Retiring SPREE! Items
Right now is the perfect time for a shopping SPREE! because on July 4th, these two fabulous Mall prizes are being retired.
On July 4th, the Designer Purse and the Drum Set will be retired as Mall Prizes in the game of SPREE! Which means you have almost an entire month to get rolling on your trip to the Mall and nab these cool items before they are gone for good!
SPREE! now offers two rolls daily so logging on and playing every day will get you closer to the Mall and the chance to go shopping. But don’t worry – even though we’re saying goodbye to these great prizes there are still loads of awesome prizes to choose from. In fact, we recently added new prizes like the Raziel Topiary, the Pink Scooter, the Scooter Helmet, the Dragon Queen Robe and the Sand Castle Sofa.
Remember – on July 4 the Designer Purse and the Drum Set retire. So be sure to play SPREE! every day and head to the Mall before they’re gone.
1 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 6:41 pm
That’s a good way to get me playing SPREE again! I “need” both of these! yikes!
2 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 6:45 pm
you would think i would have a closet full of the designer purses LOL
3 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi) :D said,
June 4, 2012 @ 6:46 pm
Me too………
Um the surgery was supposed to take about 3 hours & it’s gone quite a bit past that with no word———- I’m freaking IN over here 🙁
4 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi) :D said,
June 4, 2012 @ 6:48 pm
Seriously trying to hold it together………… Oh well I’ll BBL …………………
5 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 6:49 pm
gwenda – don’t! you know that in hospitals it is SO hard to have cell signal with all of the telemetry – plus by the time they finish, close, and go to recovery – it’s hours in recovery – plus this is a busy time of day as they are getting all the outpatient people out first
no news is no news – not bad!
6 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 6:54 pm
mom’s right, no news is not bad. you can also try calling the nursing station in the recovery room to ask if they’ve had word on how the surgery is going (if it’s still going). wishing the best outcome for your dad, gwenda. hang in there!
7 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 7:02 pm
man, i guess i have to start playing ww again. have been busy with webkinz friends and mainly doing bloggerhood, floaty & the pink lamp for accounts.
for the curious, webkinz friends got updated for the worse this past Friday.
-it takes more time to grow crops needed to supply the shops that generate money
-longer waiting period to visit the curio shop (a requirement for several challenges)
-longer to earn energy points to play the game
– worst of all, the cool stuff you unlock after level 33 to decorate the town can now only be bought with facebook credits.
apparently, these changes were based on feedback from players (i wonder if their panel is made up of only ganz employees).
8 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 7:09 pm
at the moment, the majority of their player base are ww fans. i tried showing the game to my hon (ok, i asked him to *ahem* send me items). after maintenance, it now times you out if you haven’t been on for some time.
problem is, unlike the popular zynga games like cityville and frontierville, webkinz friends load like molasses so it almost timed out before he could even get it to load.
seems you won’t have to worry about the ganz facebook games taking over ww, moms. they’re killing their fan base before it even gets out of beta testing.
9 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi) :D said,
June 4, 2012 @ 7:21 pm
I heard from them He’s in recovery but has to have another surgery Wednesday or Thursday if he’s strong enough. 🙁
10 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi) :D said,
June 4, 2012 @ 7:22 pm
Apparently things were worse then the doctors thought. Please continue to pray for him. G2G feeling a little over whelmed at the moment.
11 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 7:23 pm
enough time to worry about the next surgery, gwenda. hope you have time for a visit with him (if he’s up for it) before then.
12 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 7:37 pm
i think a visit & a homemade card from boo would be a great plan! gives us plenty of time to pray for the doctors & your dad
glad he’s in recovery!
13 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 7:53 pm
zingy – thank you for sparing me the pain of WF for now! 🙂
14 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
June 4, 2012 @ 8:02 pm
howdy all
I have the same problems with WF loading as Farmville, Petville, Happy Pets, all are slow and the higher in levels the slower it goes, Farmville frequently loses track and has to be reloaded, I have given up on some things and just sold them instead of trying to put them on my farm. I rarely play at all as it takes too much time for nothing.
More prayers for Gwenda’s dad
15 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 8:09 pm
sure, moms! happy to take one for the team, lol.
to their credit, it was kinda neat and even fun before maintenance. now i’m just playing to get the last 3 items then i’m out. i was happy to use fb credits here and there but a mountain you can only buy for $15 now when it was previously available for in game cash? no thank you.
16 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 8:12 pm
hi, krafty!
forgot to add, sending more positive healing thoughts towards gwenda’s dad. fingers crossed the next surgery will be uneventful.
17 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
June 4, 2012 @ 8:27 pm
hey zingy!
I noticed a few items now for FB credits when they were available for game cash before, that game is doomed, tedious, time consuming and soooooo slow
18 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 8:42 pm
beyond the slow loading time and that leveling up only earns you the honor of paying them with fb credits for items to decorate with, several are having trouble getting what they paid for with fb credits. if they don’t fix it soon, i agree it’s doomed (which is why i’m trying to get the last few items now before it shuts down).
19 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 8:46 pm
i’ve been lucky so far with fb credits-i got some for free when i started. then added some more by doing surveys and loading apps. i’ve lost some because the game froze and when i reloaded, the credits were used up but i didn’t get the item. since i haven’t paid hard ca$h yet, i let it go. i can’t see everyone being happy with that scenario though.
20 dee said,
June 4, 2012 @ 8:57 pm
hey moms!
i sent you an email earlier and have not heard ONE word back
making me worry I sent it to the wrong place
21 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 9:07 pm
hi, dee! what did you bake today?
off to dinner.
June 4, 2012 @ 9:20 pm
hi everyone!
Gwenda hang in there, sending good thoughts your way! HUGS!
uhoh Dee…so was it really incriminating??? LOL (wink wink)
as to WF. I tired it exactly ONCE, never went back in. too much work.
and I swear I am doomed with these men in this house, one made a pot of seasoned rice last night asked me to check see if it was done, OK I did, well let’s just say I TRY rice to see if it’s done, he FORGOT to warn me he had um, seasoned it with some special HOT stuff, let’s just say my eyes about bugged out of my head about 4 seconds after trying it, and they laughed so hard at my reaction, I was NOT amused. just saying.
another reminder to self_ DO NOT NO WAY NO HOW EAT ANYTHING I HAVEN’T PREPARED IN THIS HOUSE, the men are trying to kill me. I think.
alka seltzer take me away. yet again!
and how was YOUR day?
23 dee said,
June 4, 2012 @ 9:25 pm
i made pecan pie bars today
they are like brownies kind of..not gooey, but good….
24 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 9:28 pm
dee – i musta missed it
25 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 9:29 pm
musta missed my sample of the pecan pie bars too 🙄
26 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 9:30 pm
chant – i’m kinzposting ‘back’ items not because i’m not grateful but because i have plenty and then some now . . . so – do you need more extras???
27 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 9:39 pm
HEY RF! YOO HOO! Goodnight!!!! 🙂
28 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 9:40 pm
dee – i apologize for my sarcastic comment about the pecan pie bars – i’d much rather have the email
June 4, 2012 @ 9:49 pm
moms, was wondering! lol no thanks I still have some left over, I was just so happy to be able to give to all of you here it seems I’m always the one being given items such as these and it felt good to reciprocate! I will just give some extras to the family they will enjoy that I am sure.
Dee, I missed out on that sample too it seems! but oh my those sound good.
well the gardens are finally all in! I worked from sun up to sundown yesterday and am one huge hurting unit today, barely creeping around the house, I am feeling so old and crickety today! lol but its a good feeling of accomplishment that has me in a good mood in spite of the pain. I planted some purple heirloom tomatoes and peppers this year just to try them, never saw them before even though I had heard of them. actually this year I planted a large variety to see what will grow good here. and of course there is my herb garden out front or my witches garden as my guy calls it! lol that’s because they aren’t allowed in that garden..that’s my special place just for me, and I even put in a CHOCOLATE MINT plant this year..oh my what a wonderful smell.
30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 9:57 pm
chocolate mint plant sounds great! i’ll bet it smells absolutely wonderful!
31 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 9:58 pm
chant – i am so very grateful you shared! if you need some more to share or trade, just lmk 🙂 thank you very very much!
32 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 10:00 pm
wheel of wishes time
33 Patsie said,
June 4, 2012 @ 10:08 pm
Hello friends, how are you on what I hope is a Marvelous Monday?
34 Patsie said,
June 4, 2012 @ 10:09 pm
Why do they have to retire items at all in Webkinz?
35 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 10:31 pm
patsie – i think it’s fun when they get rid of older items & introduce new ones . . . keeps it interesting . . .
36 Patsie said,
June 4, 2012 @ 10:35 pm
I do too, but I would like to have more advance notice.
37 Patsie said,
June 4, 2012 @ 10:40 pm
Webkinz is strange, it makes me enter my password before my username when logging in.
38 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 11:11 pm
patsie – that is strange ❓
i think a month is enough notice for me on this one thank goodness
39 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 11:11 pm
i’m going to give medicine then sleep!
40 Patsie said,
June 4, 2012 @ 11:13 pm
Webkinz does not like me again. 🙁
41 Patsie said,
June 4, 2012 @ 11:14 pm
Sleep well moms. I hope you have a Terrific Tuesday!
42 Patsie said,
June 4, 2012 @ 11:15 pm
I hope everyone sleeps well and has a Terrific Tuesday!
43 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 11:19 pm
kentucky – please keep your storms to yourself! 😛
44 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 4, 2012 @ 11:21 pm
thanks patsie – you too sweetie!
June 5, 2012 @ 12:26 am
oh moms just saw your response! oh yes the choc mint plant smells just like it says!
you can make a tea out of it or use it like a potpourri, or my fav drawer sachets, that is my plan for some of it, I also put in lemon balm, and lavender. the rest of the herbs are for cooking. eventually I hope to have a huge herb garden, I am doing it in containers so that I can move the more delicate ones inside in the colder months. the others I “put to bed” by covering them in a thick layer of snow, seems to make some of the plants hardier. I am starting over I had a beautiful garden in the last home I owned, I heard the new owners tore it all out, huge rose garden and all my fruit trees and bushes! had I know I would have gone and taken them out for them! lol when I think of the 17 years I put in growing most of those roses and that some are irreplaceable, I just get sick. but time marches on, and things change, just sucks sometimes.
well goodnight moms, and I hope your patient is doing well ! HUGS
46 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
June 5, 2012 @ 2:10 am
sorry, Chant, that is very harsh
good luck with the new garden though 🙂
I am not an outdoorsie person but seeing you talk about choco mint makes me think about growing some minty type plant. A cousin sent us some mint scented soap and though I haven’t used it for soap I have it sitting out to scent my room
June 5, 2012 @ 4:56 am
Thanks, it is very harsh. I’m heartbroken over it.
OH Krafty, the chocolate mint smells heavenly! and lemon balm smells nice too,sort of like a good lemon furniture polish! lol the fun thing about them is you can make tea too. I’m all for any plant that looks,smells and tastes good which makes it a multi use plant to me! lol
I should take some pics and try to post them here, I’m amazed at how small and useless my guy thought the area was lol I sure showed him! and he doesn’t mind spending money on it cause it also makes the front of the house look really good now too. It’s kinda postage stamp sized but perfect for me.
Here are a couple of sites about the two herbs.
yeah i’m up. never went to bed actually! one of those nights I guess.
So GOOD MORNING to you all!!!!
48 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 6:50 am
i’d love to see a pic! i have a friend who made a delicious honey lavender vanilla ice cream – mmmmmm!
the lemon balm too sounds great! sachets make me so happy – i just love them – that’s such a good idea! the chocolate mint sounds good in coffee, too . . . love that idea to plant lemon balm & chocolate mint
i have lavender, but wondering if i should put a pot of lemon balm & mint & see if i can grow it with my black thumb
49 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 6:52 am
Set your reminders – FIRST TIME Webkinz Rare Item (Deluxe Only) – Tues, June 5th 4 pm KT – *New!* Neo Gothic Flooring – 1200 KC
50 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi) :D said,
June 5, 2012 @ 8:49 am
If someone could PLEASE get an extra floor for me I would really appreciate it. I have money 😀 I’m out for the day. talk to you when I get back.
51 dee said,
June 5, 2012 @ 9:01 am
i just got a book on herbal remedies
altho – a chocolate mint plant needs to grow them little Andes mints (like a webkinz world plant)
just sayin
lemongrass is good too, for tee and to keep skeeters away and soup even
52 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
June 5, 2012 @ 9:43 am
I have to send a work type related text then I am thinking nap as my body and brain have decided that is the best thing to do now, lol
I am so peeved about the peek a newz ending two days early, again, hope they fix that
53 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 10:46 am
i definitely need lemon balm – i know EXACTLY where I want to plant it!
Oh and maybe a pot, too . . . ack – i want NOW! 🙂
54 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 11:01 am
EURO DELUXE NOW for the RARE Neo Gothic Flooring!
55 gramma said,
June 5, 2012 @ 11:21 am
G’morning! moms, thanks for the heads up about the flooring!! 🙂
Krafty, peek a newz still works, or it was fixed; I just did it.
Prayers for Gwenda and her dad; moms and her mom; and a broad spectrum prayer for anyone in need. ♥
56 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 11:57 am
morning gramma!
57 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 11:57 am
i added this to the July pets post:
Signature Hippopotamus comes with a Muddy River Raft Ride and Short Grass Samosas
58 gramma said,
June 5, 2012 @ 2:16 pm
LauraLee Mud Hippo needs a husband. Looks like she’s going to get one in July. 😆
59 gramma said,
June 5, 2012 @ 3:41 pm
Hi ro!! how does your garden grow? 😆 I’ve been working to get our yard under control and think of you the whole time. ie. if ro was here we could have this done in three days, tops! honestly, I don’t know how you manage with all you do with the garden in addition to regular yard work.
60 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 3:59 pm
Aww, sounds like a match made in heaven, gramma! ♥
61 gramma said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:00 pm
62 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:03 pm
do make rooms with the new flooring-would love to see ’em (we don’t have deluxe anymore).
thanks for the links, rf! how do you keep the weeds at bay? seems when we garden, we mostly spend time trying to get rid of crab grass.
63 gramma said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:21 pm
Hi Zingy! ro is ALWAYS working in her yard and garden, like ALL DAY working!! plus a regular job and taking care of all her furry kids!
we pulled the cover off our pool the other day. Now I’m putting a rush on getting the shrub beds pruned, cleaned out, etc.; hoping to mulch next week. dh helped me Sunday, but mostly he does the lawns and his vegie garden; I do the beds since I’m the one that just HAD to cut beds in all over the place. 🙄
June 5, 2012 @ 4:31 pm
June 5, 2012 @ 4:41 pm
oops hit send too quick lol
moms go for it, they are easy to grow, just a reminder IF you plant ANY type of mint in the ground it will SPREAD like weeds eventually, so you may want to contain it in containers, lemon balm can spread too. easy plants to grow.
Zingy -I know you asked RF but I can answer you with what we do here, we put down landscaping plastic around the plants careful to of course leave a big enough hole around each plant for watering and we cover the with a nice mulch for looks though you don’t need to do that but you DO need to use pegs to anchor the plastic down.
I hate to weed and so we do this to avoid as much as possible lol
66 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:44 pm
Hello friends. How are you today?
67 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:46 pm
Ugh Webkinz… I do not like please wait.
68 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:47 pm
sounds like mulch is the answer. thanks rf and chant! what is planing? seems you have your hands full yourself, gramma. would love to see everyone’s gardens (we’re trying to get ideas on how to fill a small one that’s mostly in the shade).
69 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:49 pm
i’m almost done with webkinz friends, thanks to my lovely neighbors. ♥ got all the prizes, just have to transfer them over. fingers crossed they didn’t mess up the programming for that with maintenance.
70 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:49 pm
One of my pets is really sick and I can not access my dock( that is when I get please wait mainly) to feed them.
71 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:50 pm
What items can you transfer over?
June 5, 2012 @ 4:55 pm
Thanks RF please send to I appreciate it..or here if small enough and I will copy and paste.
I would do the shredded paper but it gets windy here and my neighbors would be ticked to have the paper in their yards. lol and so it’s plastic and mulch but have done the newspaper thing in the past and found it a good way to keep down the weeds too. smothering always works well! LOL
73 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:56 pm
I still have all the Kinzcash from the game that was giving it out.
74 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 4:57 pm
Jeez Webkinz… logging me out.
ENCHANTEDISLE thank you for the road trip gift.
75 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:02 pm
just got in – yeah, how’s that for bad timing? lol
June 5, 2012 @ 5:03 pm
my garden in front is mostly in shade though it does get the morning sun and I found it perfect for my herbs and roses. I also have a butterfly bush there too, and I am trying the strawberry topsy turvy planter for strawberries lol and it seems to be working. and gives me more growing space by hanging things, I am also trying to grow peas that way in the veggie garden, anything to create more space to grow stuff, and so far so good!
June 5, 2012 @ 5:04 pm
hi patsie, your welcome hun!
78 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:09 pm
chant – we put in a butterfly bush when we re-did the beds this spring – it is doing beautifully, better than ours at our last house
i love love love gardenias in shade & hostas – my neighbors have a hydrangea ‘show’ garden that is breathtaking
79 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:13 pm
yeah, it gets windy here too. else the shredded paper would have been a nice, green alternative.
patsie, use your FAST computer. or at least whatever you switched to before that works.
these are the webkinz-friends-only prizes that can be transferred to regular webkinz accounts:
webkinz friends hat
romantic dining table
city hall head chair
fluffington’s art desk
giant rafflesia plant
azure zingoz throne
forest first aid kit
goober’s bowling trophy
goober’s big book of science
millie’s slide
doug the dog wanted poster
curio shop wallpaper
also got the calming candles and apple clock but you can get that elsewhere:
June 5, 2012 @ 5:17 pm
Hydrangeas are beautiful if you know what to do to make them bloom bright, too much work for me lol
the butterfly bush was here but in bad shape when we moved in, I have since trimmed it back and started to bonsai it some to keep it in check, and it looks lovely when the butterflies cover it when the flowers are out! looks like it grows them! lol
I have two kinds of hostas too, they are great for areas you want things to spread out in and cover stuff too lol
I wont say my garden is breath taking ..but I like it, and it’s only my second year with this one and it takes years sometimes to really establish a good garden. but it’s fun to have something to putter around in, and I think my dehydrators (all 5) will be busy this year as so far looks like a good growing year..keeping my fingers crossed and knocking on wood KNOCK KNOCK
81 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:18 pm
hydrangeas are beautiful but i think they need a lot of sun, don’t they? gardenias smell divine. gotta look up butterfly bush.
82 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:21 pm
that virtual only rockerz puppy is cute! there will be a billion Justin Biebers of that, won’t there? 🙂
83 zingyginger (Isla4577) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:28 pm
would love to see your lemon balm cookie recipe, rf. not sure where to find lemon balm yet but sounds like a good one to have around. is it easy to grow?
84 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:37 pm
Zingyginger that computer is giving me internet issues.
85 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:37 pm
I want to scream at Webkinz again!
86 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:39 pm
When did spree change to two rolls each day?
87 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:42 pm
Webkinz I think is trying to tell me get a Facebook and switch to Webkinz friends.
88 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:44 pm
Flash keeps crashing and it is up to date.
89 gramma said,
June 5, 2012 @ 5:55 pm
bunch of new challenges coming 🙄
June 5, 2012 @ 6:00 pm
RF lol too funny, but your right paper is a good mulch, I wish I could use it here but my garden is too close to neighbors and it would only take once to cause a problem. lol
ZIngy yes the lemon balm is very easy to grow. any garden store should have it even a place like lowes or home depo some have a garden plant section that wher I got my lemon balm this year at lowes.
sorry your having problems patsie
June 5, 2012 @ 6:03 pm
as to the butterfly bush I have a black knight. you can see images here.
92 Patsie said,
June 5, 2012 @ 6:04 pm
It is making me really mad.
93 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
June 5, 2012 @ 6:21 pm
let’s chat on the new post: