Seafoam Sparkle Dolphin Sneak Peek


The Seafoam Sparkle Dolphin comes with a Brilliant Bubble Geyser and a Precious Pearl Cupcake.


  1. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 5, 2013 @ 7:27 pm

    This looks like a really pretty psi – i’ll bet it looks great in an underwater room

  2. 2 gramma said,

    March 5, 2013 @ 7:49 pm

    sweet dolphin! love the bubbles; you’re right about the psi, moms. πŸ™‚

  3. 3 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 5, 2013 @ 7:57 pm

    Do we know if it is an estore or plush yet?

    Still no help for FFQ, regular Dr said if she isn’t tossing her cookies, she should go to school… dizzy and nauseous great for school.

    If I had the money I’d pull her out and let her finish this year at K12 online.

  4. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 5, 2013 @ 8:11 pm

    krafty – sorry to hear that πŸ™

    i’m guessing estore since this was the first peek we’ve had of it

  5. 5 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 5, 2013 @ 8:52 pm

    Thanks, momsk. πŸ™

    Definitely a pretty dolphin.. nice PSI

  6. 6 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 8:16 am

    hey all

    cccccold here today

    i swear we were doing a dash of spring…

  7. 7 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 8:17 am

    i think that ground hog was fibbing

  8. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 8:28 am

    good morning!

    i have been downloading pics from a school event, guess i need to go get ready for the day & see what this day brings πŸ˜‰

    we have a teeny tiny dusting of snow – barely a “sprinkle” – hopefully others will get the pretty snow! πŸ™‚

  9. 9 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 8:46 am

    Good morning, ladies

    No new snow here, yeah, cold though 32F though for some that is a heat wave, lol

    Next few days are supposed to get a tad warmer til Friday’s high of 40F

  10. 10 rollingfur said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 9:37 am


    We have SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. 11 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 9:40 am

    Wooo hooo up to 33F now, break out the bikinis!


  12. 12 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 10:12 am

    YOWZA check out the pic of the Nafaria theme in a room

  13. 13 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 10:20 am

    Image of the Sweet Bundle for the sale today… from Owly too

  14. 14 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 10:20 am

    Congrats on the snow RF πŸ™‚

  15. 15 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 10:47 am

    Laying down for an hour.. totally freaked over FFQ’s neuro appt today and having to drive downtown…

  16. 16 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 12:48 pm

    on the move.. go get FFQ shortly, she already called begging me to come get her.. feel so bad to tell her no πŸ™

  17. 17 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 12:51 pm

    US rare now, Wonderland theme wallpaper 900kc regular rare

  18. 18 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 2:17 pm

    woo hoo

    I am home!

  19. 19 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 2:22 pm

    hello peeps!

    dee – glad you are home

    krafty – keep us posted – i think everything will be fine – hopefully it is a hormonal teenager thing or a virus … πŸ™‚ hoping for the best!

  20. 20 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 2:47 pm

    yeah moms

    I am hoping for anemia or something easy like that
    i know my dd eats like poo anymore… we bought her chewy phineas and ferb vitamins….i can limit the stuff coming into the house…..
    but then i remember being young and a twinkie and cheetos was lunch!

    must be why i am so well preserved today
    ha ha ha ha

  21. 21 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 2:48 pm

    i need to pick up the princess in a few
    my dh is in heaven! he went to the junkyard!

    silly men

  22. 22 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 2:49 pm

    and i bought some bananas today as i am in desperate need of banana bread….maybe with some choco chips in some…..have to do mini loaves

  23. 23 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 2:58 pm

  24. 24 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 3:04 pm

    nafarias lamp

  25. 25 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 3:16 pm

    oh my goodness choc chip banana bread sounds perfect

    do you use applesauce, etc. in yours?

  26. 26 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 3:27 pm

    i’m wondering about this recipe:

    2 cups whole wheat flour
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/2 cup sugar free applesauce
    3/4 cup honey
    2 eggs, beaten
    3 mashed overripe bananas

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9×5 inch loaf pan.
    In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl, mix together applesauce and honey. Stir in eggs and mashed bananas until well blended. Stir banana mixture into flour mixture; stir just to moisten. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan.
    Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 65 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of the loaf comes out clean. Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack.

  27. 27 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 3:54 pm

    sugar, nanners, water, flour….hmmm
    either shortening or butter i think…i will check

  28. 28 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 3:55 pm

    last time i made the mini loaves, i put peanut butter chips in one

    it was a big hit

  29. 29 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 5:26 pm

    you know i am a chocolate girl

  30. 30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 5:27 pm

    well, i’m not chocolate, but i love chocolate


    i guess i’m vanilla ROFL

  31. 31 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 7:03 pm

    you are wonder bread moms!

  32. 32 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 7:04 pm

    i just tried to rush and buy some rares

    most of the accts, arte would not even talk to me or was not there

  33. 33 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 7:10 pm

    did you want my banana bread recipe?

    and survivor is on tonite

    and we are going to a trader joes tomorrow. Should I bring a cooler?
    it is a ways away and we will probably do lunch and dd wants to go to some camera store

  34. 34 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 7:24 pm


    just a little excited

  35. 35 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 7:49 pm

    dee – tj’s has awesome frozen chocolate croissants and really good ice cream

    i love the pumpkin flavor from the fall, not sure what they have now b/c i’m stuck on the publix cookie quarry frozen yogurt right now

    mmmmmmm ….

    so might as well take the cooler just in case

  36. 36 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 7:50 pm

    i missed the rare columns – they are fun to have for decorating, but no big deal that i missed them

    i’ll have to try the taco … the warthogs loved the regular ones

    going to watch idol, guessing we won’t watch survivor tonight

  37. 37 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 9:02 pm

    my comment is gone

  38. 38 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 9:03 pm

    “TJs” has been put off as dd has a movie invite (Jack and the beanstalk) now for tomorrow

    they have teacher days for the rest of the week

    fine, as i need to clean

  39. 39 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 9:03 pm

    and um moms
    we make croissants here with the puff pastry

  40. 40 dee said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 9:04 pm

    i need to figure out how to do my own puff pastry…..

    but tomorrow is another day


  41. 41 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 10:18 pm


    Long day

    FFQ has had these symptoms for over 5 weeks now.. not a virus or a super one… my symptoms are mostly gone, FFQ’s have gotten worse …

    Neurologist asks hasn’t someone sent you to ENT Dr?? nope, explain nadda.. all won’t address the dizziness and nausea .. just sent her to neuro… she got an EEG today too, results tomorrow.

  42. 42 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 10:19 pm

    FFQ isn’t eating a well balanced diet like before as much but… not totally thrown away… yet, lol

    In high school the only thing edible regularly were the fries..

  43. 43 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 10:57 pm

    Ollie’s is advertising webkinz for $2.99 again, the old bunny, not sure what else, that was the only one in the picture.


    March 6, 2013 @ 11:06 pm

    hi everyone!

    MOMS.. I use this recipe have for YEARS! I have never had a bad loaf and of course I add all kinds of different things (raisins, chocolate, chopped figs, top with cinnamon sugar , and nuts) in different combos. and I have had people beg for it. I do however also play with the cooking times too..if done in a cake pan (13x9x2) I only cook it 30 mins. or in mini loaf pans aprox 30 mins, depends on your oven.


    March 6, 2013 @ 11:07 pm

    ok I finally come on to comment and leave a link for a recipe..and what do I get? sent to spam…HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!! LOL


    March 6, 2013 @ 11:11 pm

    so how is everyone doing here? me? I’m alive..just going through a tough spell, on top of everything else, I am having crying jags for no particular reason..and then I laugh at myself WHILE crying…go figure! yeah I’m at THAT age! lol my poor guy just finally realized what was up the other day..he was totally bewildered, thought HE did something wrong. then he felt bad for me and took me out to dinner..where I promptly started to tear up again right in the middle of..oh HOW embarrassing to say the least. I am not fit for company these days.

    anywho that’s what’s new in my world..other then that..just pluggin along and hoping for spring to come fast..oh yeah and I lost another 6 pounds! yeah..I keep this up and I will be where I want by summer!

  47. 47 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 6, 2013 @ 11:14 pm

    SO glad you stopped by, Chant! Sorry for the emotional roller coaster.. that is not much fun I can say from experience.

    It is excellent your guy is so fab about the new stuff and thoughtful.

    Congrats on the weight loss too!


    March 7, 2013 @ 12:04 am

    Thanks Krafty…yeah it’s not fun at all..the best I can do is laugh at myself..even when I don’t feel like laughing. My guy is actually being really wonderful about it. surprisingly. and I got taken out two nights in a row to dinner..I think he is feeling bad for and he is going to take me to see the wizard of Oz movie, Oz the great and wonderful…I am a BIG Oz fan, and looking forward to it. we are going to go on Friday before school gets out so we miss the big crowds it could bring. and then lunch after..I’m feeling spoiled rotten. But it’s nice to know he can be so understanding. can’t be easy on him to watch me go through this, I’m sure!

    as to the weight loss.. not sure where it went…but it went somewhere! lol

  49. 49 gramma said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 6:34 am


    Chant, so sorry for your discomfort. Tho’ the pampering sure is nice. πŸ™‚

    Krafty, I was so hoping you would get more definitive answers to FFQ’s issues. Fingers crossed they will come today. (((hugs)))

    dee, even this ‘non’ cook has a nice banana muffin recipe. admittedly, it’s been years since I’ve used it, but ya’ never know…

  50. 50 gramma said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 6:36 am

    OH! and to KK….CONGRATULATIONS on your trip funding!!!!!! and dee, thanks for the link to where she’ll be going. What a beautiful part of Italy!!

  51. 51 dee said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 9:34 am

    good morning

    today is ranch dorito taco day

  52. 52 dee said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 9:36 am

    ha chant!

    you sound like me when i was pg!

  53. 53 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 9:58 am

    can’t catch up right now, but wanted to say hi!

    krafty – ent makes sense – ear stuff can do that big time

  54. 54 rollingfur said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 10:20 am


    Sorry for your discomfort chant.

    Snow is still here, but nasty snow…

  55. 55 dee said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 11:17 am

    Safety Notice of the Day

    if you own any of the cat toys that dangle from a stick. A Dyson vacuum will vacuum it up with enough force to break the stick, send it flying into a wall, then bounce off a ceiling fan and hit you in the head.

    This concludes our safety briefing

  56. 56 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 11:56 am

    Good you are able to roll with the punches, Chant, can’t fight this visit from nature, lol. Awesome re being spoiled.. πŸ™‚ let me know if the movie is good. We prob won’t get to go to the theater but could rent it at some point.

  57. 57 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 11:59 am

    Thanks all re FFQ and her problems… true on the ENT momsk, I sure hope it is that simple and can get to one fast for her. Poor girl is just miserable.

    Still bugs me that she and I had the same symptoms for the month plus… mine still not totally gone just definitely better than hers.

  58. 58 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 12:01 pm

    Ouch on the Dyson/cat toy issue, Dee.

    We don’t do the toys on a stick for several reasons and never anything with feathers. I used to breed birds and want to have them again soooo no feather toys, lol.

  59. 59 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 12:03 pm

    Seriously, …. I get and read the email from the estore and I’m all fired up to buy more points (yes shocking eh??) and spend them (more shock, right?) and… nope can’t do as the estore is DOWN!


  60. 60 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 12:07 pm

    On a happier note, FFQ and I stopped at a Cracker Barrel last night on our way home and I snagged a Sig Arctic Hare… thinking of naming her Typsy as the grey on the tips of her ears is so cute… not set on that though.

    FFQ picked out a Ty tiny Duckling… she posted it on Facebook, lol

    My new webbie source should be calling today or tomorrow, they are expecting a shipment with new webbies and will hold the ones I want for me… the Asst manager told all that they are not to put any webbies out without calling me first! AWESOME!
    Hoping on the new Rockerz Fox and the Peace and love pup.. not sure what else. They don’t carry the sigs but since Cracker Barrel does.. that will have to do. Shame about Justice stopping them and now so hard to get new ones there. Most of the Justices around us stuff the webbies and many Ty’s into a metal rack bin thingy at the back of the store so you have to dig through to find what you want… not conducive to selling.. duh.. lol

  61. 61 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 3:22 pm

    dee – classic move – please provide us a safety training video to watch to go with the safety tip!

  62. 62 dee said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 3:24 pm

    back from walmart


    thankfully there are filters on here

  63. 63 dee said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 3:25 pm

    some lady was handing out white chocolate/carrot cake m and ms

    yes you read that correctly

  64. 64 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 4:02 pm

    dee – so how did they taste???

  65. 65 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 4:04 pm

    i had to take my grandmother to walmart so i grabbed a few “must have” items off my list

    like peppermint hot chocolate …

    i sure didn’t see any m&m samples though πŸ˜›

  66. 66 dee said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 4:23 pm

    hey shouldn’t that little green buy be on the asian and europe accts?

    i do not have any, but i know you guys do

  67. 67 dee said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 4:24 pm

    they were sweet.
    if you guys were closer, i would get a bag…..not good enough (to me) go warrant a whole bag

  68. 68 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 5:59 pm


    Logging in to a Euro account but now that I look at the time it is still today there…

    I will log into Asian and time travel to tomorrow… be back today or yesterday depending on how you look at it

  69. 69 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 6:01 pm

    do we have to hunt the green runt or is he stationary like Ms Birdy?

  70. 70 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 6:16 pm

    back from tomorrow, sitting in the trading room, no moldy dude yet

  71. 71 dee said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 7:52 pm

    hello my honey
    hello my baby
    hello my rag time gal

  72. 72 dee said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 7:52 pm

    hey krafty
    what are the lotto numbers for tonite?

  73. 73 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 8:34 pm

    Sorry, Dee, the list of numbers didn’t make the trip back

  74. 74 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 9:40 pm


    so when do we find the leprechaun? guessing all accounts will be at the same time like the last thing

  75. 75 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 9:40 pm

    asian account says he is now in the clubhouse …

  76. 76 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 7, 2013 @ 10:01 pm

    I waited in a trading room for a while and he never showed up, I’ll clear cache and try again

  77. 77 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 3:34 am

    Finally the green boy showed up, got a jelly coin… says you can collect every 3 hours

  78. 78 gramma said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 3:53 am

    g’morning Krafty! doesn’t green dude show in the Collector Room? vaguely recall hanging out with several other webkinz last year, while in passing the time chatting, who turned out to be grammas like me. lol small world

  79. 79 gramma said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 5:11 am

    IT’S SNOWING!!!!!!!!

  80. 80 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 7:06 am

    Hey gramma!

    I found him in the… darn, not collectors room… I started in the reading room and moved to the… something else room…

    I’d have to look.. sorry, if I recall correctly… which is iffy at best… he could appear in any of the rooms, unlike Ms Birdy

  81. 81 gramma said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 7:13 am

    Hi Krafty!! popped in collector room on a couple accts this morning, but needed to keep moving along. will spend some time sitting, w/ sound on, later.

    it’s still snowing. not sticking to road or sidewalks; everything else is white. like a hefty coating of powdered sugar. lol

  82. 82 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 7:31 am

    good morning!

    gramma – yeah!!!! pretty snow on the grass, but not the road – sounds perfect πŸ™‚

    i’m going to look for the leprechaun!

  83. 83 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 7:35 am

    that was easy! got the red jelly coin in the trading room already

  84. 84 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 7:50 am

    going to clubhouse now on euro

  85. 85 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 7:50 am

    March 8, 6pm rare: Wild West Train – 2900 KC #Webkinz

  86. 86 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 8:00 am

    i had to leave the room b/c i got stuck

    went back & here he is within a couple of minutes

  87. 87 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 8:01 am

    he says “Top o the day to ya” when he enters so you will hear him!!!

  88. 88 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    March 8, 2013 @ 8:13 am

    new post:

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