Kentucky Derby
THE derby is at 6:24 pm kinztime on Saturday. If you want to enter, picks must be submitted no later than 6 pm kinztime Saturday.
Format please
1 – winner
2 – place
3 – show
for example, my picks are 1. Dortmund 2. Danzig Moon 3. Far Right
IF anyone picks all three correctly, I will be shocked! and a prize will be given out.
If only winners are correct……I will figure something out…
1 shellybrayley (WWID) I am looking for Year 2, 3 & 7 Group Prints. said,
May 1, 2015 @ 5:43 pm
I have never played the derby so here is my guess’s hope I did right 😀
1 – winner – Materiality
2- place – Firing Line
3- show – War Story
2 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:26 am
FFQ!!! Thank you for my kinzpost surprise! I am so excited!!! Thank you!
I didn’t have one of those items at all and have been looking for an extra of the others for decorating. 🙂 <3
3 boper911 said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:26 am
1 – winner – American Pharoah
2 – place – Dortmund
3 – show – Frosted
I’ve never done this before 😮
4 dee said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:35 am
poppin in
did a circuit of flea markets and yard sales
came home for bagels and now we are off a “city” wide yard sale
ha ha
the city has mayb 400 people in it…..
I bought a lovely handmade basket (signed) off some amish lady….
very pretty
5 dee said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:35 am
and gwenda asked on last post about kates baby name
silly girl……..only the serfs name babies when they are born!
6 dee said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:36 am
and my derby picks were
1. dormund
2. danzig moon
3 far right
7 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:44 am
My picks:
1. Firing Line
2. Carpe Diem
3. Itsaknockout (In honor of tonight’s fight)
8 zingyginger said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:45 am
1 – winner American Pharoah
2- place Dortmund
3- show Carpe Diem
9 zingyginger said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:48 am
Here’s what I named the dragons so far
Sweet Surprise
Annie Versary
Lord TENnyson
Minokawa (bird-dragon in Filipino folklore)
Ms Perfect Ten
Cinder Ella
I can’t make up my mind about the last dragon – Smaug? Norbert (Harry Potter)? I love Catmom’s TEN der Foot!
Heres another room I made:
10 zingyginger said,
May 2, 2015 @ 12:01 pm
days seem to be running into each other for me lately so in case i thought i posted my thanks for the very pretty well and didn’t, i’m reposting my thanks to moms!
also, thanks again to ffq for the code and the fun guesswork! still laughing over dee’s comment re your pet choice over your mom’s.
11 zingyginger said,
May 2, 2015 @ 12:04 pm
time to get FREE year 10 counters on NA!
12 tmt5 said,
May 2, 2015 @ 12:06 pm
1. Frosted
2. Upstart
3. American Pharoah
13 boper911 said,
May 2, 2015 @ 12:07 pm
Zingy, I named one of my Norbert (from HP obviously). And that room is awesome!
14 Catmom(ggmomcat) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 12:20 pm
Awesome room Zingy, great to see you again. Life has been crazy, we are hosting International student’s on a full time basis. It is very fun and a great learning curve for all of us. Love all the names. We also used Mr. D. Tennant.
Thanks for all the welcomes from everyone.
15 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 12:41 pm
My picks
1. American Pharoah
2. Dortmund
3. Firing Line
16 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Invisible Car, Classic Gamers Lamp, Blue Wackys, Endangered theme items, POTM items (AW Ivy Puddleshrub, Dappledatom) (PB78 AW is furrcalasight) (FFQ AW is moonistashower) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 12:50 pm
We are .. now .. in a rush to get ready to leave the house … in BOB’s head he knew and believed we somehow knew … when to get ready to go look at a car ..
oy! He was not in a decent mood last night … RL interfering with him watching TV til he fell asleep … cause .. well … yeah …
Didn’t need to deal with his new mood/tantrum last night on top of other family issues that were/are very upsetting …
Will pick Derby horses, hopefully in time, maybe when we re on the road. Always have tech with me … 😉
I LOVE THE HAT THE WEBBIE IS WEARING I THE PIC, … I must have it .. if I don’t already lol
Dee’s pet code comment will live on in infamy 😉
17 dee said,
May 2, 2015 @ 1:05 pm
thanks to ffq for the gift and thanks to whomever did up the derby post!
saw something at a sale and wishing I had bought it….. I did not have change to bargain tho…..
also saw a fluffy white rabbit webbie with tag! six bucks….no clue what it was tho…very poofy
18 gramma (BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 1:30 pm
19 gramma (BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 1:32 pm
Out of practice on my BOLD code. 😳
20 kinzgramatheart(gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie,sparkleprincess56; said,
May 2, 2015 @ 1:36 pm
Is there a list of the prizes awarded for clicking of the floating “W” in WW?
I won a rug the other day
21 kinzgramatheart(gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie,sparkleprincess56;AWsoftfuzzglory; said,
May 2, 2015 @ 1:38 pm
I rarely see the floating “W”, do you have any luck seeing it?
22 Patsie said,
May 2, 2015 @ 2:50 pm
Hi friends, how are you today?
23 Patsie said,
May 2, 2015 @ 3:00 pm
Here are my Kentucky Derby picks:
1. American Pharaoh
2. Mubtaahji
3. Carpe Diem
24 Patsie said,
May 2, 2015 @ 3:15 pm
Bye until later, since I am alone and need to go do homework that is due tonight.
25 gramma (BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 3:23 pm
Thank you, BOLD fairy! ☺ï¸
26 FamousFashionQueen~ FamousDinoQueen, FamousLoveQueen, TwilightSagaFinatic, FamousTradingQueen WISHING: Tiger Snake PSI, Lemon Lime Gecko PSI {AW: Moonistashower} said,
May 2, 2015 @ 4:22 pm
I’m glad everyone like their gifts!!!
I’m so excited for Kate’s baby and I can’t wait for the name. I know she now has a crown and Camilla is all shade of upset about that. Good lol.
I might need to figure out how to post pics in comments so I can share Deca Luhv’s room with everyone, it’s so cute ^_^
27 kinzgramatheart(gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie,sparkleprincess56;AWsoftfuzzglory; said,
May 2, 2015 @ 4:37 pm
I am so happy the baby was girl.
28 dee said,
May 2, 2015 @ 5:40 pm
ffq – are you not a little young to be dissing Camilla?
take it from someone who watched the whole Diana engagement/wedding/babies blah blah blah
NOT that I followed it or anything 🙂
…..altho I did tear up when I heard she died…..just freaked me…..ask my dh!
29 dee said,
May 2, 2015 @ 6:50 pm
American Pharoah is unofficial winner
I will post official results when they become available
I see four peeps who picked that……….
what are the odds of that happening? ha ha ha ha
30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 6:54 pm
Firing line for 2nd – odds were 5:2 on American Pharoah
31 zingyginger said,
May 2, 2015 @ 6:55 pm
American Pharaoh beats Firing Line and Dortmund.
KGH picked all 3!
32 zingyginger said,
May 2, 2015 @ 6:58 pm
Made another room while waiting for the race. This is based on a layout of one of gramma’s rooms.
33 zingyginger said,
May 2, 2015 @ 7:03 pm
Wheel of Yum on NA now
I sent you an email, dee.
34 gramma (BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 7:57 pm
Zingy, your rooms are gorgeous!!
35 dee said,
May 2, 2015 @ 8:05 pm
well this should be very interesting as I did not predict four winners!
36 zingyginger said,
May 2, 2015 @ 8:06 pm
Aww, thanks, gramma!
Do you recognize the layout of the 2nd room? It’s based on your sweetheart bed room.
37 dee said,
May 2, 2015 @ 8:12 pm
zingy, I may have to give you my password to make some pretty rooms………sadly the acct with stuff has a gigantor dock!
38 dee said,
May 2, 2015 @ 8:14 pm
so I see kgh as overall winner
patsie, zingy and boper as others
the rest of us……….well we had fun and got to put on our fancy hats and all
which is kind of funny, as dh and were up and attem for sales this morning so I just put on my Grumpy ballcap that I got at Disney…….so I did wear a hat today!
39 gramma (BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 8:41 pm
Zingy, until you told me I really couldnt think which room. lol. Also, the different theme gives it a whole other look. I love how you used the 10 pictures to frame the windows. I haven’t bought the theme on any accounts yet. Guess I should get busy. ðŸ˜
40 tmt5 said,
May 2, 2015 @ 9:47 pm
Lovely room design Zingy.
41 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 9:54 pm
i love that room so much that i expect to make a very decent imitation in the near future 🙂
42 tmt5 said,
May 2, 2015 @ 10:36 pm
Question for you guys OD had a neighbor friend that moved a couple of years ago that we played webkinz with. I tried to email her mom to remind her about the anniversary but the work email didn’t go through. OD dropped her cell phone a couple of weeks ago and it broke so we lost the girl’s phone number. Turns out OD’s phone was never backed up. She thought it was automatically doing it because the pictures were showing up on the phones of the rest of the family. I have had permission to go on Neighbor girl’s account to do stuff for her for years and talked to her about it as recent as last summer so I waited until 11:30 pm and went on just in case. It is her original account but a secondary one now. Her cousins had her password for this one so she open a new account years ago. I know she was on there last summer because she adopted a new pet. It is likely she won’t go on this account until school gets out. She is in High School. Should I wait a couple of weeks and just adopt the dragon on for her or just let the code expire if she doesn’t use it. There is a good chance even if she goes on there she won’t see the code. Also I have earned a far amount of kinz cash on there for her just spinning the wheel of wow and logging out should I buy the furniture for her to send to her current account or is that one step too far? I normally just do gift boxes, send stuff from the news and occasionally do collections.
43 zingyginger said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:07 pm
i wouldn’t let the dragon code expire. and i would buy enough furniture specially if there’s enough kc.
now if you think you’d remember to do it close to May 8 (May 7?) for furniture and close to May 28 (is that 30 days?) for the dragon code, in case you think she’d log on, even better.
i was babysitting an account years ago and noticed that the hop bunny code wasn’t used and i made sure i used it before it expired and the owner thanked me later for doing it since she wouldn’t have remembered to adopt it on time.
44 zingyginger said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:09 pm
thanks for the kind words on the room, it really helps when i find a layout i like. makes it easier to make the room tho it still takes time for me to pick out the accessories.
the good and the bad about big docks, pain to open them but it’s great being able to pick and choose the right shades of color for a room.
sometimes i wish our docks could be organized by color – not helpful for trading and looking for a specific item but wonderful for decorating.
here’s another room i made using a layout i’ve liked in the past.
45 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:23 pm
asian accts click for the stove free
46 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:25 pm
zingy – beautiful!!!
47 tmt5 said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:26 pm
Great accessorizing.
48 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
May 2, 2015 @ 11:38 pm
Love the lay out, what a room.
Congrats to me
I am so excited, I won.
Thanks for the fun contest.
49 zingyginger said,
May 3, 2015 @ 12:07 am
Congrats, kgh and the other winners! Did you put money on the horses?
Thanks to dee for a fun contest!
50 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
May 3, 2015 @ 12:57 am
So I am in AW
and finally find someone who has the valentine hearts I need
but by asking for them
guess what
I am silenced
I cannot chat for day
Crazy place
51 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
May 3, 2015 @ 1:07 am
and anyone else that plays AW with me.
Can you please explain to our friends that I have been silenced.
I sent them an e-mail, but I doubt it will help.
Very upset
52 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
May 3, 2015 @ 1:08 am
I wish I had put money on the horses.
I don’t know how to do that but if I knew then what I know now, I would have found a way. lol
GREAT contest.
53 tmt5 said,
May 3, 2015 @ 2:03 am
Congrats kinzgram on the contest win.
Sorry about getting silenced. Maze got silenced the other day too. Her’s chat was back up last night. How long is the account silenced for? I am going on AW in a few minutes. Seems to be less picky about what is said on message instead of open talk. Might be safer on there for more complicated conversations. Not sure how chat is monitored but if it is people, the silencing seems to come in groups I swear there are completely different rules any given day and at least some of the employees silence for very little. So far don’t say any online names like face book, you tube, nakamas or webkinz. Don’t mention stores of any kind besides estore. Ganz news seems to be OK but only most of the time. I think I might of gotten a warning one time for that but have said other times no problem. Avoid saying words that are slang for anything inappropriate multiple times. I think we got in trouble for track ball. Avoid adult conversations unless on message. There can be a lag from what you said that they didn’t like until the warning or silence. So the trading conversation may not of been the problem could of been something you said earlier. Although I saw someone get silenced for you tube in about a minute. When my account got silenced for the week I didn’t find out until I logged in the next morning. I was on for awhile after the conversation with Craggs. I got a warning the other day for just trying to tell someone which plastic zing I got the fire swing from. They don’t seems to want you to say the names they gave the zings. I think that was a second warning for trying to tell someone what a zing is called commercially. There was someone on yesterday telling the kids that Bush destroyed the towers. Wonder if they lost chat. Wanted to tell them to stop it but figured the way things are on there I would of been the one to lose chat.
54 FamousFashionQueen~ FamousDinoQueen, FamousLoveQueen, TwilightSagaFinatic, FamousTradingQueen WISHING: Tiger Snake PSI, Lemon Lime Gecko PSI {AW: Moonistashower} said,
May 3, 2015 @ 2:08 am
Otay Shelly, I just sent your gift ^_^ sorry it took so long!
55 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
May 3, 2015 @ 2:13 am
It would be nice to know exactly what you said when silenced, so you will remember to never say that again.
Do you think it might have been this: oxoxoxoxoxox
56 zingyginger said,
May 3, 2015 @ 3:18 am
Sorry ’bout getting silenced. Maybe ask Steve Webkinz to look into the rules; they sound somewhat arbitrary to me.
New post: