @ 11:28 pm

    RubyCubes – I do have a Civil Engineering degree from Georgia Tech. I did civil work during the summer for an engineer and loved it – I enjoy being around guys and had no problem being one of the few or only women. I was teased on a railroad bridge by an old railroad worker one time, but he really respected me after seeing me work. He was quite the character. I enjoyed doing civil engineering work, but once I graduated I got an offer I couldn’t refuse to do business/IT consulting for one of the top 10 firms in the world. It was a great career and paid off nicely – my degree was definitely instrumental in my success. I did “retire” when we started a family, but that was my plan because I knew it wouldn’t be best in MY case to try to balance career and family. And I probably wouldn’t have been in such a good financial position to do that if it wasn’t for my degree. I agree there is good value in the degree.

    Being a female in a male dominated field can be intimidating, and I certainly had a couple of notable experiences – in an interview when I was graduating a firm asked several questions they shouldn’t have about if I planned on ever getting pregnant, having a family, just VERY ridiculous questions, another job I interviewed for would have made me the first female to ever hold that position (I didn’t want the job or to be the first), and my career I hit the glass ceiling HARD but it had nothing to do with my engineering degree. I didn’t pursue any formal complaints or process with any of them – it just wasn’t worth it to me. That last company – I left the consulting firm for a big opportunity there – wouldn’t give me the appropriate job title because i was “too female and didn’t have gray hair” – literally told me that – I suggested they hire another older white male so they could fire him again for not being able to do my job as they had with the two previous hires – of course each of those men had a higher level title and salary 😛 I made them pay up when they wanted me to stay longer than my 2 weeks notice to compensate me for what I should have been earning all along 😛

    All that being said, I would do it all again except maybe or maybe not that last company. I loved working in my field and in consulting, and I am proud of my degree.

  49. 49 puppuphk (WWID: trumpetlover10) said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 1:16 am

    I found the code if anyone needed the dress community code!
    W24Z 98GY N3BK YCNS

  50. 50 gagagee said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 8:01 am

    Good Morning !
    Happy Saturday !
    Moms… I am very impressed with your civil engineering degree ! You go girl !
    You should be proud of yourself…
    Looking forward to getting errands done this morning… having time later to catch up in WW !
    AmberRose… any gender news ?? Hope you are feeling OK !!
    What about that game last night with the Indians !! So exciting !
    Keeping my fingers crossed they go all the way this year !! They have worked so hard and they deserve it !
    Hope you all have a good day !


    October 7, 2017 @ 9:10 am

    Gaga..omg! Thank you so much!! love the irgan.. I already had the floor so I sent it back so you could give it to someone who needs it.
    Is there anything I can send in return?


    October 7, 2017 @ 9:12 am

    Shelly, thank you so much ! The shoes,we’re a gift as you’ve given me so much..sent suit back as I already have that whole costume. .but thank you very much!


    October 7, 2017 @ 9:12 am

    Moms thanks, I will check that out later!


    October 7, 2017 @ 9:15 am

    Ruby, you’re very welcone..thank you for the dress!

    I have one of everything now except the Belle dress and the spider shoes



    October 7, 2017 @ 9:29 am

    Hi everyone!

    Just wanted to say thanks to all of you here! It’s so nice to be back chatting with you all now that I can get on easier!! It’s a little harder to read though on my phone. .lol have to enlarge the posts to read..I’m blind as a bat..lmbo

    I love how nice everyone is here, and how generous…and for the most part, don’t really care about the supposed value of some items!
    Yes, I know some things are very rare. But I’ve always, in trading, just tried to make people happy and I love just randomly gifting just because too..to me it’s about friendship and giving and sharing a love of webkinz with others who have the same obsession! Lol

    I know I’ve spent way too much on webbies..but it’s really my only vice.and my hubby feeds my beast…so it’s all good! I collect cars to amuse him…he gets a kick out of some of them…no he doesn’t play..
    But he does think it’s cute.and we donate the animals..I just gave two garbage bags full to a police officer who oversees our area…he said the guys were playing with them trying to figure out what some were lol they keep them in the police cars to give to children when they are scared etc.

    It’s nice to know those webbies will be loved..I just couldn’t see holding on to them.

    Anywho, thanks again to you all…it’s really so nice to have other women to share this with…
    Just wish they’d hurry and fix the visiting..sigh

  56. 56 nitabuggy (WWID Wophy) said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 9:29 am

    Mist!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on your candy garden being featured!! It’s beautiful!!!!!!!!

  57. 57 dee said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 10:08 am

    ooooooh zingy
    i love lemon anything………will have to give it a try!

  58. 58 gagagee said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 10:35 am

    Chants.. no need to send anything in return… I guess I had not read your earlier post about the flooring..
    So nice of you to send your webbies to the police department !! I am so sure the kids who are need of comfort will love them !!

  59. 59 Amy (ARS217) said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 10:49 am

    Free Email Code: October 7
    Expires Nov. 30

  60. 60 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 2:42 pm

    Aw thank you Nita!! I wasn’t sure they had gotten my mails lol. I have more rooms to show but they aren’t quite done yet. Still need to find some items 😀

    Thank you for the code Amy!


  61. 61 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 3:18 pm

    i added the new codes to the community codes page – thanks pupp & Amy for adding to shellyb’s find yesterday 🙂

  62. 62 AmberRose361 (WWID: AmberRose361) said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 3:52 pm

    Thank you Moms. Emails can be tricky.
    Your background is impressive! Very cool.

    No gender news yet Gaga. Monday. I’m thinking boy…
    That game last night was crazy! I haven’t seen my husband that excited in a while. We bought tickets for next Saturday’s game. Go Indians!

  63. 63 dee said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 6:07 pm


    saw this for sale at walmart today and thought of many of my gymbos friends

  64. 64 dee said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 6:11 pm

    chicken pot pie is in the oven

    and no one is sitting on the new couch yet………ha ha ha

    I have three couches in my living room right now until the charity comes Tuesday morning………..looks like a party waiting to happen! WOO HOO
    except you can not have food nor drink on the new couch…..maybe I should just put you all in the back yard…………..ha ha ha ha ha ha
    it is just hysterical……..like a new baby or something that you are afraid to hold in case you break it! and yes amber, I totally thought that I might break my dd when we got home from the hospital………we were on our own and dh had a whole two days off of work…………scariest thing in my life!

  65. 65 Cheese said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 6:48 pm

    Good afternoon/evening!

    Happy Anniversary, Catmom! ♥

    Congratulations Ruby on winning a prize from the contest! I won five Fall Mystery Clothing Bags and a Fall Fest Soda 6 Pack 🙂 It was an awesome surprise!

    And congratulations Boper and Mist on solving the Sweet Orchard Shake and Sweet Orchard Pie! Enjoy your special Secret Chef Trophy 😀 Thank you so much zingy for sharing the recipes 🙂 I love collecting food and can hardly wait to make these! :mrgreen: The Helping Paws Club Spa looks pretty cool, too – May keep an eye out for it in the TRs 😉 Thanks for the heads up!

    Thanks for sharing the new community codes shellybrayley, puppuphk and Amy!

    I won a Social Media Outdoor Day Bed from the Webkinz Newz Gift Box today – It’s really cute, but isn’t tradeable or kinzpostable. Hopefully this’ll be fixed soon!

    Mist, your Candy Garden is sweet! Congratulations on having it featured! 😀

    momskinz, I admire how you earned a degree and pursued a career in a field that was of genuine interest to you. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story ♥

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  66. 66 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 11:05 pm

    hey everyone! cheese – congrats on your prize & the social media outdoor day bed – i hope it is sendable when they update so that if i got it on a side account, i can send it to my main

    dee – hope your dinner was yummy! totally babying the new sofa – that’s the truth! we are moving around some furniture and will have quite the load to donate as well. meanwhile, i need some extra muscle to help lift some of these pieces – ugh

  67. 67 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 11:07 pm

    Cheeeeese! Thank you so much for the gift!!! ❤️❤️❤️ You need to add stuff to your wish list 😀 And thank you for the kind words about my garden!!


  68. 68 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    October 7, 2017 @ 11:07 pm

    that lemon mug cake does look so delicious!

    i LOVE lemon!

  69. 69 puppuphk (WWID: trumpetlover10) said,

    October 8, 2017 @ 1:11 am

    W247 4NMZ AXF8 K42S

    Code for the viking princess helmet 🙂

  70. 70 nitabuggy (WWID Wophy) said,

    October 8, 2017 @ 6:30 am

    Cheese, thank you so much for the gift!! I LOVE IT!!!!

    Thank you for the codes.

    Hope everyone has a SUPER SUNDAY!!

    Lots of Love!

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