September 29, 2017 at 10:15 am · Filed under Estore
By zingyginger

Belle of the Ball wig, gown & slippers; Cursed Beast Mask, Suit & Feet;

Cactus hat & suit; Cobweb Witch hat & dress;

Creepy Crawly Slippers; Purple Unicorn Horn Tiara;

Sera Wig; Rainbow Unicorn Horn Tiara;

Space Girl Braids; Dark Pilgrim Dress; Gothic Tasseled Shoes
September 26, 2017 at 9:56 am · Filed under Chit Chat, General, Room Decorating
By RubyCubes
Hi friends! I’ve finally gotten around to organizing some of my favorite room designs, and I would like to share them with you. I’m posting them in no particular order. Two of them have been featured on Webkinz Newz, but all of them have been submitted. Some of my designs have been inspired by others I’ve seen. I hope these inspire some of you. If you have designs to share, I would LOVE to see them. Please post them here or start another thread!

Kornz Consert:

Upscale Kitchen:

Room with the Mirrored Wall:

Bowling Alley:

Where’s Grumpy Cat? (The Doll House)

Treehouse Resort:

When I Was Your Age…

Trick or Treat on a Rural Culdesac:

September 24, 2017 at 2:00 pm · Filed under Room Decorating, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
From October 1st – 31st, look for the Haunted Castle room theme in the W-Shop. You’ll find it in the NEW & PROMOS section of the shop. This brand new Halloween room theme is meant to work with the rare Medieval theme that you can find in Curio Shop. Combine these themes together to create the ultimate haunted Halloween room for your pets:

This theme will be available for KinzCash until October 31st, at which point it will be retired until next Halloween… but you’ll never know which items will be gone for good!
Looking for last year’s Freaky Forest theme? This terrifying outdoor room theme is only available on the Webkinz Mobile app. You’ll find it in the Mobile Zone section of the mobile W-Shop.
September 21, 2017 at 2:00 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
If you haven’t picked up pieces from the 2017 Spring line of clothing, you’d better hurry! This year’s spring line will be retiring from the KinzStyle Outlet on September 27. Get in there while you can — these items are currently discounted in the KinzStyle Outlet!

September 19, 2017 at 11:53 am · Filed under Chit Chat, Contests
By RubyCubes
Hi Friends! I’ve decided to host a monthly pet giveaway contest. Last month, one lucky member of this fine community won a code for a curly lion. This month, I’m all about rockerz! I love a wide variety of music, but my favorite is definitely metal. Meet my rockerz lion:

He is named after my favorite musician, who is not only a fantastic entertainer, but a spoken word artist… a poet. The first person to guess the name of this Rockerz Lion will win a code for a new pet! The winner can choose 1 pet from my surplus of rockerz pets, which include Bad to the Bone Bulldog, Country Star Horse, Groovy Poodle, Hip Hop Bunny, Leopard, Peace, Love and Moosic Cow, Punky Monkey, Raccoon, Rock and Roar Lion, and Zebra.
You may guess as many times as you’d like. The only rule is that you must communicate via email with Momskinz, because I will email the code to her to send to you (unless I have your email address… in which case I’ll email the code directly to you). If you have any questions, please ask! Let the contest begin! 🙂
September 16, 2017 at 11:30 am · Filed under Estore
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
September 13, 2017 at 11:34 am · Filed under Webkinz House
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
Congratulations RubyCubes on winning the People’s Choice Room Design Award!!! You are so very deserving!

The Creative Team winner is Star Night At The Observatory:

And Michael’s Choice winner is the Zany Zingoz Burger Barn:

Congratulations to all of you on your creativity & recognition!
September 10, 2017 at 12:15 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By zingyginger
2017 Apple Floaty Click Prizes (September 9 – 16)
Look for the floating apples in Webkinz World and click it to get one of this year’s apple picking prizes! Collect up to 3 apples per day — 5, if you’re Deluxe!

2017 Fall Fest (September 22 – 30)
During this event, you can look for floating leaves on Webkinz World or the Webkinz mobile app and click on them for prizes. Regular players will be limited to 5 prizes per day, but Deluxe players will be able to collect 7 prizes daily!

2017 Fall Fest Soda Prizes
Thirsty for more prizes? Bottles of 2017 Fall Fest Soda will be available during Fall Fest at the Ganz eStore and at the W-Shop for eStore Points. You’ll find them in the NEW & PROMOS section of the W-Shop.
