
Thank you TLL for ALL of your effort to gather & share these updates, and thank you zingy for doing the hard work in posting!

Morning Gymbonians, and HAPPY UPDATE WEDNESDAY!

Sorry I’m late today, but this update was MASSIVE, I guess to make up for the last weensy little update. :mrgreen:

First up is Apple Picking/Fall Fest. Can’t be sure which is which yet! We’re getting the same old clothes, except in green this time, lol. The other items are a field mouse plushy (Squee!), a farmer’s field floor tile, and a gopher toy. (While I was capturing and editing that image, I kept singing “I’m All Right” from Caddyshack, lol!)

Next is more Apple/Fall Fest stuff. Green Apple and Maple Dipped Seeds and their corresponding crate fridges and foods, and the Apple Farm picnic table and bench.

Next is the last of the Apple/Fall Fest. We have countryside creek tiles and bridge, and Sweet Orchard Pie and Shake. I’m operating under the assumption that these are new recipes that are created by combining the new apples in various kitchen appliances, so get ready to solve them, Webkinz Chefs!

Next we have the Dark Queen theme, which will be a ?? Box theme. This is so Nafaria-ish, I love it!

Up next is random clothes-y goodness. Feels like fall KinzStyle Outlet things, maybe.

And more clothes. First is what looks like WKN Host clothes, no idea how these are earned. And below is the Snow Princess Outfit and Minty Elephant Slippers, which feel an awful like Christmas Cracker clothes to me. (OF COURSE I need those slippers for my collection! :mrgreen: )

Next we have more Dragon Hero things. I love the heck out of the dispenser!

And more Dragon Hero. The items on the bottom are obviously the Sea Dragon’s stuff, since, hello, that’s the topic of this post! 😆

Up next is estore themes. Some of these don’t have names yet, because the image is in the system and not the name. And some items have names yet, but no images. Can I confide in you peeps that there will be orange tree seeds coming up? Yay! Wish I could post a pic, but again, there’s no image yet. Anyway, the first two items are the Cool Slumber Bed and Cool Plush Rug, I don’t have names for the next three items, then we have the Blue Harlequin Sofa and Curtains and Lazy Zum Rocker.

Up next is more estore. First is what appears to be more Denim & Lace theme (lamp and ottoman, but can’t be sure because they aren’t named yet), and the Denim & Lace Rug and Desk. The next three items are from a new theme called Creepy Crypt. There will be more in this theme, but the images aren’t available yet. And finally we have a Rooster Pet Lamp.

Next is yet more estore. It looks like the same pattern as Blue Harlequin, but the colors are different. Sorry, no names yet!

Now we move on to fall items. The first five items are from the acorn collection, which you probably saw on WKN. The next three items are the Fall Time Flooring, Wallpaper, and Floor Tile.

More fall stuff. First we have the Farm Fresh Roadside Stand Dispenser and its four foods, which are the Bunch of Cherry Tomatoes, the Bunch of Onions, the Bunch of Brussel Sprouts, and the Jar of Mixed Pickles. Next is what appears to be a candy tree dispenser, which dispenses pumpkin seeds, sorry but no names yet! Up last is a fall flower pot divider, which has no name yet.

And the last of the fall items. None of these have names yet.

Up next is an upcoming estore theme, called the Gold Sparkle theme. Some of these items are named and some aren’t, and there are some items that don’t have images yet. Ganz is really messing with my head this update! :mrgreen: The first three items appear to be a pet gift box, PSI, and PSF, but I don’t have names yet.

Next is some random food-y goodness. The first two items are a new candy tree and its food, the Prickly Berry Candy Tree and Prickly Berry Candy. Next are two truffles that look to be coming from a new Special Celebration dispenser. Sorry, no names yet! The last three items are this year’s fall fest sodas.

Up next is new pets. From top to bottom, we have the English Cream Retriever, the Snow Lynx, and the Blue Bison Calf.

Next is upcoming WKN unique peek-a-newz prizes and deluxe clothing gifts. You’ve most likely seen September’s prizes on WKN, but you haven’t seen the opal window yet. Gorgeous! The green and black outfit is the Pop Princess costume for September, and the other outfit doesn’t possess a name yet.

Finally, we have random newness. From left to right, and top to bottom, we have the Mayor Dr. Quack Snow Globe, the Souvenir Mug (both of which I’m assuming will be in the next round of prizes for meeting the mayor in the park), the Classroom Window, the B00ger Plushy, green and white dishwashers that have no names yet, the Diner Dishwasher, and the Garden Patio Fire Pit.

And we end with more random newness. First are two items from the new Halloween W Shop theme that you’ve probably seen on WKN. Next are the Halloween Hat Fence and the Grunge Chic Outfit. I have no idea how the grunge outfit will be released.

Well, that’s everything! This is TheSpoilerLurker signing off. This post will self-destruct in 5…4…3…2…1…BOOM! :mrgreen:


  1. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 4:15 pm

    TLL – once again you OUTDID yourself gathering all of this massive amount of information!!! Thank you!!!

    And zingy – you made it a simple cut & paste job for me – thanks again

    Finally – REMEMBER you must claim prizes by end of day TODAY or forfeit your prize. As of this minute, I have replied to everyone that claimed. If you did not get a response, you need to reach out to me today!

  2. 2 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 5:34 pm

    Wow thank you for the sneak peeks TLL!! Awesome items! And thank you Moms and Zingy for the pics! ❤️
    I can’t wait for the apple seeds! I’m obsessed with the seeds! 😀 I need the lazy zum rocker too!!! ❤️
    I hate to see summer go, but I love fall fest!❤️❤️❤️

    Hugs all,

  3. 3 dee said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 5:39 pm

    checking in
    lots of running around today and dd decided she needed our old fish tank, so that was located and cleaned…………..sheesh

    did not read up nor the post except for last line……..i was waiting for the mission impossible music
    a pretty much dead harvey is moving in as i type……..only mayb 6 or 8 inches of rain spread out til sunday……….

    and as far as harvey stuff……….local churches………other than Houston SPCA
    if you do not have a church, i am sure a neighbor or family member does. I do not want to recommend anything that i would not give to myself

  4. 4 gagagee said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 7:17 pm

    Lurker… thank you so much for all of the spoiler info.. Love seeing what is up and coming in Webkinz World…
    I think that mouse has my name on it as well as my address !!
    Moms and Zingy… thanks to you also for all of your time and efforts and putting all of the pictures and updates together !
    BOPPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ! Thank you SO Much for the amazing gifts !! NEVER thought I would be able to find those……You are truly amazing !

  5. 5 shellybrayley (WWID) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 7:44 pm

    WOW!!! I LOVE Update Wednesday! Awesome new items coming & fall Fest looks wonderful this year! 😀
    Thank you so much TLL for all the Awesome updates! 😀

    I opened my Prize box & I got the Toadstool Swing! I needed that one! Awesome!! Thank so much ! 😀

    Looks like our late dinner is ready now, so Bye for now my Friends! :mrgreen:

  6. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 8:02 pm

    there’s so much that i like coming up that i’m thinking zingy nailed it when she said this:

    I might have to cave and go for the current points sale.

    Save 40% on eStore points with the purchase of 60,000 points or more.

  7. 7 tmt5 said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 8:21 pm

    So many nice items. Thanks TLL! I am happy with the cream retriever psi. Guessing it is safe to adopt him now maybe later tonight. Not completely sure on the name will depend on how much I can fit.

  8. 8 zingyginger said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 8:21 pm

    TLL is doing a great job of enabling Ganz eStore sales, moms! :mrgreen:

    Ms Birdy in the Welcome Room in the Clubhouse is giving out a Ms Birdy giftbox. So far I’ve gotten old prizes:
    Webkinz Cares Cookie, Webkinz Cares Chocolate Bar, Favorite Pet Cupcake, Great Webkinz Cupcake, Have a Party Cupcake, You’re a Star Cupcake
    Cuddly Rug (pink heart), Webkinz Cares Balloon, Water Bowl

    I also saw someone who posted that they got a Webkinz Cares Dining Table. What did you guys get?

  9. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 8:26 pm

    tmt – the minute i saw that psi, i thought “TMT SCORED!”

  10. 10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 8:26 pm

    zingy – guess i had better log in ww for the day, huh? 😆

    i’ve just been here, not there 🙄

  11. 11 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 8:32 pm

    has anyone tried your kinzcash machine today? i might have to clear my cache again

  12. 12 zingyginger said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 8:35 pm

    moms, someone said their machine/dispenser worked but only after they did a pet request.

    also have to do a pet request to get a psi box after adopting a pet (may be the origin of the issue with the machine)

  13. 13 zingyginger said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 8:38 pm

    or try leaving the room then return (per betty butter ganz)

  14. 14 candycandycandy said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 9:14 pm

    Zingy- From Ms. Birdy I got a heart-shaped wall hanging thing with roses around it. I forget what it was called…

  15. 15 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 9:24 pm

    zingy – i got the Great Webkinz Cupcake

    guess i’ll try some more accounts …

  16. 16 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 9:27 pm

    and yes, it works now, i’ve done all of those things, so i’m not sure which one triggered it – thanks so much!!!

  17. 17 TheLoopyLurker said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 9:44 pm

    Okay, I am FINALLY caught up in my reading. I hate the craziness of back-to-school!

    First, I must dispense some hugs…

    (((hugs))) for gaga. I am crossing everything on my body that can cross, and some things that should never be crossed, that you are able to keep your job. The field of healthcare has been absolutely destroyed by a certain law that I despise, and I hope you are not the latest victim of said heinous law. I dearly hope that you are recognized for your hard work and integrity and are not “gotten rid of”. And what a horrible way for your hospital to put it!

    (((hugs))) for nita. I hope the flooding recedes very quickly and that your home and possessions are able to come through unscathed. I’ve been a victim of flooding in the past, so when hubby and I bought our home, we made sure we are on the top of a hill. It would have to be an end-of-the-world Noah type flood to get us, lol. I hope also that all your family members are accounted for and safe and sound, nita.

    (((hugs))) for taggylou. There’s a name from the distant past! I’m assuming it is a dreadful health crisis, but I don’t like to pry. Whatever it is, I do hope that everything turns out well.

    (((hugs))) for Michele. WOW, what an upheaval of a week for you! From the high of going to closing on a home, to the low of being in such a horrible car accident. I can empathize…when hubby and I went to closing on our home, we were so excited. Four days later, it was 9/11/2001. That sucked all the joy out of becoming homeowners. 🙁 I do hope that your insurance doesn’t give you too much of a hassle and you are able to get mobile again. I’m SO glad you weren’t hurt in the accident. And I hope the new job training goes very well for you!

    Thanks to Amy for the Wacky Lemon Fizz code. I was on vacation hiking up and down various mountains with no internet access for most of Wackyfest, so I haven’t gotten the grand prize for the Lemon Fizz yet. Fingers crossed that this code will unearth that prize on at least one of my accounts!

    moms, you don’t need to cave in and buy points just yet. You still haven’t claimed your prize of 30,000 estore points from Christmas in July! In fact, you haven’t yet told me whether you want me to send you the points or if you want me to shop for codes for you. Please let me know, thanks! 😉

  18. 18 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 10:17 pm

    Yes, Zingy – I got the Webkinz Cares Dining Table from one of the Ms. Birdy boxes

    still frustrates me after ALL those red tags i bought …

  19. 19 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 10:17 pm

    TLL – life gets so crazy!!

  20. 20 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 10:25 pm

    and ZINGY – you can add Webkinz Letter Blocks to your list of possible prizes from Ms Birdy

  21. 21 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 30, 2017 @ 10:27 pm




  22. 22 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie, luckywebbie, goldwebbie, nanananawebbie, poppopkinzatheart) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 2:24 am

    I like this because 100 percent of proceeds from their “Texas Forever” T-shirts will go toward restoring the homes and lives affected by Hurricane Harvey.

    You can purchase your own “Texas Forever” shirt for $26 now through Sept. 30 at MagnoliaMarket.com, and find more ways you can shop to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

  23. 23 gagagee said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 5:23 am

    Good Morning All !
    Lurker.. thank you for your thoughtful kind words.. taking one day at a time !
    You sure are adventuresome ! Did you see any unusual wild life on your hike?
    Moms.. thanks again for all of your work in hosting the giveaway and distributing all of the treasures !
    Opened helping paws box this morning and received a room divider… item will not load into the room ! Is happening on all accounts this morning.. will not load any items into the room… nor can I open any storage containers or closets!
    Hope they fix that glitch soon !
    Prayers for all of those effected by Harvey…
    Hope you all have a good day… and thoughts to all struggling with daily life

  24. 24 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 8:40 am

    good morning gaga – it is my pleasure – i’m the lucky elf :mrgreen:

    ugh, now i don’t even want to log in and get frustrated …

  25. 25 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 8:54 am

    gaga – like the dispenser issue, once you complete a pet request, everything works – containers, clothes, etc. – weird!

  26. 26 april1013 said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 9:02 am

    Good Morning all!
    TLL—Thank you for all the hard work getting the spoilers! Can’t wait for fall fest and apple picking to start. I love getting to see the sneak peeks!
    Thank you moms and zingy for all you do!!!
    dee—Thanks for the Houston ASPCA idea and to everyone for posting links.
    Prayers and thoughts for everyone there and here in need. &;hearts
    I got the Webkinz Cares place setting from Ms. Birdy.
    I hope they change the dock back, my brain finds alphabetized things confusing. :mrgreen:
    Hope everyone has a good day!

  27. 27 Boper911 said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 10:00 am

    Thanks so much for the spoilers!

    There’s so much to be excited about with these items! I love the countryside creek bridge, hoping it’s not estore as I will want a few! The apple farm picnic table and bench are beautiful- I’m guessing those will be from the sodas- maybe we’ll get a free code for it!

    Not a huge fan of the dark queen theme, but I do love the fireplace!

    I’m still on the fence about the dragon theme but I’m sure I’ll have to pick up a few items for room designs- especially the walls and floors!

    Fall is definitely my favorite season in WW- so many great items and things going on. But it is sooo busy. There are THREE floaty events THIS MONTH (September). Ganz needs to calm down! Hopefully I will have time to get what I need while balancing the first few weeks of classes!

    Speaking of classes- I go back next week! Super excited but will need to drastically cut back on WW. hehe. But it’s okay- I played so much WW this month that I’m almost burned out (but not really lol). I did PAN on all of my accounts 28 out of 31 possible times. So P.S. I have lots of extra PAN prizes, let me know if you need some 🙂

    I’m a little nervous about the dispensers if you know what I mean!!

    Not a fan of the dock changes- I really liked having all the walls/floors in one spot, made it easier to compare them when designing rooms. Same with wall items- I liked being able to see my entire collection in one spot and then decide which items to put in a room. I also liked the way clothing was divided by type, but I can understand why some people would like clothing to be fully alphabetized (good for costumes/matching outfits)

    Looks like I’ll have to hop on this Ms. Birdy clubhouse train. People are claiming to get some good prizes but I haven’t seen any proof…

    I also need to grab some points for my estore account with this sale. I don’t think I can last through Black Friday by the looks of all these spoilers!

    TMT, if you adopt the retriever, can you send me the PSF? I’m collecting those now 😀

    Gaga, so glad you liked the gift! Those items have been on your wishlist forever so I’m glad I was able to help you cross them off! Hope things get better at work 🙂

    Praying for taggy 🙁 🙁

    Zingy, how is Joi doing?

    TLL, can you PM me on WI? My username is Boper911. Thanks!

  28. 28 LeeAnn(wwid:noellepugh) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 10:45 am

    Thank you TLL for spoiling us with all the sneak peaks. I absolutely love that little mouse.
    Dock changes?? and a gift box?? I didn’t even know about these. Guess I’m off to have a quick peek at WW before heading to work.
    Have a great day everyone.

  29. 29 RubyCubes (WWID: clm88) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 12:27 pm

    Hi friends! I just want to pop in and say hi. I’ve had so much going on the past few days, no time to play WW or post. Took Dad (my cat) to a different vet for a second opinion because his behavior has further declined. Turns out, not only does he have a urinary tract infection, he has some kidney problems. I’ve had to completely change his diet and put him on medication, and depending on how this works, I may need to make some other changes within the next few weeks.

    I’ve got a lot going on today too. I love the new fall fest prizes. Thanks for posting all the updates TLL! I’m looking forward to September. I hope you all are doing well. I haven’t had time to read through all the posts and reply to individual comments, but I want to let you all know that I’m still here! 😀

    Hugs and warm smiles for everyone!

  30. 30 Cheese said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 2:22 pm

    Good morning/afternoon!

    Thank you so much for sharing these spoilers, TSL! Oh my gosh, there’s so much to look forward to :mrgreen: The Field Mouse Plushy is so cute! I also love the Green Apple and Maple Dipped Seeds 😀 And I bet you’re right about the Sweet Orchard Pie and Shake 😉 They look delicious! The dispensers also have me very excited :D And orange tree seeds? Yay! Those Minty Elephant Slippers are adorable as well, and October’s birthstone window is beautiful! Let’s just say that eStore Points have become a necessity, lol 😆 Especially with the 2017 Fall Super Mystery Bag debuting on Monday! SO excited :mrgreen: The TRs will be bustling!

    Hey, zingy! So far I’ve won some of the food prizes you mentioned from the Ms. Birdy Giftbox – If I win anything out of the ordinary, you’ll all be the first to know 😉

    I’m glad all of the contest prizes have been claimed! Thanks so much for distributing them, momskinz!

    Good luck with your classes, Boper! I also start next week 🙂 Hopefully when we’re back into routine we’ll be able to set aside time for our Webkinz activities!

    And ditto what you said about the dock change – Will definitely take some getting used to.

    Another Balloon Dartz is scheduled for today at 3 PM KinzTime – All of the prizes have been previously released: Blue Backpack, Green Backpack and Purple Notepad and Orange Pens.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  31. 31 Cheese said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 2:26 pm

    Ruby, I’m so sorry to hear about Dad. Wishing him a full recovery ♥

  32. 32 tmt5 (wwid tmt5) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 4:13 pm

    I adopted the retriever I’ll send food tonight Boper. Anyone else want some? I took some screen shots last night but was too tired to actually post them. They made it as far as the blog media library. Have to do some stuff for YD back later. Hope everyone had a good Thursday haven’t read everything yet.

  33. 33 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 6:05 pm

    I’m sorry to hear about Dad, RubyCubes 🙁 I hope he gets better soon.

    Tmt5 I would love a few of the new Retriever’s food, if that is ok. i can send coins to cover costs <3

    I'm nervous as I just listed my first item for sale on eBay. Im thinking of selling my sweet spice cat plush so i can buy new webkinz lol. I dont know what price to put though as i only see one other sweet spice cat on there and it has its code still. They want $47 for it. Any suggestions?

    Hugs, Mist <3

  34. 34 tmt5 (wwid tmt5) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 7:12 pm

    Thanks for the offer of coins Mist but it isn’t necessary. He is on my main account so plenty of kinz cash.

    Good luck selling your plush.

  35. 35 tmt5 (wwid tmt5) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 7:21 pm

    Poor Dad kitty, hope he feels better soon.

    OD has joined the fencing club. Hubby kept joking around about her taking the fencing class he wasn’t able to while she is there, living vicariously through her. Apparently she thought it sounded fun so when she saw the club at the organization fair she checked them out. 8pm to 10 pm Monday thru Thursday. Wish there had been a club back then, our entire friend group would of joined. We all tried to take the class but only one of us got in. Hubby used to like to mess around with his suitmates foil. Glad she is finding a physical activity to do. She is also looking into the Muggle Quidditch tomorrow night.

  36. 36 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 8:53 pm

    it’s all getting so busy with fall – and they are giving us a lot to keep up with, too!

    tmt – that’s a lot! i am hoping my oldest gets to the point to drive himself to some of his activities, but can you feel me gritting my teeth as i type that??? 😯

  37. 37 zingyginger said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 10:27 pm

    moms, sent you an email!!

  38. 38 zingyginger said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 10:48 pm

    got my first raikou today 🙂 we have the whole month to catch them, i know, but this takes the stress out of finding a decent one to power up. doesn’t the mustache look funny like it’s a paper mustache?


  39. 39 zingyginger said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 11:04 pm

    Just reading back now.

    So remember Joi went to the doc in July and found stage 4 cancer. She has been in the hospital since then. She posted an update:

    “I’ve been in rehab for 2 weeks and will be released on Sept. 1. I’ve completed a radiation treatment and am doing physical therapy, I can finally walk a few steps with a walker.

    However, they have NOT been able to find the source of the cancer after all the blood work, scans and biopsies!! They want to do things over again but I am very frustrated and at this point I want to get a second opinion. All this time (since early July) and the actual cancer isn’t being treated. I am currently exploring options of going elsewhere once I am released from here.”

    I wish they had found the primary already but I’m relieved that she sounds more positive than last time she posted when she was mostly saying goodbye to everyone.

    My thoughts and prayers are with joi, taggylou and everyone in need of healing and support.

  40. 40 zingyginger said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 11:14 pm

    Thanks again to TLL for all the lovely sneak peeks! I’m in agreement with several – that mouse is just too cute!

    Thanks again to Cheese and the Secret Santa for spoiling us! You rock!

    Rubycubes, sorry to hear your kitty isn’t doing too well still. Hope the meds + change in diet does the trick!

    tmt, that’s one darling webbie and awesome PSI too! Congrats! What name did you settle on? And how does Muggle Quidditch work?

    Mist, good luck on your ebay listing! I haven’t a clue on the price to set but Rubycubes would probably have a better idea. You can also try to do an advanced search on eBaby for completed sales to see what price it has sold in the recent past.

  41. 41 tmt5 (wwid tmt5) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 11:21 pm

    Thanks for adding the pictures of the puppy for me. I named him Sir Chester Devonshire. Been in and out all evening first football game that the marching band was at of the season, they had one game while the band was at camp. YD was very hyper after her going to her first high school football game. They even won. My 13 year old looked more 15 with the make up they put on her. The band boys all know she is only in 8th grade at least.

    OD still doesn’t have her driver’s license but she can bike, walk and take the bus on campus. The fun part for me is it takes 2 hours one way to pick her up. She couldn’t have a car on campus anyway, first years aren’t allowed. Going tomorrow to get her after the quidditch practice. Good luck to you momskinz on getting him to drive to some of his activities himself. YD is doing dance Monday and Wednesday and Color guard is pretty much all the other days of the week except Sunday. I will be very happy when it is over in November then I can go back to only having to worry about middle school stuff not high school for a few months.

  42. 42 tmt5 (wwid tmt5) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 11:25 pm

    Congratulations on the pokemon Zingy :). Hubby was what the heck is that. Haven’t seen one yet. No one around to be able to battle the big ones with so we haven’t gotten any other legendaries even though we have seen the fire ones many times.

  43. 43 tmt5 (wwid tmt5) said,

    August 31, 2017 @ 11:31 pm

    Muggle Quidditch This seemed easiest to explain.


    Both my girls play the beaters position. Although YD has been seeker and snitch as well. There is often play ground equipment in the areas where their library teams played it was funny watching the kids chase her around the jungle gym trying to catch her and she has sat in a short tree before while playing the snitch. These are college students I believe in the video the teams they have played on the players ranged in age from about 11 to 20 years old with most of them 13 to 16. The traveling college teams can be dangerous Older is only looking to do the occasional on campus game. Trips to the emergency room for the college kids are pretty common. They don’t have protective gear and it is legal to actually toss a player in order to score. The younger kids don’t touch each other or do any of the crazy stuff but it is contact at the college level. Mostly just light shoving and bumping into people.

  44. 44 tmt5 said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 5:19 am

    I have an extra pirate cove cave, need a pirate cove campfire.

    I got the Fizzy ginger soda dispenser if anyone wants the drink from it.

  45. 45 gagagee said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 7:47 am

    Good Morning !
    Zingy.. congrats on getting the Raikou.. Not sure what all that means but I am happy you found one !!
    Boper.. Good Luck next week for the beginning of your classes… Please drop in and let us know how things are going at school !
    Ruby.. sorry to hear that Dad is still not doing to well.. maybe the new ? renal diet will help… hope it is not too serious…
    moms.. thanks for the tip… able to access storage.. place things in room..
    I know you need nerves of steel when kids start driving !
    dee… good luck with sending dd back to college.. will be thinking about all of you as you readjust to empty nest…
    To all who are struggling with health issues sending thoughts and prayers..
    Joi.. taggy.. and those here who need strength and support..
    Busy day planned but hope to get started on all of the activities in WW..
    Have a good day !

  46. 46 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 8:13 am

    Hi Tmt5, I have the campfire, do you have an extra soda dispenser? I can add for it if you do❤️

  47. 47 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 8:22 am

    good morning!

    ah – the 2 hour one way drive – at least that is good time to listen to audio books, but ugh! and the gas … blah

  48. 48 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 8:23 am

    it is SEPTEMBER

    gosh where does the time go??? i blinked & poof!

  49. 49 nitabuggy (WWID Wophy) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 9:12 am

    Worked for literally 5 mins today. Now a 4 day weekend!!! I can handle that!!

  50. 50 nitabuggy (WWID Wophy) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 9:28 am

    My monthly gift box is not on my account. Does anyone else have this problem??

  51. 51 Amy (ARS217) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 10:06 am

    Nita – I have not received my deluxe gift box either.

    Received a Webkinz Cares Dining Chair from Ms. Birdy.

    Thank you TLL for sharing the spoilers. That is why I am always lurking on this site. :mrgreen:

  52. 52 shorty said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 3:21 pm

    It looks like the Ganz Rewards items have changed again. I received mostly Webkinz Cares items from Ms. Birdy. She is also giving away three types of cupcakes.

    TLL — thanks for all of the spoilers that you posted.

    Ruby — sorry to hear about Dad. I also used to have a cat who had kidney problems. I hope that your cat gets better soon.

  53. 53 dee said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 4:01 pm

    hey all
    rain rain rain rain rain

    have not read up nor read the post

    hoping all are well…….

  54. 54 dee said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 4:04 pm

    we have gotten over eight inches since midnite (not sure how much before that)

    nothing like Harvey…….but quite the mess here

  55. 55 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 4:38 pm

    dee – yours is Harvey, but you’re getting the tropical storm version not the hurricane version – i saw photos of his wake in Memphis & Nashville

  56. 56 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 4:44 pm

    Look how this baby is growing – he’s so fluffy!

  57. 57 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie, luckywebbie, goldwebbie, nanananawebbie, poppopkinzatheart) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 5:10 pm

    Sending special prayers to all our members and their families.

  58. 58 shellybrayley (WWID) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 5:20 pm

    Hello my Friends! 😀

    Wow Momskinz your moms kitten is sure Beautiful ! Is he/she part persian ?

    Off to WW for a bit now,
    Hope all my Friends are having a Happy & Healthy Friday! 😀

    Have an Awesome Long Weekend my Friends! :mrgreen:

  59. 59 Mist (WWID sunshinepaws) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 8:08 pm

    Moms your kitty is too cute!! ❤️

  60. 60 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    September 1, 2017 @ 8:29 pm

    He is a Siberian – he is gorgeous, and he is such a cat in personality. I want him to love me, but you know typical cat – it’s all on his terms. *sigh*

    I made a new post for chatting – let’s move it to here:


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