April 30, 2009 at 3:48 pm · Filed under Chit Chat, Pet Of The Month
By Gymboutiques
Don’t forget to get those Alley Cats adopted TODAY!
Tomorrow is May 1 – the beginning of the Webkinz Extravaganza and the Cocker Spaniel POTM!
We don’t really keep up with the badges because we hardly get them, however; yesterday we received the Feline Companion Badge after adopting April (the alley Cat). Is there a badge if you adopt dogs or other type of pets as well?

April 29, 2009 at 9:38 am · Filed under Chit Chat, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
Happy Webkinz Day everyone! Today is the day that Ganz celebrates 4 years of Webkinz World. The Webkinz Countdown Exclusive has fireworks this morning.
Everyone should receive the Webkinz Day Gift as shown here previously, and remember to Spin the Super Wheel! It has some fantastic prizes – including the Running Shoe Racer exclusive vehicle and the NEW Bear Tapestry!
The Webkinz ExtravaGANZa begins Friday!
April 29, 2009 at 8:13 am · Filed under Chit Chat
By dancerbaby4eva (dancerbabe1997)
When I logged onto Webinz earlier this morning, the message that popped up was naturally for Webkinz Day, allerting me of my gift box. What caught my eye though was this word: SPRING:

Now is this just on my account, or yours too?
Did GANZ intend to do this, or did they forget to change it from the Spring Celebration?
April 28, 2009 at 6:37 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By seanthenemo
on this years webkinz super wheel there is great stuff including:webkinz wading pool,condiment stand,samurai warrior armor,the Asian theme drum,750 kc,running shoe racer,500 kc and the very rare bear tapestry.
as most people can remember the bear tapestry was on webkinz news and no quite noed where it came from, now the answer is solved.the only thing i am worried about is if some one is going to trade you the tapestry and just before you trade with them they change to a medieval one or the unicorn tapestry partisapins in a webkinz news contest got.so if you are trading a tapestry be sure of its value and be on watch for scamers in the trading room
April 28, 2009 at 12:31 pm · Filed under Chit Chat, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
Webkinz Day arrives in Webkinz World with a nice gift and a Spin of the Super Wheel!
 If you want to be surprised with your Year 4 gift, do not read any further on this post!
As Gymbo showed us previously, this is what you can expect from your gift.
Read the rest of this entry »
April 28, 2009 at 9:28 am · Filed under Chit Chat, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
The Webkinz Day Countdown is ON – With another balloon appearing and only one day left we expect to see fireworks tomorrow!
Webkinz World was down for updates this morning, and we have some new information.
The W-Shop has a few pieces available from the new City Styling theme. Here is what the theme preview shows:

Released today are the Bed, lamp, floor, walls, paintings, shaggy white rug, trunk, & dresser for a total cost of 3885 kc.
There is going to be a new Shimmer Snake coming to the estore. At this point, we can only show the psi Shimmering Star Lamp, the psf Twinkling Tirmasu , and its gift box.

The Wheel of Wow items have been changed again as well with pieces from the Sweets N Treats theme.
The Racing Helmet was the monthly gift for Deluxe Members for April, and apparently Ganz is following that theme with the racing jacket for May’s Deluxe Member gift.
The Webkinz Year 4 gift already on Asian Accounts.

April 28, 2009 at 12:01 am · Filed under Chit Chat
By Gymboutiques
Most of these items have been posted earlier, here’s a different picture

and here’s a badge Gymbob got for our daughter 🙂 she was excited!

The “you must be this tall Badge”!
April 27, 2009 at 1:42 pm · Filed under Chit Chat
By seanthenemo
ganz estore is realesing a new seires of webkinz.the webkinz birthstones.these pets will be available from the first day of the month to the last day of the month.the first webkinz birthstone is the webkinz emerald lab which will be available from the first of may.do you think this is a good idea?

emerald tv-psi and emerald eclairs-psf
