Jar of Sand & Corgi Sneak Peek
Look for the floating Jar of Sand on January 29, 30 and 31 on Webkinz Newz! When you find it, click on it. Fill in the fields correctly and a Jar of Sand will be added to your Webkinz World account. Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day. Each day lasts from 12:00am EST to 11:59pm EST.
And just what Dee has been waiting for – her stubby legged BF, the Virtual Welsh Corgi comes withΓΒ aΓΒ Royal Guard Station and Ewe Stew when it is released in March!
1 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 5:02 pm
LOVE the psi!
2 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 5:23 pm
rf – you need veg time!
i thought the EXACT same thing with the FOOD!!!! LOL I am guessing dee is off looking for a recipe for that π
3 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 5:35 pm
silly moms
that is dog food
4 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 5:35 pm
i was looking thru a little michigan bulb catalog that my electric co op sent
5 gramma said,
January 28, 2012 @ 5:59 pm
the jar of sand is cute, the Corgi is cuter. π
6 gramma said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:02 pm
years ago, I got one of those programs for the pc where you draw a floor plan and can ‘arrange’ furniture before you start pushing it around the actual room. Also would do outdoors. You put a picture of your house, or draw it I suppose; and can add landscaping. Sounded like a fun program; never figured out how to use it. π
7 gramma said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:03 pm
is ww loading slow, or not at all, for any of you?? been having trouble all day
8 Boper911 said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:09 pm
Wow that sounds interesting. Cant wait to get me some sand.I like the PSI for the Welsh Corgi as well.
9 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:27 pm
i wonder how big that jar is
10 gramma said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:33 pm
Howdy ladies!
11 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:39 pm
howdy, chores and moving things and decision day here
next week the handy guy comes to start work downstairs, yippee!
must have the corgi (yes I know, y’all are shocked hearing that from Krafty, right??)
12 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:48 pm
we are watching bedtime stories on tv
makes me miss our guinea pig
13 gramma said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:50 pm
he’s a cutie, Krafty! happy to hear things are moving ahead for you; limbo stinks.
Been attempting to finish up the winterfest challenges for the grands. Finally got the hang of the sub; especially good once I knew to shoot at the fish. lol
14 gramma said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:50 pm
dee, what station is it on?
15 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:52 pm
abc family
16 gramma said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:52 pm
nvm, found it! π
17 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 6:56 pm
ha ha ha
just noticed . when he gets kicked by the angry dwarf…..the little people are traveling in a gremlin
ha ha ha
18 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:04 pm
i finally won a grilled cheese sandwich
sure hope it is an object…oh wait, i bet it is not kinzpostable
19 gramma said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:06 pm
I don’t remember how it all started, so I flipped back to Goodnight for Justice. Have you seen ’50 First Dates’ with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore? really enjoy Adam Sandler.
20 gramma said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:06 pm
it’s estore dee, not kinzpostable; but a cute pixel
21 gramma said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:14 pm
Goodnight!! Γ’β’Β₯
22 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:40 pm
I still have a bunch of winterfest challenges to do π I am getting tired of some of the games, lol
The ones they choose don’t earn much KC
23 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:46 pm
got caught up hanging some stuff
I can not find my clock
24 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:47 pm
hello hello
shocking that krafty wants the pet – sounds like good progress for you, though, ms. krafters
gramma – i need a little bit later bed time for you some days – xxx’s & ooo’s!
dee – i love bedtime stories! my sis is giving away her two guinea pigs with their big cages, they are potty trained to one spot in the cages, etc. you want to make a road trip for them??? LOL
25 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:47 pm
dh took everything down when he painted the front room…he is out of town…
where would he put a clock?
i did find a lovely watercolor I forgot I had of Mt McKinley (that I bought there) signed and all
forgot i had it
26 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:48 pm
our lovely piggy would go in a lunch bag when we got her out for floor time
she loved her floor time….sniff….we would save tissue boxes and make little forts for her
27 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:50 pm
i told you guys about how dh and dd left her out all night sitting in a tissue box in the family room. she stayed in there all nite and main cat did not eat her
took them a few months to tell me the story
28 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:51 pm
29 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 7:55 pm
and got a jar of jellybeans
30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:01 pm
dee – aw, that’s good the kitty didn’t eat the pig!
31 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:06 pm
main cat totally got that it was a pet
he knows he is first born child
shh – we were married in March and he showed up in May
32 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:07 pm
what is everyone eating for superbowl?
we are gonna do homemade potato chips because are soo fabulous
33 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:08 pm
ha! we were married in may & our kitty showed up in june or july, so yeah LOL
34 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:08 pm
i’m thinking taco soup or clam & corn chowder for SOUPer bowl . . .
35 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:16 pm
i’m afraid that i might croak if i have taco soup though
36 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:17 pm
I was thinking of ordering one them subs from either kroger or walmart
dd and I had a sample one at walmart and it was good. granted homemade would be better, but sometimes that takes the fun out of it
37 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:17 pm
dh wants wings
dd just asked who the halftime act was
i wish I could show her face
ha ha ha ha
38 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:18 pm
she wanted to know why they do not have “real” music people
39 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:21 pm
Dee tee hee hee March/May
Momsk, yes progress, limbo, gramma, no good… I still think those in permanent residence should get upper rooms and huge TV but downstairs is still far better than part of my mom’s living room and a few drawers and part of a closet and yanked on cause we have stuff that takes up space O.o
That came from the woman (my sister) who has 3 rooms (3 of the 4 bedrooms) occupied there with her stuff, lol
Love her anyway!
40 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:23 pm
I want an update on the Cosmic Bear, Chillaxin Penguin and Snowy Summit Wolf!
I can’t pry info out of WW on them, grrrrr
41 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:26 pm
Can anyone enlighten me on “tea bag folding” why would anyone want to use old tea bags like that and they all have fancy patterns. I have never seen a tea bag with a fancy pattern like those, they would not make a very good cup of tea that way
42 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:28 pm
krafty – um, yeah, that’s well . . . why wouldn’t you just fold paper???? π
43 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:29 pm
dee – yeah, half time will be a great time to refill snacks & take a bathroom break! LOL
44 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:29 pm
aw man, i might have to do subs . . . yum
45 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:30 pm
publix does a great sub ring thing – or they used to
46 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:35 pm
yep that is what I was thinkin’ momsk.. why tea bags??
47 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:37 pm
publix meal wheel, party sub, or ring leader
all are good
48 Stacie(bubbanikki) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:47 pm
so excited for this pet!!
49 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:51 pm
if i get a corgi, i’m going to try to name it Stub
50 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 8:51 pm
we gots no publix
we are playing with the bumpits and some of my old banana clips
ha ha ha
moms, you so missed out not having a girl
51 Gwenda (wk2nd) :) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:01 pm
I must have that crop lop bed!!! & no one in the TR is trading it π
52 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:04 pm
i can’t believe you still have banana clips! LOL
53 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:05 pm
our next door neighbor just txted my dh to see how many cars are at his house & to let him know if we see boys there b/c he & his wife are out for the evening, & his high school daughter has a couple of ‘girlfriends’ over
54 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:08 pm
not feeling like i missed out at all anymore LOL
that’s FUNNY timing!
55 Gwenda (wk2nd) :) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:14 pm
Okay, so I finally was able to put up the basketball hoop thing (cuz I needed help). I check with the people where I live, Checked with my neighbors on each side, looked at the bylaws no problem……………… So when we finish I go inside to get Boo & when we come out there’s this old guy talking to my dad. I could tell by the look on my dads face he peeved. Then this jerk starts in about how it’s against the association rules. Blah….blah……blah.Why didn’t I check first blah……..blah……. I told him I DID check & it goes down & will go in the garage……but noooooo more blah…..blah ………..blah……….. I mean seriously!! Mind your own business & let my kid play. He’s like ‘what if a bunch of kid all want to play?’ I said “look are you trying to tell me that it’s policy that kids aren’t supposed to play in the front yard? Because I know that’s NOT true. Good Grief, the old grouch!!!!
56 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:20 pm
more bumpits
how to make a chignon
how to french braid
can ya tell dh is out of town?
ha ha
57 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:22 pm
poor gwenda
58 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:26 pm
now we are doing eyeliner
need some help here
59 Gwenda (wk2nd) :) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:28 pm
Hey Dee!
I actually thought …poor Boo………..why does he constantly have to see adults acting like idiots?
I need money enough to buy a modest house on a little bit of land. SO I can just live & breath…………………..ya know
60 Gwenda (wk2nd) :) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:30 pm
Oooooh I’ll help!!! Start in the middle of the eyelid and sloooowwwly get thicker π
61 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:34 pm
somebody help
she keeps wiggling!
62 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:36 pm
I do not wear so much makeup anymore…I used to pile it on!
dd says “these are all the colors you have?”
so sweet…I never did do the whole blue and all that
but now they have tons of colors
63 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:38 pm
dee – look where the pupil is, go just a bit more towards the nose, then thin until the outside corner . . .
or make her cleopatra . . .
64 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:38 pm
maybe you girls need a trip to ulta – they do great sales on ulta brand & i love their soft eyeliner and lip liner
65 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:39 pm
la la land for me
goodnight peeps!
66 Big Oompa Γ’β’Β₯ Γ’β’Βͺ (WWID:ccjs1000) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 9:49 pm
heyy guys
67 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 10:13 pm
68 Big Oompa Γ’β’Β₯ Γ’β’Βͺ (WWID:ccjs1000) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 10:16 pm
heyyy dee
69 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 10:24 pm
hey big
all the old farts are wrapping up early tonite. moms was on late last nite
i am getting ready to watch tv with my dd
how are you and lil doing? How is your grandpa?
70 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 28, 2012 @ 10:24 pm
71 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 28, 2012 @ 10:29 pm
FFQ just strolled into my room
Have to go check the dryer
Still can’t get a hold of PB78, been trying for hours now
72 Big Oompa Γ’β’Β₯ Γ’β’Βͺ (WWID:ccjs1000) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 10:30 pm
me and lil are good π
my grandpa good too, i visited him today π
73 Big Oompa Γ’β’Β₯ Γ’β’Βͺ (WWID:ccjs1000) said,
January 28, 2012 @ 10:32 pm
is good* whoops
74 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 28, 2012 @ 10:48 pm
howdy Big
Have y’all finished your winterfest challenge?
75 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:01 am
Once I got started jar hunting, it took a few minutes but then I got quite a few
***** the jar looks to be about the same size as a blender
76 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:23 am
WKN Floating Jar
77 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:23 am
WKN Floating Jar
78 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:25 am
WKN Floating Jar
79 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:26 am
wkn Floating Jar
80 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 6:45 am
Some kinda weird spam post made on the main page this morning. I moved it to the trash. That’s a new one on me! I’ve seen spam inside a post, but never on the main page.
btw – Good morning! π
81 Gwenda (wk2nd) :) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 11:32 am
82 Gwenda (wk2nd) :) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 11:34 am
The cute eyebrows on that corgi are really getting to me….. I want em more every time I see em.
83 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 11:39 am
I need to get going on these challenges. Some of the prizes are amazing!!
I’m looking forward to the Feb quest!! I’ve never done one yet cuz I haven’t been able to get a adventure park pet. they look like fun. π
84 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 11:39 am
I’ll be back later……hopefully I will have some one to chat with. π
85 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 12:02 pm
Hey Gwenda! Sorry I missed you. π
I don’t think I have any of those tables you were asking about, but I could always look. I can’t keep track of what I have and don’t have. π
86 tobybunny(WWID 44ERK12) is wishing for endangered exclusives, dr.quack bed and table, blue wackys and beanbags! d exclusives,dr. q said,
January 29, 2012 @ 1:31 pm
gwen-ill send you as soon as my dock opens!
87 tobybunny(WWID 44ERK12) is wishing for endangered exclusives, dr.quack bed and table, blue wackys and beanbags! d exclusives,dr. q said,
January 29, 2012 @ 1:50 pm
88 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 2:30 pm
Thank you Toby!! I sent you a thank you π
89 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 2:31 pm
BBL going outside to play B-BAll π
90 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 3:23 pm
dh just told me that i go outside, start making trouble then disappear again
well duh! π
i go outside and say, “while you’re doing that, cut this shrub back”
he does it, i say thank you & disappear
i’m not staying around for the cleanup! silly man!
91 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 3:23 pm
woo hoo
we have shoes!!!
92 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 3:23 pm
shoes are good!
93 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 3:24 pm
is the jar of sand kinzpostable???
94 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 3:25 pm
comment 97 translates to ‘how many tabs do i need to open?’
95 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:16 pm
I didn’t try to KP any jars yet, momsk
only getting online now, I was hoping they were since they are a special item and not estore
96 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:16 pm
Okay so we had a great time playing pickle & then he played by himself for a bit. Than I remembered I forgot to get gas. So we hop in the car to go get gas and it won’t start. π
97 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:17 pm
I’m really hoping it’s the battery cuz my warranty JUST ended π
98 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:17 pm
thanks rf π
i’ll do that now!
99 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:18 pm
gwenda – didn’t this happen earlier in the week too? probably a bad battery – if you can get it to jump & take it to someplace you trust, they can test the battery
hope it’s the battery, not the starter or alternator . . .
100 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:19 pm
krafty – thanks to you, my tab doing is pretty easy! thanks lady!
101 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:21 pm
I haven’t had a car without a warranty since before Boo was born a that was because I loved my classic car. Some times it’s hard for me. I worked toward a goal, Finally get where I’m kind of set in life & loose almost everything. I know it’s only stuff but it’s stuff that makes life a LOT easier.
102 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:22 pm
is it turning over at all? making noises like it wants to start? just dead? or do you get a click?
103 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:23 pm
my dh usually cleans the cable things where the connect to the post
if that fails, we have a battery charger thing
104 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:24 pm
Momz- Earlier this week I left my lights on so hopefully the battery is just old & that did it in. How ever my horn stopped working too. Even if it’s the battery that’s a cool hundred……Ya know how many webbies that could buy?!
105 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:29 pm
Dee=Click errrrr clickity click click click—-the lights still work
106 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:30 pm
I’m trying to call my Dad but he’s not answering….
107 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:31 pm
He has a charger thing—–& also can drive me to get a battery
108 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi):) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:32 pm
On a happy note Boo LOVES his basketball hoop π
109 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:34 pm
110 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:35 pm
DEE- can you ask your dh if he could come help me?
111 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:36 pm
Gwenda, Advance Auto Parts and. crud another one, they will check your battery for you and if you need a new one and you buy it there they install for free on the spot, done that with windshield wipers too
112 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:46 pm
Thank Krafty π ……………The only problem is I’m stuck with out a way to get anywhere π
113 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:46 pm
Hopefully SOMEONE will call me back soon…….
114 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 29, 2012 @ 4:55 pm
yeah, know that one, been there done that MANY times
Walmart (and other places) have a jumper in a box, you charge the box and then you can jump your car with it, anywhere, alone, plus the one that has the compressor is great, fix tires alone, and usually has emergency lights on it too
$40-70 but is so worth the price, I want to get one for my car, they are mega handy
115 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 5:01 pm
the pink koala plaush is ooooogly BUT I love the virtual……….
116 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 5:02 pm
I saw those Krafty I wanted to buy one a few months back but I didn’t have the moolah…………………….irony :/
117 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 5:02 pm
i missed the 4:00 hourly events π‘
but i helped a boy study for a math test tomorrow, so guess that was a better choice
118 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 5:03 pm
I feel like a girl waiting for the guy she likes to call……..c’mon phone RING!
119 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 5:04 pm
Okay I’m gonna go watch tv or something so I don’t FREAK. BBL
120 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 5:05 pm
last time my battery went, it wouldn’t hold a charge, but it was under warranty still so i got the new battery for 1/2 price – bonus
121 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 5:07 pm
the cuddly koala – what’s in the clothing box?????
122 gramma said,
January 29, 2012 @ 6:30 pm
Hi! good grief!!!! told myself 4:00 and 5:00 activities; did I remember?????? NO π
my cellphone battery wasn’t holding a charge, got a new one off ebay, it doesn’t hold a charge any longer than the old one. dh said maybe the contacts needed cleaning.
123 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 6:32 pm
hey hey
we got caught up watching Leap Year
such a sweet movie
124 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 6:34 pm
what gramma said
but if your horn is out too. hmmm
my dh is in Michigan right now
125 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 6:36 pm
click click click is good tho
better than nuttin
126 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 6:43 pm
anyone have three farm fresh strawberries they can send to Kinzheads please?
127 gramma said,
January 29, 2012 @ 6:53 pm
dee, strawberries on the way
128 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 6:54 pm
just heard that the LMFAO folks are playing halftime
129 gramma said,
January 29, 2012 @ 6:58 pm
they’re actually really on the way now. π had to switch accts; need to friend kinzheads on my euro
130 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 6:59 pm
nom nom nom
received and eaten gramma
131 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:00 pm
not me rf
same ones?
132 gramma said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:02 pm
ro, I had issues earlier with Goober in the arcade. Scored enough points for the challenge, then blew up and froze; never got credit in the challenge. Soooo, played again. No biggy ’cause I really like Goober any way. But yeah, issues.
133 gramma said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:04 pm
dee, I have plenty of produce whenever it’s needed, just give a holler. π
134 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:18 pm
for challenges, I have had to let goober time out
it just locks up otherwise
135 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:19 pm
they do the hamster song too rf
Everyday I’m shufflin
136 gramma said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:22 pm
Hi ro!! does the acronym stand for something? I thought you were LYAO.
137 gramma said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:32 pm
grands better NOT be able to tell me!! LOL I googled and get it.
138 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:35 pm
if that corgi is a march pet
when should i look for it in stores?
139 gramma said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:37 pm
not sure dee, but when our Justices got webkinz, they weren’t put out til the first of the month they debut.
140 gramma said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:39 pm
too much time playing games for challenges; I knocked out spiders with coconuts and manage to jump over flashy bugs. A week or so ago I couldn’t keep the monkey from falling out of the trees. π
141 gramma said,
January 29, 2012 @ 7:46 pm
G’night ladies! God Bless! Γ’β’Β₯
142 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:12 pm
my mother thought the f stood for fat in lmfao
π i corrected her – LOUDLY and boldly ROFL
i have a couple of their songs on my ipod, but i thought madonna (yuck to me) was the half time show???
143 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:13 pm
can you imagine having to be my mother???
bless her heart!
144 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:20 pm
Okay I thought the ‘f’ meant fat & the ‘a’ meant a bad word so I use ‘b’
145 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:22 pm
My car is running but there’s something up with the relay switch or a short or something to the horn so my dad took the fuse out for the horn & said that should keep it till it can get hooked up to the tester thing.
146 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:23 pm
i thought it was fat too
maybe cuz i gots one
147 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:23 pm
Sooo hopefully it WILL start tomorrow morning
148 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:23 pm
um, nope, not really, but like i told my mother ‘you can believe that in your head if you choose, but just know other people don’t think that if you say it . . .’
149 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:23 pm
fuses are cheap gwenda
*crosses fingers*
150 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:24 pm
gwenda – i HOPE it starts for you or is simple & inexpensive to fix!
151 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:24 pm
Dee-guess us ‘old girls’ need to check BEFORE we text…………..
152 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:25 pm
maybe you should look into a horse and buggy
153 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:27 pm
That’s okay I used to use the expression “he’s got ya by the short hairs”
which I thought meant the short hair at the nape of your neck until my sister told me otherwise.
154 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:29 pm
Ya Dee I was thinking more along the lines of a flintstone foot mobil
155 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:30 pm
He said it’s NOT the fuse but hopefully the relay which is cheap too.
156 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:32 pm
I also agreed to ‘hook up’ with someone about five yrs ago cuz I thought they meant just get together imagine my surprise & his disappointment.
157 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:36 pm
oh my goodness! there are sayings like that which make me CRINGE!
there’s another saying like that, i’m trying to remember what it is now, but i’ll think of it
158 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:37 pm
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
159 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:37 pm
gwenda – hook up π―
160 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:37 pm
i hear them at college, but will not put on here
161 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:37 pm
i’m giggling out loud
hope dh doesn’t walk by . . .
162 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:40 pm
Momz- I ALSO thought ‘blow a nut’ meant like blow a gasket ya know like a nut & bolt…which a friend of mine at church after choking on her drink infromed me of my misunderstanding….So I try to avoid expressions because apparently I’m clueless π³
163 Gwenda (wk2nd) looking for a CROP LOP BED(the sig lop psi)ya know the carrot bed:) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:45 pm
Only topped by the time I partially lost my voice due to a scratched uvula & when the guy asked me asked what happened..I explained how I hurt my vulva……………….seriously one of the MOST embarrassing moments in my life.
164 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:47 pm
i do not know them either gwenda
part of my charm
165 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:54 pm
dee – btw, my dillards does not carry webkinz anymore π‘
but they had some super cool Ed Hardy shirts for the warthogs, so at least it wasn’t a total waste . . .
166 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 8:55 pm
OH HOLY SMOKES! gwenda, you would definitely make me snort my drink up my nose!!!!! ROFL
ha ha ha ha!!!!
167 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 9:42 pm
God Bless you too, rf!
168 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 29, 2012 @ 9:43 pm
stupid overpriced darling wonderful perfect for my kitchen ceramic canisters
169 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 30, 2012 @ 5:40 am
howdy all
lost most of Sunday on WW, got some stuff done before we went out, to Walmart but we were there a while then home, then the toilet threw up… threw towels on the mess… ate supper, then a tiny bit of TV while FFQ practiced her bassoon. Then she and I tackled the mess, took a while to make it clean enough to suit me. Then laundry… then a bit of TV to chill out. I love SGU and got caught in two shows, then a Buffy.. then the kittens in my room where crying (couldn’t let them out tonight, too much debris left from my sweetie’s sister and hubby taking stuff out of the house… need to vacuum before the kitties can come out to play since they MUST go downstairs.. not sure why, not so fun down there, lol. We put up a barrier but that only delayed them a couple days, lol.
One of the kitties had gotten up in the ceiling down there. Some of the ceiling panels were not in place and I said to my sweetie, I am afraid that the kitties will get up there and won’t be good. HE says, they can’t get up there (yes they could, they could climb on of the panels or up on a dresser, up on an old tv and up into the ceiling) then HE says IF they did get up there the panels would just fall down under their weight. O.o the panels are fairly stiff, only one not so much and it had gotten wet once so it was not good.
Well, guess who was right about the kitty in the ceiling, well yes you already know cause I said.. but still, yes I was right. It was a bit of a deal to get her down too, a little funny but still.. I said it would happen…
I had asked his sister’s hubby to put the panels back, he is more able to do that and MUCH taller than I am, easier for him to do.. sure they said and he moved a couple of them more into place but didn’t put any missing ones back…
So the next night I go down to replace the tiles ,myself as no one else is. while doing that, to get to the tiles to move I cut up some empty boxes, needs to get done anyway. Well after a bit my sweetie comes down to see what I am doing.. well doing what I had asked others to do and not done. It can wait til tomorrow HE says then all can help… yeah sure, I see that ALL the time… NOT. So I am putting the last one in place, had to climb up on piled furniture to do so, but near a wall that I can lean against if need be. I get over to the corner.. on a table that I didn’t know was there as so much had been piled in there I spy a doily there is something on it.. and small wood blocks on that.. what are the blocks for I wonder (yes it gets more interesting, stay with me) I pick up a block, nothing special about it… I try to look closer but the light is bad down there. I lean over and see it is a very small glass aquarium and there is cage wire on top, taped to the top, taping the top shut.. weird right? so I pick up the whole thing and take it back to light.
I have to look very carefully and I get out my cell and use the bright flash light app… and look inside.. guess what I saw??
The curled up carcass of a tarantula!!!!! No I didn’t scream, didn’t jump, a bit smarter than that.. even if alive jumping, dropping would be BAD, dead no good either as would be broken glass and body parts to pick up. I take it upstairs where they are all sitting and yacking. They have a laugh as it has been down there about 9 years! Their dad put it down there.. well ok, sealed the cage shut and how did it get fed? don’t know, there was a small dish in there and I decided I didn’t want to think about it at all. So I think, I will put it in the garage and then the next day sister and hubby can dispose of it. OHH Nooooo can’t do that. I am told to take it back downstairs as it has been there that long and been fine. Some one will take care of it…
It is still there NOW. Guess that someone didn’t show up.
I had FFQ down there Saturday night and took her over to the cage to see, turn the flashlight on and she is looking and looking doesn’t get what it is.. so I tell her and give her a nudge toward it. You’d have thought I had turned a live one loose on her she screamed so loud, hahahahaha
I think Mr Tarantula will take a little trip tomorrow out to the garbage canister and take a vacation there, while sweetie is at work grrr
170 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 30, 2012 @ 5:42 am
Momsk, you deserve the canister, you NEED those canisters. Overpriced is a POV thing totally! Just find another set much more expensive and say look I chose this MUCH cheaper set! π
171 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair & Lamp, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys, Sig theme Dining Chairs, Endangered theme items, TC3 Condo Furniture: Dining Chairs, side chairs, etc said,
January 30, 2012 @ 5:55 am
so needless to say, I am behind the eight ball, no links found yet, grrr
Will get them done just like to have them already done.
Today is another round of the floating jar on WKN
172 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 7:12 am
I would have been pushing ffq out of the way to get out of there!
173 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 7:32 am
krafty – no way would that thing stay! make it disappear!!! they’ll probably NEVER know! ew!
and on the canisters – i have some bday money, so maybe i’ll just ‘save up’ on top of that – ‘save up’ is code for stashing a bit of cash when possible then destroying the receipt π he’ll know it was very expensive b/c he recognizes the brand now, but i’ll tell him it’s much better than the $3,000 settee i had my eye on LOL he’s too smart to fall for all that . . . he knows me all too well . . .
174 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 7:35 am
175 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 7:47 am
what do you do when your child is crying before school – miserable, coughing, doesn’t want to go, but it’s 15% getting over pneumonia, 25% not wanting to go to school b/c it’s hard to get back into after only going Friday after missing a whole week, 10% tired from a bad night sleep & 50% worried about the math test today since he missed a week???
176 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 7:48 am
do you have a pic of these canisters
177 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 7:49 am
keep him home moms
can do test tomorrow, just make it a study day
other wise he will feel worse at school, bomb on the test and be a distraction with all the coughing
178 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 7:49 am
dee – you already know after the whole vahz thing . . .
179 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 7:50 am
he’s here, but dh was not pleased about it . . . but what do you do??? he’s been home inside all weekend, not feeling great . . . he studied for the math, i think he’ll do fine, but i just made him another practice test to do this morning . . .
and i slept terribly last night, too, so i get that . . .
180 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 8:13 am
oooh vahz
does store have layaway?
181 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 8:16 am
layaway??? ha
182 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 8:16 am
dee made a funny
183 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 8:22 am
They are in my wish order L to R.
184 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 8:24 am
actually the one on the far right is too short for where i want to put the other 3, but it would look great in another ‘spot’, so . . .
185 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 8:29 am
so, yeah, i really only want the other 3 . . .
but i want all 3 of them . . .
i need my head examined
186 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 8:29 am
as a reminder, this is the vahz on the table
187 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 8:43 am
rare victorian fountain & balloon dartz on asian for 15 more mins
188 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 8:52 am
valentines day is coming up
189 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 8:55 am
π we don’t do valentines . . . i’ll just have to keep them on my wish list & stop looking them up online . . .
190 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 9:13 am
is it a full moon?
i slept terribly last night
191 dee(bbqeeun) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 9:14 am
how can you not do valentines?
192 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 9:16 am
no, it isn’t a full moon
weird night last night
193 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 9:18 am
dee – we give the warthogs a little valentine love, but we don’t give gifts to each other, never have – we are loving & give each other a lot all the time, not one day . . .
194 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 9:36 am
i’m going to try to get a little more rest
195 gramma said,
January 30, 2012 @ 10:51 am
what is it with the sleep??? I had trouble going to sleep, which is never a problem; then didn’t wake up til 5. Never should have played monkey’s so close to bedtime.
196 dee said,
January 30, 2012 @ 11:41 am
i slept okay
had to get up early to do dds hair
197 gramma said,
January 30, 2012 @ 11:45 am
don’t you have school today, dee?
198 dee said,
January 30, 2012 @ 12:09 pm
at computer lab right now
can not play webkinz, but can check email and blog etc
off to class now
199 gramma said,
January 30, 2012 @ 12:23 pm
sweeeet! π have a great day!!
200 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 2:56 pm
dee – how did her hair go? did you bump it???/
201 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 30, 2012 @ 3:39 pm
new post