Coming in September! The Signature Black Footed Ferret!

This new pet is going to knock your socks off! The Signature Black Footed Ferret is creeping into Webkinz World on its distinctive black paws. With its sleek form and mysterious black mask, this black footed pet will sweep you off your feet!

So what do you think?  Is this new pet going to be one to add to your webbie family?  Let us know!


  1. 1 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:01 am

    The other post auto closed so I made this one real quick so we have somewhere to chat. Feel free to add to it or make a new post! πŸ˜€

  2. crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:02 am

    awww alisha…thank you for the new post!!

    i am heading out the door. bbs i hope

    i so need alisha’s #! ROTFL.

    i owe you an email girl. 😳

  3. 3 dee said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:07 am

  4. 4 dee said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:08 am

    I wonder if it is U2s version of that song???

  5. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:09 am

    alisha – thank you for saving the day! i just thought about the post & hurried here – you took care of it πŸ˜€

  6. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:11 am

    why am i not seeing the rooster potm video on wkn???

  7. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:14 am

    dee – i see it on wi 😳

    i thought the window was part of the estore potm rooster package . . . i want the video on wkn!!!

  8. 8 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:15 am

    cwc – No problem! I’ll email YOU! πŸ˜›

    dee – The link works for me, but the video doesn’t come up. Bummer! πŸ™

    moms – Anytime! πŸ˜€

  9. momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:23 am

    rf – thanks! i’m just making my list

  10. 10 dee said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:23 am

    are these floating sprees or spree ads?

  11. 11 dee said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:24 am

    I thought it gave window too!
    my peepers are slow this am, but is it clear in the article?

  12. 12 dee said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:25 am

    can someone delete the comment then?

    I intensely dislike giving out bad information

  13. 13 dee said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:26 am

    I am glad there are no goo goo berries on newz today….i have other things to do

  14. 14 dee said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:26 am

    and i desperately need that 4pm rare

    even if I do not know what it looks like!!!!!!!

  15. 15 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:36 am


    RF – I just deleted the comment. LOL! My bad.

  16. 16 dee said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 9:17 am

    i was asking for dd…lets see how long she wants to do her own accts

    ha ha ha ha

    moms – email sent

  17. 17 dee said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 9:18 am

    one time she decided to do her own and changed her passwords

    duh! took her a week to figure out that she had no kc, no dailies, no jumbleberries etc etc etc

    we moms are handy sometimes

  18. 18 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 9:30 am

    Click now for a free pixie pod seed!

  19. 19 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 10:53 am

    Thanks for the post Alisha! Lots of new things this week. No wacky festival?? πŸ™ πŸ™

    I wanted to check in and let everyone know that we are all fine. Things are just wacky hectic here. JR is in Science Camp and loves it. (Phew!!)

    Things have been too crazy to keep up with WK. Trying to get google stuff. Has anyone won the big prize? How rare is it? JR has a berry and poster so far.

    I would like to know if everyone would vote for ME as this year’s Webkinz Dodo!! I have got to get JR one and name it JRsDad! πŸ˜†

    Have a super day. I sure miss being here.

  20. 20 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 11:00 am

    rf,i managed to get some of your psf wants πŸ™‚ check your mail πŸ™‚

  21. 21 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 12:02 pm

    good day all!

    I hope everyone is having a fab-O day

    Only found one spree ad so far, hope they become more plentiful

    Peek a newz is glitching

    A glitch is WW related things?? who would have thought??


  22. 22 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 12:14 pm

    woot! got back in the nick of time for the euro rare – whew! it goes outside & is animated – it’s a good one, deluxe peeps get it at 4!

  23. 23 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 12:17 pm

    i need a very exotic room for this bed . . . hmmmm . . .

  24. 24 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 12:24 pm

    I missed the rare on my Asian account, rats, it is awesome! Got it on my Euro account though πŸ™‚

    I had FFQ set an alarm for my Euro and our US accounts on my Droid πŸ™‚ why else have a smart phone, than to keep track of essential events, right?? lol

  25. 25 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 12:25 pm

    Momsk, the flying carpet is a BED????

  26. 26 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 12:29 pm

    and i got stuck in ww . . . i don’t know what i want to do for that bed, might need a whole new room . . . it looks like something from the estore or something – so nice!

  27. 27 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 12:35 pm

    not only a new ROOM, momsk, but VERY VERY likely, will need a NEW webbie


  28. 28 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 12:37 pm

    krafty – yes, it’s a bed! i’ll get a pic in a sec

  29. 29 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 1:04 pm

    oh – a new webkinz for the new room – that’s smart thinking krafty! πŸ˜‰

  30. 30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 1:06 pm

    we have friends visiting – the 9 year old is here now, the boy from next door is here & my two boys – i think they just ate half of a watermelon! πŸ™‚

  31. 31 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 1:24 pm

    YIKES, half a watermelon!!

    Watch out when they reach the “teen” years!!

  32. 32 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 1:38 pm


    Just finished sewing up 8 or so dog toys. πŸ˜† Now they are busy trying to rip them apart again!

    I sure hope I remember the rare at 4pm… might need to set a reminder on my phone this time. πŸ˜†

  33. 33 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 1:47 pm

    hey Alisha!!!!! They are trying to make you feel needed and give you a purpose to life, hehe

    thanks goodness for smart phones!

  34. 34 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 1:57 pm

    my latest green room
    i love it,it’s so simple and awesome!

  35. 35 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:04 pm

    i’m so bored :-/

  36. 36 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:09 pm

    alisha – i’ll tweet a reminder for the rare if that helps!

  37. 37 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:10 pm

    here’s the rainbow airship that i told cwc i would post pics for her
    Rainbow Airship from the Z-Shop

  38. 38 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:11 pm

    right now it’s token balloon dartz time

  39. 39 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:11 pm

    what time is it?? if i am gone can i send someone w-shop items that if you resell they cost the same amount as that carpet,and you can buy me the carpet??
    idk if i’ll be around

  40. 40 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:14 pm

    @ rf-noo πŸ™

  41. 41 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:16 pm

    btw rf,i sent you the shih tuzu and porteguse dog psfs,because i have a friend who gave them to me,i actually asked peoplefor help with all your psf’s wants so i can help you,so far i got two πŸ™‚

  42. 42 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:17 pm

    hey rf,since your deluxe,can i send you items from the w-shop that cost 4500 so when you resell them it will be 2250,and you can buy me the carpet?? plmk πŸ™‚

  43. 43 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:20 pm

    i’m looking rf πŸ˜‰

  44. 44 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:21 pm

    @ rf,2 superhero hologram glodes would do πŸ˜‰

  45. 45 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:30 pm

    rf-can i send to rollingfreedom??

  46. 46 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:34 pm

    @ rf-can i send to rollingfreedom?

  47. 47 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:43 pm

    i sent to both of them πŸ˜‰
    i will send to rollingamerica though πŸ˜‰

  48. 48 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:49 pm

    @ rf,did you add me so i can send the holograms πŸ™‚

  49. 49 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:51 pm

    @ rf,i sent! plus i added a cancer crab psf that i also traded for you πŸ˜‰

  50. 50 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:51 pm

    i sent to rollingamerica πŸ™‚

  51. 51 dee(bbqeeun) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:54 pm

    anyone have a smurf link handy?
    I have a few minutes

    thanks in advance

  52. 52 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:54 pm

    i will be epecting that bed by 4 πŸ˜‰ i guess right? lol
    thank yuo so much!!

  53. 53 dee(bbqeeun) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 2:58 pm

    she might not get it to you til 459 rash! ha ha ha

    i need to remember to pick it up myself

  54. 54 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 3:08 pm

    lol dee!!

  55. 55 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 3:27 pm

    hey – so i forgot to say (i think) that new rare bed goes outside or inside, too ♥ having the choice

  56. 56 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 3:36 pm

    me too momz,i hate that every single huly psi but the mohawk monkey goes outside >.< i would love to see that bed inside!

  57. 57 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 3:42 pm

    rf is so sweeet!!!!!!
    πŸ˜₯ i wish i had your goodness *hugs*

  58. 58 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 4:01 pm

    one of my friends is sending me a scottish terrier psf and a sword fish πŸ˜€ just for you baby!

  59. 59 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 4:13 pm

    rare is now!

  60. 60 dee(bbqeeun) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 4:19 pm

    miss rolling fur

    email sent

  61. 61 gramma(BLG610) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 4:29 pm

    How dEE!! just chillin’ after being out all day and caught up the blog. If it weren’t for you peeps I’da missed the flying carpet! Γ’β„’Β₯ It will make a lovely bed, but it would have been a FANTASTIC vehicle! (which I thought it was til I got to Arte’s).

  62. 62 rashroosh said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 4:43 pm

    thank you so much rf!i’m waiting for my friend to send me the psfs so i can send πŸ™‚

  63. 63 Big Oompa Γ’β„’Β₯ Γ’β„’Βͺ (WWID:ccjs1000) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 5:13 pm

    hola guys

  64. 64 dee (bbqeeun) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 7:40 pm

    greetings gymbo folk!

    wow, how does a day go by so fast!

    any clicky things on the horizon that I need to know about?

  65. 65 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:19 pm

    hi too

  66. 66 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 8:22 pm


    I forgot the deluxe rare. πŸ™ I knew I would. πŸ™

    Hopefully it comes around again soon.

  67. 67 dee (bbqeeun) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 9:10 pm

    alisha – there is another fizzy box or whatever they are called on the babies acct

  68. 68 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 9:38 pm


  69. 69 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 9:46 pm

    Dee – to my surprise I was able to play the game!!!!!!! 😯 I tried the link on RF’s comment for the game and it worked! YAY!


  70. 70 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 9:52 pm


  71. 71 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 9:55 pm

    alisha – yipee!!! so, did you get a bed from today’s deluxe rare?

  72. 72 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 10:08 pm

    moms – Nope. πŸ™ Totally missed it. MIL and I were in town earlier and I lost track of time. πŸ™ Hopefully it comes up soon on the rares again.

  73. 73 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 10:09 pm

    I’m off to bed. SO sleepy! Went to bed at almost 1am and the dogs had me up before 6:30. 😯

    Need.sleep.NOW. πŸ˜†

    Goodnight friends!

  74. 74 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 10:29 pm

    alisha – you need to check kinzpost . . .

    i finally found my window! it was on one of the side accounts . . . πŸ™‚

  75. 75 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 27, 2011 @ 10:41 pm

    goodnight alisha!

    i was getting clothes out of the dryer 😳

  76. 76 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 2:24 am

    I think I missed everyone

    another crazied day

    viewing is tonight

    missed the 4pm super rare.. grr… cell wouldn’t load the site and then my phone died, crud

  77. 77 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 3:43 am

    I was so cold downstairs that I was shivering and still am some, been upstairs for a short bit now. Had a few cookies and milk and am now sitting in bed, 2 pairs of socks and a robe over my clothes… it is too cold to change brrr

  78. 78 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 6:58 am

    morning friends!
    did dee give birth to a real baby ❓ :-O or did she buy a a baby pupp???

  79. 79 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 7:52 am

    are you not gona come later today!!
    i am waiting fro another friend to send me the betta fish psf so i can send it with the bundle of sword fish& scottie terrier πŸ™

  80. 80 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 9:01 am

    krafty – i’ll try to see if i can pry the rare from yesterday from spa or gtb to have one to share with you

    what i would give to be cold like that! i’m tired of frying! a friend of mine said “Satan called. He wants his weather back.” the other day – sounds about right to me. . . it made me think of rf!

    FYI – the smurfs link is also under the *** CLICK & WIN LINKS *** Page on the blog if you ever need to find it

  81. 81 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 9:23 am

    krafty – i decided not to ask 😳 check your kp! πŸ˜€

  82. 82 DEE said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 9:35 am

    good morning all

    me be tired

  83. 83 DEE said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 9:35 am

    how handy to have that click to win link moms!

    genius idea


  84. 84 DEE said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 9:36 am

    I need one goo goo berry to finish accts

    for some reason I can not change the code on the main computer


  85. 85 DEE said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 9:36 am

    hurry and join me

  86. 86 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 10:01 am

    dee, hi

  87. 87 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 10:09 am

    dee – LOL!!!!!

  88. 88 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 10:10 am

    i just complemented gymbo’s on another site,cause it’s the only site that has people that care about me..

  89. 89 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 10:21 am

    rf-i sent ya something special,plz check your mail πŸ˜‰

  90. 90 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 10:22 am

    momsk?? young lady!!!

    Starting to get the day moving, going slowly with so many under foot, still at least 3 showers to go, need to get some food inside, have to finish up early to go get PB78 and break the news to her.. then rush back and finish getting dressed, don’t really want to spent 2 plus hours dressed up in the car if we don’t have to

    thanks for everything y’all!! Hopefully we can get some webbie time this evening for therapy and loads of kitten time to help ease the heart.

  91. 91 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 10:42 am

    the peek a newz again today, looks to be the letters item, I have gotten two peeks done now and a few floaters

  92. 92 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 10:50 am

    good morning!!

    terribly long day yesterday, but i was able to squeeze in a hour + power walk. my neighbor has joined me. i love that i can do it on that days i am able. πŸ˜€

  93. 93 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 10:51 am

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!! i am IN LOVE with moms Rainbow Airship from the Z-Shop!!!!!! HOW do you get that????????

    I WANT SO BAD!!!!!! 😯

  94. 94 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 10:59 am

    POST 65 FOR DEE… know it;s on the “click to wins” that moms made for YOU!!

    keep up with the program woman! ROTFL

  95. 95 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:02 am

    ok, just got done reading up and moms posted that info for DEE already. πŸ˜†

    krafty, so so sorry for everything the family must be going through. πŸ™ praying. ♥

  96. 96 dee said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:05 am

    that is why I said it was a genius idea! LOL

  97. 97 dee said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:05 am

    oh and macys has a bedding sale!

  98. 98 dee said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:06 am


  99. 99 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:07 am


  100. 100 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:07 am

    and i SO AGREE!!!

  101. 101 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:08 am

    i’m off for now. πŸ˜‰

    have fun dee!

  102. 102 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:25 am

    crazy, you can buy the airship with the zummies you get from playing with the zumbuddies in zumwhere

  103. 103 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:31 am

    just came beck for a few…dh is taking a nap, so i thought “why clean?” LOL

    so i have to play with those brats to earn the money??? πŸ™ grrrrr let me look to see how many years this would take… brb

  104. 104 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:31 am

    does it go faster if you have more than one? i only have the one…do i need to adopt another?

  105. 105 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:32 am


  106. 106 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:34 am

    cwc,i can get it for ya in the tr!!!
    if i get it off something easy i will give it to yeah for free,but if it was from something hard,then off to your email lol πŸ˜›

  107. 107 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:35 am


  108. 108 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:35 am

    OH MY there are so many things in there!!! ok it’s obviously been a long time since i looked in there. 😳

    and the airship is kinda affordable…maybe i should get dd to play on mine for me. muaha ha ha ha i could pay her with a webkinz code!!!!

  109. 109 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:38 am

    LOL thanks rash. πŸ˜‰ it is super nice!! i’m actually drooling over even more than i thought i would. oh my

  110. 110 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:40 am


  111. 111 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:41 am

    Webkinz Insider members with Asian accounts received their fourth Smurf gift when logging in today.

    It’s now Friday July 29 in Asia, and members with European and North American accounts will receive the same prize when their day changes to Friday July 29.

    This fourth gift is the Blue Bean Bag Chair. Previous gifts were the blue Wacky Zingoz Plush on July 22, the Enchanted Mushroom Lamp on July 17 and the Blue Moon on July 9. These gifts are part of a promotion by Ganz of the new Smurf movie which will be starting in theaters on July 29.

    You must log in on the day to receive the prize, and you will also receive a kinzpost letter telling you about this gift.

    Learn more about the Smurfs in our WIKI HERE.

  112. 112 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:45 am

    I would pass on a vacation that would take me away from home

  113. 113 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:53 am

    goo goo berry

  114. 114 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:55 am

  115. 115 KraftyMomOf2 (WW id) wishes Classic Gamers Club Dining Chair, Lamp, new fall & winter fest items, Wonderland Theme Items, Blue Wackys said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 11:56 am

    ok well I am off for a while, the girls might jump on in transit

    I need to check kitties and shower, dress, etc

  116. 116 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 12:03 pm

    what does it mean when she has music notes over her head?????

  117. 117 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 1:36 pm

    just got back on this laptop…i guess i forgot to post it. it was meant to follow krafty’s 135 comment. lol

  118. 118 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 2:06 pm

    is rf here?
    i got more psf’s for her xD

  119. 119 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

    i got a red lava!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  120. 120 dee(bbqeeun) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 2:44 pm


  121. 121 dee(bbqeeun) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 2:45 pm


  122. 122 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 2:48 pm

    oh my rash!!! *drools*

  123. 123 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 3:04 pm

  124. 124 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 3:07 pm

    OH RASH….nice!! 8)

  125. 125 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 3:08 pm


    pretty please. πŸ™‚

  126. 126 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 3:09 pm

    that was’t a yell, just making sure someone see’s it. πŸ˜‰

  127. 127 rashroosh said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 3:15 pm

    @ cwc no idea,i don’t play zums πŸ™

  128. 128 dee(bbqeeun) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 3:20 pm

    no clue crazy…..maybe they are singing??

    is there not a wiki thingy?

  129. 129 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 3:51 pm

    Oh my dear!

  130. 130 Alisha (sunshyn225) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 3:52 pm

    How sweet…. both RF and I are declaring our love for something.

    Can you feel the love? I definitely can.

  131. 131 gramma said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 4:27 pm

    in and out. πŸ˜₯

  132. 132 dee(bbqeeun) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 4:30 pm

    i did the peek a newz. i thought today was letter day??

    i got a kitchen!

  133. 133 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 5:05 pm

    hey rf and gramma too. sorry i missed you guys. πŸ™

  134. 134 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 5:06 pm

    what is the kitchen dee?

  135. 135 dee said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 5:19 pm

    the camp kitchen

  136. 136 dee said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 5:20 pm


    I got an 80 percent one

  137. 137 dee said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 5:21 pm


  138. 138 dee said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 5:29 pm


  139. 139 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 5:43 pm


    ROTFL…where is moms. πŸ˜†

  140. 140 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 6:00 pm

    ROTFL…i can’t believe you went there!!! HA HA HA

  141. 141 crazywebkinzchic said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 6:01 pm

    STILL LOL!!!!

  142. 142 dee (bbqeeun) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 6:46 pm

    hey again

    we got some school supply shopping done today

    where is flow?

    I need at TI-84 calculator
    I have only priced three places so far….need a deal because I am cheap

  143. 143 dee (bbqeeun) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 6:46 pm

    and miss rf

    cat people call them rear ends

  144. 144 dee(bbqeeun) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 7:52 pm

    also my dear rf

    Posterior is pretty much accepted in all social circles

  145. 145 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 9:33 pm


    i need to look back – i’m WORN OUT!!!

  146. 146 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 9:33 pm

    aw! i missed rf by 10 minutes πŸ™

  147. 147 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 9:35 pm

    goodness gracious – apparently the adults all LOST THEIR MINDS with grief for missing me today! πŸ™„

    i can’t read back any further . . . it’s a booty scratch, people . . .

  148. 148 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,

    July 28, 2011 @ 9:59 pm

    New Post:

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