Spoilers & Updates
July 31, 2019 at 4:00 pm · Filed under Webkinz PSI/PSF, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
Once again, our resident fairy TLL/TSL has posted spoilers for us!!! Here is what she has for us:
TLL also let us know what she found in her Series 3 Growing Seeds Mystery Box now that they are working – to see the possible prizes, check out the Webkinz Picture Guide: http://webkinzpictureguide.shoutwiki.com/wiki/(Picture_Guide)_Ganz_eStore_Promo#Growing_Seeds_Mystery_Box_Series_3
Now for the SPOILERS: First up, as always, is PETS! Top row: Noble Elk Gift Box, Magic Elven Fountain, Ancient Grains Salad. Bottom row: Soft Rainbow Tiger Gift Box, Lap Pool, Rainbow Sliders.
Noble Elk up close and personal:
Last month I showed you this year’s Halloween Pets. Now we know what the pets look like and what the things are called! Top row: Lil Midnight Munchkin, Gift Box, Midnight Munchkin Cottage, Midnight Boo Brownies. Middle Row: Lil Magical Munchkin, Gift Box, Magical Munchkin Cottage, Magical Boo Brownies. Bottom row: Lil Mischievous Munchkin, Gift Box, Mischievous Munchkin Cottage, Mischievous Boo Brownies.
There are a few random PSFs and gift boxes in the system, but I have no idea what goes with what, so I will wait to show those images until we have more information.
Moving on to the estore parade! This is the Noble Elf ?? theme, and the Noble Elk is meant to coordinate with it. Top row: Noble Elf ?? Box, Noble Elf Wallpaper, Noble Elf Flooring, Noble Elf Bed. Middle row: Noble Elf Throne, Noble Elf Window, Noble Elf Fireplace, Noble Elf Column. Bottom row: Noble Elf Chandelier, Noble Elven Castle, Elven Garden Wall, Noble Elven Bridge. The castle and garden wall are the KinzCottage for September and its coordinating tie-in. The bridge will be the candy tree tie-in for the candy tree I showed you last month (which is called the Candy Coated Almond Tree…the food is those Jordan almonds you always get at weddings, so if anyone has a Special Celebration room, that would be cute in there!)
Here’s another ?? theme that is not yet named, so I’m christening it the “Creepy Cave†theme temporarily. Top row: ?? Box, wall, floor, waterfall. Bottom row: fence, bed, chair, door.
Now for an NEEED! upcoming theme NEEEEEED!! that appears NEEEEEEEDDD!!! to be esNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!1!!1!tore. Sorry, can you tell I NEED this theme? This is called the GingerKinz theme, and as you can guess, I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED! it! Top row:GingerKinz Wallpaper, GingerKinz Sofa, GingerKinz Wardrobe, GingerKinz Toybox. Middle row: GingerKinz Armchair, GingerKinz Bed, GingerKinz Divider, GingerKinz Curtains. Bottom row: GingerKinz Rug, GingerKinz Lamp. This theme will most likely be in both 2019 Christmas stockings, and some items will be Countdown to Christmas and some items will be regular estore. I DO NOT CARE. I. NEED. IT. ALL.
Now let’s move away from Christmas temporarily and talk about Fall Fest! This stuff is not yet named, and I’m not sure which is leaf floaty clicky stuff and which is fall fest soda stuff. Top row: fall fest soda, fall fest soda 4 pack, fall fest soda 6 pack, and a positively adorable scarecrow plushy. Bottom row: farm fresh cuc-umber, cuc-umber seeds (YAY!!!!!!), snake plushy, signature barn owl plushy. (Sorry for the odd punctuation…had to get past the filter, lol!)
More fall fest/2019 Acorn Collection Event items. None of this is named yet, sorry! Top row: fall fest poster, fall painting, fall tree. Bottom row: rotateable fall tree, fall wall shelf, fall wardrobe.
Foody goodness! None of this is named yet, sorry! Top row: Bat punch dispenser and bat punch, eyeball punch dispenser and eyeball punch. Bottom row: spider punch dispenser and spider punch, and three random foods. Not sure if they’re PSF, dispenser, or what. I have a feeling the punch dispensers will all be promo that you get by purchasing 33,000 estore points. And I bet they offer them all in the same week, so you’ll have to purchase 33,000 estore points three times over. 🙄
More estore newness! Top row: Doggy Rug, Plush Doggy Chair, unnamed stalacmite, unnamed cello. Bottom row: unnamed reindeer topiary, unnamed stone wall, unnamed stone-fenced cottage, unnamed stone cottage. The doggy items go with the Doggy Pet Lamp that is part of the Pet Furniture theme. Not sure how the other items will be released.
Now back to Christmas! I have a feeling these are 2019 Cracker clothes! None of this is named yet, sorry! Top row: Hawaiian SantaKinz hat, Hawaiian SantaKinz flip-flops, Hawaiian Mrs. SantaKinz wig, Hawaiian Mrs. SantaKinz dress. Bottom row: Hawaiian Mrs. SantaKinz flip-flops, polar bear toque, pink reindeer toque. All I have to say about this is “Mele Kalikimakaâ€, which is how you say “Merry Christmas†in Hawaiian!
Now for some random clothing. Most of this is not named yet, sorry! Top row: what looks like the Periwinkle Dress that was designed by a fan for the clothing design contest, the Star Struck Jacket that was also fan-designed, and a green cloak that is the Nafaria’s Star Challenge cloak recolored. (Lazy!) Bottom row: a jumbleberry backpack, Safari Vintage Goggles, unnamed Hawaiian outfit. The Safari Vintage Goggles will be a floaty clicky prize.
Random newness! Top row: Zangoz Bumper Car, Zangoz Racing Helmet, Zangoz Racing Suit, Silver Cymbals. Bottom row: three unnamed foods, Silver Trombone. The Zangoz stuff is for Wacky Celebration, the silver instruments are Super School prizes, and the three new foods appear to be new recess foods.
More random newness! Top row: September WKN Gift Box, unnamed table that we’re going to call Forest Tile Side Table, Sapphire Glasses. Bottom row: September 2019 Deluxe Gift Box, unnamed fall leaf wings, Grand Grotto Trophy. The top row is obviously what the September peek-a-newz prizes will be, the wings probably go in the deluxe gift box, and the trophy is for that new game with which they’ve been teasing us.
Yet more random newness! Top row: Whippet Tiles Gift Box, Whippet Mosaic Tile, unnamed bus-type vehicle. The mosaic tiles will probably be a gift for Whippet Puppy owners like the Sparkling Mouse tiles and will most likely be obtained through the Things to Do Menu. The gift box will probably be in the estore and will most likely contain 5 tiles. This will be for people who forget to log in to get their tiles, and for people who don’t own the Whippet Puppy. Bottom row: unnamed Goober science poster, unnamed hammock that is the Signature Endangered Iberian Lynx’s Juniper Tree Hammock recolored. (Lazy x 2!) I’m thinking that that purple sundae-type food above and this hammock are the PSF and PSI for an upcoming pet.
Wheel of WOW:
Mobile Wheel of WOW:
Deluxe Wheel:
Vacation Wheel:
From Mayor Sophie Stockwell:
* Our 2019 Wacky Zingoz Celebration runs from Thursday, August 1st, until Sunday, August 11th! Watch for the Wacky Milkshake to float across your screen. If you click on it, you’ll get one in your Dock that you can feed to your pet! Each time you feed the milkshake to your pet, there’s a chance you’ll win a Wacky Bumper Car! (See last month for images)
* Also during our 2019 Wacky Zingoz Celebration, you’ll be able to win the Wacky Zingoz 600 Trophy each time you hit Wacky over 600 feet in the Arcade! There are also several NEW prizes to be won for reaching 11,500 points playing WackyER Zingoz! (see last month for images)
* Saturday, August 10th is our next Deluxe Day! If you’re a Deluxe Member, you’ll be able to play lots of bonus events on the Today’s Activities schedule! And while you’re there, don’t forget to pick up your special prize: a Wacky Inflatable Raft! (see last month for image)
* If you’re a Deluxe Member, you know that you get a special bonus box each month. Inside is a box of random Pet Medallions, a box that lets you choose any item from the Cozy Condo theme, and a special piece of clothing that you can’t get anywhere else! The Deluxe clothing item for the month of August is a Green Grass Hat! (see last month for image)
* A new monthly challenge arrives for Deluxe Members on August 1st! Complete all of the tasks and you’ll get a CampKinz Backpack along with a NEW CampKinz Cabin! (see above for image, because that’s the topic of this post, lol!)
* My next Player Appreciation Day is on Saturday, August 17th! Log in to your Webkinz account on either web or mobile to receive this month’s prize: a Book Stack Hat! Get a head start on some summer reading! (this is a piece of estore clothing, for those of you who don’t already have it!)
* Our next Fashion Week event runs from Monday, August 12th until Sunday, August 18th! Collect clothing ingredients during the week and use the Clothing Machine at the KinzStyle Outlet to combine them into special recipe clothing prizes! You’ll find all of the combinations in the Fashion Week Guide, available at the WShop! (this will be a repeat of the March event, which YAWN, I already have all that stuff!)
* A NEW Zingoz Pie Throw Trophy Challenge runs from Monday, August 19th until Sunday, August 25th! Complete all of the tasks in that time and you’ll win some delicious treats, along with the NEW Zingoz Pie Throw Trophy! (see last month for image. Also, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!)
* We’re running another Super School Giveaway event from Monday, August 25th, until Friday, September 20th! Log in each day to your Webkinz account to receive special school-related prizes, including some sensational NEW stuff! (see last month for images of the Art Class Uniform and Art Class Dress)
* There’s also a special Super School Challenge running from Monday, August 25th, until Sunday, September 15th! When you complete all of the tasks, you’ll win several prizes, including the NEW Academy Playing Field, the Marching Band Flute, and the Marching Band Trombone! (see last month for images)
* We’ve once again updated the prizes on several of our daily wheels! See what you can win on the Wheel of Wow, the mobile Wheel of Wow, the Wheel of Deluxe, and the Vacation Wheel! (see above for wheel prizes)