May 30, 2009 at 5:22 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By Aanp
OK since I have a little extra kinzcash I’m gonna have a w~shop contest! (I love having contest)
Shaggy White Rug
Tamborine Chair
Daisy Patch
Pumpkin Patch
Hippo Topairy
Breat Ideas Lamp
Deep Jungle TV (Thanks momskinz)
Modern TV (Thanks momskinz)
Billards table (Thanks momskinz
The contest ends at 1000 comments
You guys know the rules so  just comment away! (add aanp and have your username in your name)
May 30, 2009 at 12:39 am · Filed under Chit Chat, Estore
By Gymboutiques
These is what’s available today at the estore: webkinz griffin pet, griffin house tapestry, Emerald Lab, sushi bar set, epic shipwreck, jelly bean seeds, flower power sofa set, flower power expansion, read all about it brown cow figurine, black lab charm code, plumpy charm code. For the Deluxe Members: Grey wolf pet code, Queen Costume, googles charm, unicorn charm, all in jest lime gecko figurine.

May 29, 2009 at 5:24 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By Aanp
Kraftymom! Congratz you win a FUN prize! 😆
oh my, I almost forgot to take my extra turn with the wheel of 20KC, moms!! ahhh and you reminded me!
Congratz Again!

Gymbo’s Webkinz Blog
May 29, 2009 at 2:17 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By Gymboutiques

We hope everyone enjoys their weekend!! Comment away!
May 28, 2009 at 6:34 pm · Filed under Chit Chat, Contests
By Aanp
I have a contest for you guys! 🙂 Comment to 500 and then I will pick a random comment! That person will win a super cool prize 😉 I hope you have fun during this contest! You also have to say fun in the beginning of your comment.
No dshfs
 No bad words
No complaining
3 words or more
No fighting
Say fun in the front of your comment
Add aanp before you comment
Have your username in your name
May 28, 2009 at 2:43 pm · Filed under Chit Chat, What's NEW
By Gymboutiques
Here are a few more items shown with today’s update.
coming articles: No need to come 15days in a row to unlock Recess, attempt three classes by any pet in a day.

Clubhouse has been redecorated. Summer Sensation coming soon to Webkinz World on June 28th!!!
This are the items that were added (most of these to the mining bit)

Rocky Road Ice Cream Cone, Doug’s Signed Picture, Large Gem Portrait
Small Gem Finder Trophy, Medium Gem Finder Trophy, Large Gem Finder Trophy

Rocky Candy, Carved Gem Fountain, Gem Throne
Sparkling Gem Poster, Small Blue Geode, Gem Expert Certificate

Steaming Volcano, Glowing Gem Lamp, Outdoor Gem Shimmer Stone
Mining Suit, Mining Helmet, Sparkling Gem Belt
The nice thing is that all these items are “sendable”!
And the animation of the Woolly Mammoth was added, but no items to go with it.
Here’s what it will look like

Doug the Gem Dog was seen at 3:25 in the Light Blue Zone KinzPlus Chat
Here he is with Schweet Heart looking at him

Here are the request screens

And for fun look at this silly character that was in one of the rooms.
Garfoyle – Loved the outfit!

May 28, 2009 at 12:01 am · Filed under Chit Chat, What's NEW
By Gymboutiques
This is the compiled list of items that Ganz sent to retailers (July Releases):

Today’s Updates in Webkinz World:
Posting some update information as it comes along from today’s upgrade in Webkinz World.

Deluxe Members are getting badges now.

May 27, 2009 at 5:38 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By Gymboutiques

  to our May Member of the Month! nominations were taken into account. Thank you for being part of our team here at Gymbo’s Webkinz Blog. We appreciate your input and participation.
as a token of appreciation you will received a MOTM Basket: POTM item, POTM Pet Special Item, POTM pet special food.