July 2015 Pets

Black Cocker Spaniel

PSI: Comfy Classic Recliner & PSF: Black Licorice Sorbet

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Merry Go Round Pony

PSI: Carousel Chariot Bench & PSF: Pretty Popcorn

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The Merry Go Round Pony’s PSI is in a bonus gift box that includes a Merry Go Round Saddle and Merry Go Round  Bridle.

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POTM Mohawk Puppy

PSI: Rocking Wardrobe & PSF: Punksicles




Winners of the Summer 2015 Mystery Bag Contest Are:
Taggylou (Patsie won with comment 375 but she is gifting her bag to Taggy, thank you Patsie)

I sent the codes to Momskinz before the contest started, and she emailed them to the winners.


  1. 1 LeeAnn (ww: noellepugh) said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 10:42 pm

    I just got home from work.. super busy after being closed the 4 days. I see I missed the BEAR TAPESTRY. boohoo. If there is anyone that has an extra they are willing to trade please let me know. And tell me what you are looking for.;
    Patsie, I’m glad you got a final answer about your estore points. Now you don’t have to worry about spending them… enjoy!

  2. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 10:44 pm

    thanks again tmt for the giveaway!!! 🙂

    leeann – i have an extra that i will send you – i got 3, so i’ll send one to you and one to cocomac (she missed it too) & that still leaves me one – happy happy! 🙂

  3. 3 Patsie said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 10:45 pm

    Hi everyone.

  4. 4 Patsie said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 10:45 pm

    Thanks for getting the scoop on why points can’t be moved to the eStore from the in game account Shelly. The explanation you received makes sense but it is still frustrating/upsetting.

    Does anyone know if clothing bags or bundles can be sent if they are not opened?

    What phone do you have Krafty and do you like it? I am probably going to get a new Android phone and want a fairly recent one. I have the Samsung Galaxy S3 right now.

  5. 5 Patsie said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 10:50 pm

    Thanks for the contest, tmt. I love how the blog has tons of new members and some of the older members have returned. 🙂

    Does anyone else have an Android phone? I saw stagemom’s reply.

  6. 6 stagemom (WI: stagemom, ozshares) said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 11:03 pm

    Un-opened clothing bags can NOT be sent via kinz post, most bags contain one item that is kinz postable and one item that is not.

    Un-opened bundles are also NOT able to be sent via kinz post.

    You will need to look at the Ganz estore to see which items are kinz postable/tradeable and available for purchase in game.

  7. 7 KinzGramAtHeart (WWID gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie AW said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 11:13 pm

    Thanks for the Great contest TMT

    Have you been to Amazing World? They have new prizes on the wheel.

  8. 8 LeeAnn (ww: noellepugh) said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 11:22 pm

    Momskinz… thank you very much for the tapestry. I was frustrated when I saw what I had missed. What can I send you?

  9. tmt5 said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 11:37 pm

    No KInzgram I haven’t been on AW thank you.

    Momskinz if you are still up I sent you an email.

  10. 10 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 11:39 pm

    LeeAnn – no need to send anything! happy i was able to grab a couple of extras to share when i was on the go 😉

    note to iphone users: the photon app saves the day again! $ well spent for this girl! 😀

  11. 11 shellybrayley (WWID) said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 11:40 pm

    Thanks for the Contest tmt5! & Congratulations to the Winners! 😀
    Well been up to late again tonight & once again falling asleep! So off to bed for me. Goodnight My Friends :mrgreen:

  12. 12 Gwenda(wk2nd) said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 11:49 pm

    Congratz to all the winners!! Thanks for the contest 🙂
    Congratz to all who got bear tapestry!

  13. 13 stagemom (WI: stagemom, ozshares) said,

    July 2, 2015 @ 11:52 pm

    tmt5 Thank you for the awesome contest!

    Congrats to all the winners!!

    Sending NO CHERRY HAT vibes!! LOL


  14. 14 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:06 am

    Patsie, I had a Samsung Galaxy S3 which I loved. I now have a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and I am in cell phone heaven. I love it. I have Android tablets too. I am definitely an Android girl and a Samsung Android girl. Though I am interested t see and test a Samsung OS.

  15. 15 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:07 am

    Tmt5, thanks so very much for the awesome contest!

    Pre congrats to the winners! W00T!

  16. 16 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:08 am

    Oops on me .. I missed the listing of the winners … congrats all y’all!

  17. 17 tmt5 said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:08 am

    I posted the winners on this post below the pet pictures. Congratulations.

  18. 18 KinzGramAtHeart (WWID gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie AW said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:08 am

    I won a mystery bag, this is fantastic.
    Thanks so much TMT for the contest.
    I am so excited, I can’t wait to see what is inside.

  19. 19 tmt5 said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:09 am

    Hi Krafty.

  20. 20 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:12 am

    Ditto on the no cherry hats .. oy vay

  21. 21 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:21 am

    I didn’t make it to bed, yet, so I just emailed out the codes!

    THANKS TMT5!!!

    SO MUCH FUN!!!! 😀

  22. 22 Gwenda(wk2nd) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:33 am

    Has anyone gotten queen bee glasses they would trade?

  23. 23 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:33 am

    I got:
    Diamond Ring Headband
    Rock Diva Graphic Tee

    no rainbow fairy dress or wig to fulfill taggy’s wishes, but still neat 🙂 woo hoo!!!

    Thanks again tmt! gotta say, it’s quite exciting opening it, and it could be addictive like slot machines or something lol

  24. 24 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:35 am

    and i guess it’s good i didn’t get the cherry hat even though i don’t have that either so *shrugs* rofl

    ok – bed. seriously!

  25. 25 Gwenda(wk2nd) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:35 am

    I guess peeps got a lot of cherry hats. I just got a few bags but only 2 were cherry hats.

  26. 26 LeeAnn (ww: noellepugh) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:38 am

    Moms.. what is the photon app??

  27. 27 Gwenda(wk2nd) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:40 am

    Moms congratz !! I love tbe headband! Yay for you!
    I do think the cherry hat is cute use the chic shoes with a chocolate dress…… Makes me think of cherry cordials. 🙂

  28. 28 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:43 am

    Hey Sis! Congrats!

    Hey Tmt!!

  29. 29 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:44 am

    did anyone of you missed out on the medieval bear tapestry or the magic w hat code from the estore/FB code giveaway (more info on hat http://www.thelamberts.com/webkinz_blog/?p=33038)???

  30. 30 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:44 am

    The photon app is a browser for iDevices that has a feature to allow flash. I got it on my ipad, it costs but is worth it.

  31. 31 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:47 am

    leeann – Photon is an app that i have on my iphone & ipad that allows you to run websites that use flash, so i can log in WW from my phone or my ipad (but my ipad has to have wifi to connect)

    i think the app was around $5, but it has worked great for me
    you open the app
    click a lightning bolt symbol
    then go to webkinz.com & log in like normal
    it’s slower, but works great to do an hourly or grab a rare or something especially …

  32. 32 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:48 am

    or ditto what krafy said 😉

    okay, really, bed!

    now! toodles! goodnight! sweet dreams!

  33. 33 LeeAnn (ww: noellepugh) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:48 am

    OMG!!! I’m off to research this.. wow thanks for the heads up

  34. 34 tmt5 said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:54 am

    I didn’t get the bear tapestry today but I checked because it look familiar and I actually got it from the wheel back then.

  35. 35 zingyginger said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:55 am

    Thanks for an awesome contest, tmt!

    Congrats to all the winners!

    May you never see a cherry hat in any of your bags!

  36. 36 zingyginger said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:58 am

    LeeAnn, I would hold off on buying the photon at least until July 8.

    Chrome is ditching flash in September 2015 so Ganz won’t be able to use flash to show ads and you know how Ganz feels about their ads.

    When Webkinz X comes out on July 8, it may no longer require flash.

  37. 37 taggylou wwid (waffer9) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 1:51 am

    Big congrats to the contest winners. I hope you get something WONDERFUL.

    Patsie so sweet of you to think of me. Thank you so very much for your thoughtfulness. Don’t forget to make your selection from the list for today. I’ll let you know what is in the bag. ((((hugs))))

    Mom, I am sending you a cherry hat. I have a few extra and everybody should one.

    If you have not made your selection from the list today, please do so.

    Goodnight one and all. See you later.

  38. 38 stagemom (WI: stagemom, ozshares) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 8:26 am

    Wait, what? I won!?! Oh my! *Jazz hand to chest and mouth agape…

    “I’d like to thank the Kinzvile Academy…”

    tmt5 Thank You!! I had no idea I had won, yay!! Congrats to all the winners!!

    Going to open my bag now! *Exits stage right with a twinkle in her eye and a huge grin 🙂

  39. 39 stagemom (WI: stagemom, ozshares) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 8:37 am

    OH my gosh…the good luck just keeps coming!

    You will never guess what was in my bag, (drum roll please)…

    A POPCORN HAT!! I got the outfit in an earlier bag so I have the full costume now! YAY!! Oh, and I got Captain Webkinz Boots.

    So Taggy, now you and I will both have Webbies that are ready for the runway!

    Whoo Hoo, off to decide who the luck pet shall be that gets to wear it.
    Happy, Happy, Happy!!

    Thanks again tmt!!


  40. 40 stagemom (WI: stagemom, ozshares) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 8:45 am

    Proverbs 11:25
    A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

    Keep Paying it Forward, it works!


  41. 41 Gwenda(wk2nd) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 9:46 am

    Awesome stage mom!!!!

  42. 42 Gwenda(wk2nd) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 9:48 am

    Awesome stage mom!!!! I was hoping you would get it!

  43. 43 Gwenda(wk2nd) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 9:52 am

    If anyone got an extra bear tapestry I would like to trade for that . I have toady off 🙂
    Need to get boo some shoes he just keeps growing and growing

  44. 44 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 10:13 am

    I have extra Bear Tapestries, Gwenda, I’ll send a couple your way 🙂

    My FFQ hasn’t grown taller but has invest a lot of energy in .. filling out .. in all girlie places … YIKES!! lol and her sister PB78 too ..

  45. 45 zingyginger said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 10:28 am

    Congrats, stagemom!

  46. 46 taggylou wwid (waffer9) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 10:33 am

    Congrats Stagemom. I shall look forward to seeing what lucky pet of yours is going to wear the outfit. I am delighted you got the hat after you so generously sent the other one to me. (((hugs))). You are the bestest.

  47. 47 zingyginger said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 10:39 am

    Who is ARS217? Have they ever said hello here other than to ask and get the items on taggy’s giveaway?

  48. 48 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 10:40 am

    Congrats Stagemom!

  49. 49 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:02 am

    I have never heard of that ID before, Zingy.

  50. 50 taggylou wwid (waffer9) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:08 am

    I received a FR from them zingy and accepted since I assumed it was a member here that had another account. I sent the items they requested.

    Krafty, unfortunately the pink cupcake chair was listed twice, the second being cupcake chair. Sigh. I have reserved the blue zingos and the pink cupcake chair for you so please make another selection to fill up the kinzpost.

    Ummm, I do not think I will send anymore giveaways to ars217 unless they identify themselves. Lets see if they send a thank you note not that I want one everytime I send something but will be interesting to see if they respond.

  51. 51 Patsie said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:20 am

    Howdy everyone, how are you?

  52. 52 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:20 am

    I thought they might be the same thing, Taggy, but there is another cupcake chair other than the pink one ..

    Could I please have the Crusin deck chair

  53. 53 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:22 am

    Gwnenda .. I sent a Bear tapestry to wk4th from sappeldorn and one from kittydqueen to wk2nd

    No trade necessary 😀 I am glad I could get extras to share.

  54. 54 Patsie said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:25 am

    There is an Ars217 if you Google Ars 217 Webkinz, but the search results only show Webkinz Newz.

    Taggylou, I hope you like the clothing bag, but are you sure a person can have too many cherry hats?

    Thank you so much for everything. 🙂

  55. 55 Patsie said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:30 am

    The Google search phrase is supposed to have Ars217 as one word not two.

  56. 56 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:30 am

    A bit ago … I brought one of the 3 newborn kittens in my room to bottle feed him … so yes he was yelling … cause he was hungry lol .. Ezzy doesn’t like it when kittens cry like that … I sit down and Ezzy comes over and sniffs the kitten and then goes to sit on her scratchy lounge chair while I feed the baby … he (Berzerker) finally finishes eating and I’m wiping his mouth and he starts yacking again .. so Ezzy decides it MUST be Dundee’s fault that the kitten is crying so she goes to the dog and is about to whack on him lol … I stop her but Dundee just sits there shaking hahahahaha

  57. 57 Patsie said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:35 am

    Does anyone have a picture of a Webkinz Salon they have made?

    Taggylou, I am trying to decide if I want your salon dryer chair since I have my own Glam Boutique bags to pick items from still.

  58. 58 Patsie said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:40 am

    Poor Dundee. How old is Ezzy now, Krafty?

    I will be back after I eat breakfast.

  59. 59 stagemom (WI: stagemom, ozshares) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:54 am

    Krafty, Chickadee and I fostered orphaned kittens for an organization for several years. Poor doggie getting blamed when he’s just minding his own business.

    Patsie, Here is a link to my Salon: http://tinypic.com/m/iy05c5/2

  60. 60 KinzGramAtHeart (WWID gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie AW said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 11:58 am

    This is my very first clothing bag and I won:
    Queen Bee Honeycomb Heels
    Enchanted Wings

    Thanks again for a great contest.

  61. 61 stagemom (WI: stagemom, ozshares) said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:00 pm

    Forgive me if this doesn’t work, going to try various codes to see if they work.

    If not, here is a link to Tony, named for the Tony Awards in the Popcorn Outfit. Yes he is a boy, but it’s theater so it’s not a big deal that he’s a cross dresser. LOL


  62. 62 KinzGramAtHeart (WWID gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie AW said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:06 pm

    Amazing World new prizes on the wheel are:
    Super Sunflower Seeds
    Super Moonflower Seeds
    Rainbow Burst Berries
    Pink and Blue Rug
    Artsy Green Rug
    Crank Well
    Tech Pack
    I have had a very difficult time winning anything.
    Just curious has anyone won all the prizes?

  63. 63 zingyginger said,

    July 3, 2015 @ 12:10 pm

    Love the outfit, stagemom! ♥

    Moving us over to the new post:

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