Let’s Play
I have a husky code to giveaway. Not only is it the retiring pet of the month (yoo hoo sailboats), it is also an adventure park pet!
Plus it is adorable. Tell me what you know about Alaska or what you thought about Alaska, or if you even know where Alaska is. Most creative/entertaining answer wins.
1 zingyginger said,
December 5, 2014 @ 11:57 pm
A few minutes left to get this from the Asian Curio
1 pm rare Neo Gothic Nightstand 150 KC (reg)
2 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
December 6, 2014 @ 2:43 am
I was reading some of the comments about cell phones.
They are SO expensive.
Do you know of any good deals?
I hate contracts too.
3 zingyginger said,
December 6, 2014 @ 2:53 am
you have to go thru AT&T for this but it’s only $30 for a no contract smartphone
4 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 6, 2014 @ 7:20 am
good morning! sorry i vanished yesterday – got so busy and never got back 🙁 didn’t even get to login until after midnight *sniff*
we had dh’s holiday party for work last night, too – so busy busy but a good day
i got messed up on my Christmas shopping for one item – anyone know of a good deal on a fitbit? my order was canceled on the great sale i got thanksgiving weekend and the other sale ended, too 🙁 i don’t want to pay retail! lol
5 dee said,
December 6, 2014 @ 9:00 am
oh my
these pics are wonderful
6 dee said,
December 6, 2014 @ 9:01 am
I just saw a fitbit ad……….hmmm
7 dee said,
December 6, 2014 @ 9:02 am
right now she pays 35 dollars a month for a v I r g I n mobile plan
the phone is almost three years old and dh says it is poopy, plus it has been dropped a lot
mostly texting…occasional phone calls
8 zingyginger said,
December 6, 2014 @ 10:16 am
my hon had a fitbit for years (several actually, some destroyed by moisture, one lost etc), the latest one he had was the force
but the bracelet fell apart after less than a year and when he contacted them, the company is no longer selling the force (issues with skin irritation, etc)
so he got a jawbone recently for $40 somewhere
if you are willing to consider an alternative, when he wakes up, i’ll ask where he got it on sale
9 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 6, 2014 @ 1:16 pm
Advantages of a smart phone: Navigation (voice) , unlimited calls and texting, mobile internet, the contract phones have the ability to hotspot for other devices. Since we are on the road a lot and school work still needs to get done, being able to have mobile internet is very important.
In two years there will be no contracts, they will be all pay as you go. So says the Verizon salesguy that helped us last Saturday.
10 zingyginger said,
December 6, 2014 @ 2:48 pm
data is kinda expensive tho unless someone needs it
i did the calculation for the 3 big carriers, AT&T, Tmobile and Verizon and tmobile was the cheapest, Verizon the most expensive.
even with all the deals, the “cheap” deals on smartphones end up costing thousands in a year between cost of subsidized phone plus the plan
11 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 6, 2014 @ 2:50 pm
Not necessarily thousands but it can add it. The cost for data is coming down. We now have 30 gig for $140 per month, I think it is. Special promo by Verizon.
12 zingyginger said,
December 6, 2014 @ 2:51 pm
btw, the $30 nokia smartphone i posted above can be unlocked if you use it with at&t for 2 months. then you can switch to tmobile, cricket or brightspot
13 dee said,
December 6, 2014 @ 4:40 pm
todays big lots ad has a six foor prelit tree for thirty dollars!
14 dee said,
December 6, 2014 @ 7:30 pm
well I will enter
Alaska was fabulous…..better than the pictures that you see. Cost of living is high or we would still be there………..maybe if we move to one of them boonie cabins. I just told dd that I get alumni rates from the university there……
woo hoo
15 dee (bbqeeun) said,
December 6, 2014 @ 7:32 pm
my comment went missing and I do not see the trash bin or pending bin
16 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
December 6, 2014 @ 7:34 pm
How could we talk about Alaska without mentioning the Aurora Borealis? Your best bet for viewing this event is beneath the aurora oval in Fairbanks during winter. The northern lights are actually solar particles that were blown into the earth’s magnetic field. It’s definitely one of the must-see things for everyone’s bucket list.
This is on my bucket list for sure.
17 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
December 6, 2014 @ 7:37 pm
you have to go thru AT&T for this but it’s only $30 for a no contract smartphone
This is so cheap
I don’t need any bells and whistles
But I do need to be able to contact hubby and he needs to be able to contact me
18 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
December 6, 2014 @ 7:40 pm
btw, the $30 nokia smartphone i posted above can be unlocked if you use it with at&t for 2 months. then you can switch to tmobile, cricket or brightspot
How much does it cost per month with AT&T?
19 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
December 6, 2014 @ 7:42 pm
What is a fitbit?
20 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 6, 2014 @ 7:45 pm
Borealis would be a fantastic name for the husky!!!
How many days out of the year have snow in Alaska?
I want to know more about the highs & lows in the weather – is it ever really hot???
21 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 6, 2014 @ 7:47 pm
t-mobile will have the lowest monthly charges, but you pay in full for the device
att will give you device “upgrades” every couple of years for free or low cost, but you basically pay more per month for that …
which you can pay monthly for the devices on tmobile, then it puts the price more like att …
the thing i like with tmobile is that you can have a family of 4 on an unlimited plan for $100/month
22 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 6, 2014 @ 7:48 pm
a fitbit is a brand of a band you wear on your wrist that measures you activity level – number of steps per day, sleep, etc. to encourage better “fit”ness …
23 Patsie said,
December 6, 2014 @ 10:32 pm
Hello everyone, how are you today?
24 Patsie said,
December 6, 2014 @ 10:33 pm
Today is Happy, my sister’s birthday.
25 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 7, 2014 @ 12:28 am
W00T! Finally, 3 wishing wells in the middle row for one of Krafty’s accounts! And her main one at that! Amazing!! O_O
26 zingyginger said,
December 7, 2014 @ 12:52 am
Wish Happy a great birthday for me!
Woot, congrats, Krafty!
Was out all day looking at Christmas trees at Sears, Target & JCPenney. I didn’t even make it to either Lowe’s or Home Depot. And no Kmarts nearby so that was out.
Had no idea how expensive 7.5 ft trees were! I think I found one at Sears I like but would have liked to have seen the Kmart one with LED that’s selling for the same price. I’ll prolly go back tomorrow to pick it up (thought about waiting until the price drops but I may not find the one I like then).
kgh, I believe AT&T’s plan prices are by zip code so your best bet is to call them, try their website or go to their store to ask.
27 dee said,
December 7, 2014 @ 9:54 am
anyone else gonna watch the red tent?
I have it set up to record
the promos have me wanting to see it…….good job whoever made them
28 shellybrayley (WWID) I am looking for a year one Trophy said,
December 7, 2014 @ 10:18 am
Alaska, Well I know little about Alaska. I know its Snowy & cold & up North! 😀
I have never really been anywhere. I live in Ontario Canada & it gets snowy & cold enough for me here! But I would go to Alaska if I could just to see the Northern lights! The pics on the Internet are just so Beautiful!! I have now added “Visit Alaska” to my own Bucket List!! 😀
29 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
December 7, 2014 @ 10:54 am
What channel is the Red Tent on?
30 zingyginger said,
December 7, 2014 @ 10:59 am
hmm, we must be missing commercials from using the dvr often. haven’t seen promos for red tent. the librarians tho look interesting and i set it up to record it tonight.
wheel of deluxe is on now
don’t know much about Alaska either other than it’s cold, there’s long days of bright sunshine and Denali looks beautiful in pics
31 dee said,
December 7, 2014 @ 11:38 am
lifetime channel I believe……starts tonite………they will rerun it tho thru the week…..
32 dee said,
December 7, 2014 @ 11:40 am
Denali is beautiful……..it is usually cloud covered (cuz it is so high up)
we got lucky and saw it when we went on a trip that way…..Kind of funny as the hotel had a call service where they would ring your room if it was clear!
33 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
December 7, 2014 @ 12:09 pm
I will go set up my DVR.
34 Stacie said,
December 7, 2014 @ 12:17 pm
I heard that dog mushing is Alaska OFFICIAL sport !
35 dee said,
December 7, 2014 @ 2:18 pm
I will announce the winner at 4pm KT
36 Patsie said,
December 7, 2014 @ 2:47 pm
Hi everyone, how are you today?
37 Patsie said,
December 7, 2014 @ 2:51 pm
I know that Alaska has some figure skaters, and one of the Olympic level skaters now skates for Canada.
I also know I have a professor who lived in Canada for a while.
I also know my mom only needs to visit Alaska and North Dakota to finish out visiting all states in the United States.
I also know a skate family that moved to Alaska.
I would love to see the Northern Lights and would take my mom with me if I could see them.
Sorry for pulling a chant. Where has she been?
I might be back later, I am going to do homework now.
38 Patsie said,
December 7, 2014 @ 2:52 pm
What is everyone’s favorite winter webkinz?
I meant to ask that and forgot.
See everyone later though.
39 dee said,
December 7, 2014 @ 3:32 pm
the blog is twenty minutes faster than my time
40 dee said,
December 7, 2014 @ 4:05 pm
winner is shellybrayley
make sure moms has your email so she can forward the code
congrats and good luck with the sailboats
41 KinzGramAtHeart(WI gramwebbie,luckywebbie,goldwebbie,nanananawebbie) said,
December 7, 2014 @ 5:02 pm
Congrats Shellybrayley.
42 LeeAnn (ww: noellepugh) said,
December 7, 2014 @ 5:22 pm
Congrats Shellybrayley!
43 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 7, 2014 @ 5:43 pm
congrats shellybrayley!!! i would love to see the northern lights, too! 🙂
44 Gramma said,
December 7, 2014 @ 5:56 pm
Congratulations Shellybrayley!! 🙂
45 dee said,
December 7, 2014 @ 6:36 pm
woo hoo
lots of gymbo folk in the house
see the red tent comment above please
46 dee said,
December 7, 2014 @ 6:37 pm
I just like Minnie driver I think is what it is
and almost everything with hugh grant in it
47 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 7, 2014 @ 7:13 pm
dee – i have wondered about red tent – maybe i need to record
48 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 7, 2014 @ 7:22 pm
Congrats, Shelly!! 🙂
49 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 7, 2014 @ 7:24 pm
Is anyone else having troubles with Chrome lately? Since the last update it has been super sluggish after a short amount of time and loads of crashing. I have to restart it a lot now.
50 dee said,
December 7, 2014 @ 7:59 pm
super sluggish is my life lately krafters
51 dee said,
December 7, 2014 @ 8:04 pm
in da house
52 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 7, 2014 @ 8:17 pm
nothing is more sluggish than me today 🙂
oh kermit chia you rock!!! lol
53 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 7, 2014 @ 8:20 pm
89 fell tonight & hurt her hip – praying it is just a bruise
54 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 7, 2014 @ 9:16 pm
Oh no, Momsk! I hope it isn’t a break and heals quickly.
55 zingyginger said,
December 7, 2014 @ 10:38 pm
congrats, shelly!
lol, kermit chia head – don’t forget to take pics and share it here
sorry ’bout the fall, hope it’s just a bruise. if she can put weight on it, it’s prolly not a break.
56 zingyginger said,
December 7, 2014 @ 10:38 pm
if you have a deluxe asian account, don’t forget to pick up your FREE racing jacket for deluxe day today!
also, don’t forget to count the sailboats on NA
57 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 8, 2014 @ 4:21 am
Is this the make-up jacket for the wrong one from a couple months ago or are they letting that go? It was not a special jacket…
58 gramma said,
December 8, 2014 @ 6:19 am
I knew this, now drawing a total blank for weeks. what is the ‘alt something’ combination that makes a heart? it isn’t even a great heart, but it’s quick in a pinch. that is, if you can remember the keys to use. 😳
59 gramma said,
December 8, 2014 @ 6:21 am
didn’t we already get the racing jacket from something else? what makes it ‘deluxe’?
60 gramma said,
December 8, 2014 @ 6:23 am
ok, so ganz isn’t saying the jacket is deluxe, only that it’s a cool freebie jacket for deluxe folks.
61 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 8, 2014 @ 7:31 am
This jacket was supposed to be the deluxe day gift from a couple months ago but they gave out the wrong one.
62 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 8, 2014 @ 8:30 am
good morning!
63 dee said,
December 8, 2014 @ 9:00 am
if this skitty kitty does not leave the tree alone, we will all have fur lined slippers for Christmas!
64 dee said,
December 8, 2014 @ 10:02 am
did we know this already too?
I really should start reading posts
65 cocomac said,
December 8, 2014 @ 10:14 am
Hmm let me tell you that Alaska was absolutely fantastic!
I loved working on the Alaska pipeline for 2 years.
Had to take my sled to work with my huskies everyday.
We entered a dog mushing contest but never won.
Besides my pet huskies, I had a dall sheep and carobou moose.
I got to rub noses with the eskimos.
Feed fish that I caught to the polar bears.
I never did spot the wooly monmouth the time that I live there though.
66 cocomac said,
December 8, 2014 @ 10:18 am
Ha ha read backwards – the contest is over.
But still and all I hope you like my Alaskan tale.
67 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 8, 2014 @ 10:47 am
What an experience, Cocomac!
68 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
December 8, 2014 @ 10:51 am
hey coco! you might have to get a bonus prize for the share 🙂
69 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 8, 2014 @ 11:00 am
New Earth Dragon at the estore! Ahhhh I love it!!
70 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 8, 2014 @ 11:01 am
I second the idea of a bonus prize for Cocomac!
71 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, POTM items said,
December 8, 2014 @ 11:05 am
Ohh noooo 4 presale pets! I so want them all!! Ahh
72 zingyginger said,
December 8, 2014 @ 11:17 am
But the 4 presale pets are for reall $$, krafty. And no plush included.
New post: