June 30, 2015 at 7:00 am · Filed under Contests, Estore
By tmt5 (wwid tmt5)
Contest runs Tuesday June 30th thru Thursday July 2nd.
There are five 2015 summer mystery clothing bag codes for prizes.
Winners will be notified via email so when posting make sure you use an active one that can be used to notify you if you’ve won. Good luck everyone!

Marshmallow collection event has begun in Asia.

July 2015 Calendar of Events

July’s Deluxe Challenge: win a Campkinz Couch & Wish Token
- Earn 150 KinzCash Playing Where’s Wacky in the Games Arcade
- Spin the Vacation Wheel 7 Times
- Earn 200 KinzCash Playing Color Storm in the Games Arcade

July 2015 Deluxe Gift

August POTM: Tuxedo Cat

Available starting July 1 at eStore: Grow Your Family Virtual Pack. There’ll be a 3 pack, 5 pack and 10 pack to build your Family Score Faster. Regular price for one pet is $7.99 and $5.99 for deluxe.

Sneak peek: Summer Shopping Spree
From July 11 – 25 Webkinz players can:
- Get a FREE piece of retro clothing everyday (from retired seasonal lines of KinzStyle Outlet clothing)
- Win up to 3 Bonus Rolls a day for the game of SPREE! (Look for  the floating SPREE dice in the Clubhouse or at the Kinzville Park NOT in your pet’s room.)
- Get FREE W-Shop coupons throughout the day at Today’s Activities

Here’s what the new Webkinz X room will look like. For more details click HERE.
June 29, 2015 at 1:12 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By zingyginger
Rainbow Fairy Outfit

Pink Flower Pixie Outfit

Blue Flower Pixie and Popcorn Outfits

Queen Bee Outfit

Panda Shades, Dolphin Shades, Goldfish Gown, Kiwi Slice Dress

Diamond Ring Headband, Cherry Hat, Sour Lemon Hat

Jumbleberry Slippers

Also available July 1-31 from the eStore is the Grow Your Family Plush Pack for $44.99. It includes:
- Sweet Elephant
- Mini Pinscher Dog
- Â Fiesta Unicorn
- Berry Cheeky Monkey
- Flutter Pig
PLUS an exclusive Webkinz virtual item, the Family Room Fireplace.

June 29, 2015 at 10:50 am · Filed under Chit Chat
By zingyginger
June 27, 2015 at 1:19 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By zingyginger
Today’s the last day of Berry Fest in Asia. Log in to WW to pick up your gift & spin the Super wheel!

June 24, 2015 at 5:00 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
As a thank-you for your understanding for disruptions to WW, Nuts & Bolts are giving us a FREE Country Quilt, one of the recently-retired Jumbleberry Fields prizes! Click HERE or look for the below image in Webkinz.com tomorrow, June 26, to click and receive your Country Quilt.

Can you believe that this time next week will be JULY?! Make sure you adopt those June POTMs – the Webkinz Billy Goat.

The Berry Festival ends this Sunday, too, so be sure to log in Sunday for your Summer Sensation Prize and to Spin the Super Wheel!

June 21, 2015 at 12:27 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By zingyginger
This year’s Summer Sensation Prize is the Summer Lounge Chair:

Collect Marshmallows in July to win these prizes!
More Webkinz X Newz
Dress your pet window will change from this…

to this….

The Pet Buddies button will also be moved out of My House and into the Dress Your Pet Window. At launch Pet Buddies will only work in the Clubhouse, with a temporary button being added there to allow you to switch them. But they will be adding Pet Buddies and the ability to switch them everywhere around the site soon!
Webkinz.com will be down for technical maintenance until approximately 3PM (EST) today, June 22. This maintenance is server-related; no new content will be released.
June 20, 2015 at 9:42 am · Filed under Chit Chat
By zingyginger
From WKN:Â The new Sweet 16 Theme will be released on July 10. Here are some of the final items included in this theme.

Check back on WKN on July 4th for the rest of the pieces. What do you think of this theme?
June 18, 2015 at 11:56 am · Filed under Chit Chat
By zingyginger

- Log in, get your berry prize for the day (first day is Jam Maker’s Pantry).
- Look for floating berries (6 per day).
- Visit Today’s Activities and Spin the Wheel of Yum to win more berries.
Berry Fest runs from June 19-June 28, 2015. Here are the other log in prizes:
