Retiring Rare Theme!

What Rare theme will retire?

Webkinz tweeted this today:  The retired theme is…. NOT a W-Shop theme. Yep, we’re going to retire a Rare theme to help the new rare themes appear more often!

What Rare theme do you hope will retire?  (I think it is safe to assume that they will not retire the Palace Princess or Persian themes, of course, but I wanted to picture all of the Rare themes here.)

Ancient Theme

Aztec Theme

Egyptian Theme

Medieval Theme

Palace Princess Theme

Persian Theme

Science Theme


  1. momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:28 pm

    I need to keep adding the themes, but I wanted to go ahead and post since we were talking about it anyway 😀

  2. littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:28 pm

    I hope it’s the Science Theme.

  3. 3 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:28 pm

    Thanks for the post moms! 😀

  4. 4 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:30 pm

    Okay, I need to change for dance; be back in a millisecond! (not really 😉 )

  5. 5 lbksgramma(BLG610) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:32 pm

    I hope it’s the science theme too, ll.


  6. 6 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:34 pm

    i hope it’s the science, i think i have all of it 😉

    LL YES you know i do girl!!!!!!! what are you looking for??

    and gramma…hmmmm idk, i can’t remember?? 😕 LOL

  7. 7 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:35 pm

    brb (in a few) i am gonna say good night to hubby 😉


  8. littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:35 pm

    CWC- Do you have any new-ish exclusives?

  9. momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:36 pm

    i think we all hope it is the science them! LOL

  10. 10 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:37 pm

    although i would like another incubation chamber before it goes . . .

  11. 11 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:38 pm

    Oh wait! I am back now, but I have to leave! 🙁

  12. 12 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:38 pm

    Hey All.

    I don’t care what theme it is! I dont like any of themes other than the Persian and Princess 😉

    I’m going to go do something I NEVER do at home – read! I read at school, but never at home. But I’m at GREAT part in my book, lol. I just have to see what happens next!!!


  13. 13 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:39 pm

    I don’t think it will be the science theme since their tweet mention regular theme with a dining table and the science theme has no dining table

    crazy is looking for one of the Christmas trains?

  14. 14 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:40 pm

    ok guys ill b bak n bit guna lay down for a lil bit

  15. 15 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:40 pm

    dinner time – cya later 🙂

  16. 16 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:40 pm

    cd – please nap for me! my allergies have me all allergic LOL

  17. 17 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:42 pm

    Since the Science theme doesn’t have a dinning table, I would pick Medieval.

  18. 18 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:43 pm

    which is the oldest theme? when I joined there were all of them (except the new new ones) except the Aztec theme

  19. 19 Lizzie ♥ [WWID: pingchuan]~ said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:43 pm

    Phew. Not even half way done but I need to walk my neighbour’s dogs . 😉 Be back later.

  20. 20 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:52 pm

    well i hope it isn’t the medieval theme, i do like it kinda. i do have a room with most the pieces, but the dark wood is nice.

  21. 21 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:53 pm

    enjoy your nap, lil sis!

    I have to feed my mom and FFQ before she starts gnawing on my arm

  22. 22 -♥-♥-Flowiing-♥-♥- said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:55 pm

    Yeah I hope its the science theme.. its boring.

  23. 23 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 6:59 pm

    krafty, you have a train????? what do you want?? 😯

    hey flow!! hows it going? are you LOVING that horse?? i saw one the other day & thought, man i should have got her, she is too sweet 😳

  24. 24 -♥-♥-Flowiing-♥-♥- said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:00 pm

    When I joined just like a few days later they made the Ancient Civilization theme (Jan 2008)

  25. 25 -♥-♥-Flowiing-♥-♥- said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:00 pm

    Its only the vitural thats cute, the psi is igh

  26. 26 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:01 pm

    Balloon Darts time, peeps!

  27. 27 -♥-♥-Flowiing-♥-♥- said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:02 pm

    I wonder what pet they will do for libra. Aquaris sounds like it could be like a fish, but…
    Libra is the only zodiac symbol that’s neither animal nor human

  28. 28 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:03 pm

    yes crazy, I agree, the dark wood is great

  29. 29 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:05 pm

    thanks, moms we would have missed it

    hehehe no offense intended here… libras.. FFQ is one, my mom and my dad.. (and my hubby but he is very not libra-ish)… neither animal nor human, hahahahahaha

  30. 30 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:10 pm

    yes I can send you a train, crazy!

  31. 31 -♥-♥-Flowiing-♥-♥- said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:13 pm

    Aries is ram
    Gemini is either like a parrot or wolf
    Cancer is a crab
    Leo is lion
    Virgo is well um the virgin, so theres no ‘animal’
    Libra is scales (like a balance)
    Sagittarius- Half horse/half man
    Capricorn- goat
    Aquarius- bird, but thats only because its an air sign
    pisces- fish

  32. 32 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:24 pm

    Well we can minus the 2 new themes.

  33. 33 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:25 pm


  34. 34 lbksgramma(BLG610) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:29 pm

    super hero boots are in the KSO

  35. 35 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:31 pm


  36. 36 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:34 pm

    Scorpio- scorpion can you see that one… 😯

    OH moms, i thought of this yesterday, the sig cow can be jenny & the bull can be craig!! i know you have a jenny craig & that just popped into my head!! LOL

  37. 37 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:35 pm

    balloon darts & shoes…thanks for the shout out guys!!!!

    hey gramma!! glad to see your still up!! 😉

  38. 38 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:35 pm

    krafty, what do you want first??? 😯

  39. 39 lbksgramma(BLG610) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:41 pm

    Barely still up. Attempting to make some kc.

  40. 40 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:44 pm

    oh i see, i need to do that too gramma. i am making time for some ww today!! is it supposed to rain there tomorrow? or are you busy again? i can’t remember?

  41. 41 -♥-♥-Flowiing-♥-♥- said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:46 pm

    I got a balloon darts hat???

  42. 42 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:49 pm

    i guess the aztec and egyptian would be my next 2 that i wouldn’t mind seeing gone? 😕 (if it can’t be the science that is)

  43. 43 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:51 pm

    COOL flow!! be careful that your webbie doesn’t trip & fall on another webbie with that hat on!! 😯

  44. 44 lbksgramma(BLG610) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:53 pm

    It’s pouring right now; not sure about the weather tomorrow, but I’m taking it easy whatever it does. dgd1 has a soccer game late afternoon we’ll go watch, assuming it isn’t canceled.

  45. 45 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:54 pm

    i wouldn’t care if the aztec theme retires, too

    cwc – the bull – craig – that’s a good idea to have Jenny & Craig! LOL

    i think the bull could be named Mr. President


  46. 46 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:55 pm

    oh, i KNOW! name the Bull Senator!

  47. 47 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 7:57 pm


    that makes me laugh – i was trying to think of a politician . . .

  48. 48 lbksgramma(BLG610) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:02 pm

    G’night all!! sweet dreams. ♥

  49. 49 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:03 pm

    I finally found everybody.
    Hi, rainy here.

    AH – WOW, I just wanted to thank you for the contest, it is amazing how this blog makes us feel like family. You are SO GENEROUS. Thanks for the great prize.

    I haven’t read all the comments, so many.
    Somebody please catch me up.
    Krafty – A deluxe Membership, WOW, WOW, WOW

  50. 50 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:04 pm

    train sent

    supper now, back later

  51. 51 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:05 pm

    RARE Retired

    I am guessing the Science Theme. Recently that theme has been in the Curio Shop more than any other theme.
    Does anyone know what the oldest theme is?
    I haven’t been here that long.

  52. 52 -♥-♥-Flowiing-♥-♥- said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:07 pm

    Ganz said its supposed to be a full set with a bed, dresser, and dining table

  53. 53 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:07 pm

    Krafty – I didn’t read that comment about the retired rare has a dining table.

    I know the new theme was to be a complete theme with a dining table.


  54. 54 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:08 pm

    Flowiing – the new one or the retired one, where did you read that if you don’t mind me asking.
    Just curious.

  55. 55 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:11 pm

    CWC – Comment 37
    Dart and shoes? Can you please explain, thanks?

  56. 56 -♥-♥-Flowiing-♥-♥- said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:14 pm

    Okay nvm, Krafty confused me. and wi has the tweets on their home page, so idk.

  57. 57 -♥-♥-Flowiing-♥-♥- said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:15 pm

    She meant she need to go do the hourly activity of balloon darts and buy the superhero shops in the kinzstyle outlet.

  58. 58 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:18 pm

    Heya guys!

  59. 59 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:18 pm

    hey krafty im backs

  60. 60 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:21 pm

    boy krafty, your fast!!! now you need to tell me some stuff your iso 😉

    hey CD!! glad you made it. did you get a good nap in?

    hay kay!!! did you ever find the chair?

    hey KG, so sorry for the confusion 😉 hope all is well with you & dh.

  61. 61 Frog(sunm) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:22 pm


  62. 62 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:25 pm

    yea cwc i gota a good napp inn

  63. 63 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:28 pm

    CWC no sorry not the egg chair.
    Sorry I was kinda confuzed in the beginning.
    You wanted the estore chic chair or the chicken chair??

  64. 64 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:29 pm

    the estore chick chair, that is the one you had & you said that you had another one, right?

  65. 65 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:30 pm

    cd, i need a nap…a looooooong nap!!

  66. 66 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:30 pm

    Is something special for Earth Day going on this weekend?
    I can’t see anything on the Asian Accounts.

  67. 67 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:31 pm

    hmmmm KG, i thought it was like april 20, or 22 – the 24th maybe? idk…

  68. 68 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:34 pm

    For the first time in Webkinz World’s history, Ganz is going to celebrate Earth Day. In the real world, Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd. In Webkinz World, the event is going to take place April 20th to April 22nd

  69. 69 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:34 pm

    were krafty run offf 2 ?

  70. 70 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:35 pm

    Theres a lot of confusion about the theme retiring, from Ganz’s tweet, a dining table has NOTHING to do with the retiring theme – they were talking about the NEW theme they added (Stone Age) when a dining table was mentioned. At least that was MY interpretation of it. Heres the tweet:

    5 April 6pm KT:
    Ganz tweeted a teaser on the contents of the new theme: It’s a full room theme – bed, dresser, dining table, etc.

    The only thing they said about the retiring theme is:

    6 April 9am KT:
    The latest Twitter from Ganz announces that a theme will be retiring in an update at the end of April: We’re not retiring a theme in the next update. We ARE retiring one two weeks later. Which one will be a BIG surprise.

    So the only clue is BIG surpise, and that its a RARE theme, not WShop…….. 😉

  71. 71 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:36 pm

    Unlike other holidays where players just have to log on to Webkinz World to receive their special gifts, on Earth Day, players must visit the KinzVille Park to get their gift.

    The special gift for Earth Day 2010 is an animated Mini Wind Turbine.

  72. 72 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:37 pm

    LOL cwc thought you meant the chicken PSI
    but yeah I have one blue chic egg chair.

  73. 73 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:37 pm

    OHHHHHHH thanks cats!!! then i will hope that is it the science theme!!!

  74. 74 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:39 pm

    so kg were going to get the windmill??

  75. 75 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:39 pm

    I don’t want to miss anything.

    My Asian Account is still no working, no phone contacts and I can’t get into the Clubhouse or Kinzville Park. Is anyone else having this problem?

  76. 76 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:40 pm

    OHHHHH kay, so you have the blue egg chair for trade? he he he he please please tell me what you want 🙂

  77. 77 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:41 pm

    oh, yes, I can’t wait to get the Mini Wind Turbine.
    I guess you can get one on every account.

  78. 78 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:41 pm

    i don’t have an asian kg sorry i can’t help

  79. 79 jd (wwid Happysmilz96) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:42 pm

    hey everyone! i think i remember ganz saying something about how it’ll be big? i dont know if my mind is just making it up though.maybe itll be the egyptian since it seems it has the most peices. i dont think i would mind seeing the science theme go though…

  80. 80 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:42 pm

    OOOOOOO i wonder if it will be tradable??

  81. 81 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:45 pm

    hey jd i think that i need some of the egyptian theme. 🙁 but i should look.

  82. 82 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:45 pm

    kay where did you go???

  83. 83 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:46 pm

    What did yall vote for on the Survey??

    How many new Webkinz plush should we release each month?

    – Just one.

    – Two or three.

    – Four or five.

    – Five to eight.

    – More than eight.

  84. 84 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:48 pm


    Cat – I voted for 2 or 3. I am so overwhelmed by all of the new webbies, I am gonna explode!!! 😯

  85. 85 jd (wwid Happysmilz96) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:49 pm

    me too they have been releasing a lot lately and retiring a lot too it seems 🙁

  86. 86 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:49 pm

    Alana – Hmm, I cant decide. But it all depends – do they mean like regular Webkinz, or is that counting Sigs, Endangered, and Small Sigs? Despite the extra $$ I really like the Small Sigs and Sigs, and I’m bound to like a Endangered as time goes on……..

  87. 87 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:51 pm

    I think I will put 4-5, just because I haven’t liked a regular Webbie in a while, I always lean toward the Sigs and Small Sigs, maybe with some more regular Webbies per month I’d like a normal webbie, lol. 😉

  88. 88 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:51 pm

    I’m here cwc!

  89. 89 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:51 pm

    cats i voted for 2 or 3 on some accounts and 4 or 5 on other accounts. i think that ganz is going wayyyy over board with all these pets every month 🙂

  90. 90 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:52 pm

    well what do you want kay???? i am all ears!!

  91. 91 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:52 pm

    i put more then 8 im addicted to them & ill admit tht cat

  92. 92 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:53 pm

    jd – Yeah, I know! 🙁
    Hows about the weather! It’s AWESOME! LOL 😀

    CWC – Exactly!

    Cat – Exactly! LOL 😀

  93. 93 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:53 pm

    But for me I haven’t liked that many webbies every month, I’m averaging one webbie a month – which is fine and whay affordable for me. But I see how people with children or whatever would say less a month, cause they’ve got kiddos to but webbies for too!! 😉

  94. 94 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:53 pm

    Uh any estore pet items??

  95. 95 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:54 pm

    CD ~ LOL, ya I was tempted by that too, hey the more the better, right?! 😛

  96. 96 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:55 pm

    i think we all are to a certain degree CD, but i think it is too overwhelming to have so many at once. it IS good to have a selection….but good grief…

  97. 97 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:55 pm

    Anyone have the KinzStyle GOLF PANTS for trade??? I’m still looking for them, lol

    I have a KinzStle bag, I just don’t wanna use it 😛 lol

  98. 98 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:55 pm

    i like the fact they are going over that means mayb they are listening too us finalley

  99. 99 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:57 pm

    estore pet items ummmmmm i don’t think i do kay 🙁

    do you have anything else on your wish list??

  100. 100 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:57 pm

    more webbies = more siggy friends for willy & maybe more seeds 2 right cat

  101. 101 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:58 pm

    OMG 😯 Does this make me sound like an Webbie Addict or what?!

    I went to YouTube and I wanted to hear a song by Rodney Atkins, ya know what I typed in?! Rodney Atkinz!! KINZ instead of KINS!! 😳 LOL. My fingers just automatically typed ‘kinz’ 😆

  102. 102 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:58 pm

    Any sig PSI’s, sig theme items, uhhh idk

  103. 103 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:58 pm

    CD ~ Totally right!! More seeds would be SWEEET!!

  104. 104 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 8:59 pm

    Cat – Comment 101!!! Yes that does! And thats very creepy about the guys name . . . . . WOW thats similar!! (inside joke) 😯

  105. 105 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:01 pm

    Alana – When I see ‘Atkins’ it just looks SOOO wrong – it should be Atkinz!! Duh!! 😛 LOL. I think I would change it if I was him, lol.

  106. 106 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:01 pm

    LOL cats is a true addict, even her fingers are addicted LOL

    kay let me see what i have, i guess you don’t want the rock boots i was saving for ya?

  107. 107 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:02 pm

    hey alana!! how ya doing??

  108. 108 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:03 pm

    and i y do i c me going nuts in the estore this weekend with willy , trying to get him a new estore pal for him & billie

  109. 109 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:03 pm

    So no one has the KINZSTYLE GOLF PANTS???? ❓

    Maybe I will use the KinzStyle bag…….

  110. 110 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:04 pm

    CD, idk how you do it… LOL

    cats, i don’t think i have them 🙁 i am getting my stuff out of my dock now though.

  111. 111 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:05 pm

    I voted for 2-3. There are too many at a time, how can anyone keep up?

  112. 112 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:05 pm

    CWC – Okay, let me know if ya do or don’t! 😉

  113. 113 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:08 pm

    easy kg / i buy some & my huni buys some of the new webbies each month

  114. 114 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:08 pm

    i know KG!!!! i saw the wart hog, donkey, bubblegum cheeky, the ferret & the sig pig & fell in LOVE!! i really do want them all, but the cow is coming up & the others (can’t remember no that i have the sig cow on the brain) i mean i can’t do all that every month???? 😕

  115. 115 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:08 pm

    Hi CWC! 😀 It’s goin’ good. LOL How about you?

    Cat – My last name has ‘kinz’ in it too, spelled differently, but it’s pronounced ‘kinz!’ LOL 😯 CREEPY! LOL And my dads name is Rodney!!! 😯 Wow . . . . no joke!

  116. 116 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:09 pm

    looking still cats 😉

    kay did you have a wish list?

  117. 117 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:09 pm

    cwc gymbo got me a kinz code and i got the whole outfit
    but thanks though

  118. 118 Lizzie ♥ [WWID: pingchuan]~ said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:10 pm

    I’m pretty sure that it will be the Medieval or Science theme. The Ancient Civ. and Aztec are newer.

  119. 119 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:11 pm

    My Wish List:

    Deluxe Disco Jacket
    Lucky Leprechaun’s Hat
    WZ Jeans
    Reindeer Antlers
    Lovely Caring Bouquet
    RED & PURPLE Lava
    Rock Star Outfit
    Magical Forest Top Hat

    Carousel Horse PSI
    Silversoft Cat PSI
    Signature Fox PSI

    TC Items:
    Ms. Cowoline Reading Chair
    Crafty Kimmy’s Work Station
    Amanda Panda’s Dress
    Fluffington’s Antique Armchair
    Nafaria’s Purple Slippers
    Trading Card Condo Bed
    Collector’s Paradise Waterfall

    Fancy Tea Service
    Plumpy’s Glasses
    Figure Skates
    Orange Army Shirt
    Toy Tool Belt

  120. 120 Lizzie ♥ [WWID: pingchuan]~ said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:13 pm

    Kay- I have the magical forest top hat.

  121. 121 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:13 pm

    well i have the disco jacket kay, but i don’t think that would be enough value.

    alana, i have been pretty good overall i guess. i could complain, but won’t right now 😉 LOL

  122. 122 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:14 pm

    Some of the items on there I already have didnt have time to update it*

  123. 123 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:14 pm

    do you want 2 of the jackets kay?

  124. 124 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:17 pm

    My Wish List:

    Lucky Leprechaun’s Hat
    WZ Jeans
    Reindeer Antlers
    Lovely Caring Bouquet
    RED & PURPLE Lava
    Magical Forest Top Hat

    Carousel Horse PSI
    Signature Fox PSI
    Signature cow PSI
    Dutch bunny PSI

    TC Items:
    Ms. Cowoline Reading Chair
    Crafty Kimmy’s Work Station
    Amanda Panda’s Dress
    Fluffington’s Antique Armchair
    Nafaria’s Purple Slippers
    Trading Card Condo Bed
    Collector’s Paradise Waterfall

    Fancy Tea Service
    Plumpy’s Glasses
    Figure Skates
    Orange Army Shirt
    Toy Tool Belt

  125. 125 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:17 pm

    sorry cwc toby sent me one

  126. 126 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:18 pm

    OH MAN, i do hope it is the science theme, but i do NOT want to see the globe go…. 😥 so i hope it is the aztec…well EXCEPT for the fact that the fire pit is in there…uggggggggg

    it had better not be the ancient theme!!!!!!

  127. 127 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:23 pm

    LOL 😯

  128. 128 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:23 pm

    it’s ok kay 😉

    well is the emerald hat worth the chair? if you don’t know i will look.

  129. 129 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:24 pm

    dunno! i don’t even know what that is

  130. 130 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:28 pm

    Sorry, I was spacing out. 😀 So, whats new everyone?

  131. 131 Kaythemonkey said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:29 pm

    Nighty guys!

  132. 132 little (thbaby) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:31 pm

    please dont be the ancient i need the calander to complete it.

    I am thinking it is going to be the science theme they seem to have had that a lot lately sort of like a stock up type way to go or a get it if you dont have it with more items showing up but could prove me wrong with the royal chair today lol

  133. 133 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:32 pm

    Good night Kay! Sweet dreams! 🙂

  134. 134 Lizzie ♥ [WWID: pingchuan]~ said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:32 pm

    I hope it’s the medieval theme. Those pieces aren’t that exciting.

  135. 135 Lizzie ♥ [WWID: pingchuan]~ said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:33 pm

    Does anyone have the Blue chipette dress?? 😯 people want way too much in the TR.

  136. 136 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:36 pm

    Sorry I disappreared, went and showered 😉

    CWC ~ Do you have the KinzStyle Golf Pants??

  137. 137 Patsie said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:41 pm

    Hey everyone, I am going to do homework soon

  138. 138 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:52 pm

    hey cats, i don’t…so sorry i forgot what i was doing. lol


  139. 139 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:54 pm

    CWC ~ Okay, no problem! Thanks for checking! 😉

  140. 140 Lizzie ♥ [WWID: pingchuan]~ said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 9:59 pm

    Hmm anyone have the blue chipette dress?

  141. 141 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:03 pm

    no lizzie, i sure don’t 🙁

    no problem cats, but if i get them they have your name on them!!! 😉

    did i miss little???? 🙁

    and patsie too? 🙁

  142. 142 Patsie said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:05 pm

    My computer says it has viruses, yikes!

  143. 143 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:08 pm

    has anyone noticed that troll looking thing in the lion potm video???? LSH!!!! (laughing so hard!)

  144. 144 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:08 pm

    don’t click on anything patsie!! you need to shut it off asap!!

  145. 145 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:11 pm

    I left my socks down stairs!! 🙁 I don’t wann go down and get them, but my piggies are freezing! lol

  146. 146 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:15 pm

    ahhhh you have an upstairs cats…do not let my little hear that!! she wants an upstairs so bad!!

  147. 147 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:15 pm

    poor little piggies!! wrap something around them!! 😉

  148. 148 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:16 pm

    WOW, check out my Resume! LOL.

    Look at how many times I’ve done HAMBURGER COOK!! 😉

  149. 149 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:17 pm

    CWC ~ LOL, yup we have an upstairs! 😉 Very beautiful home, we’re truely blessed! ♥

  150. 150 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:18 pm

    Okay the blanket is helping my toes, BRB, going to get sox!

  151. 151 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:20 pm

    *blanket is NOT helping*


    Got my socks – all good now!! 8)

  152. 152 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:33 pm

    Why can’t you say ‘pants’ in KC+ ????? ❓ Whats wrong with the word pants?! 😕

  153. 153 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:40 pm

    ROFL!!!!! I asked someone if they had the bulldozer exclusive and they put up the blue and yellow TOY bulldozer!! 😆 Hahahahahahaha

  154. 154 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:41 pm

    howdy, back again 🙂

  155. 155 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:42 pm

    Okay, TR was a waste of time, I’m just gonna buy those darn Golf Pants!! 😛 LOL

  156. 156 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:43 pm

    hi ya kraftys wbs did u get my many emails ??

  157. 157 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:51 pm

    little, do you mean the calendar from the aztec theme? I have never seen a calendar for the ancient civilization theme

  158. 158 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:53 pm

    I got one and now another one, going to read it now

  159. 159 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 10:59 pm

    UGH, I have 293 food items!! And most of them are NOT PSFs like I thought!! 🙁 There like rare foods, goo-goo berries, halloween food, etc! 🙄 I don’t want to waste a lot of KC on buying containers to save those foods, but there making my dock slow…..

  160. 160 Lizzie ♥ [WWID: pingchuan]~ said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:01 pm

    I’ve got to go. my show is on. TTYL

  161. 161 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:02 pm

    krafty i need a name for a clown fishy ???

  162. 162 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:03 pm


    Cat- 300 is not that bad I have at least 800 in my dock.

  163. 163 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:03 pm

    Does anyone have name ideas for a griffin?

  164. 164 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:04 pm

    LL – Heres the sad part, 300 FOOD items, 938 items in total!! 🙄

  165. 165 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:05 pm

    Cat- I have about 1100-1200 items in my dock in total.

  166. 166 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:06 pm

    free extra job tomrowo – baby sitting job !!

  167. 167 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:08 pm

    LL – That makes me feel a little better, lol

  168. 168 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:09 pm

    Cat- Glad I could help it just keeps getting worse and worse. I used to have it much lower.

  169. 169 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:12 pm

    LL – Yeah and alot oy my items are WShop. The only reason I keep those items is cause I’m like ‘Well I *might* use that someday….’ But I’ll probably never use it…

  170. 170 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:14 pm

    Cat- I have the same problem too.

  171. 171 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:16 pm

    Or I’m keeping it cause I hope it will be vaulable someday

  172. 172 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:18 pm

    Cat- If I think of it that way I try to put it in my storage room. Doesn’t always happen.

  173. 173 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:20 pm

    LL – Yeah I have a storage room, but somehow I manage to take something out of storage (i think I’ll use it in a room) but then it never makes to to the room, or it goes back in my dock, lol. Clutter Clutter Clutter

  174. 174 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:23 pm

    Cat- Some of my items in my storage room are just there cause I don’t know where I want to put them yet but I want to keep them.

  175. 175 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:33 pm

    WooHoo! Down to 830 items! 😉

  176. 176 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:35 pm

    Okay I have like 6 of some charm forest clothes, I’m gonna randomly send them to people, hope ya can use them, lol 🙂

  177. 177 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:38 pm

    Cat- I have quite a few of those clothing too but I don’t think I have 6 of each.

  178. 178 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:40 pm

    LL – Yeah sheesh, I had 6 of those Charm Fairy Tops! 🙄

  179. 179 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:41 pm

    Cat- What I have quite of few of is the garden foods.

  180. 180 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:45 pm

    LL – I only have a small garden, lol.

  181. 181 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:51 pm

    man i can not tell you how hard it is to get plumpys!!!!! 😡

  182. 182 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:52 pm

    willy rides his cute lil bulldozer

  183. 183 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:54 pm

    tell willy Trinity is ready to plow down something!!!! 😉

  184. 184 Naki- Vastis2 said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:54 pm

    bad day guys I made jv again i had a good tryout but it wasn’t enough, tough and really sad day bbs! bye

  185. 185 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:54 pm

    Cat- I have two gardens almost as big as a room.

  186. 186 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:55 pm

    ok trinity , ill try not dig huge holes for u to fall in

  187. 187 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:55 pm

    CWC- Did I tell you the story about the time I almost got Plumpy’s for a fall harvest sweater?

  188. 188 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:56 pm

    If yall have an extra Bulldozer, Let me know, Keight and I sure would like a bulldozer!! 😀

  189. 189 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 16, 2010 @ 11:58 pm

    i may cat – ill send it for keight

  190. 190 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:01 am

    naki, i am so sorry your not having a good day 😉 wish i could do something for you.

    WOW LL really…what happened?

    CD, i might be the one digging big holes!!!!! grrrrrrr

    ahhh cats, no bulldozer. 🙁 i am sorry.

  191. 191 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:03 am

    CD ~ Aww!!! Keight will send a shurprize for Willy!! 😀 Hmmmm…….

    CWC ~ LOL, when I would try to get a bulldozer in TR people would put up the yellow & blue TOY bulldozer from the WShop!! 😆

  192. 192 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:04 am

    CWC- Have you ever have the sign pop up that says that it’s having trouble loading a file please log out and try again. Well that’s what happen we tried logging out and they never came back.

  193. 193 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:04 am

    ooooo0oooo krafty they have mr sabertooth kitty you’ve been looking for !!1

  194. 194 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:04 am

    ahhhh how cute cats….LOL well it is a cute item 😳

  195. 195 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:05 am

    oh no LL……….that does stink!!!!!

  196. 196 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:06 am

    cat / keight one bulldozer coming up !!

  197. 197 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:06 am

    CD/Willy!!! Aww thank you so much!! 😀 Hmm what to send Willy?? Lets see here….

  198. 198 Naki- Vastis2 said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:07 am

    thanks i know i will have fun but I am still really sad over it

    Good night guys

  199. 199 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:12 am

    cat / keight checkie kinz posty

  200. 200 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:16 am

    anyone still up? I couldn’t sleep 🙁

  201. 201 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:16 am

    CD/Willy ~ Thank you ever so much!! Keight LOVES the Bulldozer!!! 😀 Yippee!! Have Willy Check his KinzPost when he can! 😉

  202. 202 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:17 am

    hi gymbo !!!

  203. 203 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:18 am

    Ello Gymbo! 🙂 Sorry you couldn’t sleep!

    I’m still here, its a Friday night, so that means no bedtime! Yeah! 😀 LOL

  204. 204 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:19 am

    wow, can’t believe you guys are still up? 😯

  205. 205 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:20 am

    Well I guess its actually Saturday Morning in some places 😛 lol

  206. 206 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:20 am

    so how about a PET CODE FOR YOU GUYS 🙂 EMAIL ME NOW!!!!

  207. 207 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:21 am

    ok gymbo will do !!

  208. 208 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:21 am


  209. 209 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:22 am

    Gymbo ~ Are you serious?! WOW, thanks!!!

  210. 210 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:23 am

    Gymbo ~ Email SENT! 😉

  211. 211 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:23 am

    congrats CD and Catlover 🙂 hope you guys enjoy!!

  212. 212 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:23 am

    Sorry I walked away.

  213. 213 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:24 am

    Oh, I sent a email to Gymbo too might have been to late now…..

  214. 214 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:24 am

    thanks gymbo !!

  215. 215 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:25 am

    TIME’S UP 😉

  216. 216 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:25 am

    Gymbo – 😯 OHMYWORD!! I do not even have that pet yet!! 😀 Wow!! Thank you!!!!

  217. 217 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:25 am


  218. 218 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:27 am

    thanks gymbo & today they have the new taurus bull & sabertooth tiger

  219. 219 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:27 am

    That’s so much. The Guinea Pigs a cool pet I don’t have that one.

  220. 220 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:27 am

    they do? wooo hooo

  221. 221 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:28 am

    what pet did you get cat ?

  222. 222 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:28 am

    CD ~ I got a Swan!! 😀 What about you??

    LL – Congrats, the Guinea Pig is such a cool pet!

  223. 223 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:29 am

    up for a trade mayb gymbo ??

  224. 224 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:29 am

    I thought there was only Cat and Cd here…..littleleaf caught me by surprise lol but there was plenty love for her too.

  225. 225 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:29 am

    i got a swan too cat !! thanks for a cool surprize gymbo !!

  226. 226 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:29 am

    sure CD, what you need? or what you have?

  227. 227 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:30 am

    no problem! like I said you never know what Gymbo will do next 😉

  228. 228 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:30 am

    I was here with Cat earlier and then CD and CWC came by but CWC seem to have left.

  229. 229 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:31 am

    CD ~ Awesome!! I ♥ the swan, can’t believe I didn’t have one yet? Sweet!

  230. 230 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:31 am

    can get sabertooth kitty ? let me c wich webbies doggies i dont have ??

  231. 231 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:33 am

    oops i guess i missed it LOL darn those potty breaks!! LOL

    Hey gymbo anyway ;( how are ya girlfriend???

  232. 232 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:33 am

    do you have the Retired tawny PUp Cd?

  233. 233 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:34 am

    so why are you up gymbo??

  234. 234 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:34 am

    nothing good of course Crazy, how about you?

  235. 235 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:34 am

    im looking gymbo threw my webbie check list ?

  236. 236 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:35 am

    I’m so sleepy and tired I should be in bed. hubby out of town….. kids have soccer games in the am 🙁

  237. 237 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:36 am

    Crazy, just because I’m cool and that’s how I roll why don’t you email me? NOW!!!

  238. 238 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:36 am

    not bad gymbo…should be in bed too, but up with these crazy cats!!

  239. 239 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:37 am

    WOW WOW WOW WOW ok !!!!!

  240. 240 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:38 am


  241. 241 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:38 am


  242. 242 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:38 am

    gymbo these are the webbie dogs i don’t have –

    cheeky dog , love puppy , beagle , boston terrier , springer spaniel , dazzle dachi

  243. 243 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:39 am

    LOL thats how you roll!!! i LOVE that! ha ha

    when i say that my hubby laughs….like am i too old to be hip??? 🙄

  244. 244 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:39 am

    Which pet ya get CWC? 🙂

  245. 245 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:39 am


  246. 246 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:39 am

    Which pet did you get CWC?

  247. 247 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:40 am


  248. 248 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:40 am

    THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH GYMBO!!!!! from all of us wacky gymbo lovers!!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  249. 249 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:40 am

    he must be lacking some Gymbo love lol
    ok obviously too late for me

  250. 250 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:41 am

    about to close/shut my other eye lid …… I just hope I make it to bed without another bruse (bumping into the corner of footbed, hate that) while lights are off

  251. 251 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:42 am

    LOL “gymbo love” i am so telling him that!!

    i got the PELICAN guys!!! whoooo hooooo!!!! i am “STOKED” (see another hip word!!)

    oh he laughed at that one too!!! rotfl..

  252. 252 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:42 am

    Trust me CWC – you are hip! 🙂

    You are only too old to be hip when you break a hip.

    Hi everyone. Stopped by to see who was a night owl tonight.

  253. 253 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:43 am

    ewww not good gymbo!! don’t break a toe…. :mrgreen:

  254. 254 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:43 am

    Congrats on the pelican cool pet too.

  255. 255 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:43 am

    well look what the wind brought!
    nothing less than JRsDad!!! woo hoo,…… party time!

  256. 256 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:43 am

    let me read up and see who’s here.

    I stopped by to share my pschic abilty that Ganz will retire either the country, cat, dog or space theme. (just my guess)

  257. 257 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:43 am

    hi jrsdad long time no see !!

  258. 258 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:43 am

    Hey JRsDad. I’m still up for now anyways…

  259. 259 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:43 am

    break a hip….bahhhhh i’ve fallen & i can’t get up!!!!!

  260. 260 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:44 am

    sup my biC???? hows it hangin’ my bru….what up “D”

    (sound hip?)

  261. 261 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:44 am

    JRsDad honey by the time you finish reading you won’t know what hit you 🙂
    so how about sending Gymbo an email while I’m still 1/2 awake? NOW!!!!!

  262. 262 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:45 am

    WOW!! Look ALL who’s up late!



  263. 263 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:46 am

    Gymbo – Like I said, you continue to amaze me with your generosity!!!!! 😀 ♥

    Ooh Pelican, awesome CWC!!

    Ello JRsDad, long time no chat!

  264. 264 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:46 am

    go dads go!!!!

  265. 265 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:47 am

    what did you get LL???

    cats you got a swan? nice 8)

  266. 266 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:47 am

    i refresh my email but no Jrsdad 🙁 going to refresh one more time and then saying ADIOS

  267. 267 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:48 am

    YES GYMBO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  268. 268 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:48 am

    gymbo did ya see my thingy bout the webbie dogs i dont have ??

  269. 269 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:49 am

    what did you get CD??

  270. 270 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:49 am

    I really like the Swan, hmm, I want its plushie too, lol. Ebay has it (no code) for $6. If I can eat a jalepeno (sp?) and go 5 minutes without a drink my Dad will pay me $5. LOL. Hey $5 in 5 minutes – I’ll do it! 😉 Hehehe

  271. 271 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:49 am

    and what did LL get??

  272. 272 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:49 am

    CD I may have either the boston terrier or springer spaniel. will check when I’m awake tomorrow.

    I think I’m typing while I’m sleep walking.

  273. 273 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:50 am

    CD ~ Swan

    Cat ~ Swan

    CWC ~ Pelican

    LL ~ Guinea Pig

    JRsDad ~ ???

  274. 274 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:50 am

    CWC- I got a Guinea Pig.

  275. 275 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:50 am

    Gymbo – I read & obey. Now let me read up. 🙂

    What do you all think about the dog theme being retired?

    will somebody buy CWC a clapper, so she can get rescued?

  276. 276 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:50 am

    cwc – a swan

  277. 277 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:51 am

    5 minutes cats….. for the WHOLE jalapeno????? 😯 tell him i said don’t be cheap!!! make it 10.00

  278. 278 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:52 am

    Hi christine – I am doing great. Love spring, hate allergies.

    LL – I have not been chatty, but I stop in once in a while with a bad joke or a hello.

  279. 279 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:52 am

    I agree Cats, 5mins is a long time!!!! it’s gotta be at least $10

  280. 280 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:53 am

    a clapper……bahhhhhh i need that thing you put around your neck so it can call the ambulance for me 😳

  281. 281 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:53 am

    heck i got tons of new psfs for ya jrsdad

  282. 282 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:53 am

    JRsDad- Did you know that for Earth Day Celebration there will be double the trash. I think it might be from April 20-22.

  283. 283 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:53 am

    oooh now I see. Gymbo – you are sweet. I sent, but don’t worry about an email. JR will never know.

    Congrats to you all on the new pets! I can be just as happy for all of you as for JR.

  284. 284 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:54 am

    i think they have a new gloitch with the super bed boxes !

  285. 285 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:54 am

    CD I’m so tired right now… can’t check on those pets until tomorrow but if you like I can offer a Signature Racoon Code and a Retired Tawny Pup for 2estore pet codes 😉 let me know. I’m heading to bed now but will check tomorrow. if now we can still work out a trade for the other.

  286. 286 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:54 am

    see & gumbo would know! 😉 we LOVE jalapeno’s but the whole thing..i like it spicy, but not flaming out my ears….. 😕

  287. 287 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:55 am

    LOL I SAID GUMBO??????

  288. 288 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:55 am

    CWC ~ 😆 I’ll tell him! Hehehe! BUT usually he’s nice and lets me go for like only 3 minutes 😉 I can get throgh the 5 min tho, all about determination baby!!

  289. 289 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:56 am

    CD- Whats the glitch?

  290. 290 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:56 am

    dads what pet did “jr” get??

  291. 291 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:56 am

    mind of matter cats!!

    what glitch CD???

  292. 292 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:56 am

    Gumbo?! 😆 ROFL!!!!!!! Once I said ‘Jumbo’ 😳

  293. 293 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:57 am

    my computer had froze a sec when i opend up a super bed box – but its a nevermind not a glitch

  294. 294 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:57 am

    Christine – JR flips out over food. i think he has been neglecting his thank you kinzposts. You are very kind. He gets so excited over the food. Thank you so much! Glas we here are all helping your webkinz addiction along.

    LL – twice the trash to earn all the prizes a second time? I have not even collected 100 pieces yet. Thanks, I will get JR that shirt and hat at least. 🙂

    CWC – Sister, When God made you, he broke the HIP mold. umm..

    After he made you and momskinz. correction – Momskinz is also on a hip-trip.

  295. 295 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:58 am

    it’s ok Catl, I’ve signed Bimbo before 😳 by mistake or Gumbo too

  296. 296 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:58 am

    okay this time I’m gone…1am already and the smurfs will be up in about 5-6hours!!!!
    night everyone!!

  297. 297 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:59 am

    cwc check emailo

  298. 298 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:59 am

    OK token balloon darts tomorrow. if i don’t get a trophy i am gonna scream!!!! i have 100 now……

    OH & Post 291 should have said “mind over matter” ?????? say what???

    what does dads say? typos rulz?

  299. 299 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 12:59 am

    LOL yeah, I’ve been writing my name on my paper at school and I put ‘Cat’ instead of my real name!! 🙄

  300. 300 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:00 am

    CWC ~ LOL I thoght you meant ‘mind over matter’ 😆

  301. 301 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:01 am

    “bimbo” HAAAAAAA

    my dd calls gymbo gizmo….ahhh how cute 😉

    and dads, oh i know he did!! 😳 lol he broke something anyway 😉

  302. 302 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:02 am

    CWC – they are all JR’s – really. He gets to name them too or they’d all have goofy names. let me go check to see if GUMBO sent an email back.

  303. 303 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:02 am

    100 tokens and still no tokens that crazy!!

  304. 304 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:02 am

    the tarurs is awsome / i just adopted it because willy’s lady caterpillar bday is on april 20 & yes the psi can go out side for it

  305. 305 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:03 am

    CD ~ Oh cool, what did you name the tarus bull??

  306. 306 littleleaf32 (ylime32) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:04 am

    I’m tried I’m heading to bed now. Good night everyone.

  307. 307 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:04 am

    Awesome! Thanks Gymbo!

    JR got a Polar Bear. He loves the winter theme and will get to jumping up and down over that window. Thank you my friend. Hope I spelled Dulce Suenos correct. Sweet dreams.

  308. 308 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:04 am

    CWC ~ What number are you suppose to get the token trophy at?? Can you call Ganz??

  309. 309 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:05 am


  310. 310 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:06 am

    congrats cd. we live vicariously through your estore adoptions 🙂

    goodnight LL – sweet dreams.

  311. 311 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:06 am

    yes LL 100

    cats, there is no “magic #” i am just starting to wonder if they give them out anymore???? 🙁

    COOL pet dads!!! i bet he will be TOO HAPPY!!!

  312. 312 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:06 am

    OH 😳 have a Jesus filled night LL ♥

  313. 313 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:07 am

    JR got a Dachshund code and I talked him into naming him Mr. Weenie :mrgreen:

    CWC – random for Ganz in 1 in 400. keep trying 😉

  314. 314 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:07 am

    OH MY….what if they don’t give out the token collector trophies anymore???? 😯 all of this would be in vain……. 😥

  315. 315 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:08 am

    LOL das, no you didn’t….bahhhhhhh

    1 in 400 dads??????? i would NOT be a happy camper!! 😡

  316. 316 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:09 am

    CWC – he is always TOO HAPPY! and Gymbo is always TOO KIND!!

    sorry to tease about your trophy 🙁 JR is up to like 64 tokens and has not won a trophy yet either.

    How many webbies do you have now christine? (if you don’t mind me asking)

  317. 317 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:11 am

    I have not heard about the trophy not being available. you should email Ganz and pull on their heart strings a little; it couldn’t hurt. (oh and ask for two)

  318. 318 CatLover ♥ {Madi1422} said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:11 am

    I’m going to head to bed too, Gnight!!

    Sweet Dreams everyone!! 😀

  319. 319 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:11 am

    Night Madi – Hope to see you again soon. I miss chatting. Have a happy weekend!

  320. 320 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:13 am

    so serioulsy does the dog theme fit the requirements for a possible them to retire?

  321. 321 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:13 am

    215 jrs dad & that is because a chunk of them are mine & a chunk of them are my huni’s webbies 2

  322. 322 FamousFashionQueen-wishing to trade for spotty dino psi and lemon lime gecko psi said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:15 am

    this is Krafty using FFQ’s log in… the other browser is still down 🙁

    congrats on the bull christine!!

  323. 323 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:17 am

    don’t say your sorry for teasing me dads!! i can so laugh at myself & try to never take stuff too serious!!! most defiantly not that kind of stuff!! 😉 tease away!!

    tell jr to keep saving!! i think moms got heres in the 60’s either 69 or 61….not 1oo% on that though

  324. 324 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:18 am

    oooo000oooo krafty they have certin kitty you’ve been looking for this weekend !!

  325. 325 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:18 am

    OH & CONGRATS on the bull CD, i would like to name mine “BIG BEAST”!!!

    hey krafty!!!! hows it going??

  326. 326 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:18 am

    christine – amazing… thanks for sharing. i am kind of stunned to silence. that’s rare.

  327. 327 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:21 am

    for the leo zodaic webbie im going to name mine buzz

  328. 328 FamousFashionQueen-wishing to trade for spotty dino psi and lemon lime gecko psi said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:22 am

    that would be too good to be true Dad…I am afraid it will be one many of us really like

  329. 329 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:23 am

    Hi ya’ Krafty!

    cwc – good luck. JR will keep saving until he gets one too. I was just teasin’ about not teasin’ (or something like that)

  330. 330 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:23 am

    oooo000oooo krafty they have certin kitty you’ve been looking for this weekend !!

  331. 331 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:25 am

    LOL ok dads…well keep the teasin’, or “not” teasin’ about the teasin’ coming!!

    i am lost…. 😕

  332. 332 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:28 am

    I just remember being caught off guard when they discontinued the hockey theme from the curio shop. I am hoping it is not a rare only that gets retired.

    Ancient Civilation, Medieval both have too many nice pieces.

    cwc – i can tease that I am not going to tease or that I am sorry I was teasin’, but I can’t … okay now I am lost too…

  333. 333 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:30 am

    u n me both cwc

  334. 334 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:31 am

    has the Persian flooring or wall paper been available to non-deluxe yet?

  335. 335 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:31 am

    oh Krafty – I sent you a bunny adoption note for happy pets on fb. just a regular ole’ white one tho’

  336. 336 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:33 am

    earth to krafty they have the ssabertooth tiger

  337. 337 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:34 am

    hey Dad!! Miss you AND my allowance!! hehehe

    OHOH OH yes yes yes is that the sweet saber tooth tiger??? woo hoooooooo

  338. 338 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:37 am

    ohh yeah n just in time for u too use that nice nifty surpize thingy remeber

  339. 339 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:39 am

    thanks, Dad, I can hope it is a girl

    I had to download the new version of FF and it is the one I do not like at all… grr my other version just wouldn’t work at all

    yeah sabertooth tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  340. 340 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:43 am

    krafty u have a swan yets ??

  341. 341 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:44 am

    the sabertooth will look really nice in the prehistoric room theme.

    christine – do you et the dinos?

    JR still loves his chocolate dinosaur. the stone stove will go nice with that theme.

    krafty: bunny – np. allowance – sorry – yes problem. 🙁 but just think of the lump sum you’ll get some day.

    you see christine – since joining the blog as the resident dad, I have adopted krafty, kinzgran and momskinz (in case they need a dad’s shoulder to lean on)

  342. 342 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:45 am

    ive got quite a varity of webbies jrsdad – what ya looking for ???

  343. 343 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:49 am

    and its quiet again

  344. 344 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:51 am

    *eyes all dialated and boogity* shopping… estore shopping

  345. 345 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:52 am

    having fun krafty sis

  346. 346 Webkinz Insider 2010 | Retiring Rare Theme! said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:53 am

    […] the rest here:  Retiring Rare Theme! […]

  347. 347 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:54 am

    chrsitine – jr has an ever changin wish list. they just put out too many. He loves the dogs and will probably get a sharpei or the english sheep dog next. we have not been shopping in a while as he just got a couple for his birthday in march and the lil’ lamb for easter (that was my excuse or giving the lamb to him anyway)

    we have never spent on an estore pet, but he saves diligently to get the plush. he gets surprises now and then, but usually gets new webbies on his birthday and at Christmas.

  348. 348 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:56 am

    thats y me & huni have such a big huge webbie share page

    krafty do you have a swan ??

    and i need a name for a lil clown fish ??

  349. 349 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:57 am

    no I have no swans, lil sis…

  350. 350 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 1:59 am

    want one ?

  351. 351 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:02 am

    sorry to be vague christine. he loves the plush and as for the estore, well he dreams.

    i guess the virtual that he loves that he does not have would be the schnauzer (I got him the plush at goodwill 😳 )

    and for the estore, wow… the tinkerpup, mammoth, fire fawn, gray wolf, the phoenix, and of course all the seasonal

  352. 352 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:04 am

    momskinz had some good names for the tomato clown fish. i think cherry was one (but not one of the clever ones) let me think.

    my PC is frewzin’ up… Grrr..

  353. 353 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:05 am

    my fav webbie is still willy my caterpillar because he is from my boyfriend

  354. 354 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:07 am

    Jade Persian rug in curio shop 5750 kc. as rare on asian accounts right now

    wow, that theme is expensive

  355. 355 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:08 am

    that is so sweet christine.

    JR still loves his basset hound “Copper” which was his first webbie. thus the ilovecopper ID.

  356. 356 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:09 am

    willy has a getaway room in webkinz world that is an under water room / so he calls it his pool

  357. 357 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:10 am

    a name for a regular clown fish or the small tomato clown fish…

    someone named their tomato clown fish V8

    V8 Splash
    Tom A Toe
    Tom Ato

  358. 358 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:11 am

    JR does not have the caterpillar, but I traded for the PSI costume for him. He wants so many and they keep coming out with so many. We just have to pick one of the three signature each month. He is still saving to get the signature tiger. I hope we can still find it.

    We are going to go looking for the new fox tomorrow.

    Sorry, i am blanking on fish names.

  359. 359 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:11 am

    RARES at 4 PM KT, 2 AM EST
    the Medieval Dining Chair, 995KC on Deluxe Accounts

    Regular accounts Jade Persian Rug, 5750KC

  360. 360 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:13 am

    krafty how is the estore shoping going / check ur email sis

  361. 361 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:14 am

    JR is looking for the Daisy turtle car if you find an extra one, he will trade well for it. 🙂 He is still trying to make a list of his extra PSIs for Aunt Haley. He can be slow about doing what I ask, when I am trying to help him with a trade.

  362. 362 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:15 am

    ha.. ha.. V8 – that goes well with it’s PSI.

    I was thinking of “Bozo of the Sea” type names.

  363. 363 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:16 am

    Dad we found the daisy turtle and the caterpillar at our Dillards and they will be celebrating webkinz day too

    might be a good time to nab them up??

    of course, my KC is on my Dutch account… grrr

  364. 364 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:18 am

    Hi KinzGram!! I really miss talking to you. How are the little ones? We are all in great health (except my mom) 🙁 more on that offline.

    Krafty kindly reminded me that I am way late on allowances. waiting on tax returns… ok?

  365. 365 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:19 am

    looking around the estore…. *eyes glazed over*

    checking email… checked and responded

  366. 366 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:19 am

    wht bout nemo for the fishy ?? and i wish for more seasonal webbies & signature seasonal webbies w/ a special signature holiday theme

  367. 367 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:20 am

    hey sis!! thanks for the intel!

    I love that little rug! But WOW chaching!

  368. 368 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:27 am

    krafty – baby blue bunny for you on fb. 🙂

    christine – what will you get next month? will you buy all three signatures?

  369. 369 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:29 am

    i always love the name Nemo, You could name him Capt. Nemo to be a little different.

    That Persian theme is WAY too pricey. He will get them anyway.

    Have the wall & floor been available yet?

  370. 370 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:30 am

    yes all 3 signatures & hopefully the blueberry cheeky dog too , i can also send you all the sig foods too jrsdad if you want me too

  371. 371 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:31 am

    Tommy Tomato

  372. 372 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:33 am

    Nemo is a great fishy name!

  373. 373 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:34 am

    going to get nemo a bed for her undersea room / nemo was also the name of a female werewolf song written by a band called nightwish

  374. 374 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:35 am

    Heinz was one of the names I liked too. I tend to go for silly or corny, when I can’t be creative.

    I just saw the Dillard’s comment. Thanks.

    Christine – I will see what signature foods he does not have and let you know. Thanks. ♥

    Have you always been a night owl?

  375. 375 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:37 am

    yes just ask krafty on that its useally just me & her some nights

  376. 376 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:39 am

    Hot Tamalie

  377. 377 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:41 am

    great name ides kinzgram. how are you?

    I used to be a night owl. not sure what happened. hmmm. early mornings I guess.

    christine – they really need a super bed that is for the underwater theme!

  378. 378 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:43 am

    yes i agree they also needs to mke signature holiday webkinz !!

  379. 379 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:45 am

    thanks, bunny hunting now

  380. 380 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:46 am

    Thanks Dad, so I guess you are feeling guilty about our allowance, hee hee

  381. 381 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:47 am

    Going to baseball game tomorrow, his 2nd game
    Softball game on Tues or Wed, lst game
    I can’t wait!

  382. 382 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:47 am

    christine – I am sure they will. well, if the signatures keep selling out like they have been anyway. Signature reindeer, signature snowman. a signature black cat would be kind of odd, but who knows.

  383. 383 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:48 am

    I have an extra Persian flooring, Dad, when I can get back into my main account, I will send one

    KG do you have a flooring?

  384. 384 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:50 am

    KG – sounds like fun. we have two soccer games left and then baseball season starts. enjoy the early years, so much fun to watch and cheer. JR was a real soccer star last week, but I fret that he will get bored standing in the baseball field after playing basketball and soccer.

    are any of you near a minor league baseball team? we will be going in July to get our free lil’ kinz at the Carolina Mudcats games. WI had a list, let me try to find it.

  385. 385 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:51 am

    Dad – It is so great to talk to you.
    Things are okay, could be better.
    Hubby needs to have a procedure, but isn’t cooperating. I am just going to have to wait until he comes around.

  386. 386 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:52 am

    yes me & my webbie caterpillar willy love the signature lines & im starting to the heavy eyes here, so hope for more signature webbies & more caterpillars too !!

  387. 387 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:53 am

    They are playing baseball a little different, so it isn’t boring for the kids.
    Everybody gets to bat in one of the innings and I think they only play 3-4 of them.
    Great idea, to just make it fun for the little ones.

  388. 388 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:54 am

    We are near one and I try to go several times.
    Nice way to see baseball at a resonable cost and they have fun things during the game.

  389. 389 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:55 am

    I had only one flooring and I put it into the room.
    I wanted to make 2 rooms because I read the room will be very crowded with all the furniture.

  390. 390 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:56 am

    I have to hit the hay, too.
    Early baseball game.
    I hope the weather is nice in the morning.

  391. 391 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:56 am

    FREE Lil’Kinz, WOW, I want to come too.

  392. 392 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:57 am

    well good night guys / im going to bed in a few / dream of signature caterpillar willy says or a signature seaonal webkinz line

  393. 393 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:58 am


    I think I missed both bunnies! phooey

  394. 394 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:59 am

    Let me know what name you pick, see you later
    Sweet dreams

  395. 395 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 2:59 am

    Krafty – I love that store!

  396. 396 cd (christinedrake138 i share w my huni so ill add you if i wana trade mkays ) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:00 am

    sis let me know if they respond to my tweet about makeing a signature seaspnal webkinz line

  397. 397 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:00 am

    Goodnight christine & kinzgram. I hope you both have a wonderful weekend!

  398. 398 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:01 am

    none of the Ohio teams are doing the free webbies.. and that is ok, I don’t care for baseball much

  399. 399 KinzGramAtHeart(gramwebbie) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:03 am

    Arte says another RARE at 11 PM, which is 9 AM EST.

  400. 400 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:03 am

    will do, lil sis!! nighty night, thanks again for Christmas TODAY!!

    nighty night, Sis… sweet dreams and blessings your way!

    my net is going bad now, crud

  401. 401 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:04 am

    The current Rare Themes are:

    Ancient Civilization Theme (introduced January 2008)
    Aztec Theme (introduced September 2008)
    Egyptian Theme
    Medieval Theme
    Palace Princess Theme (introduced October 2009)
    Persian Theme (introduced March 2010)
    Science Theme

  402. 402 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:04 am

    I hope it is a good and affordable rare, lol

  403. 403 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:05 am

    Thanks to WI for this info:

    This is the most current list we have at this point. The home team is underlined!

    April 17th Fresno Grizzlies VS Beavers (First 2000 kids)
    April 21st Myrtle Beach Pelicans VS Dash game (Tree Frog)
    April 28th Gwinnett Braves VS Tiides
    April 28th Myrtle Beach Pelicans VS Nationals (Elephant)
    May 8th Kinston Indians vs Potomac Nationals (free Webkinz to first 1000 fans)
    May 12th Myrtle Beach Pelicans VS Indians (Seal)
    May 15th Harrisburg VS Rock Cats
    May 19th Gwinnett Braves VS Clippers
    June 2nd Gwinnett Braves VS Indians
    June 4th Nashville Sounds VS Isotopes
    June 5th Fisher Cats in New Hampshire
    June 9th Myrtle Beach VS Dash (Clydesdale)
    June 13th Frederick Keys (Lil’ Kinz Oriole)
    June 19th Curve’s VS Connecticut
    June 27th Frederick Keys (Lil’ Kinz Goldfish)
    June 30th Myrtle Beach Pelicans VS Indians (Clownfish)
    July 11th Frederick Keys (Lil’ Kinz Lamb)
    July 14th Myrtle Beach Pelicans VS Hill Cats (Pig)
    July 17th Carolina Mudcats vs Lookouts (free Lil Kinz to first 1200 kids [14 or younger])
    July 21st Myrtle Beach Pelicans VS Blue Rock (Blue Triggerfish)
    July 25th Frederick Keys (Lil’ Kinz Polar Bear)
    July 28th Gwinnett Braves VS Red Wings, Atlanta
    July 28th New Hampshire Fisher Cats
    August 8th Peoria Chiefs
    August 11th Myrtle Beach Pelicans VS. Keys (Oriole)
    August 13th Nashville Sounds VS Bees
    August 25th Myrtle Beach VS Red Sox (Koala)
    August 2nd Gwinnett Braves VS Knights
    September 4th Fresno Grizzlies VS Rainiers

  404. 404 JRsDad (ilovecopper) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:08 am

    Krafty – I don’t think any of the bunnys that you can adopt are female (in happy pets) sorry 🙁

    I think I may be up alittle late, but I may be bouncing around the web. If I am not back, i sure hope you know that I am praying for you and the girls and you are a wonderful friend. JR thinks you are the gift fairy 🙂 I may be back, but if not, sleep well. No falling over and ging **thud***, okay?

  405. 405 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:20 am

    they show up as choices to breed? I am not sure.. I will still hope I guess, I have lots of cute puppies and kitties… over flowing, lol

    I will go soon, the net is not cooperating now so I am just wasting time…

    glad you could spend some time with us though

  406. 406 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:24 am

    WI shows no 11pm rare… though I have seen a 11pm past couple days and then it disappears… lol

  407. 407 KraftyMomOf2 BIG BIG WISHING to trade for wellness waterfall, Taurus Bull & 2 egg cars pretty please said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 3:26 am

    nighty night all!

  408. 408 JRsDad (ilovecopper) JR is lookiing for the Daisy Turtle Car said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 7:35 am

    Good morning and have a wonderful day everyone!

  409. 409 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 8:34 am

    I missed good times with the night owls last night! Yeah for Gymbo! 🙂 Girl, you ROCK!

    I saw the “hip” shoutout from JRsDad! Thanks hipsterdoofus, buddy!

  410. 410 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 8:37 am

    Mornin’ Momz!

  411. 411 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 8:42 am

    Balloon darts now.

  412. 412 Naki- Vastis2 said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 8:45 am

    I am traumatized from tryouts i made jv again and now most of my friends are on vasrity, i wish i was better at hiphop im a ballerina!

  413. 413 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 8:55 am

    Any one got that estore dino slide for trade?

  414. 414 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:10 am

    Hi everyone!

    Naki – That’s still awesome! I suck at ballet, and trust me, I’d rather be a ballerina than a hiphopper (LOL) and tapper! And about your friends moving up; they will probably look horrible on varsity, but you, you get extra practice to be prepared for varsity!!! You have to be REALLY good to be on jv, I probably never will, so you should be happy!!!

  415. 415 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:11 am

    Kay – No, sorry! 😳

  416. 416 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:22 am

    token balloon darts, kay? i’m trying to find balloon darts ♥ them!

  417. 417 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:23 am

    naki – you have PLENTY of time for varsity! and you are more graceful than some of the friends so 😛

  418. 418 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:27 am

    Hi momskinz! 🙂

    I love token balloon darts, I have waited for a LONG time, and when it comes, I get nothing. 🙁

  419. 419 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:28 am

    I have a birthday party today. We are going shopping, going to see diary of a wimpy kid for like the 5th time 😳 , and then we are going back to her house and watching New Moon!!! EEEEK!!!! 😀

  420. 420 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:29 am

    Comment 419 – Should I get clothes or a webbie? I really want a webbie, but I need some clothes . . . . . ❓ Hmmmm . . . . .

  421. 421 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:30 am

    Yeah momz token balloon darts.

  422. 422 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:32 am

    Alana – see what you can see – if you see clothes you want – those first 🙂

    kay – thanks

  423. 423 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:32 am

    Hi Kay! 🙂 How are you?

  424. 424 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:33 am

    my kiddos want to see how to train a dragon & diary of a wimpy kid

  425. 425 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:34 am

    I made it, I made it, I used to dream about the life im living now, I know that theres no doubt, I made it, I made it! I look up to the sky and now the world is mine! I known it all my life. I made it, I made it!

  426. 426 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:35 am

    Heyz Alana fine you??
    Momz- No problemo.

  427. 427 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:39 am

    20 more minutes to do your token balloon darts on
    asia acc’s.

  428. 428 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:40 am

    good morning!! hope everyone is having a most wonderful Jesus filled day!!! forgot to say good night last night. dh got up for work while i was still up and chatting!! 😳

    hey kay, do you want the green (deluxe hat) for the chair?

  429. 429 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:41 am

    OH & guess how many tokens i have now???

  430. 430 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:41 am

    Which is that cwc??

  431. 431 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:43 am

    24 tokens?

  432. 432 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:43 am

    moms – Okay! 😀

  433. 433 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:45 am

    cwc 102???

  434. 434 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:47 am

    YES MOMS!!!!! and NO trophy!!!! 😥

    the hat your looking for kay. the green rainbow one. 😉

  435. 435 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:49 am

    Kay – I’m good! 🙂

    moms – Diary of a wimpy kid is SOOOOOOO funny!!! 😀 And gross . . . . . but funny! 😉

    Hi CWC! 🙂

  436. 436 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:50 am

    cwc the lepercaun one? idk how you spell it!
    Uh, sorry cwc idnt wanna do the chair for the hat. so sorry.

  437. 437 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 9:59 am

    ok kay, i have the top hat…do you know if that would be an interest? not 100% on values though.

    HEY ALANA!!!! how ya doing today????? ♥

  438. 438 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 10:00 am

    top hat, top hat??
    If its the brown one I have it. I’m looking
    for the tiaras?? The white with colorful stuff on it and the green
    leaf swirl one

  439. 439 crazywebkinzchic looking for (DON'T LAUGH) love puppy couch & **plumpy's glasses**, blue & gold clock LOL a girls gotta try. right.... said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 10:02 am

    LOL it is on your wish list… 😕 didn’t you just re-update it last night?? 😕

  440. 440 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 10:04 am

    most of it. sorry for the confusion.

  441. 441 Kaythemonkey♥SockMonkey said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 10:06 am

    Woot just got the Sultan’s Settee !!
    Gotta eat. BBL
    I’ll try to make another one later cwc!

  442. 442 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 10:11 am

    CWC – Hi! I am bored . . . . . 🙁

  443. 443 momskinz (momsownkinz) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 10:30 am

    alana – go trade for a butterfly window for me LOL

  444. 444 Alana (2012019) said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 10:35 am

    moms – LOL!!! Okay! 😛

  445. 445 Gymboutiques said,

    April 17, 2010 @ 10:51 am


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