Ferret Adoption & Rooms
March 1, 2010 at 8:14 am · Filed under New Adoptions, Webkinz House
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
Spaghettimachine adopted a Webkinz Ferret, one of the new March releases. Harlow received the Vortex Storage Unit exclusive & the Antique Wishing Well as the Adoption Bonus. FINALLY a NEW Exclusive! Here is Harlow’s room:
Also, gtboy22 decided to make a Mexican restaurant and would like to share “Loco’s Cafe”:
Webkinz has announced these “hints” for upcoming events in March:
- We’ve got a brand new Arcade game coming this month. Here’s a hint: it’s a sequel to one of our current games!
- After asking you which retired games should return, we’re bringing one of the most-requested retired games back!
- There’s a new, special St. Patrick’s Day event coming to Webkinz World this year!
Communal Contest Update: Despite Ganz’s mid-weekend update that basically admitted the first communal contest was impossible, they are not awarding the prize of 500 kc to the people who participated. :( C’mon GANZ! Show us a little Good Will!